Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited August 2018
    Hello! Laundry is chugging along, I have sorted out some papers that I think coordinate nicely so more grist for my card mill. Haaaaa. Each time I go to the basement I try to bring something back up with me for the recycle bin, or a box to take to the 2nd floor for packing at some point. I think 🤔 am getting close to full to the brim for my trash can which will be collected tomorrow morning. Anther week before they pick up recycling and sometimes I wish that was a weekly service. I have mixed up another carafe of cold brew coffee which will be ready tomorrow morning. Tai Chi later today. I would like to make a start on the bill paying and paper sorting today and start on this idea I have stuck in my head for a quick card front. Likely it will not be as pleasing as I imagine it in my head.

    Patsy, it is amazing how people find anything and everything to fight about. Good for you trying to bring some sanity to the process. Best wishes to you. Don’t let them suck the happiness and satisfaction out of your art. Hate squabbles.

    Jackie, ah, a bank holiday. We have one coming up soon, Labor Day. The traditional end to summer. To me a selfishly happy day, my library will be open on Sunday afternoons once again and have some programs scheduled in the next few months that sound very interesting to me. I LOVE your gnome. Truly and absolutely LOVE him. Nuf said.

    Best wishes everyone. I must get up and move again. I fear I sit too long when I settle in.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I set my alarm for 8:00 then went to get my hair done at 9:00, came home and started laundry. My cleaning girl is here now and I have a few errands to run. I do appreciate all your inputs but I agree with Anne and feel the flowered dress is still the best choice especially since I got it on sale at Nordstrom's for $35.00. The other was also on sale from Macy's for $65 but I am returning it since I feel I am too short for that dress and the other is more comfortable and airy for a backyard wedding. I might still keep looking but why? I never go anywhere that requires a long dress so I think I made the right choice. My DIL will hem it for me and I will figure out accessories. Thanks again ladies.

    Lin, I can hardly believe Labor Day is next week, the summer sure has gone by fast. Get that card front out of your head it might hurt. lol

    Jackie, I have another outfit I bought for the rehearsal dinner so I really don't think I need both dresses. Most everything will be casual so I think I am good. Love your gnome and especially the story behind it. When does your company arrive?

    Patsy, not sure there will be any dancing but we will see. You would really have to see the grey dress on me. I am only 5"2" so it is extremely long and it has spandex in it so it just clings to much. Thank you for your suggestions though, they were great.

    Buzz, hope all is well with you and Jeri your are probably busy with grand kids.

    The shooting in Jacksonville was a little to close to home. When my son and DIL met me in Florida we went to that Mall for lunch. My daughter never goes there as a rule and she was home with 18 people she invited for a pool party. I just hate guns.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE, I LOVE it! I was enchanted by the trolls in Norway, and I just love your Kenny. I think I sort of figured you had one, and sure enough!!!
    SANDY, I was not sure about the silver dress until you sent the photos. Now, I thnk with the lei, the ear or hair flower, and your lovely face, that's my preference for the wedding! And I agree, since shorts and long dresses are the general evening mode in most of Hawaii, you'll have use from both dresses! You truly have a lovely figure!!!
    ANNE, no matter what color lipstick I apply, they all turn bluish, so now I'm into nude shades, since they are less noticeable working their way up into those furrows in my upper lip! I start to look like a clown in reds!
    PATSY, do you think my DD's gallery eventually disappeared because she could not get herself to become pushy and disagreeable? Her empathy was always with the artist!
    LIN, what are you into today? I know you never sit still!
    JERI, what's doing with your leg? Hope you're feeling better.
    I'm up over 2 pounds from the weekend. Oh well, I shan't worry as eventually it will come off!

    News from the WH is just pure meanness!
    <3 Buzz
    ......................always believe something wonderful is about to happen!................................
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    SANDY, I'm so glad you are going with the flowered dress. I guess I'm in the minority but I felt the grey a little too matronly for you, beautiful though it is, and also a little formal for a fun garden wedding. Also, you will be able to wear the flowered any old time and can dress it up or dress it down appropriately. More practical in other words. Don't change the neckline, you can carry it off. I believe you mentioned previously you might.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello again, sunny mild day here. Went to Home Depot with John. They were featuring cactus and succulents as the plants of the month. Interesting but not my cup of tea.

    I decided not to volunteer in the reading program at the school. I feel like a major jerk, but I want to do something else this fall and winter. It is fun and the kids are so sweet and very cute but I have an urge to be elsewhere. Maybe at the historical society or the public broadcasting station here. I need to do things like that just to be around interesting people. I still participate in !eague of Women Voters, maybe that is enough.

    Still viewing various tributes to McCain. The more I see, the more I feel the loss. What a magnificent human being.

    Sandy: your dress will be beautiful. It will be a very happy event. Great choice and as usual, you were wise to think these things out.

    Labor day next week? Goodbye summer, come back next year tourists,
    Anne: is your mums blooming?

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A cool start to my day but we've walked in the woods with the brat pack (!!) and I've just finished cooking a batch of George's lamb meals. He had a wonderful time at the beach yesterday while I strimmed and cleared the communal footpath because not all neighbours consider their shared responsibilities so it's me or nothing done! It left me with aching back and hips but that's eased today and I'll get back to tidying my own garden.

    Patsy, here's my plant of the month I purchased as a tiny shrub many years ago, a white Hydrangea that changes it's colours with the temperatures and is now as tall as me!

    Sandy, I knew in the end which dress you'd feel comfortable in would do it and anyway we are a diverse group in our own way. The dress I photographed myself in and posted here never did get packed for my cruise in spite of nice comments and is now in a charity shop bag!! My friend doesn't get to me until September 6th as she will first visit friends of ours in Plymouth... time for me to prepare myself!! LOL

    Buzz, Kenny is the only Gnome sitting under my granite mushrooms unlike some gardens that as you no doubt saw in your mentioned documentary become crowded with little men in red hats doing a variety of chores! :D

    No more politics for me at the moment, just big sighs at whatever goes on both sides of the Pond because I find I'm otherwise speechless.
    Happy days dear friends.

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Just letting you all know that my aged iPad appears to be on the blink again. So far so good here, but I cannot use the email anymore or the mail. However, I'll have another go at fixing later on today. Wasted a lot of time rebooting etc etc so far. So if I disappear again you will realize it's this infernal machine and not you, my MFP pals.
    We have a heat warning in effect. Today is supposedly the hottest day of the year this afternoon. Apparently cool to the west, but here, hot air moving up from the South. I now know for sure I could never live in say Florida and further south. To add to the humid heat I've been eaten alive each time Jill and I put our noses out.
    Enough of self pity. My old chrysanthemums are in full bloom PATSY, but my rescued one has masses of foliage but so far no buds, I live in hope and every day I peer at it!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good morning

    Anne, good grief, how will we keep in touch? No MFP and no email?? I hope you get things working again soon. Need my daily fix of info from Anne and the Jilly Bean. It was very hot here yesterday with the heat index around 100F I believe with very strong winds. Today it looks stormy. What a year.

    Jackie, wow, what a lovely hydrangea. It is mammoth and so loaded with blooms. You do have a green thumb. My Grandma had a similar plant but of course the blooms were always white. They were snowball bushes and she had many around her lot and cut the blooms often. The bugs and bees loved them.

    Sandy, I agree, you should wear what makes you the most comfortable. There wasn’t a bad choice!

    Patsy, I hope you find the perfect volunteer activity. We only have so much time and energy to give. You are such a kind person to share with others. What did you find at Home Depot? I always say I am going to stop there as we have a store that I drive by often but never swing in.

    Buzz, good morning to you. I hope you are well and that volleyball is going well.

    I need to get moving. Mah Jongg this morning and making cards at the library this afternoon.

    Hugs all round.

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Help, everything is going bonkers. If an earlier message appears ignore because the one above LIN has only just appeared after posting much earlier!
    General consensus from Anne and sons, the iPad is ready to be chucked out!
    Let's see if this posts. Sorry to be such a pain in the butt,
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Have you read the BBC headline "huge military exercise justified - Russia (plus Chinese/Mongolian Troops)". Good God, what has this president stirred up! Makes my iPad problems minuscule in comparison. 36,000 tanks, 300,000 personnel and troops. I hate commenting on this but we older and wiser girls of past experiences know something must be done and quickly! I almost wish my iPad HAD conked out and I hadn't read this. Sorry girls. I guess ignorance isn't bliss, it's dangerous.
    Hugs to you all, we need a communal hug methinks.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) If it isn't storming I am going to try for the $19k again or at least a win at the other bingo games. :p Got my dress from Amazon for the Baptism Sunday but ordered a wide belt to go with it and I have to hem it because it is about 5 inches too long. I hope all the rain stops by Sunday, it seems each day is bringing more storms.

    Anne, me thinks your boys will surprise you with a new IPad soon.

    Lin, it is hard to return the other dress but $70 is $70 and with all I need for Hawaii I think it is the best decision. Have fun at Mah Jongg and in making cards.

    Jackie, you know exactly how I feel then, the most comfortable is definitely the flowered one.
    Funny how we change our minds after seeing them on ourselves. I hate being so insecure about certain things but in the end I make the right decision most of the time. I love your flowers and your garden, again I must say your place is just so comfy and beautiful.

    Patsy, I also think it is wonderful that you volunteer, something that I should do with being retired but I never know when Lisa needs help with the kiddos.

    Buzz, if the grey dress fit me better I probably would have gone with it, but it is just uncomfortable and too clingy. I know this dress will work with the right accessories and it does hide my hips. lol

    Have a great day, the sun is shining now but hopefully no storms for bingo later.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Warm here as well! Sunny day but I think it will not get too hot. We have a high pollen count and my nose is running, headache and gluey eyes. The joys of allergies and hay fever. The only way of dealing with this is to press On! With vigor!

    Katie is assisting by non-stop barking at some unvisable and unknown threat. I am not as wonderfully tolerant as dear Anne and Jackie. I have to bite my tongue to keep from yelling and snarling at her. Of course, I have never seen this technique make any difference at all. When barking, her ears turn off.

    Sandy: you are an inspiration to me. I need to update my sad little wardrobe. They have snags from playing ball with Kate, paint spots that will not wash out, generally old and faded and out of style. Time to throw out and rethink my fashion statement! Dumpy senior citizen fashion seems to be my normal style.

    Anne: as an iPad user, I recognize the problems you described. Not sure if it will help you but I have to reset my iPad, close all pages by pulling the pages up to the top of the screen, empty trash, delete all mail. My server gets a full mailbox and just refuses to send any more email until I delete adding more space. Sometimes all this helps...realizing this uneducated advice comes from me! A well known twit regarding computers.

    Jackie: beautiful bush! I have one of those. Mine is purple/sort of pink sometimes. Not sure about why mine changes colors. The plus is that the deer are not interested in nibbling it. I am really interested in a couple of house plants to add to my growing collection. Something is always about to croak! My Chinese evergreen is looking sad and on the way out. I suspect John is dumping his leftover coffee in some of my plants. Or I forgot to water the poor things.

    Buzz: water is a problem...either coming or going or staying around too long. I am sure an important exercise for me is running or as least walking as fast as I can to the bathroom. John and Katie know to step aside when I am heading that way.

    All the flags around here are a half mast. Our son said even the sailboats in the marina are flying at half mast. We are all doing what we can to preserve dignity and patriotic demonstration. McCain was an inspiration to us all no matter the party designation.
  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Just letting you know that I've got an email stating my accounts been locked for security reasons and to protect me and others. Back after Michael or Mark have looked into this for me. Grrrrrrrrrrr
    Take care of yourselves,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Popping by to say hello. It’s off to Tai Chi, discount day at the store on organic products, then afternoon Tai Chi class.



  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Called my bank and they advise me it's probably a scam. Don't press anything! Change password etc.
    I've had problems ever since MFP had their problems! However I will still disappear until the lads have had a look.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I had to get up early and go to the dentist for a cleaning. ex-rays and a sensitive tooth. Nothing wrong with the tooth so they just told me to use sensitive toothpaste. $216 dollars later I am now home but want to return the grey dress before bingo tonight. No win again last night and the big pot is still available.

    Anne, I get those emails often I don't open them and just delete them. Some even say there is a problem with an accounts I don't even have. Dumb spammers, they try anything. I hope your boys figure it out and you won't be missing in action for long.

    Lin, hello, enjoy your Tai Chi and shopping.

    Patsy, I really do not like to shop but I am preparing my clothes for Arizona and Hawaii without waiting until the last minute. My preferred dress of choice is sweats and a comfortable shirt.

    I better get moving, have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2018
    A busy day and suddenly time to cook my evening meal and settle. Grocery shopping, dog walking and a pedicure in the mix amongst other things and tomorrow I've a hair appointment just as I'm liking the way it's sitting.... typical! The air is cooler and I'm sneezing for England so again feel Autumn is just round the corner even though we are promised more heat in the next week or so.

    Anne ~ That sounds very much like either a scam or your virus protection kicking in for some reason but best to wait for the boys to check. The pedicurist and I had a long chat about modern technology and the adverse effects it's having on us all. I don't think we ever heard the word stress on a daily basis when we were younger but today it's the norm.

    Patsy, Don't worry, I do have my moments with George's barking even though I've been told shouting at him to be quiet just has him thinking I'm joining in so he does it all the more! We all have our limits!! Our Costa Coffee shops give away bags of used ground coffee for customers to put under shrubs in the garden and I do put mine in the wormery to be churned up into compost so it could be John is in fact keeping your indoor plants alive if he is sneaking in the occasional drops!

    Lin, Not sure but I think my Hydrangea is a lace cap variety and certainly does fill a gap! My dad also loved to grow them in his garden and I remember taking him a local blue variety that was that colour because of the acidic soil but within a month of it taking in the London air it turned pink.... pollution I'm guessing!

    Sandy, did you win the big one finally? Think of all the dresses you could buy! ;)

    Well, my last big sneeze has given me a sore throat and Brady the monster cat has been put out once because he was doing his best to tear the wallpaper right next to me because I didn't follow him into the kitchen to fill his food bowl but is now back in through the catflap so I'd better go see what he's up to.

    Greetings to Buzz and Jeri.

  • autumnglory2018
    autumnglory2018 Posts: 93 Member
    Mark popped by, and yes it is a scam. But it was so well done, Apple logo and all.

    September should be interesting. Both sons will be away on their two different holidays and have managed to pick the same two weeks, there goes my security check! Not too worried for me, but I do worry about our Jill who incidentally is having a good old bark at the moment PATSY. It doesn't bother me much at all, in fact she makes me feel safe. Particularly at night. She is better than a security light and camera!

    JACKIE, apparently if you put iron nails in the soil around a hydrangea the pink flowers will turn blue.
    Here's my pink bush.

    I gave up volunteering a few years back Patsy. I was on the reception desk at the local Senior Centre for a few years. I value my free time these days, put out to graze as it were. For a while I felt guilty with such a laid back lifestyle after working from the age of 15, but not anymore! Time to smell the roses.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oooooooh lovely flowers, Anne and Jackie! You are nurturing gardeners, I can see that! It is overcast and cool here. I do think fall is here. It might get warm again for a few days but the season is changing.

    Our town has rapidly been changing gears. We used to be a small town whose economy was based on fisheries and logging. This has completely changed now. We are a mid-sized town whose economy is based on tourism and now a big data collection service. We now have a Walmart. Lots of brew pubs and a specialized boutique brewery. Our downtown is full of empty storefronts and the viable businesses have deserted the downtown area for the big malls near the Walmart etc. I do miss the old Astoria of only 10 years ago.

    It is hard to keep from worrying about the scams that appear on our iPad etc. it takes me awhile to reason things out. Just to be clear...this is how our elections were scamed during last presidential election. It must be pretty easy. We all need to keep a weary eye on all email and notices of strange activity. So glad you were cautious, Anne.

    Fog is settling in now. I hear the fog horns on the river.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yesterday's post from me seems to have disappeared. And today the WiFi is bouncing all over the place. I'm fine, though many changes are taking place That are both sad (people fired) and a cause for hope! Very difficult finishing this post it keeps going blank! I'll try again tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz