TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (December)



  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    erikNJ wrote: »
    Hi all. Rejoining this group. I started this year at 275. Lost about 25 lbs in the first six months. Joined this group in June and lost another 5 lbs. But Oct and Nov were tough on life and weight loss took a back seat. I left the group around 245. Was 249 a week ago. Last weigh-in was 253 after the holiday and vacation. Hoping some of that is bloated weight. Excited to get back on track with you all. Especially with the holiday season here.

    Hey, Erik. What would you like to use as your starting weight for December? If you submit one today or tomorrow, then that can be your starting point. If not, it will be the transferred weight, which is 246.6. (I think from what you have said, that that might be a little low.)

    Yes. Very low. Thanksgiving and our cabin getaway in the mountains was fueled by alcohol and carbs unfortunately ... can I start at 253 ... sad as that is ...I am now determined to get back on track!

    Let’s kick it in December!!!
  • aminor55
    aminor55 Posts: 26 Member

    My name is Ashley and I’m from Indiana. This is my first time doing any kind of weigh challenge. I am looking forward to see what the month of December brings!
  • heaz10
    heaz10 Posts: 311 Member
    Hi everyone, I am Heather. This is my second month in the challenge. Being accountable to the team helps keep me on track. I am in my forties, married, have two teenagers and work full time. I am really good at taking care of others, I need to be better about taking care of myself. I am trying to keep my goals realistic and attainable (a pound a week). My overall goal is to lose about 75 lbs. My goal for this month is to stay on track.
  • ashleighgetsfit14
    ashleighgetsfit14 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Ashleigh. I have been living a healthier lifestyle for 4 years now. My highest weight was 255 lb and lowest was 171 lb. Over the past several months I've kind of slacked and lost motivation and I'm at 185.8 right now. My goal is to hit 170 lb over the next two months.
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    December 1

    Tracking: yes
    Calories: no
    Exercise: yes
    60min yoga & meditation
    45 min mutu
    2.91mile walk
    Steps: 10445
    Water: 88oz
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Grand Finale Results for November:

    Team The Big Butt Theory lost the most weight in the month of November, losing 87.7 pounds!! That put us very solidly in third place with loss of 1.39%. The leading group lost 1.62%, so our third is very respectable.

    Individually, the top loser on Team The Big Butt Theory came third overall, with a loss of 5.21%! Congratulations to our very own @AaronT1982 for a fantastic month!!

    The following Big Butts lost over 2% of their body weight in the month of November:

    @AaronT1982 - 5.21%
    @xr8_kiwi - 4.82%
    @T34S3l - 4.72%
    @Tracie_Lord - 4.42%
    @mikea2g - 3.74%
    @cossmoss15 - 3.41%
    @lozenger1984 - 3.13%
    @ImjustBev2019 - 2.79%
    @heaz10 - 2.42%
    @abowersgirl - 2.16%

    Congratulations to everyone who made this Top Ten list and had a very good November!!

    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Well, it is Sunday, December the 2nd and the official start of the December Challenge!! Looking to kick the Challenge off with two Sunday weigh-ins from:

    @Cissy92 and @shortyuk
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    Come on team!! We got this!!

    Regardless of you plan to maintain this month or lose, just keep the course and strive to do your best. Work to be better not perfect and plan to not throw away your month just because a few outtings might be planned, not to mention Christmas eve and day.

    Let's keep it strong!!
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    edited December 2018
    Hello! I'm a 23 year old grad student trying to distract myself from classes by focusing on weight loss.

    Just kidding! Kind of....

    Anyways, I'm about two months in and 17lbs down. I'm hoping to get down another 10lbs by New Years, but we'll see how that goes. I started around 195 and my goal is currently 135, but we'll see how it goes. I have no idea how I'll look and feel as I approach that weight, so I figure it may change. I've always done better with charts and challenges. I'm basically a child. Give me that star sticker and tell me I did good.

    Hopefully everything goes well and we can all keep moving towards our goals!

    Now that I am at 145 I am reassessing my goals. I have always wanted to be 125 but I feel my build won't make me I look I might plan to stop at 135 but I am still assessing as I go....but at the same time I have always been told I would never get as low as 125 (starting out at 230) so I also want to get there, just to say I can...then regain 10 pounds lmao
    Hello everyone! I’m Alaina and I am 19. I am from West Virginia and I am currently a college freshman. I started losing weight in January 2018 with a starting weight of 206 lbs. I got down to 193 lbs and then gained a few pounds back over the summer. I joined MFP with a starting weight of 201.0 lbs and now I currently weigh 198.0 (as of yesterday). My goal is to get around the 130-145 lb range. I am 5’4 and that’s about how much I am supposed to weigh according to BMI. I have a larger build so I’m leaning towards 140-145, but I will see when I get there. I might lose more afterwards. Anyways, I am always up for a good challenge :)

    Am in the same boat as you, I have a larger built so although I am happy at 145 (just planning to tone up more) I think I want to try for 135, just to see. I have never had a problem with having a curvaious body or a bigger booty..I love these aspects and I never pictured myself getting slim or thin...but it's a constant trial adnerror process... we will see
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    edited December 2018
    Posts: 63
    username cissy92- week4- weigh in day sunday-previous weight 194-todays weight 192.5

    @Cissy92, You had posted this in the November thread, Cissy, so I copied it over so the team could see how you started us off with a great weigh-in!! Very nice pound and a half loss to start December...for you AND for TBBT!!!
  • shannp
    shannp Posts: 29 Member
    Username: Shannp
    Weigh in week: December wk1
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's weight: 116.4
    Todays Weight: 114.5

    Hope i have done this right
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    shannp wrote: »
    Username: Shannp
    Weigh in week: December wk1
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's weight: 116.4
    Todays Weight: 114.5

    Hope i have done this right

    Absolutely you have done this right! And I am not a stickler on format, as long as I can find your current weight, I am good. The previous weight just helps to put things into context. And speaking of lost two pounds this week!! Fantastic!! Way to start December!!
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    tracked: yes
    calories: yes
    excercise: no

    Sun: no

    So I came back from vacation and have watched calories and even hit the gym my first day home. Then I found out my wife and I both got an infection while away. I’ll spare details but going to the gym wasn’t an option Sat & Sun. I have stayed under on intake though, so small wins. Thinking/hoping I’m all good to go to the gym tomorrow
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    shannp wrote: »
    Username: Shannp
    Weigh in week: December wk1
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's weight: 116.4
    Todays Weight: 114.5

    Hope i have done this right

    Absolutely you have done this right! And I am not a stickler on format, as long as I can find your current weight, I am good. The previous weight just helps to put things into context. And speaking of lost two pounds this week!! Fantastic!! Way to start December!!

    I just realized this is in kg, which makes more sense. Being Canadian, I have a metric conversion calculator, so I have no problem with it, but maybe just put in the unit of measure so I don't forget to convert. Thanks.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    erikNJ wrote: »
    tracked: yes
    calories: yes
    excercise: no

    Sun: no

    So I came back from vacation and have watched calories and even hit the gym my first day home. Then I found out my wife and I both got an infection while away. I’ll spare details but going to the gym wasn’t an option Sat & Sun. I have stayed under on intake though, so small wins. Thinking/hoping I’m all good to go to the gym tomorrow

    Good for you to do what you could, which is watch your calorie intake. We have to be able to take these little setbacks in stride or we will never get ahead because life is full of setbacks!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Mini Challenge - Saturday, December 1st

    logged food: yes
    under calories: yes
    exercise: yes, 35 minutes on the treadmill
    water: 12 cups
    steps: 17,690, and a Fitbit green screen
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    We have quite a large group on deck for a Monday weigh-in:

    @AaronT1982, @heaz10, @kidkees, @LinnyKitten, @lozenger1984, @nomorewombat, @Rawrbyn and @txmaryk99
  • shannp
    shannp Posts: 29 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    shannp wrote: »
    Username: Shannp
    Weigh in week: December wk1
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's weight: 116.4
    Todays Weight: 114.5

    Hope i have done this right

    Absolutely you have done this right! And I am not a stickler on format, as long as I can find your current weight, I am good. The previous weight just helps to put things into context. And speaking of lost two pounds this week!! Fantastic!! Way to start December!!

    Thank you. Just to clarify though, my weight is in kilos not punds - sorry dont have scales here that are in imperial. is that going to be an issue?
  • mikea2g
    mikea2g Posts: 384 Member
    DATE: Sunday, December 2, 2018
    Logged food: Yes
    Under calories: Yes
    Exercised: Yes - 20 minute walk / couple hours finding and putting up Christmas decorations. (Basically this means balancing on a ladder while doing negatives of overhead presses of unstable large objects. And furniture rearranging, with good form of course :wink:
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