Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just got this from DD ; she received it from Janet's burn and skin graft doctor:
    "There is still hope. Women with bone mets from breast cancer can do well for many years, with some of the new oral chemotherapy agents. I was good friends with Elizabeth Edwards, who had a similar situation. She was one of the first people on that regimen, and this extended her life by at least 5 years--with a very good quality of life. "
    They are set for Sloan Kettering shortly!
    Have had a crazy busy day with things that should have been simple. But it seems J's burns brought on the cancer ! Sounds promising!
    <3 Buzz

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    edited August 2018
    Great news BUZZ. So pleased for everyone!
    My foundation arrived 30 hours from ordering and good news, although I have trouble with most stores stocking it I've now got the address of a store I'd never heard of and who DO stock all shades of skin tone, where it was mailed to me from, and isn't too distant to stop me whining at Mike when I run out again!
    Oh dear, we are on a new page and if I turn back to refresh my memory of what you have all been up to I'll have to start again! Hard to believe we've hit 750 pages. We've written a novel!
    Seem to remember PATSY in her dungeon applying her makeup, LIN clearing out boxes and boxes of memories, SANDY waiting for the beautiful light grey dress to arrive, and JACKIE fondly looking at her moms glass fruit bowl with all the sweet memories it brought back.
    So being somewhat uninspiring myself I'll away and write to cousin Helen in Australia, who after getting over her recent op. has now fallen down and broken her elbow and then have a quick peek at what's going on today, south of the border! Already checked Britain and Brexit to learn that my small UK pension will neither go up nor down but remain exactly as is here in Canada. Enough to keep Jilly bean in treats as usual.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A dry and sunny day so because it's not too hot I'm pottering in the garden. About to glue back together a plastic cold frame that's seen better days but will have to do for now. Hoping I won't stick myself to it which is my usual trick with these modern tough glues! The friend I visited in the Cotswolds a couple of weeks ago has now invited herself to mine in a week or two which will concentrate my mind on jobs that must be done rather than those I enjoy fiddling with!

    Buzz, that has to be positive news and if I can add my little bit, a good friend was diagnosed with secondary tumour in a lung and told it was terminal at least 3 years ago but then oncology asked if she would like to take part in a new drug trial which of course she agreed to and so far said tumour has reduced in size and her prognosis is good. Hang in there. <3

    Anne, we continue to be bombarded with so called expert predictions on what will happen post Brexit and since none of the promised gloom and doom has landed on us to-date I take it all with the proverbial pinch of salt and think your pension is safe for now. As a couple of American ladies who totally support their President said the other day on BBC news when asked about the lies, "everyone lies!" Next question, So does that make it acceptable? Apparently yes!! Personally I don't believe anything I'm told either but certainly don't find it acceptable!! On that note I'm back to the sunshine, buzzy bees and glue pot so hugs and hello to all sneakers.


  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    And I'm making a bacon and egg pie to have cold tomorrow which promises to be another sizzler.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Had a great vacation. Family Reunion was lots of fun and saw cousins I haven’t seen since I was a kid. My favorite cousin was there too. He was so glad to see me. After leaving the Reunion we had great visits with another cousin and a wonderful aunt of mine. Headed to Jasper which unfortunately was quite smoky because of all the forrest fires. But we had fun camping and saw quite a few animals. The lakes and canyons were gorgeous, it was just the backgrounds we couldn’t see too well. Felt sorry for all the tourists from away. We ended up driving all the way home from Jasper townsite in one day. We were tired and it was way too smoky to enjoy any mountain scenery. Too bad as the Icefields Parkway can be spectacular.

    Home now and my leg is driving me crazy. Can’t wait to see Physio on Monday.

    Got to run. Have a hair appt.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) No time to chat, getting picked up in an hour to head toward another friends house and then later to the ballgame in Milwaukee. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Looked up Milwaukee on google earth. It's known for its breweries! Cheers SANDY !
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good day. How did the entire morning disappear? I packed just one little box and then decided I should get back to preparing materials for the club day in September where I am providing the materials and ideas. Today I finally made photocopies of descriptions/methods/ideas for each of my little ideas. All copied, collated and packed with the materials in ONE box so nothing should be lost. Wahoo!

    I have a big pile of paper and envelopes from my recent mail deliveries of things that need attention and/or bills to be paid. Nothing handled, just sorted.

    Cleaned some vegetables and lightly washed some raspberries (which I am not certain will last beyond tonight). Yum.

    Now on to working on some cards. Need more of the ‘hello’, ‘thinking of you’ and general greetings. I think I found something I would like to stamp but each card will need to be painted or colored individually. Hummmmm. Well, we will see.

    Have a good time Sandy. For some reason I was a Brewers fan for a few years. I could often be found in a Brewers t-shirt. Now I don’t have a team and no worries a out who is winning.

    Jeri, glad you are home and that you were able to visit with your favorite cousin. That is wonderful! Sorry the smoke ruined some of your vacation. I hope the physio helps you next week.

    Anne, ha, bacon and egg pie. I am reading a book set in Scotland. The main character is currently making fish pie. :)

    Jackie, wow, your friend invited herself to stay with you for a week? Well, that will keep your feet to the fire until then. Wait, I am thinking of myself! You are much better organized than me!

    Buzz, indeed cancer is so unpredictable and treatments are varied and drug trials seem to abound these days. All best wishes.

    Must get back to my little tasks.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, me, too; little tasks all the time, but somehow mine never get finished. Thanks for the encouraging information and I'll pass o yours and everyone else's too!
    JERI, so sorry he fires are everywhere; I recall how beautiful Jasper was! But you always make the best of situations! Good luck with your leg treatments!
    Poor Hawaii! The Big Island has been inundated with Mother Nature problems. On top of volcanoes, now he floods are unbelievable! But Oahu seems to be fine, SANDY!!!
    Going out for Chinese dinner tonight, with darling neighbor's grandson visiting from San Diego. I'm already trying to figure points, as sodium is almost impossible in a country with soy sauce as its main seasoning!
    Must run; actually crawl, as my left ankle seems swollen and painful. Also, I must have dozed off last night leaving my precious CBD salve uncovered on top of my quilt, and do I have to go into details of how I found it this morning? The cover was on the floor and the salve lying on its side. At $76 per jar, I was flabbergasted that I could be so careless!
    Just printed this point chart to take with me! Oh my!
    chicken or shrimp dumpling............................1
    wonton soup.....................................................2
    Hot and sour soup...........................................2 per cup
    Egg drop soup..................................................2
    Brown sauce..2 TSP........................................1
    Veg's w/ Chicken.................................................5 per cup
    Beef and Brocoli per cup.....................................4
    Veg's w/beef per cup 6
    Veg lo mein....................................................... 9
    Shrimp stir fry w/garlic or black bean sauce.....3 per cup
    chicken lo mein per cup.................................9
    Beef stir fry/ garlic or bl bean sauce .............8
    Beef lo mein........................................................11 !
    1/ 2 cup wh rice..................................................3
    brown rice...............................................................4
    Fortune cookie........................................................1

    <3 Buzz
    ..........................Always Believe Something Is Blah Blah BlahQ.................................

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Howdy and hello! Cool and cloudy today. Yellow leaves are tumbling down in a shower. Very colorful and nice. Fall came early here.

    We are about two weeks or more behind on our summer yard cleanup. I fear some of our desired tasks will go unfinished. I think we will survive, none the less.

    Am either suffering from a cold or hay fever and allergies. Sneezing, watery eyes, headaches. And a really mean attitude that was pretty unattractive. Aspirin and a nap is in order.

    Buzz: checked the paintings at Contemporaryartmuliples.con. A colorful joy to see! I have these women in my thoughts and high hopes. They were always telling me about the power of the positive!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello lovely Sneakers. Twelve hours ago when I let George out for his late night garden visit a bright moon shone down on us and although chilly all looked clear but pulled back the bedroom curtains this morning to discover low clouds, thick fog and raining.... blah!! This called for a local walk round the village rather than woods or moors then back home for a rub down for George and thicker sweater on my back! Thank goodness I managed to cut the lawns in the late afternoon so my garden looks almost presentable but with everything bowing down in the wind and rain I'm not sure it will remain that way. I can feel a typical lazy mooching Sunday afternoon on the way after scrambled eggs on toast as a late brunch since I only eat a banana before our walk.

    Buzz, there's no getting away from the sodium contained in Chinese food. Best to enjoy the meal then drink a gallon of water to flush it all out again!

    Jeri, sounds like a wonderful trip to visit family although I can imagine the smoke will have spoiled some aspects.

    Sandy, ball game? Is that football or what I know as rounders (baseball)? Hope your team won whichever.

    Lin, Seems to me you are busier and more organised than me most days. I seem to start with good intentions then.....

    Patsy, I too saw a couple of yellow leaves fall to the ground yesterday but had to remind myself we are still in the month of August so not to panic about garden projects although I'm beginning to lean towards paying someone to cut back a thick section of hedging between myself and the not so pleasant neighbours. My friend's visit in a couple of weeks will be pleasant of course but it's also an ideal time to crack on with pruning and a bonfire.... she is not a gardener though (sigh!!). Hopefully your snuffles are to do with the cool air rather than a cold, fingers crossed.

    Hi Anne!

    The scrambled eggs are calling so I'll wish you all a peaceful Sunday.
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Although expected, very sad news today. Agree with him or not Mr. McCain was one of the few world politicians I respected.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited August 2018
    Happy Sunday! :) We had fun at the Brewers baseball game against the Pittsburgh Pirates where the score ended Pirates 9 Brewers 1. We were routing for the Pirates because we are Chicago Cubs fans and the Brewers are in our division so a loss helps the Cubs in the standings. My friends drove to the new house of English couple going with us. They live in an isolated area but love it. They then drove to Milwaukee and it seemed forever since it took so long to finally get on an expressway from their house. I love listening to them speak but sometimes I need them to interpret what they say. I would probably do the same with Anne and Jackie. lol
    Will be going to Mass this morning since I couldn't go yesterday and then if the sun comes out I will go to the pool to relax. Tomorrow I get color and a haircut and my cleaning girl is coming to clean.
    My dress arrived yesterday and I did try it on when I got home. I like it a lot although it is way too long and might be too clingy. I will try it on after church and get your opinions.

    Very sad about McCain, he fought a hard battle. May he R.I.P.

    Will be back after my hair appointment tomorrow, have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited August 2018
    Good day Sneaker friends. Happy to be home this afternoon. I did an early morning run to Trader Joe’s, brought things home and then was off to church. Unloaded the supplies Inhad purchased, did my communion duties, helped a couple carry some items upstairs, helped load bags and boxes into a friend’s car. Nice workout. Haaaaaa.

    It is hot, muggy and overcast. There may storms later. And once again as it heated up my air conditioner is on continual mode even though it is not programmed that way. I manually set it to hold at 80 degrees all day long. I got home and it is ignoring the manual programming evidently as it was cooling the house down to 74. This problem continues to triple my energy bills. Not happy.

    Well, let’s see, I am still working on cards. Got some fronts finished yesterday. I have sorted out some things to make some quick cards, well quicker ones at least. I seem to always be climbing the hill with these! I would like to go slowly and try new techniques. Maybe someday.

    Jackie, toast sounds good. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Patsy, it is sneezy time here as well. I just carry Kleenex everywhere I go. The seasons will change soon enough.

    Sandy, busy day for you. I hope you are enjoying it. Woo-hoo, the dress arrived. Yippee.

    Buzz, I hope you enjoyed your dinner last night.

    To everyone, I respected Senator McCain. He loved our country and always tried his best.

    Our former Senator Leonard Boswell died recently. Early morning on the day of his funeral, his wife died. They held one service, on schedule, for both of them. People are sad about that.

    And of course, many vigils, prayer services and today the actual funeral for Mollie Tibbetts. Such an incredibly sad event, everyone is heartbroken and much anger is coming to the surface.



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ah yes, much to digest in the effects of the loss of one of our few great politicians! Honest, courageous, willing to stand up for what he believed! And one of the last few bulwarks between the Constitution and today's frightening leaders! Although I did not agree with much of his thinking, I always respected McCain, may he RIP! As for Molly Tibbetts...pure outrage!
    My Chinese dinner last night was helped by the staff using white sauce with NO soy added, and I ate only 1 cup and will have some for dinner tonight. I will then have until Thursday to try to lose the water weight!
    PATSY, I didn't realize that clicking on each of the paintings would open other paintings! My DD is a web designer, amongst her other talents!
    JACKIE, I read a delightful article in today's paper about gnomes being commonly used in rock gardens in England, and wondered if you have gone in that direction ever!
    SANDY, LIN, ANNE, many hugs, but didn't realize how late it has become. Gotta run!
    <3 Buzz
    ...........................Always Believe Something WONDERFUL MUST HAPPEN!.........................
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited August 2018
    Here are the dresses.....I know which I am going with but will value your opinion. Hair and makeup doesn't count and both would have to be hemmed.


  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    edited August 2018
    Mmm, both beautiful SANDY, but I think I like you best in the black flowered which is odd because personally, I never wear black. However, it's what YOU feel most comfortable in. I suspect you will go for the grey.
    Not a good day for the States.
    We have been issued with a heat warning until late Wednesday. Oh joy. I was out shopping today and I think we should have had a warning for today as well.
    Bought one small area rug for Jilly because she skidded and slipped and hurt herself on the bit of exposed flooring in the living room. Now she can safely gallop on it to get into the kitchen and food. I bought me two orange based lipsticks. Normally very hard to find because what look orange/red to me turn bluish when actually on me. Tried one out 6 hours ago and it's still orange/red. So glad I bought two!

    Coming back on this site to edit and spotting your photos again SANDY you DO look rather the glamour Puss in the grey after all! Definitely nobody's Grandma!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good evening. Love both the dresses Sandy but prefer the silver/grey a bit more than the black. Gorgeous!!!!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Zowie! Sandy. I love the elegant grey dress. You really look smashing in it! I can see a lovely lai and a flower behind your ear. Good grief, my friend, you may need both dresses. The black one is very Hawaiian. You look great in that one as well. A Filmy pink scarf to use on your the night away, my love. You are going to have a memorable trip. Seriously, why not get both?

    We are have a genuine rain with very cool temps. Dare I say it....looks like fall to me! I guess that is okay really. Our son will be sad to put the boat in “mothballs”for the winter.

    Doing the paintings for the group show is an exercise in discipline. Not only to stay on task but dealing with the gallery owner and the other painters who are so competitive and pushy. There are a couple who are stomping their feet about painting placement on the walls and in the brochure. It is just funny really. At the meeting I said, it really doesn’t matter too much. If your work is good enough, people will stand on their head to look at intriguing images. They didn’t like that statement. Huhrumph!

    Anne: I know what you mean about lipstick colors. I like pink. Peachy pink. It never stays the same when I put it on.

    Lin: your cards are tiny works of art and gifts unto themselves. I hope people are aware of the care and effort you put into them.

    Buzz: our children are blessed with many talents and gifts. I like to think we as parents plant seeds that can grow into life tools for them. It is fun to see that happen. Look into the mirror to see where your children’s talents came from.

    Homemade mushroom soup and grapes for dessert.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    This is our August bank holiday so of course the sun is struggling to show itself!! I took George on a rambling stroll doing my best to avoid cattle, sheep and ponies at one time or another and am now home to enjoy a coffee before an early lunch then gardening. My neighbours have returned from their canal barge holiday near Oxford and have asked if they can take George to the beach this afternoon. Of course they can because he loves going anywhere with them plus the sea air will do him good.... he'll sleep well tonight!

    Sandy, I agree that with a few flowers in your hair you will look stunning in the silver dress although I do love the floral one too. Not sure black is ideal for a wedding though. If you take both I'm sure you'll find opportunities to wear them during your stay, not just on the wedding day.

    Buzz, Kenny is my garden gnome and probably dates back to early 20th century, hence the worn colours. He called to me at an antiques fair auction about 20 years ago and as I bid for him a friend who was with me said he looked just like a comedian called Kenny Everett, hence the name!

    We have so many sprites and spirits that come from far and wide because Britain was invaded by such a variety of cultures over time. A gnome is characterized by its short size, taciturn nature and subterranean lifestyle. They live in natural areas close to the earth and care for wildlife. Today, gnomes are traditionally thought of as being small bearded men wearing colourful pointed hats. (Think of the ubiquitous garden gnome.) They are more benevolent than other folkloric creatures such as goblins. The gnome is similar in looks to a Leprechaun but then so is a Troll, brought over from Norway! Bet you wished you never asked!! LOL

    Must get on so I'll wish everyone a peaceful Monday.