Daily check-in for keto friends... volume 3



  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    Wishing you happy thoughts, @d_dc_lady!
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    Day 9 of my first round of Keto. I have lost 7lbs so far...according to the scale yesterday, today I was up 2oz...hahaha! I literally had made it under 200...I was 199.8 and this morning said "too fast!" so it bumped me to exactly 200! I am sure I can pee it out...but eh...

    Last week I was foggy, had headaches and no motivation. I bought the keto sticks and I an on the darker side of ketosis...I've checked just about every day at random times. Energy wise I feel better, have made it to the gym by at least 6amlast 2 days and I have been sleeping like a baby!

    I know 7lbs in a week is mostly water weight, and I am ok with that...ideally I would like to lose an average of 2lbs a week...and hopefully start reversing some of the effects of PCOS.

    I wanted to try keto out for a month, I wanted to try it and see how I felt, I know everything is not for everyone, but I am thinking I may push it a little bit more....end of year. I expect some "cheat days"...I am Hispanic...we like to eat...especially around the holidays...so it's going to be tough but hope to make it through. There are about 5 holidays from here till February and my birthday next month...God help me! lol
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    @Everyonelies I am impressed that you can make it to the gym that early
    7 lbs in a week is very cool; definitely stick it out. Sounds like you may be one of the unfortunate ones who experience keto flu as the glucose is flushed out. while you should keep on eye on it to make sure it does not remain, as that is unhealthy, from what i can tell from other posts, it should get better in the next few days
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    zanyterp wrote: »
    @Everyonelies I am impressed that you can make it to the gym that early
    7 lbs in a week is very cool; definitely stick it out. Sounds like you may be one of the unfortunate ones who experience keto flu as the glucose is flushed out. while you should keep on eye on it to make sure it does not remain, as that is unhealthy, from what i can tell from other posts, it should get better in the next few days

    @zanyterp Oh, it's a struggle, believe me! But I rather get it out the way than go deal with the crowds in the afternoon. Besides, I never know if something might come up in the p.m, so this way, I don't feel guilty about going out if the gym part of the day has been taken care of.

    Well, I think it was the Keto flu, but I am feeling better now. A slight fogginess, but nothing major. Just drinking my water and salting my food. I think I will be ok! thanks!
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    niiiice; you are welcome
  • gwendyprism
    gwendyprism Posts: 222 Member
    Day 2 of KETO. Felt pretty good today. Less hunger than day 1. My totals today still about 9 grams too high protein and 9 grams to low on fat. 15 net carbs. I'm calling today a success!
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    edited October 2018
    Day 10. Still having a hard time maintaining my protein lower than suggested. I have read some say that more protein if fine, others argue it...who knows! Still keeping carbs super low and higher fat.

    I weigh myself everyday (OCD) and last week, my first week, I was losing about a pound a day, water weight, but still. Monday I weighed in at 199.8 (yay, under 200!) yesterday I went up to exactly 200.0lbs, this morning, EXACT same weight! I know 2oz aren't a big deal, but I find it interesting that it hasn't budged... I actually have made it to the gym these pat 3 morning, so I am burning more than last week. Drinking close to a gallon of water a day as well.

    Also, I check my ketones at random times during the day. It had been a deep dark purple since last Wednesday...as of yesterday afternoon...it's getting lighter... not sure what to make of that.

    I wont be taking my weigh-ins into consideration until Sunday for the challenge, and I did measure myself on Monday, so I will check that again Nov. 1st...

    I have coffee at 5-ish am, breakfast at around 9am and lunch at 1pm. I find myself super hungry between breakfast and lunch...not so much between lunch and dinner...thoughts?
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    I would second (or third, or nth) the need for more protein. It can help with satiation (as well as the fats); but it can't hurt to help avoid muscle loss. I am glad to see I am not the only one hitting 1 gal+ daily (which I am sure does not help our daily weigh-ins…stupid OCD [if you don't feel that way about yours, apologies]).

    do you mind sharing what type of breakfasts you are eating? i have seen different foods help me stay fuller (eggs & cheese) than others (just cheese; fewer eggs).
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    zanyterp wrote: »
    I would second (or third, or nth) the need for more protein. It can help with satiation (as well as the fats); but it can't hurt to help avoid muscle loss. I am glad to see I am not the only one hitting 1 gal+ daily (which I am sure does not help our daily weigh-ins…stupid OCD [if you don't feel that way about yours, apologies]).

    do you mind sharing what type of breakfasts you are eating? i have seen different foods help me stay fuller (eggs & cheese) than others (just cheese; fewer eggs).

    @zanyterp I am going to the gym...doing some cardio, some weights, especially leg, but I really want to focus and commit to strength training so I know the protein will come in handy!

    Regarding the water, I would drink about 3L a day on a good day, but since last week, I drink 3L while at work, and about another 1-2 at home. I am not forcing myself to drink the water, just feel thirsty. And yes, I am very OCD with the most random things...and it can suck! lol

    Well, I do have mostly eggs...yesterday I had 2 eggs, 2oz of spinach and 2oz of cheese...sometimes I will do eggs/bacon/cheese... I try to alternate, but it's normally just 2 eggs plus add-ons....
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    @Everyonelies you may try upping the egg count (if you can) to see if that helps. I have seen the hunger wait longer when I do 3 or 4 eggs rather than 2. the other thing that has helped me is to have an energy bite (née fat bomb) or other type of safe snack available between breakfast and lunch. it helps curb the craving and increases my fat intake (haven't yet figured out how to increase protein through those yet (as with anything, YMMV)).
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    @zanyterp I do work out first then have breakfast, maybe that is why I may have some left over hunger lol, but I will try that!

    I try and have almonds to snack on...but a fat bomb does sound more fun! Haha

  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    you are welcome; good luck!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I love macadamia nuts. They are a natural fat bomb with protein!
  • jodymaro1
    jodymaro1 Posts: 63 Member
    edited October 2018
    Hi everyone, I am on one of the keto diets (well let’s call it “lifestyle”) for past week or so and a half and lost 5 lbs so far. I am on Atkins (which I’ve done twice before in my life). I also fasted twice at 59 hours, 32 hours, 24 hours in these 10+ days to gain control over my generous and satiable appetite! Lol. I also did the 16:8 keto in this timeframe. I am 48 female from NY. I’m looking to add more Ketosis peeps out there to exchange recipes, suggestions, ideas, encouragement and friendship. :) Jody
  • gwendyprism
    gwendyprism Posts: 222 Member
    Today will be Keto day 5 for me. Day 3 and 4 went pretty well. The only problem I'm experiencing is having trouble getting to sleep on day 2 and 3, but I have this problem periodically so I doubt if its keto related. I have not had any keto flu feelings. Maybe this is because I cut way back on sugar the week before I started.
  • jodymaro1
    jodymaro1 Posts: 63 Member
    Gwyn Keto gives you more energy more clarity and that’s part of why you. I don’t sleep well before my keto but now two weeks into it I think I’m starting to again sleep better. Try working out. It will use up your stored energy.
  • jodymaro1
    jodymaro1 Posts: 63 Member
    Day 10. Still having a hard time maintaining my protein lower than suggested. I have read some say that more protein if fine, others argue it...who knows! Still keeping carbs super low and higher fat.

    I weigh myself everyday (OCD) and last week, my first week, I was losing about a pound a day, water weight, but still. Monday I weighed in at 199.8 (yay, under 200!) yesterday I went up to exactly 200.0lbs, this morning, EXACT same weight! I know 2oz aren't a big deal, but I find it interesting that it hasn't budged... I actually have made it to the gym these pat 3 morning, so I am burning more than last week. Drinking close to a gallon of water a day as well.

    Also, I check my ketones at random times during the day. It had been a deep dark purple since last Wednesday...as of yesterday afternoon...it's getting lighter... not sure what to make of that.

    I wont be taking my weigh-ins into consideration until Sunday for the challenge, and I did measure myself on Monday, so I will check that again Nov. 1st...

    I have coffee at 5-ish am, breakfast at around 9am and lunch at 1pm. I find myself super hungry between breakfast and lunch...not so much between lunch and dinner...thoughts?
    Day 10. Still having a hard time maintaining my protein lower than suggested. I have read some say that more protein if fine, others argue it...who knows! Still keeping carbs super low and higher fat.

    I weigh myself everyday (OCD) and last week, my first week, I was losing about a pound a day, water weight, but still. Monday I weighed in at 199.8 (yay, under 200!) yesterday I went up to exactly 200.0lbs, this morning, EXACT same weight! I know 2oz aren't a big deal, but I find it interesting that it hasn't budged... I actually have made it to the gym these pat 3 morning, so I am burning more than last week. Drinking close to a gallon of water a day as well.

    Also, I check my ketones at random times during the day. It had been a deep dark purple since last Wednesday...as of yesterday afternoon...it's getting lighter... not sure what to make of that.

    I wont be taking my weigh-ins into consideration until Sunday for the challenge, and I did measure myself on Monday, so I will check that again Nov. 1st...

    I have coffee at 5-ish am, breakfast at around 9am and lunch at 1pm. I find myself super hungry between breakfast and lunch...not so much between lunch and dinner...thoughts?

  • jodymaro1
    jodymaro1 Posts: 63 Member
    Doing great. So far two weeks about on keto and dropped 6.2 lbs. I keep my carbs under 15 if possible. I’m also having trouble trying to add more protein. I eat two meals a day that are filling and I just don’t wanna eat if I’m not hungry. Some days I’m only 500-800 calories eaten. I guess the 2 1/2 day fast plus the intermittent 16:8 Fasts that I do almost daily just made me change my hunger pattern and also eating two filling meals. I’m so grateful to not be hungry and have control over my obsessions. I also weigh myself daily and check with Ketone strips every few days. It’s only moderate sometimes light keto tho but as long as I’m feeling good and am seeing results on or off scale that’s what matters. I’m so glad I don’t crave pizza or Italian food anymore either lol. It was a vicious cycle of cravings. All gone now. Fries ...chips. Don’t desire either. I need to get back to the gym once my foot is better. I can’t wait to try the cauliflower pizza crust. I also have a recipe for cauliflower potato salad and many others if anyone wants to share recipes. Feel feee to add me. Always looking for more friends
  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    edited October 2018
    At it for 2 weeks now. I have lost 10lbs. First week 7lbs, second week 3.4lbs. My cycle started yesterday...not sure if it has made a difference on my weight loss for the week. Saturday was an icky day, felt very bloated towards the end of the day but it has passed. I have noticed a change in my appetite. The last few days, I notice I am not as hungry before breakfast as I used to be. I am still getting up at 5, so around 7-ish, I was hungry, now it's closer to 9-9:30...and it's to even bad.

    I couldn't get all my calories in yesterday...not that hungry. Keto strips still show me on the higher side of ketosis.
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    nice job @Everyonelies (sorry to hear about feeling icky with monthly ick. hopefully it gets better)
    my guess is that as long as you are near your calorie goal, you should be fine to be healthy/safe on a few days of missing. and being in ketosis is always a positive :smile:
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