Did you swim today?



  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    Just a small 2200m with masters tonight - barely worth getting wet for!

    16x 75 as
    4 free
    4 back
    4 free kick
    4 bk/br/free

    6x 100 free with paddles

    400 free with paddles and fins

    I only have time for 2.2km before work in China. It feels so short because I swim 6.6km after work.
    So I try to pickup the pace.
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    1km today - just nice relaxing pace after a 2 mile run (in the freezing fog!)

    aiming for a 5km tomorrow
  • stephaniek511
    stephaniek511 Posts: 86 Member
    3200 with Masters on Sunday...they finally heated up our pool a bit!

    500 warm up
    6x50 drill
    6x50 drill
    ...and some other stuff that I can't remember!
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    5km - 1hr39 mins. happy with that :)
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Still paddling along with the adult swim club. Miss posting quite often.
    75m choice, 75m drill, 50m kick.

    Pyramid x 3 10sRi
    25m back pull
    50m free pull
    75m back
    100m free
    25m kick ( pull; buoy at other end of pool )

    Kick x 2 10sRi
    6 x 25m kick w fins - last 5m turn KB to Vertical for High resistance
    6 x 25m no fins - last 5m Vert KB - Real tough last 5m without fins

    2 x Breathing 3,5,7
    50m 3 stroke breath
    50m 5
    50m 7
    100m 3,5,5,3 (advanced did 3,5,7,5)

    4 x 100m
    Kick, Pull, Finger Drag, Sprint

    200m easy cooldown
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,270 Member
    Finally got some laps in. 3000y and it tired me out. You distance folks really have endurance!
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Finally got some laps in. 3000y and it tired me out. You distance folks really have endurance!

    Just once more lap. :)
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    2.2km in the morning good pace after taking a rest night. (Meeting went too late)
    6.6km after work.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    2850m solo swim this evening.

    1000 free

    400 free kick

    400 free pull

    200 free kick

    200 free pull

    100 free kick

    100 free pull

    2x 100IM

    250 warmdown

    Nothing flash but better than the zero metres I've done the last two days :lol:
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    1km today. Wasn't going to but was wide awake so found myself at the gym haha
  • stephaniek511
    stephaniek511 Posts: 86 Member
    Only about 2000yd with Masters last night, we were crowded so I opted for the slow lane.
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    Only about 2000yd with Masters last night, we were crowded so I opted for the slow lane.

    nothing 'only' about that! :D
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    4100m this morning with my swim buddy. And it was tough!

    5x 100 as 2 free 3 IM

    Three sets of.....
    500 free as continuous 50 moderate 50 steady 50 fast on 8.00
    2x 250 free as 200 steady 50 fast on 4.00
    100 easy swim

    2x 100 free kick max on 4.00

    100 warmdown

    4100m total.

    My arms are now dead.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    7.7km yesterday in two gym visits.
    5.5km in the morning, lunch, back for a core beating in the weight room followed by 2.2km swim.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    3150m solo swim. Mostly kick to give my shoulders a rest.

    400 warmup

    1000m free kick fins

    200 free

    500 free kick fins

    200 free

    500 back kick fins

    200 fly kick fins

    150 warmdown
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    4100m this morning with my swim buddy. And it was tough!

    and that is why having a training buddy is such a good thing. They push you and you push them.

    I forgot to post on Thursday night, 1800m of drills - lots of backstroke and some butterfly - which I don't do as my left shoulder screams loudly at me for a few days if I do more than 1-2 lengths.

    I have always struggled with what the coach's call 6 Kick switch; 6 kicks - one freestyle stroke, repeat.
    My right side is fine - on the left I tend to submarine which makes breathing a challenge. ;)
    But if I change it to what some consider to be a harder drill ; 6 Kick switch with Catch up ( Touch hands before pulling stroke ) I am fine.
    So my plan is to do alternate lengths of Catch up/Switch allowing me time to recover after Switch and slowly improve my technique. The whole concept of drills is to isolate a movement and improve it so any small modification that helps a good thing.

    One of my fellow swim club members was in Calgary, AB for work meetings last week and stumbled on A Triathlon Club swim training open night. He only managed to complete 2700m of the clubs 4000m workout and was gassed. Made him realize that they trained at a level of intensity that he had never experienced.
  • stephaniek511
    stephaniek511 Posts: 86 Member
    3000yd with Masters last night...including a very painful set of 5x200s
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    3000m after a very horrible and upsetting day. Problems disappear in the water but unfortunately you have to get out eventually.

    700 as 50 free 25 kick on right side 25 kick on left side x7 continuous

    Three sets of
    4x 50 pull paddles on 60
    4x 100 free as
    1 on 1.38 2 on 1.40 3 on 1.45 holding ~1.22

    400 kick as 200 back 200 free

    100 warmdown
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    3000m after a very horrible and upsetting day. Problems disappear in the water but unfortunately you have to get out eventually.

    700 as 50 free 25 kick on right side 25 kick on left side x7 continuous

    Three sets of
    4x 50 pull paddles on 60
    4x 100 free as
    1 on 1.38 2 on 1.40 3 on 1.45 holding ~1.22

    400 kick as 200 back 200 free

    100 warmdown

    I live that every day that I'm in China away from my family. Swimming helps keep me same.
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    1km this morning - very slow with many stops. Blasted a bit this weekend with BodyCombat and BodyPump so was a kind of recovery swim.

    Signed up to a triple 5km in March 2019. 3 x 5km swims over 3 days. Now thinking about getting my pace up for it. Medium is less than 2 hours, but fast is 1hr30 - not quite there yet - think I can shave 10 mins off my time in 3 months? haha