TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (March)



  • dopey520
    dopey520 Posts: 40 Member
    Mini Challenge Monday, March 19th
    Logged Food: Yes
    Under Calories: Yes 1946/2180
    Exercise: Yes : 1hr elliptical
    Water Intake: 68oz
  • VintageGeek42
    VintageGeek42 Posts: 41 Member
    Monday 19th March
    Tracked - Yes
    Caleries - Under
    Exercise - No
  • VintageGeek42
    VintageGeek42 Posts: 41 Member
    Weigh in... Monday 19th March
    13th March - 300lbs (21stone 6lbs)
    20th March - 296lbs (21stone 2lbs)

    Loss - 4lbs
    A much healthier loss this week, starting to feel a difference - need to up my fibre though..
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    I'm going to begin weighing in again. Here is my weigh in for March week 2. also posting this in the captains thread for the mods. Thanks for placing me in the cheer squad for the month.

    @mari_moulin. You are most welcome. Happy to have people on cheer squad so that can continue to participate.

    Glad too that you are feeling up to weighing again. The relationship with scales can be a complicated one.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    craigo3154 wrote: »
    I'm going to begin weighing in again. Here is my weigh in for March week 2. also posting this in the captains thread for the mods. Thanks for placing me in the cheer squad for the month.

    @mari_moulin. You are most welcome. Happy to have people on cheer squad so that can continue to participate.

    Glad too that you are feeling up to weighing again. The relationship with scales can be a complicated one.

    Thank you very much Craig. It can just get so overwhelming sometimes and never ending. I’m glad I took a small break without having had a gain. I’m excited to start up again 100% with my team in April!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    I'm going to begin weighing in again. Here is my weigh in for March week 2. also posting this in the captains thread for the mods. Thanks for placing me in the cheer squad for the month.

    Username - mari_moulin
    Weigh in Week - Week 2
    Weigh in Day - Saturday
    Previous weight: 205.7
    Todays weight: 204

    Glad to have you back @mari_moulin. Hope your little break was exactly what you needed!! And since you didn't gain while you were away, I'd say it was a good break!

    Thank you so much. I truly needed this break and so happy to come or the other end with a tiny loss. I thought it would surely be a gain.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Previous weight: 185.6 lbs
    This week: 184.3 lbs

    That sneaky 1.1 pounds from my get-away is gone with another 0.2 pounds. :smiley:

    My roller derby team had a game on Saturday, and we won! My finger didn't complain the whole game, and I did some awesome blocking.

    The photos have been posted and there's not a single photo of me that I don't like. Although, it does takes me a minute to find myself in photos now, I guess my perception of what I look like hasn't caught up to what I actually look like, haha!

    When I get a chance to go into the browser version of the forums I'll post up a few of the photos.

    You lost your getaway weight and then some, your finger is feeling better and allowed you to have an awesome game and you now like yourself in pictures.....I call that a win/win/win!!!! It'll make this week hard to try to top that, but I'm sure you'll give it a go!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Weigh in... Monday 19th March
    13th March - 300lbs (21stone 6lbs)
    20th March - 296lbs (21stone 2lbs)

    Loss - 4lbs
    A much healthier loss this week, starting to feel a difference - need to up my fibre though..

    I have to admit, I didn't think you would be able to post a loss this week after your massive loss last week. Good for you for proving me wrong!!!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    NEEENYA wrote: »
    Username: neeenya
    Weigh in week: March 19, Week 3
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    Previous week's weight: 179.4
    This week's weight: 175.6

    It is so true that nutrition is 80% and exercise is 20%! For the past year I have been working out a minimum of 3 days a week. But until I joined this community and using this app have I been stricter on my meals and snacking. Granted the lost may be water weight but I have less cravings for sugar and processed carbs.

    Fantastic loss this week!!! You are so right about the 80/20.....they say you can't outrun or out train a bad diet, and by "bad" I mean too many calories!!! Glad you found MFP to help you with that!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Mar 18
    Tracking N
    Calories N
    Exercise N

    Mar 19
    Tracking Y
    Calories Y
    Exercise Y, 34min walk

    Getting back into the swing of things after nearly a week of not exercising. I didn't think it would be hard to jump back in, but my walk really took a lot out of me tonight! I'm going to be sure to pace myself and pare back my workout schedule for this week so that I'm doing only 1 element a day. Tomorrow, strength training.

    Very smart to listen to your body and ease your way back into exercise!!! Don't need an injury to get in your way!!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Today weight 154.0
    Slow progress but getting better with exercise!

    @shanell3827, did you mean to type 164.0?.... because 154.0 is not slow's an 11 pound loss!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Username: PlummerBecky
    Monday March 19th
    Tracking: Yes -
    Within Calories: No Stress at with having to work 11.5 hours today.
    Exercise: 20 minutes walking

    Going to try to start the tracking of things again. Trying to get back on track

    That is a long day....tracking your food will help to keep things in check, and not let the stress get the better of you!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @SamanthaLouiseMence, this is just a friendly little reminder that your weigh-in day is Monday.
  • holly2e
    holly2e Posts: 307 Member
    Hey there team, I got hit with the flu or some kind of nasty virus again. I’ve been out of commission for the last several days but am starting to feel a little better. Definitely still not up to exercising (can hardly stand for a few minutes without feeling like fainting) but am eating again so that’s a step in the right direction. I am SO TIRED of all this illness. Hoping that spring will bring with it warmer weather and wellness.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    holly2e wrote: »
    Hey there team, I got hit with the flu or some kind of nasty virus again. I’ve been out of commission for the last several days but am starting to feel a little better. Definitely still not up to exercising (can hardly stand for a few minutes without feeling like fainting) but am eating again so that’s a step in the right direction. I am SO TIRED of all this illness. Hoping that spring will bring with it warmer weather and wellness.

    So sorry to hear, Holly! Hope you are feeling all better, soon!!
  • PlummerBecky
    PlummerBecky Posts: 47 Member
    Username: PlummerBecky
    Monday March 20th Happy Spring
    Tracking: Yes -
    Within Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Walked around the Casino while Gambling...

    1st day of spring and we are getting 4-8 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow... Who got Mother Nature angry
  • VintageGeek42
    VintageGeek42 Posts: 41 Member
    Tuesday 20th March
    Tracked: Yep
    Caleries: under
    Exercise: No
    Steps: 8.3k
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Username: PlummerBecky
    Monday March 20th Happy Spring
    Tracking: Yes -
    Within Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Walked around the Casino while Gambling...

    1st day of spring and we are getting 4-8 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow... Who got Mother Nature angry

    Happy First Day of Spring, Becky! Four to eight inches of snow is not cool!!! Mother Nature may be angry, but I hope Lady Luck was smiling down on you in the casino!!
  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    Exercised: yep
    Tracked: yep
    Under: yep
    Water: 13 cups
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