Daily check-in for keto friends... volume 3



  • ANbowen88
    ANbowen88 Posts: 3 Member
    I’ve been doing keto/low carb eating since June 2018, I decided to focus on healing gut issues , inflammation and IBS symptoms for a better health and loss weight for my heart health and my family they need me around longer.

    I do have weight loss goals that I want to get back to so I’m back in for December.

    Starting weight 204
    Current weight 190.5
    Goal weight 130-135

    Sunday 12/02
    Sunday 12/09
    Sunday 12/16
    Sunday 12/23
    Sunday 12/30
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    edited November 2018
    while i am glad i do not have some of the issues others have described, i think i have found what happens when i go carb crazy (at least at night): GERD/heart burn. i haven't felt that bad in a long time…at least i made it through thanksgiving without that. i know what happened and not sure how i am going to avoid it going forward). going to be rough going for a bit; but i should be able to wait to eat most/all of my carbs (and some) for dinner.
  • sbryanthc
    sbryanthc Posts: 73 Member
    @zanyterp — I indulged in a little more carbs than I’m used to. And I had major heartburn and could not sleep! I’m thankful though because that is what made me get back on my keto horse and not quit due to one little fall. The awesome news is I only gained 0.2 lbs from that carb overload. Granted it wasn’t an all out cheat day but it sure felt like it. Now I’m back to watching my carbs.
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    @sbryanthc sorry you couldn't sleep; i agree on not wanting to quit. i didn't realize just how quickly the negative impact of eating so many carbs at a time would hit me. i have done over the 20-25g I have been averaging in the evenings a couple times for special occasions. but an all-out-carb-pre-keto style, that was the first day in almost four months. and o_O ouch

    @Everyonelies yay!
  • Larkspur94
    Larkspur94 Posts: 114 Member
    I started my day today with a lunch of roast chicken. Mucked up on the gravy some. Didn't realise you need to skim the fat off meat juices, so ended up with 500kcal over plan. So second meal of day was cancelled.

    About an hour or so later, I noticed my female cockatiel wasn't very well. She's been laying eggs the past month, on and off. There was a fresh egg at the bottom of the cage instead of her nest, so I couldn't see her being egg bound. But she was weak, wings down, bad balance, shivering and there was swelling near the vent. Worried last lay injured her internally in some way. Went to emergency avian vet who suspected egg bound. Don't understand why there would be another egg so soon, but 2 avian vets checked her and came to this conclusion.
    Given injections for calcium and to help push. But the prospects aren't good. She's home with me now, but if she doesn't lay and gets worse, it'll be a put down. She's such a sweet bird and I love her. Don't want to lose her.

    I really wanted to just go on a sweet binge, but instead brought a pack of *kitten* (haven't had a cig in 2 years), and a bottle of vodka. After 7 shots on empty stomach and not feeling anything (why is my liver so efficient? Thought keto made you more susceptible), I had 7 pieces of dark chocolate and 40g of mixed nuts. It went over my limit for the day but I'm too upset to care really. At least I measured it and didn't have more.
    If she end's up dying I may go on a cheat day or more for comfort. I really hope she gets better.
  • gingerella727
    gingerella727 Posts: 2 Member
    bethdrc wrote: »
    Hello everyone! I’m just starting Keto today. I bumped into a friend earlier in the week, she looked amazing and told me she lost 35 lbs doing Keto. I have tendencies toward diabetes - it runs in my family and I had gestational diabetes with both my pregnancies - so I think low carb will be good for me. I recently injured my knee and haven’t been exercising much so I’m putting on weight which is getting me down. Hoping Keto will help and I’m going to try to fit in more moderate exercise, also will be starting physical therapy for my knee. Thanks everyone!

    I am exactly the same as you! GD with two kids, diabetes in the family, can't get to the gym right now (baby's too little), and I'm in say 6 of keto and LOVING IT. I feel different (maybe it's just mental, who knows) and I have already dropped 8lbs (probably mostly water weight, as they say, but it's a start). I have another 20 that I'd like to lose and I can't see it NOT happening now. You got this!!
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    bethdrc wrote: »
    Hello everyone! I’m just starting Keto today. I bumped into a friend earlier in the week, she looked amazing and told me she lost 35 lbs doing Keto. I have tendencies toward diabetes - it runs in my family and I had gestational diabetes with both my pregnancies - so I think low carb will be good for me. I recently injured my knee and haven’t been exercising much so I’m putting on weight which is getting me down. Hoping Keto will help and I’m going to try to fit in more moderate exercise, also will be starting physical therapy for my knee. Thanks everyone!

    I am exactly the same as you! GD with two kids, diabetes in the family, can't get to the gym right now (baby's too little), and I'm in say 6 of keto and LOVING IT. I feel different (maybe it's just mental, who knows) and I have already dropped 8lbs (probably mostly water weight, as they say, but it's a start). I have another 20 that I'd like to lose and I can't see it NOT happening now. You got this!!

    You know, I started keto for the weight loss claims everyone made/makes. I'm staying keto because I have never felt better as an adult than I do now. Now blood sugar issues, slow burning candle of energy for days. I can skip meals for much longer without getting low blood sugar (today I went until 3pm, that's abnormal for me compared to before keto). It's just a better way of living, for me at least. The initial weight loss was attractive, but once it evens out, it feels almost too easy to keep losing weight on keto. It's a good excuse to eat some nicer cuts of meats, cheeses, and try new items you might not ever have elsewise.

    As to the feeling better. It could be placebic in nature, or you could be feeling better from the diet. Inflammation reduction, starting to hit ketosis, etc. Either way, it only gets better. Once you're fat adapted.. life is just good. Friday was day 145 for me, with 70lbs down. November was a month full of testing that saw me only lose 6lbs or so overall, but even that is a really dang good month, eh? Keto isn't playing around.

    Anywho, figured I'd drop in and say heeeeeyo to everyone else. Hope y'all are having a good day, or at least a manageable one. I'm gonna get my new bed setup and have a low carb chocolate bar with dinner. I'm gonna enjoy both as well.
  • Viciousdoggie
    Viciousdoggie Posts: 11 Member
    I'm on day 5. Only lost 2 lbs, 55 to go. I may need a better scale. What does everyone else use?
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    I'm on day 5. Only lost 2 lbs, 55 to go. I may need a better scale. What does everyone else use?

    A health o meter I bought years ago. Almost 73lbs later, my superstitious peasant side is nervous to change it.

    Give the weight loss time. Keto isn’t a get slim quick scheme. First few weeks seem to have the lost loss from fluid weights. After that, you are likely in ketosis and getting fat adapted, which makes keto easy mode to live on.

    Day 150 tomorrow, keto and calorie counting works. Well, assuming you make sure to stay in a calorie deficit of course.. eat 3000 calories and expend 2000, you’re gonna have a bad time.
  • Emily_Carys
    Emily_Carys Posts: 22 Member
    Started Keto on monday and went for a slow jog and felt fine (except for mild lower back pain) but yesterday evening I did a body combat session at home and felt exhausted and had no energy about 10 minutes in. Is this normal - If so how long roughly before I get my mojo back?
  • Larkspur94
    Larkspur94 Posts: 114 Member
    Started Keto on monday and went for a slow jog and felt fine (except for mild lower back pain) but yesterday evening I did a body combat session at home and felt exhausted and had no energy about 10 minutes in. Is this normal - If so how long roughly before I get my mojo back?

    Yes it's normal. You may find performance is decreased at the start, along with possible keto flu. How long depends on the person. It was a while back but I think it was about 2 weeks in I had tons of energy with a great urge to go out and run it off. My mother was good after about a week, but had already been cutting down on sugars prior to starting. Just not as much as keto so still got flu.
    You'll find performance increases from what it used to be later on.
  • Larkspur94
    Larkspur94 Posts: 114 Member
    Got a couple clothes at charity shop today. Tops getting so baggy they show off my bra if I don't make sure to pull down back.
    Was fun going down the sizes, trying to see what my size is now. Thought I would be 10 on tops but still too baggy. Size 8 knitted top fit like a clove, looks great on me. <3
    Knitted tops always used to look terrible on me.
    Also got couple jackets, one is fur lined (so warm) at size 12, and other is more a formal like coat at size 12 that fits over a jacket. Couldn't see any jeans I liked. Tried a size 12 but too big. Ran out of time to try on other sizes but will be going to other charity shops later in week. Belt is doing it's job for now.
    For perspective, I used to wear size 16 tops and jeans. I could fit into size 14 jeans before this diet and sort of wear 14 tops, but they'd be to the skin and show fat folds so only with jacket. (Uk measurements)

    Also enjoyed this dessert today. Made it before >>https://headbangerskitchen.com/recipe/low-carb-dessert/
    It's pure heaven. Just as good if not better tasting than a high carb version.
    Do check your ingredients though as the site lists 3g net, but I got 7g net. (I use almond meal and 70% dark choc which increases the carbs a bit. Along with cream cheese instead of mascarpone and double cream instead of whipping)
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    Started Keto on monday and went for a slow jog and felt fine (except for mild lower back pain) but yesterday evening I did a body combat session at home and felt exhausted and had no energy about 10 minutes in. Is this normal - If so how long roughly before I get my mojo back?

    After my carb heavy thanksgiving and the pre-thanksgiving test I did earlier in the month of November, I hit the wall hard after having high carb days. I did 30 minutes on the bike, then wall, then it was misery to slog through 30 more minutes.

    After you're fat adapted, it'll be different, or should. From my limited experience, I feel back to normal around 2 days post-carbs. Burning through the carbs and just embracing the suck might get you back to ketosis quicker. If you're just starting out, it's just something you'll have to endure for a while. It's worth it, at least for me.

    Once you're into keto, if you need energy, fat. protein with fat is good. You might also be dealing with dehydration. Ketorade is my goto. Powerade Zero or the like is good too, on the go. Soup Stock if you really need to get the salts up fast.

  • Everyonelies
    Everyonelies Posts: 225 Member
    Have not been logging for a week. I am not working and completely off my routine. Gym has gone out the window as well. I am sure I have days were I go over my calories and days were I am way under. I have not been overeating and indulging in holiday foods...if anything, my carbs are in check.
    I have been sleeping A LOT and just resting. Will go back to normal on 1/7/2019.

    I made keto-friendly brownies, those were breakfast today. Only 3g net carbs. They were alright...

    End of rant.
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    @Everyonelies go you!
    sorry it's been a hectic week; but glad you are getting rest. hope you have a good New Year!
  • nhrig
    nhrig Posts: 6 Member
    Keto I am 64 and just starting day 4 ...I did have some naughty bits last night. I am a trained Chef and dietician, but a long time ago. I also have an ileostomy. Day 3... I seemed to switch in ... last nights wobble seems to be Ok just a very dry mouth today. So lots of Tea and water. and back on track. I have one weakness Scotch but ... maybe ok time will tell as for weight I want to loose 60+ lbs by May 4th most of it visceral. ( round the middle ) and water retention
  • p1nks0da
    p1nks0da Posts: 4 Member
    Back on the Keto wagon as of 1/2. Doing well so far! Have some weight to lose before my first wedding dress fitting in April. A new gym just opened up by my house, so my fiance and I signed up and plan on going in this weekend to get our key tags. I would love to start working out 3-4 times per week. Haven't worked out in over a year!
    Had a headache yesterday that I can only think was caused by lack of sugar, but feeling a lot better today. Ate half a Quest bar yesterday to help sate my craving but those things are so gross, not sure how people eat them.
    Here's to healthier living in 2019!
  • scottyp65
    scottyp65 Posts: 261 Member
    @p1nks0da I too hit the KETO trail on 1/2, I had been doing the low carb lifestyle for about a year or so but kept sabotaging myself. As it is I decided I would up my game and go the all meat path, pretty close to a Zero Carb life BUT I love eggs so I do get some carbs there. I'm sure the purists out there will also comment on the glycogen I get from the meat I eat as well, but in the general sense NO Carbs, and this includes ethanol as well, and NO artificial sweeteners as well. This means I don't eat the quest bars anymore,,,,, which isn't all bad.

    Best O luck on your journey. I'm sure the 1st fitting will be Amazing:-)
  • goodchapman
    goodchapman Posts: 26 Member
    I just started Monday. The hardest part for me right now is figuring out what to eat throughout the day that is satisfying while also keeping my carbs low (under 20g) and hitting that protein goal. So far I haven’t taken in enough protein.

    I have a habit/love of topping off my night with something sweet so I’m hoping to find that go-to that doesn’t wreck my ratios. Last night I mixed whipped cream cheese and natural PB with some stevia. It did the trick. Next time I’ll add some heavy cream to make it more like a mousse. I realize that artificial sweeteners may increase my insulin response but I’m not worrying about that right now. Maybe once I get in the groove I’ll work on omitting ALL sugars but honestly i don’t know if I could live my life like that!
  • Dyrum5309
    Dyrum5309 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone. I started my Keto lifestyle on 1/1. It took me about 4 days to get my keto strips to 1. I am currently sitting at a 3ish level. Best part was lost 11.6 lbs first week. Hopefully this week goes as well.

    I used to snack all the time. I am finding that after each meal that I am not hungry for a longer time. I am eating more veggies than before but I am struggling to hit my macros for fat. Adding butter, coconut oil, avocados to everything still not hitting.
  • zanyterp
    zanyterp Posts: 291 Member
    @Dyrum5309 don't worry about hitting fat
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    Dyrum5309 wrote: »
    Hello everyone. I started my Keto lifestyle on 1/1. It took me about 4 days to get my keto strips to 1. I am currently sitting at a 3ish level. Best part was lost 11.6 lbs first week. Hopefully this week goes as well.

    I used to snack all the time. I am finding that after each meal that I am not hungry for a longer time. I am eating more veggies than before but I am struggling to hit my macros for fat. Adding butter, coconut oil, avocados to everything still not hitting.

    Hit your protein goal, stay under your carbs, and eat fat only if you need it, to satiety.
  • gwendyprism
    gwendyprism Posts: 222 Member
    I just started Monday. The hardest part for me right now is figuring out what to eat throughout the day that is satisfying while also keeping my carbs low (under 20g) and hitting that protein goal. So far I haven’t taken in enough protein.

    I have a habit/love of topping off my night with something sweet so I’m hoping to find that go-to that doesn’t wreck my ratios. Last night I mixed whipped cream cheese and natural PB with some stevia. It did the trick. Next time I’ll add some heavy cream to make it more like a mousse. I realize that artificial sweeteners may increase my insulin response but I’m not worrying about that right now. Maybe once I get in the groove I’ll work on omitting ALL sugars but honestly i don’t know if I could live my life like that!

    I agree. Same for me.
  • Longshore
    Longshore Posts: 221 Member
    Dyrum5309 wrote: »
    Hello everyone. I started my Keto lifestyle on 1/1. It took me about 4 days to get my keto strips to 1. I am currently sitting at a 3ish level. Best part was lost 11.6 lbs first week. Hopefully this week goes as well.

    I used to snack all the time. I am finding that after each meal that I am not hungry for a longer time. I am eating more veggies than before but I am struggling to hit my macros for fat. Adding butter, coconut oil, avocados to everything still not hitting.

    If your a coffee person start adding bullet proof coffee to your morning meal. 1TP coconut oil 1TP butter 1TB heavy whip and you got 32 grams of good fat right there.
  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    I just started Monday. The hardest part for me right now is figuring out what to eat throughout the day that is satisfying while also keeping my carbs low (under 20g) and hitting that protein goal. So far I haven’t taken in enough protein.

    I have a habit/love of topping off my night with something sweet so I’m hoping to find that go-to that doesn’t wreck my ratios. Last night I mixed whipped cream cheese and natural PB with some stevia. It did the trick. Next time I’ll add some heavy cream to make it more like a mousse. I realize that artificial sweeteners may increase my insulin response but I’m not worrying about that right now. Maybe once I get in the groove I’ll work on omitting ALL sugars but honestly i don’t know if I could live my life like that!

    This sounds so good!
  • Lucy17128
    Lucy17128 Posts: 53 Member
    Hello and Happy Friday Eve! I have discovered Keto is a lot easier than I thought and combining it with intermittent fasting works for me. The main reason - I'm less hungry between meals and rarely snack and do not eat for at least a 16 hour window. What this means is that I no longer snack (binge) after dinner because I'm usually not hungry and I don't want to disrupt my fast. Two weeks in and I'm seven pounds down. I have more energy too. Only problem is my sleep has been disrupted somewhat. In years past, I've used low carb, WW, calorie counting and just "watching what I eat" - these methods worked a little at first but I have hope that this will work in the long run. Wish me luck tonight - I'm making rice krispie treats for the boys in my house; I WILL NOT SNACK...:)
  • cgcrutch
    cgcrutch Posts: 223 Member
    edited January 2019
    Should I be worried if I got a great job offer over the phone, but haven't gotten an official offer letter from the company? I'm super stressed about it. My entire existence has been stress since about Thanksgiving, which is probably why I gained 20lbs since then. I'm worried they have changed their mind! I was told to expect the letter the following day, then the following week, and I STILL didn't get it :s The worrisome part is that I know some of the other graduates from my program DID receive their offer letter last week. I think the stress is causing insomnia and difficulty losing the weight now. I found out yesterday that most others got their letters, but the office was closed by then, and won't be open until Tuesday. I am gonna drive myself CRAZY from anxiety until the know for sure!
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