WAIST AWAYS - March 2019



  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    Steps 3/15- 12,093
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    Name: Mari

    Your Personal Challenge:

    FITNESS: Complete 5 - 30 minute workouts this week. Any form of workout counts. 🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️

    NUTRITION: Stay on or under allowed calories at least 5 days this week. 🍎🍎

    HYDRATION: Drink 2 liters of water every single day!!!! 💧

    SELF-CARE: Take some time for yourself and read a little each day. 📖

    Week 1:

    Sun - 🏋🏻‍♀️🍎💧📖
    Mon - 💧📖
    Tue - 💧📖
    Wed - 🏋🏻‍♀️🍎💧📖
    Thu - 💧📖
    Fri - 🏋🏻‍♀️🍎💧📖
    Sat -


    Sun - 13,097
    Mon - 8,069
    Tue - 10,747
    Wed - 15,483
    Thu - 6,900
    Fri - 13,127
    Sat -


    Been super busy with party planning this week and getting things ready for our guests to arrive starting next Wednesday. Did much better with my steps this week. A bit bette with exercise. Slightly better with food. Every small improvement is helping me reach my goals right. Down 1.6 lbs this weeks which puts me in the green for week 2. My birthday is coming up this Wednesday. The big 4-0! Never felt younger!! I do hope I can manage to keep losing this month and that all my festivities and traveling won’t throw me off track.


    Week 1 - 🍀
    Week 2 - 🍀
    Week 3 -
    Week 4 -
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,282 Member
    edited March 2019
    Week 2
    PW 205
    CW 205.2


    Sunday 7,768
    Monday 8,233
    Tuesday 9,324
    Wednesday 8,013
    Thursday 9,114
    Friday 4,613 (I did have my Fitbit off for about three hours but boo)

    Boo! This is the first time I’ve had any gain since the new year. It figures that it’s the month that I committed to stay in the green. I still commit to the weight loss, and I know 2/10ths of a pound isn’t much, but boo. I guess the up side is I know I didn’t get to the gym as much. I had two glasses of wine last night after none for a long while, steps were lower, and calories were higher, and water wasn’t consistent. Scales stink. They are NOT the only way to have our success.
  • treebek
    treebek Posts: 261 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    Boo! This is the first time I’ve had any gain since the new year. It figures that it’s the month that I committed to stay in the green. I still commit to the weight loss, and I know 2/10ths of a pound isn’t much, but boo. I guess the up side is I know I didn’t get to the gym as much. I had two glasses of wine last night after none for a long while, steps were lower, and calories were higher, and water wasn’t consistent. Scales stink. They are NOT the only way to have our success.

    I hate it when the scale doesn’t cooperate. I had the same thing last week, up .2 pounds. I was so mad! Just stay determined and focused and next week you’ll kick the scale’s butt!

  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    It is never easy! After months of having no real issues with cravings, the last 2 days have been beyond awful. Spending some time to take a look and see what is going on. I know that I fell almost 2 pounds below lower maintenance range. Also exercise has been pretty high. Plus, have been struggling with cold/bronchitis and have not been sleeping well. So ... quite a few variables.

    Will be upping calories a bit. Also, will be moderating my gym schedule a bit (planning 4 days on, one off ... instead if 6-1). Riding schedule and home exercise (planks, stretches, and 1-minute movement/hour) remain the same, so I will have a min of 60 minutes of exercise a day. We'll see how these adjustments work out.

    I know how to lose weight. But this maintenance thing is a new learning curve!
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 836 Member
    Username: leni1us
    Week 2
    Weigh in Day, Friday (sorry, I'm late)
    PW: 162.1
    CW: 163.0 - Going the wrong way! Too much salt at dinner last night....I hope!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,282 Member
    treebek wrote: »
    micki48 wrote: »
    Boo! This is the first time I’ve had any gain since the new year. It figures that it’s the month that I committed to stay in the green. I still commit to the weight loss, and I know 2/10ths of a pound isn’t much, but boo. I guess the up side is I know I didn’t get to the gym as much. I had two glasses of wine last night after none for a long while, steps were lower, and calories were higher, and water wasn’t consistent. Scales stink. They are NOT the only way to have our success.

    I hate it when the scale doesn’t cooperate. I had the same thing last week, up .2 pounds. I was so mad! Just stay determined and focused and next week you’ll kick the scale’s butt!

    @treebek Thanks for the support. It means a lot to me. I just looked at my data and it’s clear how this week was different. I’m determined to make this week better/more on target.

    I noticed I’m way below average weekly for potassium. Any suggestions for foods high in potassium besides bananas? My macros are fairly good except my fat is always higher than the goal because I eat a lot of monos like nuts, avocado and olive oil. However, this week’s big no no was LARGE fries from McDonald’s. I was only going to get a small, but hubby got large and I mindlessly ate them while standing in my kitchen talking to my sister on the phone. I won’t do that again. Grace over guilt.
  • treebek
    treebek Posts: 261 Member
    @micki48 mushrooms are high in potassium! Plus, fun fact, they are one of the only food sources for vitamin D. Plus they are low cal :smile: (love me some portabellas!)

    Or if you just can’t do mushrooms, then bok Choy or spinach are also good sources of potassium.
  • AmyRobF
    AmyRobF Posts: 97 Member
    You still did great! The .2 isn’t much at all! I feel your pain eating to eat. I took Alyssa to the doctor and it took forever and the kids and I were so hungry I downed some Taco Johns and then got home and ate cookies and chips and dip. I am back on track. Drinking my water. We got this my lovely (favorite) Aunt!

    P.S.Junk food is sooooo good I have a hard tome eating it in moderation.

    micki48 wrote: »
    Week 2
    PW 205
    CW 205.2


    Sunday 7,768
    Monday 8,233
    Tuesday 9,324
    Wednesday 8,013
    Thursday 9,114
    Friday 4,613 (I did have my Fitbit off for about three hours but boo)

    Boo! This is the first time I’ve had any gain since the new year. It figures that it’s the month that I committed to stay in the green. I still commit to the weight loss, and I know 2/10ths of a pound isn’t much, but boo. I guess the up side is I know I didn’t get to the gym as much. I had two glasses of wine last night after none for a long while, steps were lower, and calories were higher, and water wasn’t consistent. Scales stink. They are NOT the only way to have our success.

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    Saturday is here already - how does that happen so fast? End of week 2.

    Well, Team Waistaways, this week has not been one of our finer efforts. Last week we collectively lost over 30 pounds. This week - 5.9, with only 2 people not yet reporting (not counting the people who also did not weigh in last week). It is a good time to look at the data. What was different? What could be tweaked?

    The gains were not big! They will turn back into losses with small changes, and a resurgence of energy and commitment. Get onto those Week 3 challenges - they are inspiring. Come in here and post before eating those french fries! I know that is not always possible, but every effort to derail the derailments helps.

    We will get more green - we will be like the horse that charges out fast, falters for a bit, and then surges forward again to catch up. It will feel so good. You know it will :smiley:
  • Kittu125
    Kittu125 Posts: 360 Member
    @jugar not a good week for me either. Hopefully will pick up this week. I have a gain too this week. It’s possible it’s because of the last night eating too. Next month I will change my weigh in day to Friday as my Friday night parties are not helping. Here are this week stats with steps.
    Weigh-in Day = Saturday
    Starting Weight = 190 as if 2/1/19
    Week 1 = 188.2lbs
    Week 2 = 187.4 lbs
    Week 3 = 187.2lbs
    Week 4 - March 2nd- 185.2
    Week5- March 9th- 184lbs
    Week6- March 16th- 184.8lbs
    Steps for week
    3/10-Sunday-450- forgot to wear fitbit
    3/16-will post later today
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    @Kittu125 - do you still have your steps for March 9th (last Saturday)? It is the only day that is missing from your otherwise stellar stepping record!
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 836 Member
    3/14 11,561
    3/15 9,015
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,282 Member
    treebek wrote: »
    @micki48 mushrooms are high in potassium! Plus, fun fact, they are one of the only food sources for vitamin D. Plus they are low cal :smile: (love me some portabellas!)

    Or if you just can’t do mushrooms, then bok Choy or spinach are also good sources of potassium.

    I love mushrooms so I’ll increase those in my menu. I’m fine with spinach. Guess I need to add more. I don’t think I’ve ever had bok choy. Do you have a favorite way to cook it?

    @AmyRobF it IS hard to change our mindset from years of snacking. But we can do it. One little victory at a time.

    Today, I am back on track. Hubby offered me a cookie while we were out shopping. After finding out it was 100 calories, I decided it wasn’t worth the calories. I came home put away groceries and opted for strawberries. I had 5 and the were so satisfying.

    BUT, except for steps during my day, I haven’t done any specific exercise besides cleaning today. And it’s 8:30 so...maybe not tonight. I don’t know.
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,785 Member
    March Steps:

    10- 5,200
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    I know we said we're doing something different with the step challenge this month, but I didn't see a spreadsheet for it, neither did I see a response to my post early yesterday morning with my steps for last week.

    Sorry I have been just checking them off (look for an "insightful"), and not writing messages. All the steps are in - they are just on our normal spreadsheet for the month. Keep on scrolling down and you'll see them in all their glory! I am back home at last as of late last night, and should be able to communicate more.

    Thanks @jugar and welcome home! :smiley:
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    username = @evangsimmons170


    03/11/19                4,534 
    03/12/19                4,600 
    03/13/19                4,649 
    03/14/19                6,760 
    03/15/19             12,716 
    03/16/19                4,839 
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