Move More in May



  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Donna, veggie kabobs on the grill are my absolute favorite loaded with mushrooms, yum! Don't let your sister get you down. I know it's hard to get over sibling stuff sometimes, but you can't make her understand about protein (or alcohol). Just take a deep breath and then let it all go. You do you, girl!! :smiley:

    I didn't walk this morning because I had a giant headache when my alarm went off, so I let myself get back in bed for another hour. But I'm getting to the point where I really feel like I need to get my butt in gear. I might have to go hard core pretty soon...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,931 Member
    Sorry you are having a tough time with your sister, Donna, but I'd just let her do her thing and maybe just send her links via email rather than talking about diet/health issues in person. I SO get the good food/bad food thing. It sets us up for a really weird attitude whether we are eating "right" or "wrong". I have often said that I think going on diets is what made me fat in the first place! LOL

    Anyway, eating well and mostly plant based has made me less fat, and has fixed a number of my food related issues. Not that I'm anywhere near my goal yet, but I'm a bit less f'd up about it all. My main focus now is health, rather than being so intent on the scale.

    Karrie, hope your headache is better!

    Long day at work, as usual, and still have some work to get done tonight so I best get at it.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Donna, I am often in the same situation with my mom. I will tell her what I've learned and she seems on board, but then she is swayed very easily by anything she sees on tv or whatever the latest trend is. I get tired of re-stating the same facts to her. And she'll pick and choose the parts she likes, and ignore the rest. I just try not to talk about it too much anymore. It gets super frustrating.

    Sorry that you are feeling down, Mihani. Did you end up getting some rain? Schedule some time off, even if it is for a few months from now and make it something that you can't ignore, like a small trip somewhere that you book. And then when the big boss keeps trying to give you stuff around that time you can remind him that you'll be away and you won't be working at all during that period. (Yes, another nudge for you to take some time off. Sorry! I can't help it. )

    My in-laws talked about starting the CleanFoodDirtyGirl meal plans once they got back from a trip, but I haven't heard back since. I hope they enjoy the food and get into it. Of course then I need to make sure we stay on plan so they don't show us up! If they start this coming week, they will probably be pleasantly surprised as the theme for the week is #supersimple.

    The recipes are Roasted Kabocha (squash) Tacos, Carrot Ginger soup with Avo-Sauerkraut toast, Baked Tofu Caesar Sandwich with tomato mint salad, Stuffed baked peppers w/ cauliflower cream & caesar salad, and a tofu noodle bowl with creamy mint dressing.

    This weekend I'm going to visit my new fiber friend at her house. She's making us black bean burgers with mayo make from aquafaba. She's not a vegetarian, just super thoughtful.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,000 Member
    Thank you everyone. Being the youngest in a family of 3 sisters, I have always been the "baby" and given tons of advice on everything and especially diets. Advice from me is not readily accepted. My two sisters are 12 and 16 years older. We come from critical parents and tend to be critical of each other. My oldest sister has always been a big beef eater and fan of Atkins. She has struggled with anorexia, does not ever eat fruit and keeps her weight down by severe calorie and portion control. My middle sister has struggled as a child and adult with obesity. She does extreme dieting and tends to gain the weight back. For me to lose weight, do the Tri threw her for a loop...she immediately wanted to jump on a band wagon. She asked me how many lbs of lettuce I eat daily, when I told her I only weigh or portion control things like nuts, grains and sometimes fruit she started quoting Dr. Furman who said to eat x lbs of greens a day.

    Okay You are right Carrie, I need to let it go. I hope your headache is gone. Brooks ate 2/3 rds of my veggie kabobs. Too funny.

    Mihani - I think the nutrition subject is off the table for now. I agree, when I went on my first diet I developed weight problems and I wasn't fat at the time...the women of my family were all doing Atkins and thought I as a teenager should do it to.

    Carla - how is Miss Ruby doing? I am down to 2 cups of coffee now and plan to get down to one cup after next week.

    I leave for Northern California tomorrow for one week. A good friend lost her hubby to colon cancer last month. Brooks went to the funeral (hubby was retired air force pilot and flying trainer). I told my friend I would visit after her 2 children went home. Her daughter is deployed to Quatar and son is stationed in Japan. My friend is Korean and she does not read english well. She is really struggling right now so this is a good time. She eats a TON of fruit and vegetables. When I lived in California she was always giving me fresh fruit and vegetables. She is about a size 2, was on the Olympic Korean tennis team and loves to hike. She is taking me to Lake Tahoe for 2-3 days, San Francisco (to walk the hills) one day and another friend is having a BBQ & wine (there will be tons of vegetables) one day with card making with all our friends.

    Have a great, healthy weekend everyone! Oh June 1...we need a new thread!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    oops, i didn't refresh the page before posted and missed all the latest posts!

    Sorry about your headache, Karrie. Look out world when Karrie decides to go hard core :) You are a force!

    Ruby seems to be healing up okay. We get to take her for several 10 minute walks during the day now as well as bathroom breaks and she really likes that. I keep talking about reducing coffee but conveniently forget when I get near the coffee machine. After 3 cups I switch to decaf. Out of control! Have a great trip with your friend, Donna. It sounds like just what she needs right now and how perfect that she is physically active and into veggies!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Carla_wfpb wrote: »
    Look out world when Karrie decides to go hard core :) You are a force!

    :) You just made my day!