TEAM: Run Track Minds (May)



  • rawrxamberx
    rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
    Daily Post (Monday)
    Track: yes
    Calories: over
    Limit: 1910/ Actual: 2365
    Water: 5 cups
    Exercise: yes. I worked for 7.5 hours on my feet!
    Day: today started off good but as the day went on , my anxiety got the best of me. Sometimes just out of nowhere I get super anxious. I hate it :( tomorrow is gonna be better! I’m off of work so I definitely have to get some sort of exercise in!
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: leg day at the gym & 20 minute walk with the dog.
    Goal/Day: Started the day out well with my weigh in. It was a stressful day. Getting to bed now so I can get up and run before work in the morning.
  • j0d13mcc
    j0d13mcc Posts: 56 Member
    Daily Post (Monday) from London!!!

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: no but I did some stretches
    Goal/Day: keeping hydrated so at least 3L of water. Staying flat -Drs orders. Staying positive- nailed it!!

    Come on all!! Here’s a conversation starter whilst I lie here flat on my back.... arghhhhh lol! What’s your motivation? Tell me how you stay motivated when you’re struggling?
  • JammyPea
    JammyPea Posts: 60 Member
    Week: May Week 1
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    PW =191.5

    Back on track with my eating and have increased my exercise, so looking forward to the scale moving soon
  • klilev
    klilev Posts: 87 Member
    PW: 196.6
    CW: 193.2

    I tracked today and am under. I also had a nice long run by the beach on my work trip. Eating healthy has been nore difficult during this trip than at home though.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    YES!! Day #2 of May's challenge. DONE!

    Daily Post (Monday 4/28
    Track: Yes! Every calorie, every bit, every sip; and hit diary complete.
    Calories: 1600 allowed / 1394 consumed
    Exercise: 20m am walk, 10m stretches w/some abs
    8+ water: 9 cups
    Daily Goals:
    • Morning Affirmations
    • Plan / pre-log food
    • Exercise 30-60 minutes/day..
    • Night Routine:
      ~Change clothes & Attitude
      ~Wash face / Brush Hair
      ~Hot tea
      ~One snack after dinner - NO SNACK! Yeah!
      ~Brush teeth, Gum, “Kitchen Closed!”

    I tried posting this from bed from my phone, but it wouldn't come up. :( So I'm up and at 'em and posting first thing. I read all of your posts. And will respond before I head to work. But there are so many!! :smiley: Good thing I work part-time and don't start until Noon. LOL I do however need to make sure I leave time for me, too. If it's not too icky out (where's spring!???) I'll get in a morning walk. If it is, then the plan is when hubby gets up I'll use my Gazelle glider. I don't want to wake him.

    It is exciting to have a new month of this new challenge and more people posting daily. If you ever have any questions with this challenge, our mini-challenge, or how/ when to post; please ask. I don't want this to be a frustrating experience. If you know how to friend me, you can do that and message me. Or if you type @johicks that will tag me and I can respond, as soon as I can (if my phone will upload!) I think at night the app is busy, busy; because during the day, I can use it. Anyhoooooo!! On to all of you!!

    GO TEAM!!
    Run -keep moving
    Track -know what you’re eating/ drinking
    Mind -train your brain to be positive about yourself and okay with change(s).

  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @Fivepts~ - Five… I haven’t seen a post from you since you mentioned you had fluid on the lungs. I hope you are okay. And you didn’t comment on how I used our team name on a “motto” and then also named three elements that make up our name. Hope you are alright and can post soon with an update. Thinking of you.

    @skullsandskeletons~ Oh. my. Goodness!! It must be so scary to have to go to the hospital in another country. That’s my hubby’s biggest fear, hence we don’t travel. Hope that you are still able to enjoy your trip. Good first weekly weigh-in!! Glad you found a scale.

    @Jactop ~ A stay the same! That must be hard to weigh-in after the weekend. But maybe you chose that day to be able to choose wisely over the weekend. Either way…. You did great! No gain! Yeah!!

    @MaelynMayehm~ I sure do wish that I lived near you so that I could come over and take a walk with you! I hope you are able to use your BINGO card to find some way to make Tuesday a not-so-low day. Do you keep track of TOM? I am not comparing myself to you or your situation, but I do notice that twice a month my hormones dip or get enraged and causes major mood swings for me. So I do know that there are those days where it all feels pointless… I even get so mad at the hubby that I wonder.. What!!? WHY!? And I do all the things (from my mental Bingo card) to make myself feel better. As far as you taking care of your health… YOU ARE KILLING ZOMBIES, STILL!! The calisthenics is awesome!! All you can do is take it one day at a time.

    When visiting with my soon-to-be 70 yo retired mom, she says to not overwhelm herself; she tells herself I’m going to do three things today! One of them is exercise. The other two our household type chores or a task she doesn’t want to do. I thought. Yep! Somedays, that’s all we can do… just three things. If we make our list too long, it’s way easier to throw in the towel. So focus on what YOU CAN DO today. @MaelynMayhem --- I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    @ajaia2001~ Another awesome workout and day!! Kick those boots! Maybe she will change the name to bikini camp! LOL

    @rawrxamberx ~ Amber, 7.5 hours on your feet .. phew! Even though you didn’t meet your calorie goal, I’m impressed that you logged the calories!! I tend to not log; then eat even more!! So… today is a new day. MAY you take some deep breaths and exhaaaaaale and not let anxiety take over. Enjoy some good exercise. Hopefully, it’s nice enough in southern MI to take a fun nature walk. Get away for a little bit… a 2fer! Exercise for the body & soul.

    @jupdyke~ Jen. Leg day! Thanks for the reminder about strengthening our muscles! I have a list of exercises from a class I took last year that does just that! I need to incorporate that into my regiment. Hope you had a nice run this morning!

    @j0d13mcc~ JO! Hello there in London! Good. Good on the stretches and all that water… hope you can get up fast enough to go to the potty. LOL

    My motivation! I find that motivation doesn’t last long enough and that leads to my struggles taking over. So, I’m trying to learn that it actually takes determination! And determination is making habits Making habits so that regardless of my mood or LIFE; that I can do my best to stay on the right track. I did great the beginning of April, then went a little backward. BUT fortunately, decided to stick with this challenge; which helped me get back on track. So for April I only had 9 “binge” days instead of 20! I truly believe that the name RUNTRACKMINDS is going to be a helper for me something I can do daily…
    Run -keep moving
    Track -know what you’re eating/ drinking
    Mind -train your brain to be positive about yourself and okay with change(s).

    For some of my day-to-day or moment-to-moment struggles… like passing the candy jar 20x in a 5-hour period at work; I take my homemade protein no bake fake bars as a treat. Or bring a chocolate protein shake as a snack. Knowing my weaknesses helps me. Because then I can plan for them. If it is my mood that’s causing my struggle, I TRY to remember (the hard part when the moment is hot and heavy) to use aromatherapy (candles, lotions, or even flavored & scented lipgloss) to help distract me. Hot soaking baths help my mood. And GUM! Gum is my easy go-to. I have it everywhere! Learning that until me knee has fewer lbs on it; that I can only do 20 minutes max of walking at a time. And if it hurts, to be sure to walk slower, take more ibuprofen, and if THAT sore… then do chair exercises and upper body movements. Remembering mostly that I CAN DO something. Oh! Affirmations. I have a daily morning affirmation time. Sometimes (not always that helps later in the day.)

    Thanks for that JO. It was a good reminder. Hope to hear from everyone about what they do. Let’s all give go that little lift of encouragement. She’s laying flat and we are all able to move about; even if we are struggling. We all do. LIFE happens.

    @Jammypea~ A same is better than a gain! Blah blah blah I know! You want to lose! You are tracking your food and increasing exercise… then it will happen. Do you track your water, too? What kind of exercises?
    @Klilev~ woooohooooo! That’s a great week #1 weigh-in. Awesome loss! Yes, being away from home to make healthy choices is soooo hard! But a long run (walk, stroll) along the beach sounds wonderful. I was just thinking about that on my walk yesterday. I’m going to have to make my hubby go with me to a sandy beach close by so I can walk in the sand. Even if he has to sit; I would love it!! There is something so soothing about the water and that squishing of sand under the feet. Aaaaaahhhhh.

    Have a great day all! Keep posting!
  • rawrxamberx
    rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
    Username: rawrxamberx
    Week: May Week #1 (4/30)
    PW: 321.2
    CW: 320.6

    I’m actually very happy with myself right now! Even though it’s not a big loss, it’s still a loss and I’m very determined to keep going! Going into weigh in, I had in my head “oh I probably gained” and making myself feel kinda bad. But when I saw that I lost, all of that went away. Now I have exactly one week until my 28th birthday. So more than ever, I’m gonna make this week my best :)
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Daily Post ( Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Cals: Over, 1335/1200
    Water: Stopped tracking, but definitely drank a good amount today!
    Exercise: No

    Day: It was an ok Monday, got myself back on track after the weekend and have already lost some of the water weight, which is encouraging. Decided to slowly decrease how often I weigh in. Currently I weigh in every day, but lately that has been making this journey feel a bit slow and tedious. Even though I use a weight tracking app that helps account for daily weight fluctuations, I'm still feeling a bit burnt out. 3 months is about how long I've lasted doing any sort of weight loss, so I'm coming up on that deadline. I know I will push through 3 months this time, but I'm definitely going to try to help myself out when I'm feeling meh. So, starting next week I'm going to try weighing every other day, decreasing each week, and so on. I'll see how that goes, then adjust if needed.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @rawrxamberx ~ Amber! You should be happy. A loss is always something to be excited about and worth celebrating! :)

    It’s a shame that we (yes, me too!!) put some much stock (our value, or worth, or even our mood) in a number of a scale. We need to learn that it’s only ONE tool of many to evaluate our success. Do you measure your inches? Do you monitor how your body and mind is changing? What are some other ways to evaluate our success? What are some of your NSV?

    @jwall309 ~ Jessica. Oh good... glad you're pulling yourself back. You may have gone over, but you tracked!! Did you see Jo's post asking what do you do when you struggle? Or what is your motivation? Coming up on that 3-month mark, what is your plan? :)
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    @johicks @j0d13mcc I'm very results-motivated. As in, once the pounds start coming off, that can be enough to keep me going! I am also a very extroverted social person, so surrounding myself with people on the same journey or who make health a priority really helps. Previously I had done weight watchers, and that was the aspect of it that I enjoyed most, socializing and having a support system. Thats why I joined this group actually! To simulate the support group style I got in weight watchers. I also encouraged my in real life friend @rachelgoff3716 to join our group! We have been supporting each other in person for awhile now, which really helps. Another huge motivator is fitting into my clothes. I bought most of my clothes when I was thinner, and I really dont want to buy all new ones for financial and emotional reasons.

    The only two times I've tried and successfully lost weight, I've ended at the 3 month mark mainly due to timing. The first time was a summer break from college and my mom and I both prioritized health and fitness that summer, but after 3 months when I went back to school it was more difficult when eating in dining halls and being around people who were eating however they wanted. The second time was with weight watchers, and my workplace had paid for our group to do a 3 month session, so again after the session ended I found it difficult to keep losing. Both times I kept the weight off for over a year and then found myself in a relationship and gaining weight due to that. So, this time I have set myself up for success by joining this group, because it doesn't have an expiration date! I also have my friend's wedding in a year that will keep me motivated to not only lose, but keep it off!
  • rawrxamberx
    rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
    @johicks a couple of my NSV are:
    -mentally I feel a lot happier
    -I feel much lighter like I don’t feel like a stuffed turkey all the time. I used to never feel hungry and that’s when I knew I ate too much. Now I know when my stomach is hungry.
    -I’m not nearly as bloated as I used to be
    -I feel it’s a little easier for me to move around

    Because of all of those victories , it makes me want to keep going in direction that I’m going. I feel better about myself. Taking this day by day also helps because I don’t feel so much pressure.
  • JamieD328
    JamieD328 Posts: 976 Member
    Username: Jamied328
    Week 1 May
    Tuesday weigh in
    PW: 164.4
    CW: 164.6
  • j0d13mcc
    j0d13mcc Posts: 56 Member
    jwall309 wrote: »
    @johicks @j0d13mcc I'm very results-motivated. As in, once the pounds start coming off, that can be enough to keep me going! I am also a very extroverted social person, so surrounding myself with people on the same journey or who make health a priority really helps. Previously I had done weight watchers, and that was the aspect of it that I enjoyed most, socializing and having a support system. Thats why I joined this group actually! To simulate the support group style I got in weight watchers. I also encouraged my in real life friend @rachelgoff3716 to join our group! We have been supporting each other in person for awhile now, which really helps. Another huge motivator is fitting into my clothes. I bought most of my clothes when I was thinner, and I really dont want to buy all new ones for financial and emotional reasons.

    @jwall309 @johicks - they're really good points. Thanks for that...Like @jwall309 I'm motivated by social engagement which is why this group is really helpful and also these little conversations. I'm a thinker...and ALWAYS that person at parties who wants to talk about life after few lol...You can always find me and my bestie on the kitchen floor having a deep and meaningful, debating something or thrashing out a topic or two hahah... I love that @rachelgoff3716 has joined the group with you, its like the weightloss version of the kitchen floor at a party...!! Yeah, its how we roll in London, just be glad I've progressed, when we were 18 it was the bathroom floor! How'd we survive!?

    I'm also motivated by fitting into my old clothes, particularly my old styles. I found that as I put on weight I wanted to wear different styles and now I'm losing I'm more confident in my old clothes in a way I never thought I would.

    @jwall309 - do you think 3 months is a point of challenge for you? is this something to think about as you're coming up against that time again? Are there things you can do to set yourself challenges to get over that 3 month hump? Maybe set a goal to run/walk a 5k fun run with @rachelgoff3716, maybe for charity? Its something social, goal orientated in that you can raise money and it could push you past a potential sticking point...if the 3 month milestone comes up again....

    @johicks - the candy jar has been my biggest challenge this week. There's so much left over from my sons birthday party so I've made a commitment to only have 3 small gummies per day if I want some, and I count them in my calories and my nutrients. I need to move them as they're right on the entry to the kitchen....How're the positive affirmations going?

    I saw my neurologist today and he was like, have done an amazing job on the weight loss. He thinks that once I'm past this little hiccup that my actual underlying condition (IIH) will go into remission. i've always been healthy until about 3 months ago when I developed fluid on my brain suddenly. Apparently, its all about weight loss and I can already feel that I'm starting to feel better after losing 10kg. I have another 18kg to go. Its amazing what damage weight gain and carrying weight can do to the body and how quickly losing the weight can repair the damage.
  • j0d13mcc
    j0d13mcc Posts: 56 Member
    Daily post (tues) 30/4

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: no -I walked around a bit today to go to the hospital
    Goal/Day: keeping hydrated so at least 3L of water. Staying positive- nailed it!! I increased my salt and electrolytes today on Dr's orders too and thats really helps me to feel better! Lying flat most of the time but up and about a little!
  • rawrxamberx
    rawrxamberx Posts: 646 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)
    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Limit: 1910/ Actual: 1906
    Water: 3 cups
    Exercise: 20 minutes of dance workout on fabfitfun :)
    Day: my day was very relaxed and I enjoyed my day off! I really wanted to go for a walk too but it was too rainy :(
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited May 2019
    @jwall309 & @j0d13mcc love the conversation and insight. Yes being social with like-minded people sure does help. Thank you for sharing. Except I’m sitting at the table. If I sit on the floor too long, I won’t be able to get up. LOL I do the positive affirmation every morning. My "reward" for doing them daily was to buy myself an encouragement card. I'm going to write myself a good thought out note to self. Then seal it, and give it to my mom to mail in the future and not tell me. My hope is that I'll always be able to look upon it knowing that I CAN succeed and continue to improve, even on hard days. Never give up. I'm reading them more at night too before I sign off. It's helping me now to not go grab an after dinner snack.

    @j0d13mcc~ Another good day!! Super that the doc was happy with your progress. That’s amazing how weight is affecting your condition. Wow. Inspirational.

    I’ve heard that for every pound a person loses it’s like taking 5# off knees/ joints in body!!! I can’t wait for another 10lbs to come off.

    @MaeylnMayhem ~ I love your courage. Most of us don’t like facing the facts of having pictures taken or looking in the mirror. You not only took a picture you shared it with us. Nice to meet you!! And I hope you can see the difference in the pics, your t-shirt is baggier in the shoulders, chest, and belly; it’s also longer… look at the length of the sleeves; and you can see that your face is thinning, too. Never get rid of this shirt!! At some point, you will want to put a yardstick through the sleeves. Wearing new thinner clothes you will have a different visual demonstration of showing your before and after. (Not sure if I made sense with that.) I hope you take a picture at the end of May, too. You’re doing great. I look forward to reading your report tonight to see if you had a better day. And hope nothing about the darn fire alarm. ;)

    @rawrxamberx~ love. Love. love those NSV… especially being able to feel hunger now. I too had that problem, along with feeling full. So glad you have a nice day off. Good for you. Getting in some exercise too!! Awesome!! Yes, so ready for spring. It's supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow more, too. Ugh!! But wait 15 minutes, right? LOL We are in MI.

    Since I am being cautious with my choices due to low calories, I noticed at dinner that I felt more full. It was nice. I didn’t feel like I was on a “diet.” Good for you! One day at a time. Sometimes, one moment at a time.

    @JamieD328 ~ Keep at it. MAY you find this next week to be full of joy, easier choices, and more moving. We are here to help.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    YES! Three good days in a row! MAY we all have a great month!

    Daily Post (Tuesday 4/30
    Track: Yes! Every calorie, every bit, every sip; and hit complete diary.
    Calories: 1600 allowed / 1197 consumed
    Exercise: 10m marching, 20m walk, and 10m walk
    8+ water: 8 cups
    Daily Goals:
    • Morning Affirmations
    • Plan / pre-log food
    • Exercise 30-60 minutes/day DONE! 40 minutes
    • Night Routine:
      ~Change clothes & Attitude
      ~Wash face / Brush Hair
      ~Hot tea
      ~One snack after dinner - NO SNACK! Yeah!
      ~Brush teeth, Gum, “Kitchen Closed!”

    I debated on sending this tonight. As I’m a little tempted to have an after dinner snack. But, I’m not really hungry, nor anxious. And I feel like it will lead to more. So.. KITCHEN IS CLOSED. I even put my yummy gum on my desk. So when I go out my computer away, I can grab a piece. More hot tea and I’m all set.

    Good night my MFP friends! Thanks for a good day of chit-chat and reflection. You’re all awesome! Hope to hear from more of you soon.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @kristawatkins52 Hello there. I see you on our team list for @RunTrackMinds and with a weigh-in day of Sunday. Hope to hear from you soon. Let me know if you have any questions.
This discussion has been closed.