TEAM: Run Track Minds (August)



  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited July 2019
    🙋🏽 🌅 😎 Good morning!! Getting back to my good habits of going to 🛌 early to make sure I get plenty of 💤😴 to start out my day 🌞 and ready for a workout! (vs staying up late watching too much TV which triggers my eating.) I have learned that binging on anything is not good for me. Everything in moderation. LOL Everything. Even Netflix. So now you get to enjoy the happy go lucky MORNING ME!

    @Terry111330 ~ Yes, a loss is a loss; always better than a gain. 👏🏽 I hate when I gain, it’s always HUGE. :( So happy that you moved in the right direction. Yeah you!! 👍🏽 I too have that bad habit of night snacking/binging. Ugh! I’m back on the other thread of counting. We can do this!!

    @ajaia2001~ How fun to have that party for your daughter. 🎈 Glad that you are back with us and that your posting again. :) You’re welcome. Your daily posts of doing bootcamp continue to encourage me. Good job on Monday!! Woohoooo… back at it!

    @jwall309~ Jessica. LOVE your story. Thank you for sharing. It is encouraging and inspiring to know that you are sticking with this. You are really making this a lifestyle change and you’re doing great at keeping your eye on the big picture. Your near halfway to goal is so awesome!! You’re right, it’s not luck; it’s hard work, control, and mindfulness. Good job on Sunday!! Nice NSV! You got this! Let’s make August AWESOME!!

    @Perla4686 ~ Choosing to eat half of dessert will come, continue to work on habits and focus on the goal. Have I mentioned yet…. Let it go to waste or to the waist? Try eating half and throw it away. OR say to yourself… half now and half later. That, of course, is after waiting 10 minutes. I’ll keep working on that too. :) Good Tracking on Monday. Keep having those positive self-talks. I found a great affirmations app!! I do them in them morning, no problem. I use the alarm to do them again in the evening.

    @Slytherclawz~ Awesome loss! Way to start the month!. Yeah!!! Good job on the workouts, too.

    @skullsandskeletons~ Marvelous Monday! You’re doing great. Inspiring and encouraging. :)

    @mawash9~ Great job! You did it - Monslay! Oh, thanks, Mike. :) I will do my best. That’s awesome… “new shirt.” I can’t wait to go shopping in my closet, again. Huge NSV!! Yeah!

  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Tracked to the best of my ability so I would say either right on goal or a little bit above to account for eating restaurant food.
    Day: Even though BF started a new job last week, his old work place still asked him to attend an employee appreciation night at the Nationals game tonight, so I went with him. We had $50 each in food and drink voucher for the night along with our ticket. I'm proud of myself as I only had a handful of fries, a handful of popcorn, and a bite of hot dog along with some adult beverages. Only downside was I was starving when I got home, so we ordered delivery, BUT I didn't give in to the urge to order a whole bunch of food and just ordered a small 6 piece chicken nugget. Not the best choice, but portions were ok. I've decided I'm ok with a slow loss/maintenance in the summer. Our social calendar is just so full and I don't want to sacrifice memories. While I will continue pushing myself, I'm not expecting my loss rate to go up until the Fall and I am going to be ok with that.
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Daily report Tuesday
    Run: 1 hour serious workout! 30 minutes fat-burn, 30 minutes legs and arms.
    Track: yes, under
    Mind: still going strong! Unplanned family get-together today at a pizza place. I'd already eaten lunch at home so I watched them all eat and stuck to my water! Cheaper too...
    Was then planning to order take-out tonight but after my workout, didn't really want to blow my calories, so I abstained. Feeling good...
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday 07/30)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise 20+mins: Yes - 50m
    12+ Water: 💧x 19
    Healthy Habits:
    • Morning Affirmations: 💯
    • Plan / pre-log food: 💯
    • Evening Affirmations: 💯
    • NO post-dinner snack: 🤩 None.
    • 🛑 KITCHEN CLOSED 🚫: Yes!! 🤩
    D3 of DO-IT attitude. Done 🤩
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @jwall309 ~ Good job on portions, Monday!! I love your attitude. You got this!!
    @Perla4686 ~ Woooohooo! Great day. You had a good strong day with a good workout. Awesome. Be happy, but do not reward yourself other than with a big mental hug. Speaking of rewards... Do you have something materialistic (a pair of jeans, a shirt, a dress?) that you can look forward to buying or wearing. Heck sometimes I reward myself with foot scrub or bubble bath or a new candle. Something, anything to distract prize from being food.
    Anyway.... Awesome!!
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Right on the nose
    Exercise: Ran just under 4 miles
    Day: It was a good day. Worked this morning, cleaned in the afternoon. I've been fighting cravings bad tonight. That means time for bed.

    @johicks Sounds like you're in a good place and are crushing your goals. Way to go! Also, I am out of town Sunday night through Tue., so I won't be here for my Monday weigh in. Can I weigh in Sunday instead, or do I skip and weigh the following Monday? Whatever works for you.
  • skullsandskeletons
    skullsandskeletons Posts: 675 Member
    Daily post Tuesday July 30:
    Tracked: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: no

    Had lunch out today. It was hard to stay under calories for the day but I did it. It’s funny how tacos with lettuce wraps instead of tortillas can still add up. I guess the guacamole didn’t help. 😮 but it’s all good.
  • ajaia2001
    ajaia2001 Posts: 216 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over
    Exercise: 1 hr on elliptical
    Goal/Day: Had a fun Tuesday. After work today, me and my daughter went bowling and played in the arcade for about 2.5 hours. The fries I had put me over my calories but working out on the elliptical put me back under my daily allowance. Hopefully I'll be able to move my arms tomorrow after bowling 3 games 😳.
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    johicks wrote: »
    Speaking of rewards... Do you have something materialistic (a pair of jeans, a shirt, a dress?) that you can look forward to buying or wearing.

    I really need new workout clothes badly (the extra fabric is becoming uncomfortable) but I keep pushing it off as I don't want to spend much money before I reach goal. I bought some nice dresses in the sale a few weeks ago, and now I worry they will not fit for very long.
    But you're right of course, I really should reward myself just to feel good.

    So glad to hear you're in the zone @johicks !! We can do this <3
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @jupdyke ~ Wooohoooo!! 👏🏽 Terrific Tuesday! Great run and day!. Way to fight those cravings. Thanks… Yes, I’m finally getting myself back into the good habits and mindset.
    @skullsandskeletons~ 👏🏽 Terrific Tuesday! Awesome in choosing lettuce wraps. Right, it adds up, but that guac is good fats. :)
    @ajaia2001~ Terrific Tuesday! Fun fun fun!! A few fries.. Meh, it could’ve been a whole pizza!! You should be fine with the bowling and the 1hr of exercise. Focus on the memories created and keep working hard!! :)
    @perla4686~ I use the local “richy” town resale to get my “temporary” clothes, so I don’t feel guilty about buying big clothes. Maybe you can find something there. :) Thanks… YES, we can do this!! 👭
    @Gustaaf85~ Thanks for sharing your story… it’s nice to hear your story after all these months. AWESOME AUGUST with a great workout challenge! I’ll do my best to join you! 💪 It’s fun to have different exercises.

    My plan to have an AWESOME AUGUST > I’m going to take a step back mid-month to take a breath. Then review my goals and then go forward in the second half as a new month! Then hopefully I will stay focused the entire month.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    As I prepare for a long overdue “Girls Night Out!”
    An article I read comes to mind, so I, of course, had to share.
    “How to Navigate Events” Scroll down to find the right article.

  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Daily Post (Tuesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Day: Ate pretty light today as I had a lot of running around and chores to get down during lunch break at work and after work. Did groceries and got some variety in meat to keep things interesting. My instinct is to always just buy chicken cause its what I know how to cook and know recipes for, but after being more adventurous in what I eat out, we decided to try to spice things up at home too! Hopefully all goes well
  • eehharlow
    eehharlow Posts: 5 Member
    Username: eehharlow
    Week: Monday, August Week 1
    PW: 224.4 (Tuesday 7/23)
    CW: 222.0 (Tuesday 7/30)

    Track: Monday YES, Tuesday YES
    Calories: Monday over 41, Tuesday over 660

    One thing I did well: I tracked & I'm doing great getting my 30 minutes of activity with my Apple watch. Its pretty
    One thing to improve: Staying under for calories would be great.

    Day: I went to see the grandson and had dinner prepared by my daughter in law. It was tasty but nothing I would have prepared for myself
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @jwall309~ Terrific Tuesday!! 👊🏽 So what meat did you get!? Yesterday at the office one of our customers brought in smoked Teriyaki rabbit. I was shocked that I like it. I don’t care for smoked usually. I would eat it again. I was even more shocked that I found it in the MFP database. LOL Keep doing it!!
    @eehharlow~ Great loss! “Weigh” to start out the month! Wooohoooo!!! Sounds like you’re doing good. 👍🏽
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited July 2019
    Week #1 in Awesome August team members that still need to weigh-in:

    We want to hear from you and cheer you on!! You never know who you can encourage with your post!
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    @johicks wow teriyaki rabbit sounds really interesting! Glad you liked it! This time we didn't do chose anything super adventurous like that, but just stuff I don't normally cook at home. So we got thick cut pork chops, a thick steak, and salmon. We thought about getting lump crab cause I found a great recipe for air fryer crab cakes, but we decided to save that one for another time. I think I've always shied away from pork chops and steak because my mother (bless her) is not a great cook and anytime we had those growing up they were very dry and bland. But at Sunday dinner this week I got a DELICIOUS juicy pork chop out and so we decided to give it a go at home.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    jwall309 wrote: »
    @johicks wow teriyaki rabbit sounds really interesting! Glad you liked it! This time we didn't do chose anything super adventurous like that, but just stuff I don't normally cook at home. So we got thick cut pork chops, a thick steak, and salmon. We thought about getting lump crab cause I found a great recipe for air fryer crab cakes, but we decided to save that one for another time. I think I've always shied away from pork chops and steak because my mother (bless her) is not a great cook and anytime we had those growing up they were very dry and bland. But at Sunday dinner this week I got a DELICIOUS juicy pork chop out and so we decided to give it a go at home.

    I tend to buy what's at the local market on sale to keep the variety going. Every now and again, we will have lamb, too. Hubby has an awesome recipe for a meatloaf that we make into Gyros or I make a greek salad. Yummmm!

    :p Enjoy!
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Daily report Wednesday
    Run: no workout today :( I really need to get back to C25K, this break is getting too long.
    Track: yes, under
    Mind: still good. Today was hectic for me so food choices were not great but everything was home-made so I could track properly and stay under.
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over my goal, but under mfp with my exercise calories.
    Exercise: Biceps, triceps, and abs
    Day: Great, but busy day! Looking forward to having 5 days off after tomorrow.
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    @johicks I am going away for a few days starting Sunday afternoon and won't be able to weigh in on Monday. Should I weigh in Sunday, or skip this week until the following Monday. Let me know what works best. Thanks!
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