

  • Coleen312
    Coleen312 Posts: 322 Member
    ^^^CW should read 151.4
  • destiny_sierra
    destiny_sierra Posts: 66 Member
    Week 1
    SW 216
    CW 215.8
  • ssummerlin80
    ssummerlin80 Posts: 122 Member
    First, let me just say – CONGRATS GROUP!! We blasted the competition last month! WOO! Let’s keep that momentum moving forward into this month. B)

    Second, welcome aboard to everyone new this month! I’m really excited to get to know you all.

    Lastly, I am going to try posting some weekly goals here to help me stay on track! This week’s goals:

    • Record all calories every day this week
    • Run 1.25 miles
    • Ride Phoenix (my horse) 2x
    • Be in bed, phone off by 11:00 on weeknights
    • Marie Kondo style organize and clean out my T-shirt/pants drawers – I know this is not weight loss related, but the situation has gotten out of hand lol. Putting it on this list will hopefully keep me accountable.

    I Marie Kondo organized all of my drawers awhile back and it truly has made a big difference. I don't even mind folding clothes now because everything has its particular place.
  • southpalms
    southpalms Posts: 41 Member
    Every month we have a step challenge. You just check in daily to report your steps from the previous day. Who is in and who will come out on top this month? I need yesterday’s step count.

    My steps for today 12,176
  • ssummerlin80
    ssummerlin80 Posts: 122 Member
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    I will be away a good chunk of today for some personal reasons but as for now..

    overdue weights:

    also, if you are new... at the top of this section, there is a little star. Click it.
    Then anytime you click on groups or message boards, you can click on the favorites option and easily get to this room
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    First, let me just say – CONGRATS GROUP!! We blasted the competition last month! WOO! Let’s keep that momentum moving forward into this month. B)

    Second, welcome aboard to everyone new this month! I’m really excited to get to know you all.

    Lastly, I am going to try posting some weekly goals here to help me stay on track! This week’s goals:

    • Record all calories every day this week
    • Run 1.25 miles
    • Ride Phoenix (my horse) 2x
    • Be in bed, phone off by 11:00 on weeknights
    • Marie Kondo style organize and clean out my T-shirt/pants drawers – I know this is not weight loss related, but the situation has gotten out of hand lol. Putting it on this list will hopefully keep me accountable.

    I Marie Kondo organized all of my drawers awhile back and it truly has made a big difference. I don't even mind folding clothes now because everything has its particular place.

    That's amazing! I am hoping to get to that place. I HATE folding clothes lol.
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    Hi everyone, happy to be continuing for a second month with you all! May was not a good month but June is going to be better. I’m a Mum to two boys in New Zealand, it is just coming into our winter so I’m planning on making use of my treadmill this month.
    I lead a crazy busy life and never made myself a priority, I can be organised with meal planning but emotional (including boredom) eating is a big problem for me.
    One of my goals this month is to be more involved in the group, I am very reserved and struggle to share information about myself, I guess I think it’s not important or people won’t want to know about my life

    I feel the same way....I struggle to share and I think it's not important and no one really cares......


    Looks like we’ve taken the first step together Laurie, I hope to hear more from you

    @lhughes2019 and @LaurieWrobo please share, we care !

    Yes please share! That is what this group is all about :)
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,321 Member
    Steps 6/4
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    pjshawley wrote: »
    Hi. This is my first week here, and my second week of dieting, and I already have a setback. I injured my knee doing intermittent sprints on my exercise bike. From the cycling experts on the Fitness board, I learned this is a common injury for newbie, unconditioned, cyclists trying to do too much, too soon. That would describe me. About a month of rest before biking or walking any distance. This will be a trial for me, as I may not lose much weight in the next few weeks. BUT, I have been reading the motivational quotes and they bolstered my determination. I can still progress, although it may be slower. And I think of my friend who is in a wheelchair who lost weight without any exercise. It is possible. Thanks for letting me share, and have a great week!!

    So sorry about your injury. Rest up lots so you heal well!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Vacation is interesting this year. My father-in-law is out of hospital but he is not doing well. I am trying to get him to eat and gain some strength. It is heart breaking to see someone lose their independence.

    My eating is totally different than I eat at home. I am not weighing and measuring my foods. My husbands aunt brings us yummy homemade bread, so I am eating a lot more bread than usual. I am logging to the best of my ability. I guess Friday’s weigh in will tell all. I haven’t got a walk in since we got here cause it has been raining and cold. Today is warm but lots of rain showers.

    Loving everyone’s participation this month. We are going to rock this month!
  • ngk2000
    ngk2000 Posts: 192 Member
    Need the following people’s start weights:


    Hello-My starting weight on 5/30 was 262.0. Thanks.
  • Mjkozki
    Mjkozki Posts: 45 Member
    What makes you think you're the only one on a "strict" diet? :)
    Well, where do I begin?
    Where I'm at, at the moment it's been quite the struggle since I'm the only one here currently on a strict diet and everyone else eats far more unhealthy than I do so it's nice to have others to fall back on.
    I'm 32 and from the US (TN.) I'm 5'11" or so and I started MFP in April of this year at a total of over 400 lbs. Since then I have lost 42 lbs doing a mix of just being a little more active and the bulk of it has been fairly strict dieting.

    Anyway - my weigh in days are on Mondays.

    June starting weight: 360 lbs
    June 03: 358 lbs

  • ngk2000
    ngk2000 Posts: 192 Member
    I'd like to do the June steps challenge. I was a total slacker on Sunday and Monday--so I have some catching up to do.
    6/1 16,669
    6/2 4,321
    6/3 5,215
  • Pamela_Sue
    Pamela_Sue Posts: 563 Member
    Mjkozki wrote: »
    What makes you think you're the only one on a "strict" diet? :)
    Well, where do I begin?
    Where I'm at, at the moment it's been quite the struggle since I'm the only one here currently on a strict diet and everyone else eats far more unhealthy than I do so it's nice to have others to fall back on.
    I'm 32 and from the US (TN.) I'm 5'11" or so and I started MFP in April of this year at a total of over 400 lbs. Since then I have lost 42 lbs doing a mix of just being a little more active and the bulk of it has been fairly strict dieting.

    Anyway - my weigh in days are on Mondays.

    June starting weight: 360 lbs
    June 03: 358 lbs

    If I might interject, I think the original poster's reference to being the 'only one here currently on a strict diet' was referring to being the only one in their home ("where I'm at") on a strict diet, and not referring to the team.
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