

  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    BB for Sunday 4/28

    Steps: 21247
    Exercise Minutes: 111
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Username: FitGirlLife72
    Weigh in week: week 5
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    PW: 119
    CW: 117.4

    Amazing loss! Way to go hitting maintenance! We will get you moved.
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Username: AustinRuadhain
    Weigh-in Week: Week 4
    Weigh-in Day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 132.3
    Today's Weight: 130.3

    @Kres567 - I also should move to the cheering/support seats for May, as I am almost at my goal (129). Thank you!

  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    digger61 wrote: »
    Saturday 4/27 - Check-in
    Food: under
    Water: over
    Workout: walkink
    Steps: 10549 Getting more active this week Up 1000 steps from yesterday. Weather is getting warmer this week so i can get outside.

    Sunday Plans Some walking and eating proper doing IF 16-8. No church today still not well enough
    Have a blessed Sunday everyone

    Hope you are feeling better this week! I bet you must be missing your pool time!
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Great job winning Week 4 everyone! We are currently at 43lbs down for the month. Let’s see if we can surpass the 50lb mark!
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,867 Member
    Sunday 4/28 check in
    Calories: under
    Water: over
    Exercise: walking
  • angielove88
    angielove88 Posts: 85 Member
    Username: angielove88
    Weigh in week: Week 5
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 168.6
    Today’s Weight: 167.2

    4/22: 5,087
    4/23: 17,698
    4/24: 13,610
    4/25: 19,387
    4/26: 6,801
    4/27: 15,866
    4/28: 14,151

  • embersdream
    embersdream Posts: 401 Member
    Username: embersdream
    weigh in week: week 5
    Previous weight: 201.5
    Current weight: 202.8

    I have gone up again but still under from this time last month , right at the end of my cycle which always makes me gain weight.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Could I be moved back to the cheer squad until June?
    I'm really overwhelmed with work right now. I've just already got so much on my plate, I can't manage the regular check-ins.
  • Jactop
    Jactop Posts: 696 Member
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in week: Week 5
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 207
    Today’s Weight: 207
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    Monday 4/29 check in

    Calories: under
    Water: over
    Exercise: 21DF Total Body Cardio Fix
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,434 Member
    Way to go Slimpossibles! Winners again!
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    ka97 wrote: »
    Could I be moved back to the cheer squad until June?
    I'm really overwhelmed with work right now. I've just already got so much on my plate, I can't manage the regular check-ins.

    No worries! I hope the light at the end of the tunnel comes soon!
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Good job Monday weigh ins!
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Jactop wrote: »
    Username: Jactop
    Weigh in week: Week 5
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 207
    Today’s Weight: 207

    Thanks again for all of your work this month with the baseball game. Mark and I were messaging at what a life saver you were stepping up for that.

    Are we still playing?
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Monday Check In

    calories: under
    Water: not enough;
    Exercise: over 11K steps; 30 minute interval run on the treadmill

    Goals for tomorrow:
    1. Drink more water
    2. Stick to my planned meals
    3. walk at lunch
    4. I really want to workout in the morning....we will see what happens when the alarm goes off!
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,179 Member
    8924 steps.

    A favor if I ask, my wife is back on MFP and could use some friends whether she thinks so or not. Her username 47Angie if you could send her a friend request.

    Thank you all for your help and encouragement.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,595 Member
    Monday 4/29 - Check-in
    Food: a little under
    Water: over
    Workout Time: 123 min (HOMERUN) (martial arts class AND practice outside class!)
    Steps: under 7500 (and I am beat

    Tuesday Plans
    Food and water on plan
    Workout: martial arts practice, outdoor walk
    Steps: at least 10,000
  • Wishusdonna
    Wishusdonna Posts: 241 Member
    Awesome news @tess_1982

    Catching up with check-ins from Saturday:

    Saturday: calories 8 left
    water on target
    Exercise: Parkrun! Included in 16804 steps
    Sunday: calories - way under
    water - under tsk tsk
    Exercise 3.5 hours digging in the allotment and 14086 steps

    Monday - weigh in day, no scales!
    Calories - assuming under. MFP played up. I think me adding the digging shunted the day's steps over.
    Water on track.
    Exercise - just the 11026 steps

    Payday... I mean, we're still skint, but will see about getting some scales.

    Got compliments at work yesterday for looking obviously slimmer, so I'm hopeful!

  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,434 Member
    Week 5 Weigh In
    Previous: 152.2
    Current: 151.0
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