WAIST AWAYS - April 2019



  • martarena
    martarena Posts: 7 Member
    Let’s do this! Thanks for having me!
  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 353 Member
    edited March 2019
    Hi, looks like I posted in the wrong group by mistake! Apparently I followed a bad link. Oops! 😬
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,447 Member
    The following Ted Talk video was originally shared by a cohort in my other (non-weighing) accountability challenge.

    I have posted it here in previous months, but it is SOO worth regular repeat viewing by all. Very light-hearted and fun presentation.

    Feel free to skip if you already know it, but I plan to be referring to Instant Gratification Monkey (IGM) on a regular basis this month. So if you don't know who / what that is, please watch - just so we have a common vocabulary.

    Inside the mind of a master procrastinator – Tim Urban

    IGM is that impish Live-in-the-moment side we all have, that will ALWAYS go for the fun and/or easy (however you define it) ... even if that choice is ultimately self-defeating.

    Tim Urban mentions one way to get IGM to give up the helm, at least temporarily ... but I have also discovered that distraction or game-playing works well too.

    Even when it isn't easy .... what do YOU consider FUN? What are your strengths? Two of mine are analytical thinking, and pattern recognition - my IGM considers playing to these strengths "fun games".

    So .... if I frame my daily pre-logging as a daily game called "Go For The Green!", I trigger less push-back - avoidance behavior.

    By getting even 5 minutes of exercise in early, I earn "extra points" and can pre-plan a bigger evening snack to look forward to.

    Can IGM earn 12 "points" (calories burned on the bike) per minute for just those measly 5 minutes? That's 60 extra calories to eat! - 15more gms of Dark Chocolate Bark Thins! SCORE!!!!!

    Same applies to your choice of exercise - what do you consider FUN? What do you remember enjoying as a child?

    If you don't like the treadmill or elliptical, get off it!

    If you don't MIND the treadmill or elliptical (particularly in bad weather), but are getting bored by the view of your basement walls .... can you listen to music or a podcast? Can you watch tv / a dvd / youtube on your tablet?

    If you always wanted to travel - Youtube has many wonderful virtual first-person-view trails all over the world that you could watch unrolling before you. All kinds of weather - cities or countryside - everything from a beach in France to the Grand Canyon to the streets of London or Paris, to the jungles of India.

    Each of us can work this in our own way, applied to our own circumstances, to end April in some way farther along our individual paths than where we stand at this moment!

    Let us know what YOUR IGM gets up to, and what YOUR particular definition of fun is ... let's see if we can help you find a way to recruit IGM as a partner, instead of a barrier.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    Thanks @BMcC9 ! I had watched the video before, but I had not thought to turn things into games. I'm going for some time on the exercise bike tonight (already logged!) and it will feel a lot more fun now. I'm also going to try to find some of those youtube trail videos. If you have any fave links, share away!

    I really like the idea of engaging that monkey in play.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member

    It is time to get our step team up and running! If you are willing to track your steps each and every day all month, and get nothing but the support of your teammates and some silly messages about how awesome you are, and especially feeling amazing from the extra moving around - then please post a message here saying I'M IN!

    Last month we had
    @astrue (I think is now gone??)

    So please confirm if you want to continue or not, or if you want to join for the first time - and then track and post your steps. I don't mind if you post them every few days, but it really helps if you are completely updated by the end of Saturdays (or very early Sunday) every week.

    so ARE YOU IN?
    If so, how many steps did you do today? (starting tomorrow is ok too)
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,823 Member
    I would like to continue for the April Step Challenge - When I first started MFP six years ago, I never exercised, I never made time then I would start on Monday, then and last three days. Then I started in a challenge and I just started pushing for more. The more I did the more I would keep pushing myself. I purchased a Fitbit and today I wear my Fitbit because there is a certain group and we challenge each other every week. I wear my Apple Watch to challenge family. I still keep in touch daily with MFP`s from when I first started. Now I am starting to get my incentive back, my goal is to walk the path where I use to go before I had surgery. I almost made it. Set a weekly goal even if it is small and keep working towards it.

    March 31, steps 10,400
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    sue_01 wrote: »
    I would like to continue for the April Step Challenge - When I first started MFP six years ago, I never exercised, I never made time then I would start on Monday, then and last three days. Then I started in a challenge and I just started pushing for more. The more I did the more I would keep pushing myself. I purchased a Fitbit and today I wear my Fitbit because there is a certain group and we challenge each other every week. I wear my Apple Watch to challenge family. I still keep in touch daily with MFP`s from when I first started. Now I am starting to get my incentive back, my goal is to walk the path where I use to go before I had surgery. I almost made it. Set a weekly goal even if it is small and keep working towards it.

    March 31, steps 10,400

    Perfect! You had a great March, and it is clear that you are consistent and making this work. You are the first steps posted for today - anyone else?
  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    I am in as I try to get at least 10,000 steps in. Did this start yesterday, because I have my steps?
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
    edited April 2019
  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    Sorry after I read it again, saw it could have started yesterday.

    3/31 - 13307
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,447 Member
    A Transformed BMcC9 here .... with photographic proof that this is no April Fools Joke!



    I have proof that on April 1 2019, my 700th day of tracked weigh-ins (started back pre-MFP days) .... I am officially 135.1 at 6:19 a.m. No joke!

    I am officially on Transition to Maintenance Eating (an extra 60 calories pre-exercise a day to start, working up to the recommended extra 240 pre-exercise calories a day as I find quality food recipes to switch in)

    In honour of my MileStone, and because I am feeling particulary sleek and sassy about this whole thing ...... my profile pic has been changed from "Pigs CAN Fly!...Just watch me soar!" to "Sleek and Sassy Kitty-Cat"
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,447 Member
    I am a great believer in the power of imagery. Something that you can glance at or hold that. by its shape or substance or colour or content, conveys a short powerful message to your sub-conscious mind.

    It could be a post-it note with your next mile-stone goal on it, stuck on your bathroom mirror. It could be a "I WILL fit this again" article of clothing that you check progress against (I had a top in my closet that waited 6 years for me to wear again)

    It could be a favourite meme that is the wall paper on you computer, tablet or phone .... or progress pics, or a graph from the app that tracks your weight trends ....

    Whatever gives you a bolt of encouragement or determination .... find one, invoke it regularly, let us know why it's powerful to you.

    Picture is optional, if you feel it is too personal.

    What helps motivate you? How can you help motivate and encourage other team members? We each travel our own roads, but within this space, those roads run parallel, and we can call encouragement back and forth to each other.

    Let's DO it! Pigs ARE Flying ..... in formation even!!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    jlbtnc wrote: »
    I am in as I try to get at least 10,000 steps in. Did this start yesterday, because I have my steps?

    YES! And welcome to the steppers gang - they are something else. Just post your steps for yesterday here any time.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    jlbtnc wrote: »
    Sorry after I read it again, saw it could have started yesterday.
    3/31 - 13307

    POSTED! thanks

  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 838 Member
    I'm back from vacation and ready to pick up where I left off. I did put on a few pounds but I knew I was not making the best food choices. I'd like to remain part of the Step Challenge, if possible. Here's to an awesome April!!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,447 Member
  • martinesther88
    martinesther88 Posts: 134 Member
    I would like to continue the steps challenge please. Steps for 3/31~ 6,388
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    leni1us wrote: »
    I'm back from vacation and ready to pick up where I left off. I did put on a few pounds but I knew I was not making the best food choices. I'd like to remain part of the Step Challenge, if possible. Here's to an awesome April!!

    Yes ma'am! You're on
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,229 Member
    I would like to continue the steps challenge please. Steps for 3/31~ 6,388

    All right - glad to see our great steppers are sticking with it. You inspire us even if we don't track steps!
This discussion has been closed.