Happy New Year! It's the January weigh-in & accountability thread



  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    Height: 5’4”
    1/03: 127.6
    Jan goal: 125
    Ultimate goal: 120

    I feel like I need to attend grazers anonymous. 🤭
  • peppermintcaroline
    peppermintcaroline Posts: 151 Member
    So just decided to lose a bit more... I was maintaining between 105 and 115 but thought I might want to be a little leaner before my first marathon in May, so aiming for 100 by May. Aiming for 110 by end of January.

    SW: 112.4
    GW: 100

    January Goal: 110
    And also to keep up with my running. January is not the most motivating month to run during. Oh, and no more health problems. No more iritis, strep throat, hypothermia or any of these other pesky nuisances. Biggest goal.
  • VickyW119
    VickyW119 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone. I'm looking for a fresh start after a pretty up and down 2018. I just got back from a week in the Mayan Riviera where I really noticed the extra 15#s I'm carrying. I think some accountability is exactly what I need.

    CW 154.4
    GW 140
    Jan GW 150
  • bettina8037
    bettina8037 Posts: 34 Member
    vla246 wrote: »
    Hi gals, do you all take measurements as well as weighing yourselves?

    I did mine this morning for the first time in years and planning on checking monthly.

    I just started a couple weeks ago now that I am getting closer to goal. Wish I had started sooner!
  • gryphonwind
    gryphonwind Posts: 3 Member
    SW: 139
    GW: 130

    Hello All - new to this group, but glad to find it. I don't post on in other places because I don't have ALL that much weight to lose and I feel like I am annoying folks. Hope everyone is off to a great 2019 so far - I'm looking forward to making some changes - in lots of ways.
  • wolfkms
    wolfkms Posts: 3 Member
    I am so thankful for this group. I need some help as I have been roughly the same weight for the past 5 years and I just thought that was where I would always be. But recently I had a baby and I know I can be better for him, maybe even gain some energy. So here we go:

    Height: 5'7"
    CW: 141

  • mahsh75
    mahsh75 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Ladies! I’m new to the group and just getting my feet wet. Have been able to manage my weight for many years and finally hit a pretty rough patch in 2018 where things got out of hand. Looking to get to my best version of myself this year. Will share more as I acclimate. This appears to be a pretty solid group - focused and not negative are my first impressions.
  • leah_not_leia
    leah_not_leia Posts: 78 Member
    edited January 2019
    Height: 5' 9"
    HW: 167 lbs (Jan. 13, 2017)
    Jan. Start Weight: 161.6 lbs
    Ultimate Weight Goal: 145 lbs
    lbs to go: 16.0 lbs

    Jan 03: 161.6 lbs
    Jan 09: 161.0 lbs
    Jan 14:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 28:

    January Goal: 158.6 lbs (-3 lbs)
    Wow the New Year's rush at the gym (even at 6 in the morning) is crazy! Happy to see a lot of people working on getting healthier, but man I wish the gym required an etiquette class before you can use the weight room - three separate times this week I've tripped over plates people just left on the floor!! :s Anyway, happy with my small loss from last week!
  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    I try to focus on interval training (heavier weights, less cardio). But did see some weight creep up over the holidays (which stretched from Halloween to New Years) that can't be attributed to weight lifting.

    1/1- 134
    1/7 - 133.5
    today 1/9 - 131.5 (water weight).
    Hoping to keep the trend of .5 - to 1 lb a week.
    GW # 1 - 130 by 1/31
    GW # 2- 126 by 3/31
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 159
    CW: 135.6
    GW: 120's

    January Goal: Complete 4 weeks of Couch 2 5K. Weight loss will be consequential hopefully, but not the priority. Let's shoot for 133.

    1/2/18: 135.6
    1/9/18: 135.6 (Average 135.4)

    First week of C25K was a breeze overall. Week 2 is going easier then expected too. (Run 90 seconds walk 2 minutes) I have a feeling that Week3 is going to SUCK. There's a point where I will have to run 3 minutes in a row. And, today as I got towards the end of 90 seconds, my brain was telling me "Okay stop running now". So we'll see. Maybe I'll do better then I think. Trying to weigh in daily as well.

  • RobinAlex666
    RobinAlex666 Posts: 144 Member
    HW: 176
    CW: 160.5
    Height: 5'8"
    January goal: 157
    Ultimate goal weight: 153

    Back after a few months away. I'm happy I've only gained a few pounds since then but am ready to get back down to goal again. I ran several days over Holiday shutdown so I only gained a few pounds rather than 10 like in 2017. Happy to be back and good luck everyone :)
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    miliskinny wrote: »
    I almost feel like crying!!!! I am not the only one in the world!!! for the longest time I have been only seeing forums and articles where people complain about losing only 10lbs in a month - I have been trying to lose 10lbs in a year!! thank you ladies for creating this group! thank you! <3

    I am 5ft 7.5'' and 152lbs (maybe 153today). My goal is 130s.
    Today will be 7 weeks since I started keto and it has been a bumpu ride - lost, stalled, lost, gained, stalled, gained... all in all, 7 weeks ago I was 160 so I am happy.
    I do all sorts of physical activity - walking, running, focus t25, gym but decreased dramatically since couple of weeks ago. I was just having too strong appetite.

    I am struggling a lot to stay within my caloric goal. Anyone else here having the same issue? Or an advice?

    Good luck to you all!!!

    Hi there! Welcome! So this is something I struggle with as well. What is your calorie goal set to? A mistake I first made was setting it to 2lbs a week loss, which was 1200 calories. I found this very hard to stick to for more then a few days without becoming ravenous and bingey. I upped (erm, lowered?) the loss to 1lbs a week... Still hard to stick to. So I stuck with 1/2 lbs a week, which at sedentary setting gave me 1390 (I think?). I also made sure to eat back at least 1/2 of my exercise calories. If I found I was eating over calorie goal more often then not, I took it as a sign to take a diet break. I would eat at maintenance for 2 weeks until my appetite got under control, and then went back to the 1/2lb weight loss goal. It seemed to be a 2weeks on 2weeks off kinda pattern. So my weight loss was more like 1/4lb loss a week. But it was consistent and steady, and ended at 20lbs after 9mos. When we dont have a lot to lose it goes SLLLOOOOWWW. And slow and steady wins this race. I also downloaded Libra to track my daily weight. It helps to drown out all the crazy fluctuations and tell you if you're trending up or trending down. Seeing the downward trend keeps me going when it seems like the scale just keeps creeping up. If the trend line goes up, I know it's time to crack down & re-evaluate my habits.

    A bit long winded here... But Hope this helps! Best of luck!

  • aelexow
    aelexow Posts: 2 Member
    So apparently editing is not a thing...?

    Here is my update as of today.
    Height: 5'4"
    SW January: 148.8#s (January 1 weigh in)
    Ultimate goal: Around 130#s
    January goal: 142#s
    January body fat goal: 28%

    2nd Jan: 148.8#s – Body fat 31.6%
    9th Jan: 146.1#s - Body fat 31.5%
    16th Jan:
    23rd Jan:
    30th Jan:

    This is the first time I've survived more than 7 days on an exercise/diet plan. I had my cheat meals here and there (and maybe a beer or two), but overall I think I did pretty well. Food is usually my comfort, but I don't feel like I've struggled that much in cutting back the calories. I've also never been much for exercise. I hurt my knee years ago in track and have hated the treadmill ever since. But we bought one for Christmas and I find myself wanting to get on it just about every day to at least walk for 30 minutes. I've even increased my step goal on Fitbit.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    @rianneonamission I'm not gonna think about that one yet. LOL. I have a feeling I may be repeating week 3 a while until I can get to the 3 minute run time. I hope that I may suprise myself, but I'm not holding my breath. :)