

  • cre804
    cre804 Posts: 353 Member
    Please feel free to delete this if it is not allowed...

    Over the weekend was a huge step for me and part of the reason my step count is all over the place the last couple days.

    So to understand the reason it was a huge step you need to know that I am terrified of heights. I am 4'11 and 3/4ths (yes the 3/4ths count) and am afraid to look down if that tells you anything.

    However, we went to Mackinac on Sunday...We climbed a lighthouse tower, went across the bridge, and went to multiple overlooks along different hiking trails. I think my heart rate was higher due to my fear rather than the actual hiking that went with it.

    I really don't have to many people to share this accomplishment with so I thought here might be a good place and it was definitely a work out for me (and finally put into perspective how out of shape I am for my husband...that he finally agreed that if I want to lose weight he will support me).

    Mackinac Bridge from one of the overlooks:

    Overlook off the highway which had a wonderful view of a lake:

    A couple other overlook spots along the hiking trail:

    And the Nerds freak shake my daughter had...which I didn't even have a bite of:

    Oh man, and Mackinac Island fudge is the best! Maybe I’ll make it up there again next year.
  • Mjkozki
    Mjkozki Posts: 45 Member
    No big deal, it was written in a way that read like it was referring to the group. I was concerned that she thought she was alone, that's all.


    If I might interject, I think the original poster's reference to being the 'only one here currently on a strict diet' was referring to being the only one in their home ("where I'm at") on a strict diet, and not referring to the team.[/quote]

  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    edited June 2019
    Please feel free to delete this if it is not allowed...

    Over the weekend was a huge step for me and part of the reason my step count is all over the place the last couple days.

    So to understand the reason it was a huge step you need to know that I am terrified of heights. I am 4'11 and 3/4ths (yes the 3/4ths count) and am afraid to look down if that tells you anything.

    However, we went to Mackinac on Sunday...We climbed a lighthouse tower, went across the bridge, and went to multiple overlooks along different hiking trails. I think my heart rate was higher due to my fear rather than the actual hiking that went with it.

    I really don't have to many people to share this accomplishment with so I thought here might be a good place and it was definitely a work out for me (and finally put into perspective how out of shape I am for my husband...that he finally agreed that if I want to lose weight he will support me).

    WAY TO GO! I cannot even imagine having the courage to tackle a fear like that! :) You rock!

    And I am so happy that you have the support of your husband. That makes such a big difference. <3
  • Coleen312
    Coleen312 Posts: 322 Member
    pjshawley wrote: »
    Hi. This is my first week here, and my second week of dieting, and I already have a setback. I injured my knee doing intermittent sprints on my exercise bike. From the cycling experts on the Fitness board, I learned this is a common injury for newbie, unconditioned, cyclists trying to do too much, too soon. That would describe me. About a month of rest before biking or walking any distance. This will be a trial for me, as I may not lose much weight in the next few weeks. BUT, I have been reading the motivational quotes and they bolstered my determination. I can still progress, although it may be slower. And I think of my friend who is in a wheelchair who lost weight without any exercise. It is possible. Thanks for letting me share, and have a great week!!

    First, let me say how sorry I am that you’ve injured yourself when you were only trying to help yourself be healthier. That is a complete Bummer! I will pray for quick healing.

    Second, you can lose plenty of weight without exercising. Just choose nutrient dense, low glycemic index foods. Cutting down your calories is what makes you lose weight. Weight loss is 80-90% about what you eat/10-20% exercise. Plus, it’s probably good to let your body adjust to a lot less calories before you exercise anyway.

    When you’re cleared to exercise I’d suggest walking. It doesn’t have to be something major. Best of luck to you!!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    overdue weights:

    Wednesday’s weights:

    also, if you are new... at the top of this section, there is a little star. Click it.
    Then anytime you click on groups or message boards, you can click on the favorites option and easily get to this room

  • southpalms
    southpalms Posts: 41 Member
    Today’s steps 14,049
  • ssummerlin80
    ssummerlin80 Posts: 122 Member
    Week 1
    Sw 167.6
    Cw 168.6

    Steps 5/4--12448
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 @boehle
    mskatz1966 wrote: »
    will weigh tomorrow or Thursday; at an all day and 4 evening retreat at the Hayes Mansion in San Jose--40 minute drive for me from Palo Alto; having to bring my own lunches, and usually dinners too; a real challenge, plus exercise is a bit out of whack. doing m.y best within these limitations. diabetic blood sugars up slightly.

    @mskatz1966 .... you posted on the wrong team ..tour team is the SHRINKING ASSETS AND HERE IS THEIR LINK
  • ChoseMyChains
    ChoseMyChains Posts: 116 Member
    6/4/219 Steps: 3798
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,321 Member
    overdue weights:

    Wednesday’s weights:

    also, if you are new... at the top of this section, there is a little star. Click it.
    Then anytime you click on groups or message boards, you can click on the favorites option and easily get to this room

    PW: 161.9
    CW: 161.8
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,321 Member
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member

    6/3 - 9798
    6/4 -11656
  • 171lake
    171lake Posts: 894 Member
    6/3 14,286
    6/4 15,084

    PW: 148.5
    CW: 147.2
  • ngk2000
    ngk2000 Posts: 192 Member
    Steps 6/4: 11,652
  • Pamela_Sue
    Pamela_Sue Posts: 563 Member
    Coleen312, thank you so much for the kind prayers. And I also appreciated (and needed) your advice about weight loss without exercise. I have been feeling a bit down over my knee injury, and my weight loss has stalled the last several days without the exercise (not that I need to be weighing myself every day). I am SO glad I joined this team. The support and encouragement is just what I needed! Wishing everyone a great day, Pam.
  • RecipeScrapper
    RecipeScrapper Posts: 84 Member
    Mjkozki wrote: »
    Hi! Was just assigned to your team! I'm really looking forward to learning from everyone here!
    My name is Maia, and I started Keto weighing 320lbs on 2-11. I'm now at 300, and working towards losing -at minimum - 10lbs by the end of this month. My goal weight is 200lbs.

    I have been moving back and forth between IF and OMD, because I'm told my body needs to be 'tricked' to get past the stalls and plateaus. Since being here, I've learned that alot of the info I was going by is wrong (or I simply misunderstood it), and the members have been really great at helping me straighten this out once and for all.
    I'm a Mom of three C-section kids and a rouen-y, which means I am dealing with scar tissue along with belly fat, so I'm also taking choline and serrapeptase which has helped alot.

    I'm also walking with WII, but I'm being careful because of my knees. Thanks for letting me join!

    Maia glad you are here. If you have trouble with your knees you may want to strengthen your quads by doing straight leg lifts and squats. I have been working with a therapist to strengthen my knees and these exercises have been very helpful. Also do bike riding occasionally.

    Good luck
  • RecipeScrapper
    RecipeScrapper Posts: 84 Member
    Whelp, last night was rough.

    It's my time of the month - sorry to all the guys in the group who don't want to hear this, only sharing because it always has a HUGE impact on my diet, exercise, and weight loss in general - anyhoo I had cramps like you would not believe, they went all the way down the inside of my legs and I felt like I could hardly walk. So of course I didn't go for a run and instead ate about 2 extra helpings of dinner, putting me 300+ calories over. :( Thankfully I didn't have any snack foods in the house because it would have been even worse.

    I also barely slept in spite of going to bed early and feel barely functional today. (Side note: whenever I can't sleep for one or two days and feel miserable the next day, I always think of all the new parents out there - I have so much respect for you making your self presentable and somehow surviving your day to day life after months without a full night sleep!)

    Hoping today is better and hoping my little splurge doesn't have too big of an impact on my weigh in day. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

    You may need some more magnesium right now. Drink some pickle juice it may help in the mean time.
  • RecipeScrapper
    RecipeScrapper Posts: 84 Member
    @LovebyDraug69 you are so right ... the 3/4" truly matters when you are short like we are. Due to age I recently lost my 1/2" advantage am now 5'2".
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