TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (May)



  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    Username: brandi_84
    Starting: 184
    Week 1: 182
    Week 2:. 182
    Week 3: 182
    Week 4: 182

    Very frustrating. Just can't seem to budge. I think I'm going to have to lower my calorie goal. I'm also going to have to just buy a food scale.
  • enyagoboom
    enyagoboom Posts: 377 Member
    Weekly Challenge
    Day: Tuesday
    Tracking: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes - 17 minute walk with Brody and 25 min of yoga/stretching. easier night on my hips and i have my study-class thing happening so there's not a lot of extra time tonight.

    Couple things today:

    1 - I hit my activity goal for may! I have a spreadsheet where I track the days and the time I do the activities in different categories (swim, yoga/pilates/other, C25k, Walks, and plank challenge) and while I haven't hit the monthly goal for each category, I'm way over for walks so that's awesome. I won't likely hit all the individual goals for the month, but it's a huge uptick from last month and the months before that since I fell off my fat-wagon. My total goal was 16 hours and 15 minutes, and as of tonight I'm over that!

    (next month my goals will be a bit higher though still obtainable)

    2 - another terrible food day though. i ended up sharing my lunch with a co-worker and the breakfast smoothie i brought gave me wicked heartburn a few sips in. Such a bummer. But yay tacos!

    This week is dragging though. Today is Tuesday and it feels like it should be thursday. blegh!
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    Mini challenge
    tracked: yes
    calories: yes
    activity: yes, treadmill amd weights

    Sun: no
    Mon: no
    Tue: yes
  • heaz10
    heaz10 Posts: 311 Member
    Weigh in:
    PW: 222.1
    CW: 221
    Sorry I am late!
  • heaz10
    heaz10 Posts: 311 Member
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes 45 min walk

    Track: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes 30 min walk

    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes 40 min walk
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    Exercise yes
    Calories yes
    Tracked yes

    Sunday yes
    Monday no
    Tuesday yes
  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    @enyagoboom I also make monthly goals including exercise and eating goals and usually some sort of other small goal like no eating anywhere there is a drive through.
    I would love to hear more about what goals you set because I am always looking for ideas.
  • cmhubbard92
    cmhubbard92 Posts: 5,018 Member
    5/22/19 weigh-in

    Previous week: 218.5
    Current Weight: 218.5
    Loss: 0.0

    Scale worked after new batteries! Unfortunately no loss on this Weigh-In, but we have an extra week this month! I did see 216.7 this weekend, so hopefully that weight is coming to stay soon!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    jlbtnc wrote: »
    Week 4 – 5/20 - May Mini Challenge
    Logged Food: yes
    Under Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes – I did 1 hour and 13 minutes of waling today

    Week 4 – 5/19 - May Mini Challenge
    Logged Food: yes
    Under Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes – 1 hour and 31 minutes of cleaning porch and furniture, and31 minutes of walking to shop and errands

    @HASWLRS sorry I missed the post the other day with you asking about what I Chinese auction is. My granddaughters school had one. It is items or baskets donated put around the a room and bags with numbers on for each item/basket (these could range from something small like tickets to large items like bikes, etc.). Plus bigger items for door prizes etc. You by tickets and go around to each items you like and put a ticket in the bag. At a certain time the sponsors hosting the Chinese auction will shake the bag and pull a ticket (this is the winner). Very popular in our area and make great fundraisers to make money.
    Are we on week 4?

    @jlbtnc, yep, we are on week 4 of 5 for the month of May. We have these types of fundraisers, too, but I am not altogether sure what they are called. The church calls them "the penny table" because the prizes are smaller and the tickets are cheap, but I can't seem to recall what other places call them.

    Your new profile picture is adorable and very romantic!! Was it a special occasion?
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    enyagoboom wrote: »
    Weekly Challenge
    Day: Monday
    Tracking: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes, 60 min walk with Brody :)

    Lots of steps today. Working on building up good habits! This week I’m trying to drink more water because I drink very little regularly.

    @enyagoboom, I need to work on my water as well!! I feel badly when I don't drink it, so why would I do that to myself??
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    erikNJ wrote: »
    Mini challenge
    Sun: no
    Mon: no

    Two no days only cause of activity. I tracked and stayed under calories. Sunday I just needed a rest day from the weekend. Then we have had 90 degree weather here but we didn’t get our air conditioners in yet. I cannot sleep in hot weather so I just came home from work exhausted yesterday and laid on the couch, couldn’t get myself to the gym. Cooler weather is back so I will exercise today.

    @erikNJ, you rested your body and stayed on track with your eating. And now that the cooler weather is back (we have the same weather!) you will start exercising again. Very much still on track!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    murdog3t wrote: »
    May 20
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes
    60min yoga & meditation
    3 mile Tabata jog
    30 min cardio video
    Water: 88oz
    Happy Tuesday

    @murdog3t, great looking Monday!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    Tracked yes
    Calories no.. I was over by under 100 but still
    Exercise yes

    Sunday yes
    Monday no

    @abowersgirl, only 100 over and it was a holiday. So, not bad at all!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    Username: brandi_84
    Starting: 184
    Week 1: 182
    Week 2:. 182
    Week 3: 182
    Week 4: 182

    Very frustrating. Just can't seem to budge. I think I'm going to have to lower my calorie goal. I'm also going to have to just buy a food scale.

    @brandi_84, I can't believe you are trying to do this without a food scale!! Well, the good news is that you definitely know how much to eat to maintain your weight! And the other good news is that you can find inexpensive food don't have to spend a lot. The bad news is, that you will be shocked at how much less you have to eat to lose weight! Find a deficit that you can work with, so that you can do long term.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    enyagoboom wrote: »
    Weekly Challenge
    Day: Tuesday
    Tracking: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes - 17 minute walk with Brody and 25 min of yoga/stretching. easier night on my hips and i have my study-class thing happening so there's not a lot of extra time tonight.

    Couple things today:

    1 - I hit my activity goal for may! I have a spreadsheet where I track the days and the time I do the activities in different categories (swim, yoga/pilates/other, C25k, Walks, and plank challenge) and while I haven't hit the monthly goal for each category, I'm way over for walks so that's awesome. I won't likely hit all the individual goals for the month, but it's a huge uptick from last month and the months before that since I fell off my fat-wagon. My total goal was 16 hours and 15 minutes, and as of tonight I'm over that!

    (next month my goals will be a bit higher though still obtainable)

    2 - another terrible food day though. i ended up sharing my lunch with a co-worker and the breakfast smoothie i brought gave me wicked heartburn a few sips in. Such a bummer. But yay tacos!

    This week is dragging though. Today is Tuesday and it feels like it should be thursday. blegh!

    @enyagoboom, a spreadsheet with activity goals...sounds interesting! Great job on surpassing your monthly total!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    5/21/19 Mini Challenge
    Tracked: Yes
    Under: Yes
    Exercise: 45 minutes elliptical, 15 minutes flex

    I made the best pizza for dinner! Homemade crust, peppers, onions, olives, my veggie bake(eggplant, zucchini, tomato) and chicken breast with a little cheese and sauce! It was so delicious! And super filling.

    In other news, my arm is *killing* me tonight. I have a sharp pain in it when I move it above my head, and even driving. I tried stretching it for a while tonight, but it hasn't helped much.

    I am planning on getting some rest early tonight, and letting my arm relax!

    @cmhubbard92, how did you hurt your arm? Is it your arm or your shoulder?

    And your homemade pizza sounds very good, minus the olives!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,997 Member
    heaz10 wrote: »
    Weigh in:
    PW: 222.1
    CW: 221
    Sorry I am late!

    @heaz10, you may be late posting, but you lost a solid pound, so all is forgiven!!! Well done!!
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