April 2018 Challenge



  • GoLisaGoSD
    GoLisaGoSD Posts: 9 Member
    Starting today, too! I have kidney diseases AND would like to lose about 80 pounds... keto has been shown in some early studies to slow the progress of kidney disease, and the science behind the weight loss has been solid. I've been doing Whole30 or some modifed version on and off for around 2 years... that was super do-able (and enjoyable). I have high hopes for keto - it's actually less restrictive in many ways than Whole30. I wish you good luck!
    I get you with the stress eating - I'm a conference planner and the stress really ratchets up this time of year. I'm weirdly looking forward to pork rinds so I have something to crunch while I cry into my spreadsheets. ;)
  • stormywxs288
    stormywxs288 Posts: 795 Member
    Yesterday was not a great day to start a no logging week for me. We were invited to an Easter brunch where we encountered unfriendly keto choices and people. One type II diabetic was absolutely convinced I was on the verge of ketoacidosis by eating keto. I’m not on a mission to convert everyone to do Keto so I didn’t engage. Sometimes I’m amazed how little people know about their ailments.

    I’m not in a position to judge though. It has taken me 68 years to discover keto and the benefits of eating fat. Anyway, the results of my non-keto brunch was my scale showed a 1.6 pound gain this morning. I should uh, could uh, would uh made keto choices but I caved.

    Not to worry though. I’m back on it today. Made a version of rae1388’s Loaded Cauliflower to munch on all week. I subbed broccoli and hot Italian sausage instead of bacon and cauliflower. It was delicious and I swear it kicked me right back into ketosis. Anyway, I’m convinced I’m back in the keto saddle even though I’m not logging in everything I eat this week. Good luck Nikki and China on your “intuitive eating” week.
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    You subbed broccoli and Italian sausage in loaded cauli??? THAT SOUNDS AMAZING! I'm going to try it :)
  • schen503
    schen503 Posts: 6 Member
    I want to join. What do I need to do? Tks.
  • timya13
    timya13 Posts: 1 Member
    Excited I hope I’m doing doing this keto thing right I started today 4/2 please share tips and recipes
    Best wishes in your journey!
    Sunday 04/01-204
    Sunday 04/08
    Sunday 04/15
    Sunday 04/22
    Sunday 04/29
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @schen503 welcome, all you need to do is log your weight here each week, usually on a Sunday but as it's already Monday you could just do Monday this week and then Sundays through April if it suits. Just copy what people are doing here!

    Also in the Announcements where you found this there is the Monthly Keto Spreadsheet so you can also add your name to that and log your weight there as well. If the link doesn't work (sometimes it doesn't from a phone) then if you post here Nikki will pick up your post and send you a link. Good luck!

    And to everyone: great seeing you all here in the April Challenge!
  • Mshough01
    Mshough01 Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hi I started Keto last week I'd like to join plz

    Sunday 04/01 374
    Sunday 04/08
    Sunday 04/15
    Sunday 04/22
    Sunday 04/29
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Goodness weight is a weird thing! On Saturday we had a big family dinner and I made lasagna but for me, I used the zero/low carb noodles and was generally saint like. Next morning up 1 lb. So yesterday, Easter Sunday big family meal and many small children. I was very restrained and avoided everything carb except some broccoli. That went well until after dinner when I spotted an unwrapped white chocolate Easter bunny and thought, I'll just have one small bit. Mmmm so that went well, I virtually inhaled the rest! Net result I got on the scales this morning thinking this is going to be horrific and what do you know, I was down 1lb, so my suggestion is that I eat a white chocolate rabbit every day, no? :*
  • rae1388
    rae1388 Posts: 45 Member
    Goodness weight is a weird thing! On Saturday we had a big family dinner and I made lasagna but for me, I used the zero/low carb noodles and was generally saint like. Next morning up 1 lb. So yesterday, Easter Sunday big family meal and many small children. I was very restrained and avoided everything carb except some broccoli. That went well until after dinner when I spotted an unwrapped white chocolate Easter bunny and thought, I'll just have one small bit. Mmmm so that went well, I virtually inhaled the rest! Net result I got on the scales this morning thinking this is going to be horrific and what do you know, I was down 1lb, so my suggestion is that I eat a white chocolate rabbit every day, no? :*

    @chinatowninchina Hahaha! I would totally be down if there was a diet out there where I could eat a white chocolate bunny even just once a week and lose weight!
  • honeywatch
    honeywatch Posts: 1 Member
    04/1 176.5 ( already down by 2 pounds today... Yayyy!!!)
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    Remember that time I ate all the things on Easter (no regrets)!? Then I was soooooo thirsty! I drank 6 16oz cups of water within 3 hrs. Woke up today +6lbs. Yup...I did that!

    Actually what I had was ham & a small piece of salted caramel cheesecake. Okay it was A LOT of ham but still. So today I went back to LCLF for a few days. Mr Nikki is doing it with me. I'm shocked! He didn't cheat at all. He complained a whole lot but he seems motivated.

    Anyway, I've got 5 days til Weigh-In. I may need to Chuck that ham!
  • rae1388
    rae1388 Posts: 45 Member
    NikkiJRM wrote: »
    Remember that time I ate all the things on Easter (no regrets)!? Then I was soooooo thirsty! I drank 6 16oz cups of water within 3 hrs. Woke up today +6lbs. Yup...I did that!

    Actually what I had was ham & a small piece of salted caramel cheesecake. Okay it was A LOT of ham but still. So today I went back to LCLF for a few days. Mr Nikki is doing it with me. I'm shocked! He didn't cheat at all. He complained a whole lot but he seems motivated.

    Anyway, I've got 5 days til Weigh-In. I may need to Chuck that ham!

    @NikkiJRM I know that can be discouraging, maybe the ham had a lot of sodium which just made you retain the water, so it's probably just water weight. Water weight can drop fast. Hang in there!
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    edited April 2018
    rae1388 wrote: »
    @NikkiJRM I know that can be discouraging, maybe the ham had a lot of sodium which just made you retain the water, so it's probably just water weight. Water weight can drop fast. Hang in there!

    @rae1388 Oh it's definitely water. The glaze I made had maple, brown sugar and pineapple juice, so it was definitely the sugar. Actually most of that weight is already gone. Thank goodness it was only 6lbs. After Christmas Day it was 9!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I think I read somewhere that every gram of carbs holds in 4 grams of what to process it...because the way the body processes carbs, it requires the water...(and magnesium, too!)
  • NikkiJRM
    NikkiJRM Posts: 328 Member
    @KnitOrMiss That's interesting. I love knowing the why and how behind how our bodies work.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    NikkiJRM wrote: »
    @KnitOrMiss That's interesting. I love knowing the why and how behind how our bodies work.

    @NikkiJRM - I don't know if it works this way for everyone, but just KNOWING this makes me a little less insane when the gains are astronomical when I feel like I was a micrometer bad...if that makes sense?
  • rae1388
    rae1388 Posts: 45 Member
    Just curious, where is everyone located? I'm in Minnesota. :)
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    rae1388 wrote: »
    Just curious, where is everyone located? I'm in Minnesota. :)

    California :)