TEAM: Run Track Minds (April)



  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 717 Member

    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Week 2
    Previous weight: 206
    Current weight: 207
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Daily Post (Monday 4/08)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes; Day 2 of lower intake. I have an extra weekly reward for myself for 7 days of no binging.
    Exercise: Yes 10 mins
    10 Min outside; 5m downhill then back up.
    Daily Goals: ACHIEVED! 4 personal points~ for mindset with morning affirmations and improve my night routine/habits to stop after dinner binges. Now the KITCHEN IS CLOSED. Teeth brushed. And in bed.

    Today didn’t go as planned; but it wasn’t a total flop. So I am going to continue to find ways to stay on track & count the positives, regardless of how the schedule gets messed up. I am going to continue to do my best and be kind, even if it's not a perfect day... I'm still getting in check marks. My focus is primarily on tracking food and making those hard, but good choices; and exercise today was a bonus!! Making small habit changes, like finding spots to park that are further away.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Toyota100 wrote: »
    @jwall309 Went to that mall that had the Shake Shack this weekend. I told my husband about it and he was fired up to take the journey! The drive was about a hour. We go to Illinois on a regular basis to eat. However, I didn't go to the Shake Shack. I did take a picture of it, but don't know how to upload from the computer. The outlet mall was very upscale though. Lot's of restaurants. We ate at the Cheese Cake Factory. We haven't been there in quite sometime. There was three new restaurants I can't wait to try 1. Epic Burger 2. Shake Shack and 3. Nando's Peri Peri. I did get a shake from Epic Burger and it was ok. Let me know if you have the other two restaurants in the DC/Maryland area too?

    Do you look up the menus prior to going out to eat?
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @LilyGrace~ wooohoooo a loss! I think you did just fine at the community festival. You ate and WALKED!! Right.. Lifestyle. Find a way to balance it all out.

    @ChattyCrafty~ wooohooo a loss! You’re not giving up or giving! Keep doing your best. Mind over matter, right?

    @veggieonly~ Right. Back to schedule and routine! You’ll knock those three pounds off!

    @jwall309~ You got this!! So happy for you that you want to get back to routine and healthy choices. Love that you were able to walk so much. Truly inspiring.

    @Jactop~ woohoooo bye bye LB!!

    Goodnight all.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    Daily check in Monday 4/8

    Track: yes
    Calories: yes under
    Exercise: yes 21DF Total Body Cardio Fix and Pilates Fix
    Goal: Keep going on double workout week. Felt amazing today!
  • JammyPea
    JammyPea Posts: 60 Member
    Week: April Week 2
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    PW =194
  • Tomkinsone
    Tomkinsone Posts: 36 Member
    Daily Post: (April 8)

    Track: yes
    Calories: Yes; goal 1370, food 1144, cal remain 226
    Exercise: yes, spent day walking at the park.
    Goals/Day: took Monday off of work to spend the day with my boyfriend. We headed out early to go fishing at the lake and we didn’t catch anything. Left there and drove to the river to fish there, fishing was no good there either, so we hiked along the river and walked some trails. We were out and about for a good 5-6 hours. Was a beautiful day. Kept my water intake positive.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @Fitgirllife72~ Hooray on the double workout! WOW! I’m excited to see what kind of results you get. Did you measure any body parts before starting? Do you measure on a regular basis at all? I last measured in January.

    @Jammypea~ woooo hoooo on the loss!

    @Tomkinsone~ Sounds like a great day! Yeah for you.
  • LiIyGrace
    LiIyGrace Posts: 46 Member
    Tuesday April 9
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: No
    Goals or Day: Better half surprised me with Texas Roadhouse for dinner last night. Let me place the order (for pickup) so I could get what I wanted. Typically would've ordered the Carb-aholic with a side of carbs and for dessert more carbs... had salad and a small steak and stayed under calories. Woohoo!
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    Sorry this is late but my Internet crashed last night and I am trying to do this from the app as my net is still down.

    Date: 4/8 (Monday)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes, Goal: 1500/Actual 1192
    Exercise: Yes; Zombies, Run! couch to 5K week 2, day 1; Zombies, Run! (Dark and Long)
    Goal: My goal was to survive the training. I was nervous going in and I did.

    I got some cleaning done. But there is so much to do still. I have a lot of cubby holes to clean out. I still have a letter to write to my grandmother.
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    @Toyota100 We don't have the other burger place but we do have Nando's! It is one of my favorites, especially when I am trying to stay on track. Their chicken is delicious and they have lots of good veggie sides to go with it!

    Also sending some gratefulness out into the world today, I forced myself onto the scale this morning and I'm only up 2.4 pounds ( I was expecting much worse) I'm confident I'll be back down soon enough as I get back on track. So far, I'm winning my battle with being afraid/ hiding from the scale. Hiding from it is what got me here, so I'm reminding myself of that when I don't want to weigh in after a period of unhealthy eating. And hey, today wasn't as bad as I was expecting so I am pretty pleased.
  • JamieD328
    JamieD328 Posts: 976 Member
    Username: Jamied328
    Week 2, Tuesday weigh in
    PW: 165.8
    CW: 166.2
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    LiIyGrace wrote: »
    Tuesday April 9
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: No
    Goals or Day: Better half surprised me with Texas Roadhouse for dinner last night. Let me place the order (for pickup) so I could get what I wanted. Typically would've ordered the Carb-aholic with a side of carbs and for dessert more carbs... had salad and a small steak and stayed under calories. Woohoo!

    Yeah!! So excited for you! Truly awesome! Keep it up.
  • ChattyCrafty
    ChattyCrafty Posts: 16 Member
    DAILY: Monday 4/08/2019
    TRACK: Yes
    CALORIES: under
    EXERCISE: Yes. Aqua class plus short walk.
    GOALS/DAY: Feeling more confident in water aerobic classes, working harder and much more tired after class. Wish I could get rid of saggy skin. Pleased with my weigh-in, may finally jump off that plateau. Looking forward to next Monday.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member

    @MaelynMayhem~ bummer about the net. It’s frustrating for sure. Congrats on surviving the training and getting in that exercise! WoooHoooo!

    @jwall309~ baby steps towards the scales. That’s how I started 2019. I weighed myself the beginning of January and then the end. I was pleasantly surprised to see I stayed the same. Still heavy, but same. Then February came and weighed myself… I was up a couple of pounds. Then March… I was up more! That’s when I said… okay!! Enough! But, I also am learning from that experience that I may only have to weigh monthly when I get to goal. And keep an eye on the start of the month and the start of the year. But first… goal! Keep working your program. You too will get there.

    @JamieD328~ You can do this!
  • ChattyCrafty
    ChattyCrafty Posts: 16 Member
    Has anyone done a vision board? Was it helpful? Any tips? I feel like it would be helpful, but I keep telling myself it is silly. I am hoping for inspiration. Got any?
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    edited April 2019
    johicks wrote: »
    @Fitgirllife72~ Hooray on the double workout! WOW! I’m excited to see what kind of results you get. Did you measure any body parts before starting? Do you measure on a regular basis at all? I last measured in January.

    @Jammypea~ woooo hoooo on the loss!

    @Tomkinsone~ Sounds like a great day! Yeah for you.

    I have actually done measurements for each round of 21 Day Fix that I have done. I am on my 4th round now and will have those measurements next Monday. But for the first 3 rounds:

    Round 1 = 11 inches
    Round 2 = 12 inches
    Round 3 = 3 inches.

    I measure chest, waist, each bicep, hips, each thigh and each calf.

    So in 9 weeks I’ve lost 26 inches. I have also followed the eating plan that goes with the workouts to a T. No cheats or treats at all. I’m excited to see what Monday brings!

  • Claresmith13
    Claresmith13 Posts: 8 Member
    Username: claresmith13.
    April week 2.
    Pw: 205.
    Cw: 204.
  • Tomkinsone
    Tomkinsone Posts: 36 Member
    johicks wrote: »
    @Fitgirllife72~ Hooray on the double workout! WOW! I’m excited to see what kind of results you get. Did you measure any body parts before starting? Do you measure on a regular basis at all? I last measured in January.

    @Jammypea~ woooo hoooo on the loss!

    @Tomkinsone~ Sounds like a great day! Yeah for you.

    I have actually done measurements for each round of 21 Day Fix that I have done. I am on my 4th round now and will have those measurements next Monday. But for the first 3 rounds:

    Round 1 = 11 inches
    Round 2 = 12 inches
    Round 3 = 3 inches.

    I measure chest, waist, each bicep, hips, each thigh and each calf.

    So in 9 weeks I’ve lost 26 inches. I have also followed the eating plan that goes with the workouts to a T. No cheats or treats at all. I’m excited to see what Monday brings!

    This is fantastic!! Wow. I measure weekly. Same areas as you, and as of last Friday I lost 10 inches total. Keep working hard. You are doing phenomenal!! 👏👏💪🏻💪🏻
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Has anyone done a vision board? Was it helpful? Any tips? I feel like it would be helpful, but I keep telling myself it is silly. I am hoping for inspiration. Got any?

    good for with the aqua classes. Good exercise!! No need to be super creative. Put pictures up of clothes you want to wear. Or notes to yourself of your goals. Or hang a blouse or pants out to be seen as a visual goal. I have mini boards in my house. A calendar in my bathroom where I record my weights and a few sticky notes of goals. Then I have photos in a folder I view every morning that I use as affirmations. One photo is a skinny pic of me, others are quotes. What ever works for you... Do it! Try it. No need to be fancy. Just get a visual goal uninspired yourself when you need to talk yourself into something bad, rather than out of doing the right thing towards habits & goals.
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