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  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Hey there! I'm Ashly! I was diagnosed 07/02/2018 after my OB/GYN discovered my BG fasting (more than 12 hours) was nearly 300 at 8 am. Took me 2 months to get my diagnosis since my (now ex) PCP pulled me into his lab office 2x and dropped the ball and only pulled "routine" labs, and not my A1c. I now have an amazing endocrinology office I see, and have recently changed to a new PCP. I am on Metformin 2x a day, along with a plethora of other medications for various other health concerns. My diabetic nurse educator suggested 150g of carbs per day... however. I am a PICKY PICKY eater. Yesterday alone I only managed to obtain 107g all day. I hate vegetables. I have been slowly getting myself to eat them (broccoli and riced cauliflower have been the ones so far I can handle), but I love my cheeses, ice creams, and chips. So many chips. I am doing better each day, but I think I might need some people to keep me on track! :smile:

    Have you had antibody tests for Type 1/LADA (adult onset of T1)?

    (A fasting BG of 300 could be a sign that you're not making much insulin.)

    150g of non-fiber carbs would double my BG, and fast! I can only control it with Metformin and 50g of carbs or less (I average around 40g).
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,609 Member
    Hey there! I'm Ashly! I was diagnosed 07/02/2018 after my OB/GYN discovered my BG fasting (more than 12 hours) was nearly 300 at 8 am. Took me 2 months to get my diagnosis since my (now ex) PCP pulled me into his lab office 2x and dropped the ball and only pulled "routine" labs, and not my A1c. I now have an amazing endocrinology office I see, and have recently changed to a new PCP. I am on Metformin 2x a day, along with a plethora of other medications for various other health concerns. My diabetic nurse educator suggested 150g of carbs per day... however. I am a PICKY PICKY eater. Yesterday alone I only managed to obtain 107g all day. I hate vegetables. I have been slowly getting myself to eat them (broccoli and riced cauliflower have been the ones so far I can handle), but I love my cheeses, ice creams, and chips. So many chips. I am doing better each day, but I think I might need some people to keep me on track! :smile:

    FWIW, I had a fasting BG of 348 at diagnosis in 2016. I was checking BG a lot as I tried to follow recommendations. I am pretty sure that even with the metformin, I never saw a reading under 200 until I dropped carbs to 50. As an experiment, I lowered carb intake to 20 for a couple of days and the BG numbers dropped even more. I never looked back and have been <20 since.

    I got my A1C low enough that my doctor reduced metformin and finally stopped it completely. At my last appointment, my A1C was 5.6 after being off the metformin for 6 months. I am not taking any other diabetes meds.

    Ice cream and chips have been out of the diet for me for a while.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    I forget... what are ice cream & chips????
  • AshlyWester
    AshlyWester Posts: 7 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    Hey there! I'm Ashly! I was diagnosed 07/02/2018 after my OB/GYN discovered my BG fasting (more than 12 hours) was nearly 300 at 8 am. Took me 2 months to get my diagnosis since my (now ex) PCP pulled me into his lab office 2x and dropped the ball and only pulled "routine" labs, and not my A1c. I now have an amazing endocrinology office I see, and have recently changed to a new PCP. I am on Metformin 2x a day, along with a plethora of other medications for various other health concerns. My diabetic nurse educator suggested 150g of carbs per day... however. I am a PICKY PICKY eater. Yesterday alone I only managed to obtain 107g all day. I hate vegetables. I have been slowly getting myself to eat them (broccoli and riced cauliflower have been the ones so far I can handle), but I love my cheeses, ice creams, and chips. So many chips. I am doing better each day, but I think I might need some people to keep me on track! :smile:

    Have you had antibody tests for Type 1/LADA (adult onset of T1)?

    (A fasting BG of 300 could be a sign that you're not making much insulin.)

    150g of non-fiber carbs would double my BG, and fast! I can only control it with Metformin and 50g of carbs or less (I average around 40g).

    I have not had that checked. I didn't even know that was a thing! Rural Georgia... Ya know.

    I will definitely look into that.
  • AshlyWester
    AshlyWester Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there! I'm Ashly! I was diagnosed 07/02/2018 after my OB/GYN discovered my BG fasting (more than 12 hours) was nearly 300 at 8 am. Took me 2 months to get my diagnosis since my (now ex) PCP pulled me into his lab office 2x and dropped the ball and only pulled "routine" labs, and not my A1c. I now have an amazing endocrinology office I see, and have recently changed to a new PCP. I am on Metformin 2x a day, along with a plethora of other medications for various other health concerns. My diabetic nurse educator suggested 150g of carbs per day... however. I am a PICKY PICKY eater. Yesterday alone I only managed to obtain 107g all day. I hate vegetables. I have been slowly getting myself to eat them (broccoli and riced cauliflower have been the ones so far I can handle), but I love my cheeses, ice creams, and chips. So many chips. I am doing better each day, but I think I might need some people to keep me on track! :smile:
    150g is probably intended as a maximum - you will not be harmed by eating fewer than this, since your body can manufacture glucose. Test regularly and learn which foods spike you after eating - I can't handle either chips or ice cream, personally, but some diabetics can in small amounts.

    Hey there!! My diabetic nurse educator wanted that to be my minimum intake for carbs, but with carbs that are fiber rich. Like green vegetables (🤮🤮).
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,609 Member

    Hey there!! My diabetic nurse educator wanted that to be my minimum intake for carbs, but with carbs that are fiber rich. Like green vegetables (🤮🤮).

    Here is the thing. 150 carb grams of collard greens is 75 cups. If you are eating 150 carb grams, you are not getting them all from green vegetables.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Hey there! I'm Ashly! I was diagnosed 07/02/2018 after my OB/GYN discovered my BG fasting (more than 12 hours) was nearly 300 at 8 am. Took me 2 months to get my diagnosis since my (now ex) PCP pulled me into his lab office 2x and dropped the ball and only pulled "routine" labs, and not my A1c. I now have an amazing endocrinology office I see, and have recently changed to a new PCP. I am on Metformin 2x a day, along with a plethora of other medications for various other health concerns. My diabetic nurse educator suggested 150g of carbs per day... however. I am a PICKY PICKY eater. Yesterday alone I only managed to obtain 107g all day. I hate vegetables. I have been slowly getting myself to eat them (broccoli and riced cauliflower have been the ones so far I can handle), but I love my cheeses, ice creams, and chips. So many chips. I am doing better each day, but I think I might need some people to keep me on track! :smile:
    150g is probably intended as a maximum - you will not be harmed by eating fewer than this, since your body can manufacture glucose. Test regularly and learn which foods spike you after eating - I can't handle either chips or ice cream, personally, but some diabetics can in small amounts.

    Hey there!! My diabetic nurse educator wanted that to be my minimum intake for carbs, but with carbs that are fiber rich. Like green vegetables (🤮🤮).

    Well... with respect, that does not sound like a good recommendation. It's the standard outdated ADA advice, but people who successfully control their diabetes without meds do not do that, most eat far fewer carbs, based on what their bodies can handle. I eat about 150 a day, but I'm unusual in that I also do hard cardio and lifting every day, timed with my eating, in order to be able to keep my levels down. My A1c was 11 when I was diagnosed. It's now 4.5.

    My nutritionist at diagnosis told me to eat a number of carbs which would have made me very sick. It's worth it to test your own sugar multiple times daily, educate yourself about your own personal needs, and find an up to date medical team.
  • sparky00721
    sparky00721 Posts: 113 Member
    edited September 2018
    In May 2018, a GF reading of 6.0 which I was pretty happy with, but an A1C reading of 9.0, which alarmed my doctor given the amount of medication to that point, so I was also put on Jardiance at that time.

    Going for blood work this week. I have dropped some weight, have recently been exercising regularly and eating better. I have every finger crossed for some good numbers.

    Results of testing back: fasting glucose 4.6, A1C down to 6.6. Thrilled with the results. A result of either the increased medication (the addition of Jardiance in addition to my existing regime of metformin) or of my finally taking some advice and exercising over the last month and finally losing some weight.

    I am hopeful of getting to the point where my doctor will cut back the medication, but I am pretty sure he will want to continue current regime. I'll see where three committed months of further weight loss and regular cardio/resistance exercise gets me - I expect I will need a lower A1C before he recommends scaling back medication.

  • mickj2018
    mickj2018 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi my name is Mick. I am 43 and I was diagnosed as pre diabetic 2 1/2 years ago and held it off for a while but after my youngest son was born we were not as vigilant as we should have been with diet and I wasn't testing my sugars. I wound up in the hospital in January with a blood sugar of 454 and was in DKA. My A1C was 11.2. Coming out of the hospital I was on 75 units of Lantus twice a day and 15 of humolog before every meal. It took a while to get in with an endocrinologist but he added metformin and we started reducing my insulin usage. I am now on soliqua instead of lantus and down to 15 units in the morning only. Completely off of humolog, still taking the metformin. My last check up my A1C was down to 5.2. I was at 438 when I went in to the hospital. I am now down to 383. 55 pounds in 8 months. MFP has been a fantastic tool in monitoring my diet and helping keep me on track. Ultimate goal is to be off insulin completely and down to 250.
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    edited September 2018

    delete post
  • puttingme1
    puttingme1 Posts: 3 Member
    New to this MFP. Diagnosed this summer and trying to manage food intake and exercise in order to lose weight and lower a1c so I can avoid medication
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,609 Member
    puttingme1 wrote: »
    New to this MFP. Diagnosed this summer and trying to manage food intake and exercise in order to lose weight and lower a1c so I can avoid medication

    You have come to the right place!
  • DocRock25
    DocRock25 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Vicki. I've had T2D for about 6 years but wasn't very compliant because I hate needles. Now, I use a Libre Freestyle Sensor. No more needle sticks. I'm able to get real time readings from the sensor, and that enables me to manage intake. Hunger and high blood sugar feel the same. If I think I'm hungry and check the sensor reading, and I'm high, I wait a while or exercise. If I'm low, I know to eat. I lost about ten pounds and dropped my A1c a point. I'm now at 7.6 A1C and hoping that over the next year I can drop another point and eventually be in remission for T2D. I'm taking two 500 Metformin 2x daily currently. I've noticed significant fluctuation in my readings when I get different med manufactures also. The sensor has made a huge difference with my compliance and ability to proactively manage the condition.
  • hawkinabox
    hawkinabox Posts: 3 Member
    Morning all from Waterloo ON. I am hoping this is an active group. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with some alarming numbers (15.2 Fast with 10.0 A1C). I am just looking for some support and advice (oh and maybe some decent recipes). Hopefully I can make a few friends here to keep me "honest" in my approach to tackling this.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,609 Member
    hawkinabox wrote: »
    Morning all from Waterloo ON. I am hoping this is an active group. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with some alarming numbers (15.2 Fast with 10.0 A1C). I am just looking for some support and advice (oh and maybe some decent recipes). Hopefully I can make a few friends here to keep me "honest" in my approach to tackling this.

    How are you managing things now? What do your numbers look like since diagnosis?
  • hawkinabox
    hawkinabox Posts: 3 Member
    My last A1C was 7.9. My Dr upped my Metformin to 2x500 twice a day. My only issue is I’m finding the side effects to be bothersome after the morning dose
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Concordancia here. I was diagnosed with Type II early this year. Despite yearly health screenings, I blew right through pre-diabetes, going from fasting numbers in the 90s for years straight to 250.

    Right after diagnosis, I rocked the diet and exercise. I lost about 25 pounds in four months and brought my fasting numbers down to ~110-120. Then I went off the rails. Gained back every pound and fasting was 180-200 even with Metformin. When I went back to the doctor's last month, she suggested I try Ozempic. I see why people think it is a miracle drug, but I wouldn't call it "appetite suppression" so much as "food aversion." I had seen some women compare the side effects to morning sickness, but none of them mentioned the fact that it included just the smell of some foods making you gag! I call it my chemical bypass. I have lost 10 pounds, fasting numbers are around 120, and I am still on the initial dosage that doesn't technically have an effect on blood glucose. Between the gastric distress and the fact that my numbers are already coming down, I am a little concerned about going up the dosage in a couple of weeks. I am also concerned about whether or not.

    I keep carbs under 80. When I try to be consistently lower than 50 I start getting anxiety, yet it doesn't bring my fasting numbers any lower, which also leads to frustration.
  • nroy70
    nroy70 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello All, I am Eileen and just joined this group discussion. I had joined myfitnesspal since 2011 and been login on and off. Recently my blood sugar level has gone up drastically. I believe this is due to fatty Liver too. Hoping I get lots of encouragement from this group. Will be starting to log the food i eat everyday. Have been working in the City so not getting time to exercise too much lately. Hoping this helps my A1c numbers to go down and so does the sugar levels. Hoping to get best out of joining this group.
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,609 Member
    nroy70 wrote: »
    Hello All, I am Eileen and just joined this group discussion. I had joined myfitnesspal since 2011 and been login on and off. Recently my blood sugar level has gone up drastically. I believe this is due to fatty Liver too. Hoping I get lots of encouragement from this group. Will be starting to log the food i eat everyday. Have been working in the City so not getting time to exercise too much lately. Hoping this helps my A1c numbers to go down and so does the sugar levels. Hoping to get best out of joining this group.

    FWIW, my doctor told me I had NAFLD back an eternity ago before I gained weight. My liver enzymes have always been high when I got a panel done. After a year of keto, my liver enzyme numbers were low normal. I had not even seen normal for about 25 years. I am sure the weight loss helped, but the enzymes were bad at this weight before.

    I would counsel logging and tracking glucose to see what is going on with your numbers.

  • RemyBri
    RemyBri Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm Remy and new here!

    I was diagnosed prediabetic roughly 3 years ago. I changed my diet and exercise habits for the better, but it didn't stop me from getting the diabetes diagnosis a year later at 30 years old.

    This past February, my a1c was chilling around 8.3. As of Tuesday, it's now 10.2.

    My doctor suggested gastric bypass, but I'd rather avoid that if I can. She recommended it because I have A LOT of factors working against me for weight loss. (meds, genetics, other illnesses I have, etc.)

    So I've been upped from metformin 500 x2 a day, to 3x a day, plus glipizide. Fasting was 280 on Tuesday; it's 205 today.

    I got back on MFP mostly to keep track of how many carbs I'm actually eating. I hope to gradually decrease my intake. I was at too many, around 250. This week I've knocked it down to 175. I'd like to keep knocking it down as my body can take it, but I'm also battling severe depression, PTSD, anxiety, and fibromyalgia, so I have to take it day by day.

    Slow but steady is going to be my new motto, as all my doctors have been trying to get me to listen to for a while now!