TEAM: Gutbusters (August)



  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    Username: mthomas0228
    Weigh in Week: August Week 2
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 156.3
    Today's Weight: 152.2
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    August 6
    Exercised?: No. No break at work, home after dark.
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Inside budget for today and all food tracked, but no dedicated activity totalling more than 20 mins. (Unless dodging question and jumping to conclusions count).

    Car problem was sorted enough to allow cross town trip. So 3 hours driving instead of 4 hours public transport.

    Sydney again tomorrow.

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for August 06 is dips ()

    3 sets
    • First set till the point where you can do no more, wait 2 mins
    • Second set of 60% of the number you did in the first set (half, then another 10%), wait 2 mins
    • Third set of 50% of the number you did in the first set (half)
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    eevang wrote: »
    I'll be posting my weight Wednesday this week--out of town until then.

    @eevang. That will be fine. As long as there is one weigh in this week from you.
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    Was thinking about it and I know it's a lot. But since I'm so big I think it's very doable. If I can hit 350 or lower by the end of august I'll be very pleased.
    I'll have to make sure I get plenty of exercise and keep myself active. Watch what I eat, and I'll be close. If I don't hit it I won't be upset because I know I'll be almost there
  • WishfulThinning18
    WishfulThinning18 Posts: 125 Member
    edited August 2018
    I’m exhausted! I had to mow the front yard today and weed the planter aka rip out all the morning glory... again. It is an awful plant and I want to do bad things to the previous owner of this house for planting it.

    The mowing part took all of 5 back and forths as the front yard is only about 10 feet of grass by 20. That took maybe 10 minutes.

    For the next TWO hours I struggled ripping out everything in the front planter (maybe 5 ft x 20ft). I don’t have a rake so it still has old dead leaves and some weeding debris in it but I figured as long as I got all the rose bushes trimmed back, the morning glory ripped out and other weeds out that it’d be an improvement.

    Can’t wait for this work out again next week *sarcasm*

    I was super hungry afterwards and a little light headed during. I started at 8 am and it was already 80 out and humid! Decided to eat a small muffin and add salt to my water and it has me feeling a little better.

    I didn’t get a chance to mow the back yard either. It’s large and I was just too tired after everything else. Supposed to thunderstorm this afternoon, all night and tomorrow so won’t probably get to it for a few days. At least I’ll be able to recover from the weeding today by then. Already feel it in my legs and back 🤣

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member

    Username: Metubal
    Weigh in week: August Week 2
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 167.2
    Today's weight: 165.5

    My goal is to reverse fatty liver disease. I already reversed diabetes with nutrition. Fatty liver was caused by high sugar levels, and excessive stress eating was the culprit for constantly high blood sugar -for me.

    I stopped stress eating when I got diagnosed with diabetes on 3/2/18. Since then I'm finding it more difficult to cope with stress, I have been unable to replace food. On a good note, I'm down 26.7lbs.

    For me, one of the most effective tools for weight loss has been no snacking. I used to eat between meals and after 9pm when watching tv. I ate healthy but I did not give my body a break at all, not to mention consuming too many calories.

    Water and sleep are very important, too. I stall if I don't drink enough water or get good sleep.

    I'll have bloodwork this week to see how my A1C and liver enzymes are doing. I'm also curious about the lipid panel because of the huge amount of fats I'm eating on keto🤤
  • westray16
    westray16 Posts: 143 Member
    Username westray16
    Weigh in day Monday week 2
    Previous weight 195lbs
    Today's weight 194lbs
  • eevang
    eevang Posts: 187 Member
    The past several days (almost the entire week) were really tough. I ate under maintenance calories but barely. And they weren't the healthiest choices.

    I like to take a few days off occasionally (while keeping under maintenance) to get a break, but this time I was a bit worried about getting back on the horse.

    Well, today I woke up and was back in the zone. Had no issue resisting an unhealthy breakfast (of course, I had studied the menu before getting there and prepped myself mentally to make healthier choices) and got in a great workout at the gym.

    One possibility: I normally do cardio for 15 min+ 5+ days a week. I had a heel injury last Monday that meant I switched my exercise to strength and cleaning. Cardio can help surpress appetite. I think not doing true cardio really made it hard to resist things I normally pass on. I did a cardio workout yesterday, and I suspect that seriously contributed to today's success.

    The power of cardio, y'all. And for those who aren't cardio took me three months to get into it. I started with craigo3154's exercises to build strength. Don't rule cardio out just yet!
  • caitlynns727
    caitlynns727 Posts: 80 Member
    August 6
    Exercise: half mile warm up run, back and biceps, cool down on elliptical
    Tracked: Yes
    Calories: Yes
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    metubal wrote: »
    My goal is to reverse fatty liver disease. I already reversed diabetes with nutrition. Fatty liver was caused by high sugar levels, and excessive stress eating was the culprit for constantly high blood sugar -for me.

    I stopped stress eating when I got diagnosed with diabetes on 3/2/18. Since then I'm finding it more difficult to cope with stress, I have been unable to replace food. On a good note, I'm down 26.7lbs.

    For me, one of the most effective tools for weight loss has been no snacking. I used to eat between meals and after 9pm when watching tv. I ate healthy but I did not give my body a break at all, not to mention consuming too many calories.

    Water and sleep are very important, too. I stall if I don't drink enough water or get good sleep.

    I'll have bloodwork this week to see how my A1C and liver enzymes are doing. I'm also curious about the lipid panel because of the huge amount of fats I'm eating on keto🤤

    @metubal. Sounds like you are definitely on the right path. The combination of a mostly keto diet and intermittent fasting seems like they work for you. This should be your ticket to reverse the fatty liver disease too.

    There is not a "one size fits all" diet. Each person needs to work out a balance that works for them. One fundamental remains: calorie deficit = weight loss over the long term. Working out what is a calorie deficit is the tricky part (as too far under and the body adapts to slow calorie consumption down - which is why a small deficit rather than a large one is preferable).

    The other part of the balance is how to structure what and when you eat to maintain the balance. Too often and the opportunity for excess is enhanced. Too little and you may not have the energy for what you want to do. Wrong macro balance (fats, protein, carbs, fibre) and you will be hungry more often or not have energy when you need it.

    As a lot of us that have been bought up on a western diet (plentiful high carbohydrate, fibre reduced food, high trans-fat too), it is little wonder so many have diet related health problems. Fibre reduced is easy to over-eat as it does not make you full. Trans-fat makes it difficult for the body to regulate LDL (bad) cholesterol.

    Then there is the whole psychological side to food. This could be the subject of a doctoral thesis in it's own right.

    I have plenty of information on how the body (and mind) works with food. I did lots of research when starting to lose weight. Happy to share it people ask.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    eevang wrote: »
    The past several days (almost the entire week) were really tough. I ate under maintenance calories but barely. And they weren't the healthiest choices.

    I like to take a few days off occasionally (while keeping under maintenance) to get a break, but this time I was a bit worried about getting back on the horse.

    Well, today I woke up and was back in the zone. Had no issue resisting an unhealthy breakfast (of course, I had studied the menu before getting there and prepped myself mentally to make healthier choices) and got in a great workout at the gym.

    One possibility: I normally do cardio for 15 min+ 5+ days a week. I had a heel injury last Monday that meant I switched my exercise to strength and cleaning. Cardio can help surpress appetite. I think not doing true cardio really made it hard to resist things I normally pass on. I did a cardio workout yesterday, and I suspect that seriously contributed to today's success.

    The power of cardio, y'all. And for those who aren't cardio took me three months to get into it. I started with craigo3154's exercises to build strength. Don't rule cardio out just yet!

    @eevang. Sounds like you are ready to go.

    Cardio has been given a bad rap over the past few years. Strength has been touted as the "way to lose weight" and cardio ages you.

    The truth seems to lie in the middle.

    Exercise wise, strength/weight training will give the biggest gains/weight loss in the shortest elapsed workout time BUT it really is use it or lose it. To maintain the burn rate you must keep building the strength (and it gets to be a bit of viscous cycle). Also FORM is crucial to avoid injury.

    Cardio has the "use or lose" clause as well, but often a lot lower risk for injury. The other benefit of cardio is that the stamina (and recovery) helps you in every day life (like housework, chasing after the kids, enjoying a vacation, etc..). Everything just get easier as there is less effort involved and you know 2 mins later you will be as good to go again.

    Best is a mix of both (some cardio, some strength). Get the best of both worlds. But not to excess in either (unless you find you really enjoy one or the other).
  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member
    craigo3154 wrote: »
    metubal wrote: »
    My goal is to reverse fatty liver disease. I already reversed diabetes with nutrition. Fatty liver was caused by high sugar levels, and excessive stress eating was the culprit for constantly high blood sugar -for me.

    I stopped stress eating when I got diagnosed with diabetes on 3/2/18. Since then I'm finding it more difficult to cope with stress, I have been unable to replace food. On a good note, I'm down 26.7lbs.

    For me, one of the most effective tools for weight loss has been no snacking. I used to eat between meals and after 9pm when watching tv. I ate healthy but I did not give my body a break at all, not to mention consuming too many calories.

    Water and sleep are very important, too. I stall if I don't drink enough water or get good sleep.

    I'll have bloodwork this week to see how my A1C and liver enzymes are doing. I'm also curious about the lipid panel because of the huge amount of fats I'm eating on keto🤤

    @metubal. Sounds like you are definitely on the right path. The combination of a mostly keto diet and intermittent fasting seems like they work for you. This should be your ticket to reverse the fatty liver disease too.

    There is not a "one size fits all" diet. Each person needs to work out a balance that works for them. One fundamental remains: calorie deficit = weight loss over the long term. Working out what is a calorie deficit is the tricky part (as too far under and the body adapts to slow calorie consumption down - which is why a small deficit rather than a large one is preferable).

    The other part of the balance is how to structure what and when you eat to maintain the balance. Too often and the opportunity for excess is enhanced. Too little and you may not have the energy for what you want to do. Wrong macro balance (fats, protein, carbs, fibre) and you will be hungry more often or not have energy when you need it.

    As a lot of us that have been bought up on a western diet (plentiful high carbohydrate, fibre reduced food, high trans-fat too), it is little wonder so many have diet related health problems. Fibre reduced is easy to over-eat as it does not make you full. Trans-fat makes it difficult for the body to regulate LDL (bad) cholesterol.

    Then there is the whole psychological side to food. This could be the subject of a doctoral thesis in it's own right.

    I have plenty of information on how the body (and mind) works with food. I did lots of research when starting to lose weight. Happy to share it people ask.

    You are a wealth of information, @craigo3154. Thank you for all you share with us.

    I was born and raised in Turkey. I ate real food and never knew about the standard Western diet until I moved to USA 13 years ago. I remember that a few fast food chains opened in late 90s but they were never part of our diet. We did not have a cereal aisle, either! Another big change for me was lack of daily physical activity here. I moved from a big city where I walked a lot and used public transportation, to a small town where I became a slave to my car. Between nutrition and lack of walking, I gained 30 lbs in a few years. Then my son got sick and I gained another 50. And lost my health. Now it's time to gain it back!
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    Hanging around 374 last few days. Been tracking everything and getting my walks in. Oh this stubborn game we play (my fat and i)
    She's coming off weather she likes it or not.
    Shouldn't have any problems losing at my size. Gonna have to reevaluate what I'm eating (which is good food) and make sure I'm using the scale
  • brunchowl
    brunchowl Posts: 44 Member
    user ID: brunchowl
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Last week: 164.4
    Today: 163.6
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    August 7
    Exercised?: Yes. 4km walk at lunch.
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Travelled to Sydney. Short on sleep so early night.

    Walked at lunch. Windy in Sydney today.

    Daily Strength challenge

    "Challenge for August 07 is squats (no weight - air squat -
    You can do assisted squats (using a table or bench top to take weight off the knees if it is too much)."

    3 sets
    • First set till the point where you can do no more, wait 2 mins
    • Second set of 60% of the number you did in the first set (half, then another 10%), wait 2 mins
    • Third set of 50% of the number you did in the first set (half)
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    August Week 2
    Previous Week: 179.8
    Current Week: 181.9

    Lesson of the week: weight loss isn't linear. :neutral: Last week's weigh in was about 1 lb under my week's average, and now I'm up a little after being up and out very late the night before my weigh-in. Hopefully this can come back down pretty easily, but we're starting our 1200 mile odyssey home this morning. Here's for staying on plan in the car!
  • sara41164
    sara41164 Posts: 16 Member
    Username: sara41164
    Weigh in day: Monday ( I’m a day late)
    Beginning weight: 156.3 lbs
    Previous week: 153.4 lbs
    This week: 153.4 lbs

    This last week has been rough as far as eating goes. Every time I go to my moms she cooks a huge dinner and none of it is stuff I should be eating. She’s country and she obviously don’t comprehend when I tell her I’m trying to loose weight. She always makes cookies, cupcakes or fudge and sends them home with me for the kids and husband. I can’t have that kind of stuff in the house, it’s to hard right now as I’m just starting back on this healthy thing. Here’s to a better week ahead. Schools going to start for the kids Thursday so maybe that will help me get back to my exercise and eating better. 🤞🏻
  • bootssowhite
    bootssowhite Posts: 93 Member
    grebber1 wrote: »
    Hanging around 374 last few days. Been tracking everything and getting my walks in. Oh this stubborn game we play (my fat and i)
    She's coming off weather she likes it or not.
    Shouldn't have any problems losing at my size. Gonna have to reevaluate what I'm eating (which is good food) and make sure I'm using the scale

    The same thing happened to me when I started. I lost weight pretty consistently for the first few weeks, then suddenly stalled out and kept losing the same few pounds over and over again, even though I was definitely eating at a deficit. I started weighting everything on a food scale so my food log was more accurate, had faith in the process and stuck with it. After a couple of weeks, the weight started coming off again and I feel like I've made up for that couple week stall, but it was incredible frustrating to know I should losing weight and not seeing the results. There's a great thread about why weight loss isn't linear that I found really helpful in keeping me motivated.
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    Thanks. Gonna read it
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