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  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @puffbrat I know, I'm so excited but also so tired of waiting around! haha. I just want it to be official already! haha. Yes, I think the break was just what I needed! That's why I told you in the other thread to take all the time you need, it really can do wonders!

    I would probably be willing to take a longer break but I hate being right at the cusp of 200lbs. I would actually prefer to be slightly over that or even more under so I don't keep seeing the scale waffle in that direction. I know it's stupid and doesn't matter, but that number just feels so much like a milestone. As it is, I have been under 200 for about a month and the 4 days out of town earlier this week had me at 201 this morning. I know most of that is water weight but I still really didn't like seeing that 2 again.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @pezhed congratulation!!! He is adorable!!! It starts getting easier around month 4 or 5 in my opinion. Hopefully anyway! If your milk is good after like... 3 months you can slowly decrease calories and you shouldn't have a problem. I put a link to a post about it on the main description of the group. I hope youre starting to feel better soon. After the 3rd week my body started to feel more recovered. Btw, Atlas is a super awesome name. And congrats on being prepreg weight! I am struggling with that. But im on the max dose of domperidone for my milk already so i really dont think i can cut till Brooke starts solids. Man. My milk was AMAZING. And then I got the flu and nearly lost it. Its never been good enough since. Its depressing cuz up till then breastfeeding was going so much easier the 2nd time around. I actually keep tearing up that its no longer going to plan and it happened so early. But i digress. Your little boy is so cute! And i recommend safe cosleeping after his first night feed to help with sleep deprivation. Its a sanity saver honestly.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @puffbrat Oh, I completely get it.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit Stoked for you on your new house and new gym setup! Closing is a pain. I totally get it.

    @pezhed He's gorgeous!! <3<3<3 Congratulations! You did great! Congrats on the weight loss too! It takes a while to get used to the new body. And the body takes a while to go back to normal. 9 months out and my tummy is still noticeably shrinking and firming. It's all good.

    @puffbrat Woohoo! for being under 200! yay!

    @VeryKatie Ooo, yeah, that happened to me too when I got the flu. It came back though when I got more sleep. I had to supplement baby with applejuice/water though for a couple weeks. I bet you'll bounce back soon!

    I think I really needed true spring to be here to help me perk up. We put in a small garden with tomatoes, squashes, peppers, herbs, etc. Everything's blooming and gorgeous this time of year. And it helps me to say "no" and not go out and do all the things everyone wants me to do. I gotta get better with that, since I can't run around like a mad woman with the Bruce being dragged along without proper naps and such.

    Oh, I forgot if I mentioned it or not, but to top everything off, my parents are retiring from pastoring the church. They want my husband and I and one other young couple to take over the leadership. We are now working on our ordination credits for a ministerial license through the church's affiliated network sometime within the next couple years. We already serve with the youth and nursery ministries and worship team, but now adding marriage counseling with the 20 somethings to our list. We gotta finish the kitchen properly and fix the driveway so we can have more people over for stuff like small group meetings. I'm event planning/running the mother's day picnic, family lake day, conferences with guests speakers etc. It's fun, but another big squeeze on my time. Must adult all the time now. Hahaha. I'm supposed to give a 15 minute message on mother's day at the picnic. What do I say? I haven't been a mom that long?? I feel underqualified even though I'm 36 and a college grad and all. I'm sure I'll come up with something but I liked it better when I was just the crazy pastor's daughter and not directly responsible for things. heh heh.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Alioth It really is, thankfully there's a light at the end of the tunnel! haha. We have our final walk through on the 9th and go to sign the paperwork/get the keys on the 10th!

    Sounds like you have a lot going on but yay for having a garden! I am no help when it comes to messages/speeches. I hate speaking in front of a group of people . haha! I'm sure you'll do great! =)
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit One more week! That's so awesome! Thanks for the encouragement.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    I'm excited, y'all. I've been avoiding my bioelectric impedance scale for a whole year, terrified of what it would Say, and... Since this time last year when I was in third trimester: my body fat percentage has dropped 5 points, muscles are up 3 points, water is up 3, bone density down .3 points. I'm very encouraged by this. It was sad watching my muscle tone plummet during pregnancy. I know that's all a part of the process, but I'm happy I'm starting to shape up again.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Alioth we are in the house now. The dryer doesn't work because it's wired wrong. Thought it was the dryer or the outlet at first and of course it isn't covered by the home warranty.

    How'd your speech go?
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit how is the house?
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @puffbrat It's so much quieter here. We love it! Still lots of unpacking to do though.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Hey guys. How's it going? I'm looking forward to leaving July 2nd for South Dakota, Mt. Rushmore, the Badlands, Wyoming, Jewel Cave, and a family reunion with the cousins. There is an hour and a half long cave tour where you carry an old fashioned oil lamp and crawl through tight spaces and climb steep ladders I'm trying to work up the courage to do.

    Today I got excited by a big loss on the scale, only to realize it's an uneven piece of flooring and not a real loss. Boohoo! I also realized looking at May, I put the wrong weight in by 10. :# Even so, my body fat percentage lowered a tiny bit and my muscle raised a tiny bit. I'm I've only lost about 2 lbs since April. But, 3 more days to lose in June still! I'mma go for it! I would like to be able to take more than 2 pairs of shorts on vacation that don't require a button extender or leaving them unbuttoned while sitting down in the car or plane. Measuring myself, I've found my hips are 4" wider than prebaby. So I gotta be realistic.

    Today I'm going to attempt to stop nursing and pumping. I've gradually switched Bruce to Gerber formula and cow's milk. He hasn't vomited any up for 3 weeks now. And I found he prefers Gerber to Enfamil. Lol. The goal is to NOT have to pack my pumping equipment on my trip. But I've found it's scary to stop nursing now that I've been doing it for so long...except that Bruce does not care. He's perfectly fine. Maybe I'll lose weight easier if I'm not hungry continually.

    Cheers everyone!

  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @puffbrat It's so much quieter here. We love it! Still lots of unpacking to do though.

    I'm glad to hear it is so much quieter. Unpacking is not at all fun, but it will be nice and really start to feel like home when it's done.

    @Alioth it is nice to get an update from you. I hope you fun on vacation! How is today going so far with not nursing or pumping? Stopping nursing and pumping was when I finally was able to lose weight since my hunger went back to normal.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Alioth Hope you enjoy your trip! Safe travels! =)

    @puffbrat It's definitely a work in progress. I feel like I should be further along than I am but things keep coming up and I'm not always able to work on it as much as I want. I'll be glad when it's all done though and I actually feel settled. How are you doing?
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    How is everyone doing?

    Things have been hectic here. I just mentioned this in the July challenge post but it honestly seems like we get good news to be then followed by bad news and I'm just exhausted and over it. Because of all this, I haven't been around much because I only log on enough to keep my streak, check messages and on a very rare occasion log food. I'm managing to lose some weight so I guess that's a plus. I'm hoping things settle down soon but I won't be holding my breath for that. The latest adventures happened last night when I was driving home from my parents, I hit my high beams and all my lights went out. Thankfully they came back on when I took the high beams off but now I'm waiting to hear back from the service center to see when I can get in to have my car looked at.

    I hope everyone is doing well! (Please check in when you have some time! It's been so quiet in here.)
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit that gets so exhausting to feel like you never catch a break for just some quiet normality. Hopefully the lights aren't a big deal but that could be terrifying depending on the circumstances! How is the house? Are you starting for feel settled in yet or is it still too new?

    It has been so quiet here! I go between feeling like I don't have much to say and being really busy or exhausted! I'm doing well. Baby Leo turns 2 on the 16th. Big Leo's and my wedding anniversary was yesterday and we both completely forgot. You would have thought my FIL's voicemail last night wishing us a happy anniversary and baby Leo a happy birthday would have triggered something, but nope.

    I actually just made an appointment to have my IUD removed next week to start TTC for #2. I'm still carrying 23lbs. of pregnancy weight and had wanted to lose that first, but at the rate I'm going this year, that could easily take another year or 2 and we don't want to wait that long. I'm just going to have to do a better job of staying track until getting pregnant again and then try not to gain another 60lbs. Sigh.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @puffbrat I'm hoping they aren't either. Still waiting to get the call from the service center. The house is good. I mean there is still so much to do and I feel like every time we turn around we are finding more things that need done so that gets a little frustrating but the pros still outweigh the cons and we are happy to be here.

    I'm glad you're doing well. I can't believe Baby Leo turns 2! Time flies! Happy Birthday to baby Leo! and Happy Anniversary to you and Big Leo! Andrew and I's 2 year anniversary was last weekend and we both forgot too! The funny thing is is that we had just been talking about it a few days before, that stuff just happens when things are busy or you're exhausted or both. It's really easy for the days to blur together. haha.

    Good luck at your appointment! How exciting to be trying again! Andrew and I were planning to start in September but I don't know now. I feel like there is so much to do here and I still have so much weight to lose. Ugh. I also feel that way too that it could take me a couple years to lose the weight (at this rate I'm starting to feel like it's just never going to happen haha) and we don't want to wait that long either especially because we've already put it off so long. Some women just gain a lot of weight during pregnancy so I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. Do the best you can.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @puffbrat I'm hoping they aren't either. Still waiting to get the call from the service center. The house is good. I mean there is still so much to do and I feel like every time we turn around we are finding more things that need done so that gets a little frustrating but the pros still outweigh the cons and we are happy to be here.

    I'm glad you're doing well. I can't believe Baby Leo turns 2! Time flies! Happy Birthday to baby Leo! and Happy Anniversary to you and Big Leo! Andrew and I's 2 year anniversary was last weekend and we both forgot too! The funny thing is is that we had just been talking about it a few days before, that stuff just happens when things are busy or you're exhausted or both. It's really easy for the days to blur together. haha.

    Good luck at your appointment! How exciting to be trying again! Andrew and I were planning to start in September but I don't know now. I feel like there is so much to do here and I still have so much weight to lose. Ugh. I also feel that way too that it could take me a couple years to lose the weight (at this rate I'm starting to feel like it's just never going to happen haha) and we don't want to wait that long either especially because we've already put it off so long. Some women just gain a lot of weight during pregnancy so I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. Do the best you can.

    I know that feeling about the house so well. We knew there were going to be several actual fixes as well as a lot of updating and personalizing, but for the first 2 years in our house we kept finding more and more actual repairs that were needed. It was incredibly frustrating and at one point my husband was so fed up that he halfheartedly considered suing the inspector and previous homeowner since several of the issues were ones that should have been easily identified by the inspector. But now the house is in really good shape and we know for a fact that a lot of the electrical and plumbing connections have been fixed recently and correctly :)

    Happy Anniversary to you and Andrew!! We had talked about going up to the mountains for baby Leo's birthday but I thought we were going to do it during the weekend and my husband thought we would take the day off from work tomorrow. Unfortunately, with that miscommunication I didn't have vacation leave planned and can't really afford to take the day off with meetings already scheduled and a week long vacation at the end of the month. We were then going to go on Saturday but Friday night I was having horrible TMJ pain and didn't think I would be up for it, so we just did our usual stuff on Saturday. Oh well.

    There are so many reasons why I am on the fence about baby #2 and the timing of right now. But in the end, I do want a second child and Leo really wants a second. And I since I turn 35 this fall, I don't want to push it off too much longer. Plus I don't want the kids to be too far apart in age if we can help it. At this point, I'm most annoyed with the prospect of not even fitting my pregnancy clothes from last time because I'm not back to my pre-pregnancy weight/size.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @puffbrat That seems to be how it's going for us. Honestly some of the work is really nice and then some of it is like wtf. There is no other way to describe it but I told Andrew that it seems to be the difference between someone going to live here versus someone deciding to sell. They definitely did a good job with staging. We are noticing all kinds of things we didn't see before. The plus side is that we can oversee things now and make sure it's done right and not half-a**ed like they did. Andrew is that frustrated only it has him talking about us getting another house in 5 years or so. I still love the house but I'm not sure we would have gone after it had we known what we know now. I'm glad that your house is in good shape now! It's definitely peace of mind knowing things are done correctly! =)

    Thank you! =) that sucks that it didn't work out for you to go somewhere and I had to look up TMJ pain and that looks so painful! Ugh. Are you feeling better now? Hopefully you guys will get to do something at another time! Andrew and I are going to take our niece and nephew to the science center as a joint birthday present for them and I think it's going to double as our anniversary celebration as well. It's more expensive than we anticipated. I kind of have the same attitude about trips and things not going to plan these days, oh well. I feel like otherwise I'd be losing my s**t. haha.

    I completely understand! I hope it works out for you guys! I'll send positive thoughts/baby dust your way. haha.
  • arendiva
    arendiva Posts: 177 Member
    I had my IUD removed on Friday. I’m excited for TTC but I’m also a bit nervous since I didn’t lose nearly as much weight as I wanted to before trying. I don’t want to be pessimistic and just assume we’ll have issues, but I also don’t want to stick my head in the sand and pretend that I’m not at an elevated risk for fertility issues or if I get pregnant preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. Sigh. I’m just going to have to hope for the best. I’m not drinking anymore so hopefully that’ll help me lose a bit more in the meantime.
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @WifiresGettingFit I’m so sorry the house is a stressor. We had a similar experience buying a flipped house in Colorado. It looked so nice but a lot of it made it obvious that the person in charge of the work had no intention of living there. I’m glad you like it overall though!

    @puffbrat how exciting to start trying for #2! And happy birthday to Leo!

    @arendiva good luck starting TTC! Such an exciting and nerve wracking time.

    Atlas just turned 4 months yesterday! Time is really flying, and I’m sorry I haven’t been around here. I decided a couple of days ago that I need to stop using breastfeeding as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted and to start tracking to slowly start losing weight. I gained about 8 lbs from prepregnancy weight that I got back to. Now that he isn’t such a potato I’m realizing I have the capacity to do more exercise and meal planning. I still am not planning to run a huge deficit and won’t eat fewer than 1800 calories to avoid threatening my supply. I’m not totally sure how to do the math for tracking but I think I just set it to my goal (lose a pound a week) and put in the -500 for breastfeeding. Then should I eat exercise calories or nah? I’m sure it will take some trial and error.