TEAM: Run Track Minds (March)



  • tmanke78
    tmanke78 Posts: 52 Member
    March 20th

    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes. 30 min on treadmill.
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    edited March 2018
    Sorry, this is late. My mom had a rough night. Cancer sucks :neutral:

    Tuesday, March 20th
    Logged: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: walk
    Water: here and there
  • AlMonkey
    AlMonkey Posts: 258 Member
    Username - Almonkey
    Weigh in week -3
    Weigh in Day - Tuesday
    Previous Week's Weight - 280.0
    Current weight - 279.4

    I’m finding it very hard to keep up with all the posts! Sorry I’m a bit delayed
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    edited March 2018
    Weigh in Week: March Week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight:322.2
    Current Weight: 322.2

    No loss or gain this week. Still not eating and exercising like I should. As things wrap up with my grandmother things will settle back down and I can return to having full focus on my health again. Step 1 is today, going to the grocery store to pick up a couple of items to end the eating out crap.
  • BadgerLamb236
    BadgerLamb236 Posts: 823 Member
    @daloverlyme So sorry about your mom. Cancer really is a b*st*rd. Sending good thoughts to you both, and hopes for a better night tonight xxx
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    @daloverlyme So sorry about your mom. Cancer really is a b*st*rd. Sending good thoughts to you both, and hopes for a better night tonight xxx

    Thank you. She has stage 4 lung, brain, and adrenal gland cancer. It is now in her spleen and liver. She's been on hospice. We value every day we have with her.
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    Wednesday, March 21st
    Logged: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: walk
    Water: 120oz
  • tmanke78
    tmanke78 Posts: 52 Member
    March 21at

    Tracking: yes
    Calories: no. 41 over
    Exercise: no. Was running a fever today so didn't go to the gym.
  • karsei01
    karsei01 Posts: 442 Member
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    Username: Gustaaf85
    Weigh in week: March week 3
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Week's Weight: 95,8 kg / 211,20 lbs
    Current Weight: 95,3 kg / 210,10 lbs

    PS i have can't log my weigh in next week, because i am away a few day's, no PC nearby, and the forums don't work on my cellphone. Could i send my weight to someone in PM?

    Just send me, and I'll fix
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    edited March 2018
    Tomorrow is my official weigh in. Pretty upset with myself. Sorry, team :(. I'll do better next week. Hopefully, life slows down a bit. I had a goal of losing 10lbs for the month.
  • karsei01
    karsei01 Posts: 442 Member
    Can't controll everyrhing hun. You've been brilliant over a long time, and I know you will be in time to come. @daloverlyme
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    karsei01 wrote: »
    Can't controll everyrhing hun. You've been brilliant over a long time, and I know you will be in time to come. @daloverlyme

    Thank you!! Hoping next week is a good loss :). If I work extra hard, I will be 10 pounds under my birthday goal by my birthday, next month. I just keep reminding my self, at one point I needed to lose 130+ lbs. I am down to needing to lose 65 lbs to be at my ideal weight. It still is a lot but manageable.
  • karsei01
    karsei01 Posts: 442 Member
    April is a good month to have birthday ;-)
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    Yes, it is :). Mine and my sons are on the 16th.
  • Merlotmom16
    Merlotmom16 Posts: 124 Member
    losername: merlotmom16
    tracking: yes
    exercise: yes
    calories: yes
    weighin: 217.6
    previous weight 220
  • tmanke78
    tmanke78 Posts: 52 Member
    March 22nd

    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes. 30 min on treadmill.
  • karsei01
    karsei01 Posts: 442 Member
    Yes, it is :). Mine and my sons are on the 16th.

    I have 6th and my wifes son 23rd.

  • tlgale
    tlgale Posts: 894 Member
    Username: tlgale
    Weigh in week: March Week 3/4?
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Starting weight: 287.4
    Previous weeks weight: 283.6 lbs
    Current weight: 280.6 lbs

    I have this as my week 4 but I guess it should actually be my week 3? I put in my weight on the first Friday which was the 2nd, and I don't think I was supposed to. My starting weight is still the same though so I don't think it messes anything up?
  • luvmy4girlz
    luvmy4girlz Posts: 75 Member
    Username: luvmy4girlz
    Weigh-in week: March week 3
    Weigh-in day: Friday
    PW: 205.4
    CW: 203.5
  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    tlgale wrote: »
    Username: tlgale
    Weigh in week: March Week 3/4?
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Starting weight: 287.4
    Previous weeks weight: 283.6 lbs
    Current weight: 280.6 lbs

    I have this as my week 4 but I guess it should actually be my week 3? I put in my weight on the first Friday which was the 2nd, and I don't think I was supposed to. My starting weight is still the same though so I don't think it messes anything up?

    Sounds like everything should be fine since your first weights were the same :)
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