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TEAM: Gutbusters (October)



  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    12sarah2015 PW 138.5 CW 137.6
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Oh no, we are last in the competition! Feeling a lot better today. Just one minor thing the real estate picked up on. Heat is OK today, so will exercise soon.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    October 23
    Exercise: yard work ad nauseum, missing my hikes, but need to get all this done while it's nice. I can hike anytime, the leaves won't wait.
    Calories: Yes!!
    Tracked: Yes
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    October 24
    Exercised. Yes
    Calories. Yes
    Trached. Yes
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    Happy Wednesday, everyone! Today's weigh-in day for:

  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    edited October 2018
    Made it through the weekend without gaining weight. Think I wound up losing a half pound so I'm pretty happy about that. I tried watching what I ate. Salads when I could when we went out to eat. Had some questionable thing's to eat tho but I kept it to a minimum. Well. As much as I could anyways. My daughter is here till Friday from Alaska and we will be going out to eat tomorrow night. Thankfully my weigh in is tomorrow morning hahaha
    I could fit into some of my riding gear that never fit before. It was an awesome experience putting it on. The little things am I right? Also when riding all day my knees would ache terribly. Knees are a non issue now. As a matter of fact just my general stamina was way above what it normally was. I rode all day every day with no aches and pains or soreness. That itself was worth losing weight for. It was so nice seeing and feeling other benefits that happens from losing weight.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Username: craigo3154
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Previous Week's Weight: (63.4kg) 139.8
    Todays Weight: (63.5kg) 140.0

    Finally got a weigh in on Wednesday. Been in Madrid for the last 3, but weigh myself when I get home.

    Weight after travelling is always bad (jumps up by 2+lbs, but is gone by the following day). I put it down to water retention and travelling stress.

    Managed to maintain my size and strength while travelling, working 12-14 hour days, 10 hours out of phase with home timezone, in a country with a foreign language, in a high stress environment. I call this a MAJOR win.

    As coach, not competitor, I am not required to weigh-in. However, as I like to set a good example. I weigh daily (when at home), but I only really take note of my 7 day average.
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    Username: Colleen790
    PW. 172.6
    CW 172.6
    Has been a stressful week. At least I've maintained.
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited October 2018
    Username: inshapeCK
    Weigh in week: Week 4
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Previous Week's Weight: 144.3 pounds
    Todays Weight: 145.3 pounds

    Up exactly 1 pound.
    Not surprised as since my last weigh in I spent 7 hours at the hospital with my dad who needed to get an angiogram done then stayed at his place for a couple days to look after him and to monitor him to make sure he didn't have another serious health episode then went to an appointment with him then once I got the okay from a doctor finished planning and throwing a big 75th birthday party for him then spent his actually birthday the day after with him doing what he chose to do then no surprise spent 1 day with either food poisoning or a virus or extreme exhaustion from the go go go and stress so spent the entire day at home and a good amount of it lying on the couch. October has been a very challenging, stressful, and upsetting month for me with everything that happened with my dad's health that is still ongoing so my weight has been up more weeks then down but haven't given up and still have a bit of motivation left and hope to make November a more successful weight loss month.

    Trying to look at the big picture which is:
    -I am only up 1.2 pounds from my starting weight for this month's challenge
    -still down 24.8 pounds from my highest weight
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    October 24 (How did that happen already???)
    Exercise: yes, a hike finally, and oddly, my husband did some yard work while I was gone.
    Calories: yes
    Tracked: yes
  • Bendiz_
    Bendiz_ Posts: 278 Member
    Username: Bendiz_
    Weigh in week: October Week 4
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Previous Weight: 165.1
    Today's Weight: 165.1

    No loss this week, but that’s not strange at all :smiley: I lost so much the weeks before, so my body is taking a break from losing now 😂
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    October 25
    Exercise. No
    Calories. Yes
    Tracked. Yes
    Back at the hospital after work today. Mum seems to be doing well.
  • grebber1
    grebber1 Posts: 216 Member
    Name: grebber1
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Last week: 330.8
    This week: 328.0
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    edited October 2018
    October 25
    Exercised?: Not yet (20 mins bodyweight planned before bed)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Busy work day at home. Did not manage to get out so bodyweight set planned before bed.

    Looking forward to the weekend.

  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    Happy Thursday, Gutbusters!

    @cjscoey - How are you this week?
    @Colleen790 - Good job maintaining through a stressful week!
    @Grebber1 - Great loss after your weekend trip! Enjoy your daughter's visit this week!
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    @craigo3154 Glad to see you again here! Congrats on your growing fluency in Spanish! After all these trips back and forth to Spain, will you have some frequent flyer miles you can spend on your family to go someplace fun? (I like to love vicariously, so keep sharing those fun pics)
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    LesIckaBod wrote: »
    @craigo3154 Glad to see you again here! Congrats on your growing fluency in Spanish! After all these trips back and forth to Spain, will you have some frequent flyer miles you can spend on your family to go someplace fun? (I like to love vicariously, so keep sharing those fun pics)

    @LesIckaBod. My initial thought when I read your comment was "de nada".

    Thank you for continuing to do a fantastic job here captaining Gutbusters. Keeping your own and other focused is a continuous task.

    Yes I have been accumulating a lot for frequent flyer miles, but my preference is always to be there for family instead of away.

    Just noticed I am still so far out of sorts that it is week 4, not week 3.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    General discussion topic for the team.

    Is there someone that you want to inspire to take more care of their health/size/weight?

    Most of us are working relentlessly on ourselves. However, so often, I look around and see others I would dearly love to make the journey I have taken (from overweight to healthy).

    Often as one person in a household works at losing weight, others in the household do as well.

    From my perspective, if I want someone else to change, I change myself to be what I want them to be. At least then if they choose to change, I can help. If they choose not to change, i am still better for it.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited October 2018
    @craigo3154 As I'm sitting here waiting for my husband to return with his carton of ice cream I find your post very timely. I've been on my "Lois Reduction Plan" for 3 years now inspired in part by my husband's near death experience from a ruptured colon. I lost 60 pounds and although he was/is proud of my success it has not inspired him in the least to get healthy. Now, next week he's meeting with his cardiologist to discuss his valve replacement coming up in November. I might add that 6 years ago he had a stent put in his brachial artery (he did quit smoking after that procedure). 6 years of health issues have not inspired him to change. I've resigned myself that our golden years are not going to be as I'd hoped. In the meantime, I'll keep hiking, skiing, snowshoeing and doing all I can to stay healthy. It makes me so sad though.
This discussion has been closed.