Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I think @7lenny7 ‘s would also be the best place in town to eat. All I can get dh to do is pizza and make chili once in a while. But, he did just buy a rifle hoping to hunt next season. There maybe hope.

    @rheddmobile Wow. Wow. Wow. The old “everyone is doing keto family”. Er, whatever was up with that. Ya know nowadays that’s just dangerous forcing kids to eat a diet that is not well rounded. I remember hearing about a family who was vegan getting hauled into court. I have no idea if it was warranted or not. Surely not. Can’t believe you didn’t order a basket of rolls and hand them over when mom was at the salad bar.

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t intentional keto, just picky children who literally refuse to eat any vegetables with a fat dad modeling bad behavior. The youngest child, still under mom’s thumb, made a pretense of getting a tiny speck of salad and picked at it, while the others refused to even pretend. I couldn’t help remembering that when I was little I wasn’t allowed to fill my own plate at a bar unless I filled it with a balanced meal. (Although I had a best friend who was allowed to eat nothing but soft serve ice cream and toppings for her dinner.)

    On a similar note, I recently saw another large family at the same bar whose matriarch told the grown children after viewing the bar, “It’s okay, they have food for men to eat like potatoes, it’s not just salad.”
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Today I have done slightly better (thus far). I ran errands including a stop at the Y to renew the locker I store swim gear in. Did not bother to swim or even try to bike. To be fair, i had Advil the other night and it is evil with my gi system. So potential public emergencies on crutches are avoided. Maybe tomorrow.

    I had coffee. Left over beans and roast. Some (lots) of low calorie popcorn as I watched Netflix. Still have a few calories for later, so I’m pleased.

    What’s for dinner?
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    Today was not a good one, food wise for me. I had my normal breakfast, but took my dad to the VA. We always stop somewhere on the way back to eat. Today, it was Wendy's. I had a single cheeseburger, small fries, and a small frosty. I did get some exercise, by mowing my lawn today, so, even after having some cheese and crackers and a Choboni yogurt for dinner, I'm about even for the day, calorie wise. Means the night time snacking will put me over for the day.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    I found this article to be interesting. It's a little lengthy, but worth the read. It compares most people's view of weight loss success to runners qualifying for the Boston Marathon.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2019
    @quilteryoyo the article was nice, so frustrating that that metabolic adaptation occurs. But its right, better to be a slow short distance runner/healthier eater than not one at all just because you can’t be Boston material/ an anatomy model is no reason to give up.

    ETA today’s meals?
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Heh. I took the weight off and kept it off for 3 years before I ran a marathon and discovered that I happen to be Boston Marathon material. I wonder if that means I shouldn't tell people how I lost weight and kept it off?

    Still haven't conquered boredom eating, just forced it into a plan that makes the weight trend sideways.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @rheddmobile - I think that is so sad that the kids think salad bar is something terrible. My daughter loved salad bar (in fact we had to go to her favorite while she was visiting these last couple of days). This was where she and all of her friends (both swim team and HS friends) wanted to go 'out' to dinner. I also hate that people still categorize food as being for men or not - like they only eat meat and potatoes still??? My DH loves salad, he also likes his meat and potatoes but then so do I!

    @quilteryoyo - I think that article is great. I found myself comparing it to all the stories in the challenge group about our diets and what has worked for us. Some have lost a lot and kept it all off, some have gained some back for various reasons, some try specific diets or diet structures (keto, LCHF, etc.), some cut out all sweets or all processed foods and some just try to eat as healthy as possible and I think everyone tries to manage portions to our activity levels. For me in particular I have found that place where it is a lifestyle and I like my lifestyle. It isn't a diet or something that I am doing for a little while to drop 10lbs.

    Also on the 'Biggest Loser' people - I have always felt that there was no way they could lose that much weight as quickly as they did and not gain any back... you have to change habits and lifestyles and that takes longer than a few months away from home.

    That said, yesterday was not a good 'lifestyle' day! It wasn't terrible but was way outside my norm... carbs for breakfast (cereal and half banana), veggies, veggies, veggies for lunch along with bread and a chocolate brownie thing (SoupPlantation - not sure if you all have those) and then I was not hungry for dinner and DD wanted In-N-Out on the way to the airport and I just couldn't. She and I also tasted different flavors of GS cookies and discovered I don't like another one (S'Mores). So I ended up with pretty low calories but very high carbs (no protein in there at any meal, nope none!).

    Today has been better although I have nothing planned for dinner. Will have to see what I can throw together or what DH wants to go get...
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    @MobyCarp I think you are an enigma in both the diet and running world. :wink: But, you are doing what the article says. You found a way to incorporate boredom eating into your plan rather than beat yourself up over it and just "give up" because you "failed" when you do.

    @shanaber I agree with you about the Biggest Loser. I also figured losing that quickly couldn't really be that healthy for them either, but maybe healthier than being morbidly obese. As for your diet yesterday, I couldn't do it. Too many carbs with no protein and my blood sugar plummets. At least I think that is what happens. Never checked the levels as I don't have a monitor to do so. But, if I only eat carbs, within a couple of hours I'm shaky and feel really awful. I can eat some peanut butter, or other source of protein, and start to feeling better.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    As for my food today....well, that was a different story. I had my breakfast of egg, cheese, and one piece of toast at about 10 am. I went to work at 1, intending to leave at 5 and get something to eat on the way home. I figure I could handle that. Well, I wound up sticking around after work and talking to a co-worker until 8 pm. I had to get home to get the dog in the house before dark, so didn't stop to get anything. I had half of a ham and cheese sandwich and some Triscuits for dinner. Way under my calorie goal for now. I'm sure I'll manage some snacks before I go to bed, but the nutritional value won't be good. LOL
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @quilteryoyo I had encountered that article before you posted it, and my feelings are mixed. On the one hand, I think it’s important to tell people that losing 5 or 10 percent of body weight can make a big difference in health markers. On the other, as someone who is down 125 lbs and maintaining a normal BMI for over a year now, I think it’s absolutely bonkers that significant weight loss is being held up as something next to impossible. I have an application for the National Weight registry sitting on my desk right now which I haven’t gotten around to filling in yet. I am their Boston Marathon weight loss person (pity that unlike @MobyCarp I’m not a Boston runner as well!) and honestly, I don’t believe I’m that special. I just did it day by day and made up my mind to keep doing it, because I wanted to stay alive and the statistics for type 2 diabetes are really really scary.

    I suppose I had an advantage in that when I was diagnosed, the process of dropping my glucose levels from very high to normal made my vision badly distorted for about three months, which isn’t unusual. Having a very obvious symptom which was a side effect of my diabetes made it impossible to pretend it was just a number on a lab report that didn’t mean anything. I knew, because I lived it, that if I didn’t control my blood sugar I might go blind. The other day someone posted on the diabetes support forum saying he’s been lazy about glucose control
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Whoops, hit post by accident before I was done and for some reason can’t edit! Part 2:

    ...lazy about glucose control recently, drinking whole 20 oz Cokes. I can’t imagine what would happen to my glucose if I drank a Coke. It would be in the 300 range. And in fact that’s where his was. I can’t imagine doing that to myself. Maybe some day that will change. But honestly I am scared to death because when my glucose was that high I WAS GOING BLIND. That makes it a lot easier to get up out of bed early and go for a run when I don’t feel like it, or turn down an extra piece of bread with dinner. The heck with bread, I want to see!

    And conveniently when I cut carbs to a safe level for me, I also cut a lot of excess calories, which makes it much easier to stay in my calorie range.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    @rheddmobile I had some mixed feelings too, but I do think it made a good point that if you are morbidly obese, some weight loss is better than none. Plus, I believe if you put attainable goals in your head, you are more likely to keep it up once you get started, if that makes sense. That's why I liked the Boston Marathon analogy. I run, but I know I'll never qualify for the Boston Marathon. I still run. I'm on a weight loss journey get back to what I consider a good weight for me of 135 pounds. That's attainable. If I had in my head that I have to get to 115 (low end of a healthy weight for my height and age) or it doesn't count, I'd just give up and not even try.

    Glad you were able to drop 125 pounds and are keeping it off! That's amazing. You may not feel that you are special, but I think that is pretty awesome!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I keep saying I’m getting serious about my food choices. And I know this always happens, there’s always an adjustment period where I don’t do as well as I had been that seems like failure. I think some of those excessive calories and inactivity has started to catch up with me. I can’t get on the scale today because: 1) the cats currently on it. She’s 14.3 pounds (awesome! Down 0.8). 2) TOM 3) dh’s bday. He brought donuts, so I obliged.

    Think I drag my bike in and see how that goes. No swimming, for obvious the inconvenience. Dh is going shooting today, i need to study some bones. So bike it is. I’m within my weekend macros even with 2 donuts- so I’ll just keep focused.

    Today’s food?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hope the bike goes well @Elise4270!
    Are there proteins you can eat that will help fill you up so you can avoid the snacking on things you don't want to be right now?
    Tell Eric Happy Birthday!
    How are your classes going? Are you back to being the super star?

    I had my usual long run oatmeal with a few walnuts and dried cherries and half a banana. Also had a protein bar when I first got up. When I got home from the run I had the other half of my banana, a tangerine and Starbucks (thank you DH!) coffee with protein powder. Lunch was a spinach, turkey/ham, avocado wrap with some pickles and a few cheese crunchies.

    I think dinner is going to be the IP taco bowls. We have leftovers in the freezer so I took some out. That assumes DH doesn't decide on something else he would rather have <sigh> I did tell him we need to decide on some dinner meals that he wants so we can plan and shop and not do the last minute decision every day. We'll see if that happens and if it does how long it lasts.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    After surgery i had to consciously eat and not worrying about carbs. I've just gotten lazy and allowed high carbs to be normal. So now I feel like I'm fat unaddapting, i get hungry a few times a day. I really liked the control over my hunger. And not feeling this extra layer of fluff all over me. But-healing first right?

    4 donuts, 2 fried eggs, and now Mexican take out.

    Sounds like you had a good food day @shanaber ! Eric said "thanks!" What are the cheese crunchies? Like the baked cheese whisps? I liked those.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Cheese crunchies are kinda like the crunchy Cheetos but they are baked. A nice treat once in a while!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    It's not going to be a good food day. I'm going to my neice's baby shower in a nearby town which means shower food and then eating out on our way home.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Its a new day. I haven't ruined it yet!

    I'm so achey. I don't sleep well. All i want is rx pain med, coffee and a nap.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited April 2019
    I did good today. I ate right. Wasn’t so hard after a short trip to the store and when dh lingered at the donuts I reminded him that he was probably really just hungry. He passed them up. No junk brought home.

    @midwesterner85 I have a curious question, regarding “keto” you may better understand. (If anyone knows, please share).

    I’m very inactive.

    Yesterday I had 4 donuts and Mexican take out (rice and beans)- lots of carbs. With only coffee consumed today, about 2pm I checked my urine with the keto strips and it was actually above trace. I think you mentioned before something about those strips not being reliable? Still curious, I checked again after 9pm and it was again positive.

    I did good today with the carbs, 81g. (Less than 100 is ideal for me) I don’t think it possible that my sedentary body burned though 4 donuts of stored glycogen.

    Is there a reason it could be positive with all those carbs? Thanks for your thoughts.

    ETA There is so much stuff on the internet, i can’t find anything.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    @Elise4270 Good for you for passing up on all of the junk food at the grocery store! I can't help with the keto question, but I do agree that there is so much stuff on the internet that you can't find anything. We have access to so much conflicting information, it's hard to know what is reliable.