Jennifer's Journal



  • jcaldwell0331
    jcaldwell0331 Posts: 244 Member
    The banquet was awesome! I looked good, I felt good and I ate pretty good. I drank more than I should have but one day of letting loose with the hubs isn't too bad, if I say so myself. Now, back to losing some more of this weight!
  • jcaldwell0331
    jcaldwell0331 Posts: 244 Member
    Still doing great. I woke up hungry this morning so I was afraid that I would be wanting to graze all day but between homeschool and getting ready to go grocery shopping, I've been able to distract myself enough that I haven't thought about snacking. This afternoon I'll be getting the laundry completely caught up so hopefully that'll be another awesome distraction. I've lost a total of 2 inches in my waist so far. I'm so happy about that! Seeing the change in my body has really kept me motivated to keep going. I've very proud of the progress I've made. :smiley:
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Great progress, you should be proud! =)
  • jcaldwell0331
    jcaldwell0331 Posts: 244 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit Thanks!

    I had to get off my diet this past weekend because I was at my in-laws and they didn't have anything that was on plan besides the meat. hahaha So, I gained a little (their food, although not very healthy, is super delicious haha) and I'm back on my diet today and feeling really good. I did notice a big difference in my energy levels from this weekend to today. I'm glad to be back at it! I'm averaging about 7000 steps a day. B)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    You're welcome, way to go on getting your steps in!
  • jcaldwell0331
    jcaldwell0331 Posts: 244 Member
    Well, I had a dietary meltdown the other day and started grazing through my house on stuff that wasn't on my diet. :s Yesterday I got back on track and did real well, even though I kept wanting to just sneak a snack here or there. I mean, if no one else sees it, did it really happen? haha :Do:)

    I haven't measured in the past couple weeks so I need to remember to do that. It usually helps me see the progress and stay the course. Diets are so hard close to holidays but I can do this! I can win this marathon and make it to the finish line!

    At my heaviest I was 236 :o and now I'm only about 10-15 pounds from getting below 200. I'm so close! I haven't been below 200 since 2009 before I got pregnant. So, I can do this! No more cheats. No more binges.

    My ultimate goal, as of right now, is 150 lbs and a size 10. My current goal is to lose 2 more inches in my waist. That's 4 inches total since beginning this journey. If I can do this by May 15th, I'll reward myself with some beautiful fresh flowers for the kitchen table. <3 I typically don't buy flowers since they can be pricey and don't last a long time, but I love them. I stop and look at them every time we go shopping. If I don't reach that goal by May 15th, then I don't get the flowers. The time frame gives me something to shoot for. Otherwise, its just when I reach it, I reach it with no real motivation and drive behind it.

    I'm going to try a reward system for myself and see if that keeps me motivated during the times that dieting gets really hard. Flowers for 4 inches lost, new haircut/style/color for 8 inches lost, and several new outfits for 12 inches lost. I believe losing 12 inches will put me at a size 10. I'll reevaluate when that time gets closer.

    Although I'm doing pretty good with my steps, ended yesterday with 8483, I really need to fit in a workout several days a week. The other day, my workout was using the weed eater as a lawn mower since our lawn mower wouldn't start. My back muscles are still sore! haha We ended up jump starting it last night just so we could get more of the yard mowed. So, we'll need to get a new battery for it.

    I hope everyone has an amazing Easter! :smiley:
  • jcaldwell0331
    jcaldwell0331 Posts: 244 Member
    Its been a long while since I updated my journal. So, here goes...

    My previous goals were not met but I'm starting over with my goals, although, I have quite figured them out yet.

    My daughter and I went to Texas to visit my family for 3 weeks and just got back this past Saturday. We didn't eat crazy bad, but I did gain a few pounds while I was there. I started back on my diet yesterday.

    Once I get back into routine with farm work and such, I'll sit down and actually come up with a goal plan that I can hopefully stick to.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @jcaldwell0331 Welcome back! :)
  • jcaldwell0331
    jcaldwell0331 Posts: 244 Member
  • jcaldwell0331
    jcaldwell0331 Posts: 244 Member
    Well, I still haven't come up with a goal plan yet. lol I've been busy just living life and kind of forgot about it. lol We have a growing farm and lots of chores to keep everyone happy and alive, that my goal plan kind of got pushed to the back burner. We are up to 2 cows, 6 goats, 15 chickens, 6 dogs (our dog had puppies....), and a cat. One of our nanny goats is in milk, so between house chores, I am feeding animals and milking our goat. You'd think I'd be skinny as a rail after taking care of all that, but alas, I'm still overweight. lol I do need to get serious about it and lose this weight, though. I'm thinking about possibly joining weight watchers again. I was doing keto but because we do go to Kentucky a few times a month and there is literally nothing I can eat at my in-laws, I would only be on the keto diet during the week and then off on weekends. It was too hard to keep up with by doing that so that's why I'm starting to reconsider weight watchers again. In 2008, I went from a size 14 to a size 10 in a few months on WW so I know I can do it. Things were slightly different since I was on WW while my husband was deployed overseas AND I was 11 years younger, so losing weight was a little easier. However, I can do this. What diets or eating plans works best for you?
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I did keto for migraine control, but Low Carb was the easiest way for me to loose fat...going back to that after vacations are done.
  • jcaldwell0331
    jcaldwell0331 Posts: 244 Member
    Well, my first week back on WW went very well. I lost 5 lbs and although I know it is just water weight, I was happy to see the number on the scale drop. I've set a goal to try and be at 199 by my birthday in September. If I don't make it, but I see progress, I'll still be happy. I'm so ready to get out of the 200s. I've got a new plan, a new motivation, and a new mindset. I can do this!
  • jcaldwell0331
    jcaldwell0331 Posts: 244 Member
    Well I’m back… :D Nearly 2 years ago I left MyFitnessPal to do WW again, however, due to a death in the family that took a hard toll on me, I fell back and went into a dark place. I’ve struggled with mild depression but I couldn’t pull myself out of that one. I have a friend who is a licensed therapist and just spilled and sobbed everything to her. She helped walk me through that dark place. So, I’m feeling better again and I get back on WW. I was doing amazingly! I had gotten down to 192 lbs and had so much determination…..then lockdown hit. Although I’m a SAHM, it hit me hard. I felt lost and lost my determination. For a whole year I struggled to try to eat right but couldn’t get my head back in the game. Well, fast-forward past a suck year and I’m back in the game. I’m more determined than ever. I’ve already gone from 220 to 213. I’ve been going to the gym 5 days a week and working my butt off. I can’t wait to see what I can accomplish if I keep my head in the game. Goal weight is 150 lbs. Goal size is a 10.
  • jcaldwell0331
    jcaldwell0331 Posts: 244 Member
    So far so good. I’ve hit 2 milestones for me.

    First, I had 2 birthday parties this past weekend. One was my daughter’s and the other was my nephew’s. I didn’t have any cake at either and I ate relatively well. I only went over my calories at one cause the food I had to choose from was high calorie foods and I didn’t plan ahead of time (my fault). Not having any cake and not really wanting any is huge for me.

    Second, I didn’t get a snack after dinner just because my husband got himself one. I would eat one even if I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t feel like I was missing out. *eye-roll* You’d think this would be a no-brainer but food has been a huge mind game for me for years.

    With me going to the gym, I’m actually finding my waist again. It’s nice seeing progress even if it’s small. My husband and daughter have noticed my changes as well and that gives me even more motivation and confidence. I feel as if I’m finally at a place where I truly believe that I can do this.