Daily check-in for keto friends... volume 3



  • h4power
    h4power Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah, I just ate 4 cookies with my morning tea... lol! I'm planning on cheeseburgers for dinner so I'm not too worried. And they were good! ^_^

    I dont miss sweet and crunchy, just salty and crunchy... peanuts are a vice of mine
  • h4power
    h4power Posts: 13 Member
    13 days in... think it's going well, not really sure. Feel good and not hungry and crappy carbs completely removed.

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    h4power.... I like that graphic! Is there an app for that?
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    h4power.... I like that graphic! Is there an app for that?

    Not @h4power obviously but it looks like the graphic available in MFP "Reports" if using the website versus the app. I really like using both regularly (app and website). They have different features.
  • h4power
    h4power Posts: 13 Member
    elize7, Kpk54 is right I am using the website not the app, guess it has a few more options on the desktop version.

    Here's my daily carb's... spot the day I had a drink ;)

  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    That’s neat. I had no idea the webinar that feature.
  • CynfulHedonist
    CynfulHedonist Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I'm new here! Not new to attempting weightloss though. I've attempted low carb before and started last year. Between January-March, I dropped 20 lbs. At my weight level at the time (317) that was way too low and I knew I was overeating but was afraid to drop my calories. I then had a mental health crisis, finally got a correct diagnosis, and got put on meds which caused weight gain. By December, my mental health was better (and still is) than it had been since I was a pre-teen but my self esteem had plummeted because I was 330! I switched to a new psychiatrist who immediately saw the correlation and switched me to a weight neutral med. I also switched doctors and had a full hormone panel done (I'm a female) to make sure nothing else was impeding my journey. I even started talks about weightloss surgery. Even though my insurance covered most of it, it wasn't and still isn't financially feasible to drop $3k on it so I just let it fall from my mind.

    I literally woke up in May said I can do this.

    I finally feel ready to tackle the beast of obesity head on. I've been tracking calories since middle of May and jumped into keto on May 30th after binging in Vegas for 4 days.

    I'm down 11 lbs in that time frame. Most of it within the past few days which I know is the keto water weight drop. Overall, I'm down to 316. That's the lowest I've been since March of 2017.

    The biggest thing I've noticed is the drop in calories and not feeling hungry. I went from easily eating 3000 calories a day to my recent drop of 1500. I've also lost 3 inches off of my waist and hips. I really hope I can stick with it this time.

    My family is incredibly supportive. A few weeks prior to my wake up, my hubs switched to a mostly vegetarian lifestyle and he's my biggest cheerleader. We go to the gym together and I track my steps.

    Hopefully this group will be a great source of support as well.
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @CynfulHedonist firstly change your name, you ain't sinful you is human!! Secondly and seriously well done. I'm sure you can do it and how wonderful to have the support from those closest to you. You won't need surgery, you do need what you are doing and it will work.
    We obviously have times we go off track a bit (I had one last night!) but essentially the difference here seems to be that the majority of us accept that, say we have done it and get back to it. We don't think I've eaten X therefore I've failed, we think I've eaten X, damn that water weight gain and go straight back to low carb/Keto. It's not the falling off the wagon that gets you it's the thinking you've failed mindset and that's what leads to failure. So good luck and we're on your side!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I posted this in the June monthly challenge thread but I’m copying it here as well for the accountability...

    I went into the Christmas holidays in the 160’s aiming for the 130’s. After my Christmas crash and burn, I committed to getting back on track in January and I was in the low 170s... I managed to get back to the mid 160’s and life continued to happen with stress at work, a husband and kids who resist my keto efforts but don’t cook or grocery shop, and then, an untimely death in the family just sent me spiraling downward...

    ...or should I say upward? I’m currently approaching my all time high somewhere in the 180’s (I haven’t been on the scale since I first saw 182 a few weeks ago and now I am too afraid to look)...

    My plan is to go back to the basics for the rest of this week and get on the scale on Sunday... if I don’t come back next week to post my stats, someone please call me out. I have no support in real life so I need all of the cyber help I can get!
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    h4power wrote: »
    Hi, new here and just 11 days in, trying to go keto but finding it really hard to get more fat than protein, cutting the carbs out has been easy for me, less than 50g a day no problem. Not looking to lose a lot of weight but just reduce body fat %..

    @h4power Welcome! I have done a lot of research over the past few months and have seen that many people get much better progress without as much fat intake - doing lower fat versions of keto (they lose more body fat when they eat more protein than fat). I know that everyone is different and there are so many factors, including how much body fat you need to lose so I am not trying to offend anyone who swears by high fat keto.

    My opinion now is that although fat intake is very important (for satiety, nutrient absorption, etc), you don't want (or need) as much dietary fat when you have body fat to lose.

    A perfect example is @Sunny_Bunny_ 's progress picture post on page 23 of this thread. She had great results increasing protein and decreasing fat.

    Just some things to look into!

  • h4power
    h4power Posts: 13 Member
    h4power wrote: »
    Hi, new here and just 11 days in, trying to go keto but finding it really hard to get more fat than protein, cutting the carbs out has been easy for me, less than 50g a day no problem. Not looking to lose a lot of weight but just reduce body fat %..

    @h4power Welcome! I have done a lot of research over the past few months and have seen that many people get much better progress without as much fat intake - doing lower fat versions of keto (they lose more body fat when they eat more protein than fat). I know that everyone is different and there are so many factors, including how much body fat you need to lose so I am not trying to offend anyone who swears by high fat keto.

    My opinion now is that although fat intake is very important (for satiety, nutrient absorption, etc), you don't want (or need) as much dietary fat when you have body fat to lose.

    A perfect example is @Sunny_Bunny_ 's progress picture post on page 23 of this thread. She had great results increasing protein and decreasing fat.

    Just some things to look into!

    Thanks Krisitin, I feel I am eating a healthy diet and processed carbs have been removed completely, thats encouraging to hear that it isn't so black and white. I will stick to what I am doing and see the results for myself.
  • h4power
    h4power Posts: 13 Member
    another day down, dont feel hungry, don't know if I have lost any fat because I'm not checking

  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    I'm wondering if anyone else struggles with this or if this is a weird 'cravings' thing I have:

    I think about food, CONSTANTLY. Even when I'm not hungry. I like looking at cooking shows, cookbooks, and websites featuring keto foods, and looking at them, I can imagine eating them and my mouth starts to salivate and it almost makes me feel like I'm hungry. And I know that I'm not.

    Am I food obsessed? Or what is this? I feel so abbynormal and I can't even explain it very well, but yeah, I think about food all the time and when I'm going to eat next.
  • eggfooyamyam
    eggfooyamyam Posts: 196 Member
    @xDaniDragonflyx I use to think about food constantly but since Keto I definitely don't think about it like I use to. I immediately looked at your food diary because I thought too many carbs and/or not enough protein would be the cause of your food obsession, but your numbers/diary look great!!! I did read about a study that said imagining you are eating your favorite desserts actually curbed cravings. Maybe allow yourself a full on visualization of eating your favorite foods and see if that doesn't help. But no, you are not abnormal!!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I'm wondering if anyone else struggles with this or if this is a weird 'cravings' thing I have:

    I think about food, CONSTANTLY. Even when I'm not hungry. I like looking at cooking shows, cookbooks, and websites featuring keto foods, and looking at them, I can imagine eating them and my mouth starts to salivate and it almost makes me feel like I'm hungry. And I know that I'm not.

    Am I food obsessed? Or what is this? I feel so abbynormal and I can't even explain it very well, but yeah, I think about food all the time and when I'm going to eat next.

    Try taking some salt.
    Low sodium is a common issue on keto and it will make you feel hungry.
  • KristinLeeD
    KristinLeeD Posts: 218 Member
    I'm wondering if anyone else struggles with this or if this is a weird 'cravings' thing I have:

    I think about food, CONSTANTLY. Even when I'm not hungry. I like looking at cooking shows, cookbooks, and websites featuring keto foods, and looking at them, I can imagine eating them and my mouth starts to salivate and it almost makes me feel like I'm hungry. And I know that I'm not.

    Am I food obsessed? Or what is this? I feel so abbynormal and I can't even explain it very well, but yeah, I think about food all the time and when I'm going to eat next.

    Try taking some salt.
    Low sodium is a common issue on keto and it will make you feel hungry.

    For me, so much of it is mental and purely habit. I think about food A LOT. Either about how I want it (lol) or how I am feeling good about depriving myself of it!

    I agree about the sodium helping though. During those times, if I sit down and have a big bowl of broth, it is pretty amazing how it helps. Sometimes just taking salt on the run helps (I use sole), but there is something about sitting down with the bowl of "soup" that takes a lot of that constant thinking and craving away.
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    Yeah, it's not so much that I am hungry. I just always find myself thinking about food. If I preplanned my meal the day before, or earlier in the day, then I sit and think about eating that food all day long. Just thinking. Not like hunger pains in my stomach. It's all in my mind. I don't think I'm explaining this very well. But I feel food obsessed. u_u
  • h4power
    h4power Posts: 13 Member
    Lost a lot of weight, probably just as much calorie restriction as anything else... Don't feel hungry though


  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Thinking about food alot is also an issue for me. Sometimes it's hunger related, sometimes not. I've very worked on this issue for 40 years. What I find helps is distraction:
    Read a book, do my nails, watch a show, clean something. dance, call a friend, facebook, etc, etc, etc.
    What this does is temporarily engage the mind elsewhere.
    Rinse and repeat. Honestly, I've worked on my issues for so long, with some real progress over time...but this actually works for me in the moment.

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