Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member

This chat room provides a place for the CHALLENGERS to meet and chat about the challenge, discuss any issues, post comments, share ideas, etc...

We are beginning the JUNE Challenge - We have six (6) teams returning this month!!

Our group and team leaders for the JUNE Challenge are as follows:

Our Moderators;
Steve - @steplaj (Group Owner)
Greg - @Navydaddjtc
Becky - @Beka3695
Liselyn - @jugar

Our Team Captains
Team Workout Warriors - @Navydaddjtc , @shockvalue07 and @steplaj
Team Mission Slimpossibles - @broncobuddee and @Kres567
Team Weight No More - @sleepymom5 and @cyndiesstuff
Team WaistAways - @BMcC9 and @jugar
Team Trimstones - @mulecanter and @jessicakrall8
Team Shrinking Assets - @Boehle and @Beka3695

Our Motivators
Team Workout Warriors - @navydaddjtc
Team Mission Slimpossibles - @tess5036 and @Kres567
Team WaistAways - OPEN
Team Weight No More - @ihp2015 and @Mrsbell8well
Team Trimstones - @angmarie28
Team Shrinking Assets - @KelGen02

Captain’s responsibilities include:
* Entering weights for your team into the spreadsheet.
* Be active in team discussions, encouraging and supporting the challengers as they post.
* Encourage challengers to participate in challenges and in group discussions.
* Post daily / weekly challenges and topics to promote team involvement and help keep the team engaged.
* Participate in team discussions encouraging team participation.
* Help remind challengers when they are due to post (and especially when overdue to post) weights.
* Encourage participation in the moderators challenge and in the weekly team challenges.
* Remind your challengers to enter their weights on time by tagging them or messaging them when they are pending.
* Answering any questions that may come up about challenges, weigh-ins, the spreadsheets etc.

Motivator’s Responsibilities include:
* Be active in team discussions, encouraging and supporting the challengers as they post.
* Encourage challengers to participate in challenges and in group discussions.
* Participate in team discussions encouraging team participation.
* Help remind challengers when they are due to post (and especially when overdue to post) weights.
* Encourage participation in the moderators challenge and in the weekly team challenges.
* Coordinate with your awesome team captains to see if they can use any assistance or if they have any specific tasks they feel you can assist with.

- - WEEKLY GROUP CHALLENGE (Challenges hosted by teams for the entire group)
- - MODERATOR'S CHALLENGE (Challenges hosted by the moderators of the group)
- - INDIVIDUAL CHALLENGES (Challenges within teams themselves)

Team Weekly challenges will be announced in later communications

(Note:The team order for challenges follows the team order in the group standing sheet on the spreadsheets)

We have 4 total possible challenges and NONE are mandatory. Our challengers can do none or all it's up to them. So we have...

The F2F Weekly TEAM Challenge - posted each week on Sunday in the announcements by the team who is assigned that particular week (see above for your week). This is for the F2F Group as a whole.

F2F Moderators Challenge/Topic of the week - This challenge is provided each week in the announcements area. One of the moderators will either provide a challenge that will involve anything fitness, health, and nutrition.

Individual Team challenges - these are challenge done within your own team. You can chose daily, weekly, or monthly challenges (weekly seems to work best). You can make this whatever you wish as long as it's health and fitness related.

Note: If for some reason your team is unable to provide the weekly challenge please let me know ahead of time so another team can take your place or so I can provide the challenge.

Good Luck Teams: Please let us know if there is anything wrong or if you notice something that needs to be fixed or modified. Everything seems ready to go for JUNE. Registrations are almost done and we have quite a few new challengers. Make sure you are going into your new team threads to welcome anyone who has started posting. Let’s make our newbies feel welcome and show them some F2F love!!



  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    edited May 2019
    Hi, June is my fifth month on the challenge, I'm Australian, mum to a 13 yr old.

    I eat low-carb, moderate protein, moderate healthy fats, avoid processed and refined foods, and I do intermittent fasting. I have insulin resistance and am on Metformin, and a sluggish thyroid (no meds for thyroid, only supplements, so far).

    Since joining this challenge and losing weight my sleep has improved (am no longer an epic snorer, for which my husband is grateful), I wake refreshed in the morning and have much better energy levels during the day. Stress can be an issue for me - my daughter has health issues and I am primary carer - however, I have stopped stress eating and am pretty good at sticking to my way of eating.

    My stats:
    169cm / 5'7'
    40 years
    Highest Weight: 263.5lbs/119.5kg (Sunday 27th January 2019)
    June Challenge Start Weight: 210.1lbs /95.3kg (Monday, 27th May)
    June Challenge Goal Weight: 200 lbs /90.7kg ( 24th June)

    Additional June goals: keep up regular walking, strength training twice per week, incorporate 5 mins mindfulness daily.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,602 Member
    edited May 2019
    Hi, my name is Linda and I will be filling in as captain with @boehle for the month of June. I am a mother of three and a grandmother of 2 beautiful girls. I am married and on some days that feels like having another child. lol

    I credit this challenge with helping me be successful. I faithfully log my food daily and have set my weight loss goal to 2 pounds a week. I hit a slight plateau in May but had a big whoosh this week. I do not eliminate any foods but fit them in my calorie goals. I am travelling to my beautiful home province of Newfoundland for the next for 4 weeks, so I will be dropping my weight loss goal to .5 pounds a week. For exercise, I walk. For the last while I have had a problem with my ears that was making me dizzy. I am on medication and it is feeling much better, so I will start walking more again.

    Losing weight for me has been a life changer. I feel better physically and mentally. I am able to do more with my granddaughters which makes them happy. To the new people starting and returning challengers, I encourage you to participate in the weekly challenges. Set goals for yourself. Let us know your goals and if you want, share them. Update the group on how you are crushing them. We are here to help each other to succeed!

    HW 262.8
    CW 221.0
    June goal weight: 217.0
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
    edited May 2019
    @mskatz1966 @Mjkozki

  • Mjkozki
    Mjkozki Posts: 45 Member
    Hi! Was just assigned to your team! I'm really looking forward to learning from everyone here!
    My name is Maia, and I started Keto weighing 320lbs on 2-11. I'm now at 300, and working towards losing -at minimum - 10lbs by the end of this month. My goal weight is 200lbs.

    I have been moving back and forth between IF and OMD, because I'm told my body needs to be 'tricked' to get past the stalls and plateaus. Since being here, I've learned that alot of the info I was going by is wrong (or I simply misunderstood it), and the members have been really great at helping me straighten this out once and for all.
    I'm a Mom of three C-section kids and a rouen-y, which means I am dealing with scar tissue along with belly fat, so I'm also taking choline and serrapeptase which has helped alot.

    I'm also walking with WII, but I'm being careful because of my knees. Thanks for letting me join!
  • Coleen312
    Coleen312 Posts: 322 Member
    Glad you’re here!! This is a great group!
  • Coleen312
    Coleen312 Posts: 322 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    I think I’m beginning my 5th month here and love the positivity, accountability, and overall support I see here. I’m a 53 yr old mother of 4 sons aged 18-26. I kinda let myself become less of a priority over the years and just didn’t watch my food intake. I’ve been working at this awhile and am down 50lbs. Only 25 more to go until goal. I’m a teacher so here in Ohio we are now out of school! Woo-Hoo!! I hope to begin walking more like I have in the past. Currently getting over the stomach flu. I feel like I was hit by a train! Looking forward to a beautiful June!
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
    edited June 2019
    @mustb60 @pjshawley
  • Pamela_Sue
    Pamela_Sue Posts: 563 Member
    Hi, my name is Pam. I am 60 and diabetic for the last 5 years. I was at my high weight of 264.5 in Feb 2019. I am now at 251.5 (May 27th). I like to weigh on Mondays. At my doctor check-up in April, my diabetic A1C was 8.5, which is not good. My doctor put the fear into me, and I am now working really hard on my diet and sorta hard on my fitness. I meet with a dietitian and together we have set up goals of a 1,500 calorie diet, and 1,700 mg sodium, as my blood pressure is also not so great. I only started my diet last week and plummeted 4 pounds, but am stalling this week as my diet catches up with my water weight loss. I also ride my hated exercise bike 30 minutes 6 x weekly. I have suffered from major depression my entire adult life, but it has greatly improved this year, enabling me to really focus on my health. I decided I don't want to die from diabetic complications, so I am finally taking my health seriously. I would like to lose 70 pounds, then set another goal. My June goals are to lose 4 to 6 pounds, stick with my bike riding, improve my blood sugar numbers, and dust off my Total Gym and give it a whirl by the end of June. I look forward to this month and to meeting all of you!!

    One question - how do I find my way back to the Shrinking Assets page? I used the link the moderator gave me but don't know how to access normally. I am not very technological.
  • Pamela_Sue
    Pamela_Sue Posts: 563 Member
    Oh, I figured out how to get to this team chat page. Great set-up!
  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    pjshawley wrote: »
    Oh, I figured out how to get to this team chat page. Great set-up!

    If you navigate to the top of this page, on the right there is a star icon, if you click it so it turns yellow it will save this thread as a favourite and any new posts will turn up in your notifications (header bar bell shaped icon) which provides a shortcut to getting back here again.

  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am joining this challenge once again after a gap due to personal reasons. My stats are
    Height 5'4"
    SW 175.4 lbs, GW 170 lbs, UGW 145 lbs.
    Work outs Walking Running Lifting
    Main hurdles in achieving goal are Mindless Snacking, Not motivated until I get challenged.
    Hope we will have a fabulous June and will be successful this month! Good luck!!

  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,321 Member
    Hi everyone, happy to be continuing for a second month with you all! May was not a good month but June is going to be better. I’m a Mum to two boys in New Zealand, it is just coming into our winter so I’m planning on making use of my treadmill this month.
    I lead a crazy busy life and never made myself a priority, I can be organised with meal planning but emotional (including boredom) eating is a big problem for me.
    One of my goals this month is to be more involved in the group, I am very reserved and struggle to share information about myself, I guess I think it’s not important or people won’t want to know about my life

    I feel the same way....I struggle to share and I think it's not important and no one really cares......

This discussion has been closed.