Absolutely August!



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    @Mihani so glad you took the time to do some self care...decluttering most certainly is a great way...frees your mind and allows you to breathe. And your menu was so eatysmiley.gif yummy!

    I will join you on my weekend.

    Going in for a second coffeebath.gif...then it is a prepping morning for me in the way of chopped salad.

    Menu is exactly as yesterday. Later, mates.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Magic, it really is amazing how good I'm feeling about letting go of things. Maybe I just had to wait until I was ready to face it, but now that I've finally started I am being pretty ruthless about what goes. Very freeing.

    I am going to stay home again today and keep on keepin' on.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited August 2019
    Got some dishes done...ran the dishwasher...all mason jars (you know you're a juicer when your dishwasher is loaded with all mason jars...lol)...prepped chopped veggies for today and tomorrow:
    carrots, celery, Persian cukes, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, scallions, cherry toms...I think that's it...dressing: fresh lemon, tahini, maple syrup

    Also, watermelon. FINALLY, got a good watermelon. Sheesh. I have a cantaloupe I will cut up tonight for tomorrow.

    8 hour day today. Taking three juices, can of coconut water, huge chopped salad, watermelon.

    After seven days, down 3.4 pounds. I had a blip up the last two days. It's ok. I know where I messed up. Will try and not let emotions get in the way so profoundly next time.

    Have a great day, mates.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Good watermelon is hard to beat Magic. I love it.

    I am almost done. I have one closet left, and then my office. A lot of stuff ended up in my office to be sorted later, so it's a real mess in there. I plan to work on it a little at a time this week. I feel great about what I have accomplished!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Congrats @Mihani ...will try and do as great a job as you on my weekend. I have no commitments this weekend, other than being home with Lulu and taking care of both of us.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
    edited August 2019
    Happy last few weeks of summer. I caught up on the monthly posts and everyone seems to be doing great!

    Hubby leaves next month for 6 month deployment. I have been putting off tackling finishing my weight loss goals until then. I am planning to join a master's swim group (they swim so early...), start bicycling by myself close in my park (more on that) and ....maybe: 100% vegan at least 5 days a week. Plus I have to walk dogs every day. I have found a delicious tasty vegan protein shake that I can take after workouts and I don't feel so draggy. It is hot as an italian pizza oven here in San Antonio. I try to get walks and bicycling done in the morning and maybe swim indoors later afternoon. Today at noon it was 100* with 62% humidity. I love it here 9months of the year but I can't take the heat.

    Brooks made a delicious Spanish-Style Bean dish yesterday...does have olive oil:
    1 shallot, 2 cloves garlic, 2 Tbsp EVOO, 2 Tbsp tomato paste, 1/2 tsp paprika, , 14 0z can butter beans...Saute over low heat stirring often, add 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar and 2 tablespoons of evoo. Serve with pita bread, chips or small tortillas to make a tapas. I would add a cup of spinach next time just to get some more greens in.

    One of the disappointing things this summer was making dates with friends to walk, swim or bike and have a few of them cancel out last minute and want to meet up later for lunch, happy hour, etc. Not that healthy. Brooks has been so busy with getting ready for this deployment and his focus is on that...not training for triathlons or Ironmans.

    I have to be on a regular training schedule to participate in Triathlons. I will never do an Ironman but I will do the shorter distances (400m swim, 10 mile bike and 5K run). I am going to be selfish in the morning for my workouts. I have a new goal, a friend invited me next August to a 3 day women's triathlon event. She is 4 years older than me. 5 years ago she did her first 5k with the help of friends and she has lost 150 lbs and is participating in Triathlons!

    Also plan a major declutter while Brooks is gone. He has been warned that if he did not clean up the garage before leaving I would and too bad for anything that gets thrown out. With all our military moves he has boxes that he has not gone through of electronics,books, etc.

    We go for a week in Maui before Brooks is deployed next month. Better go swim so I am in good shape for snorkeling.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Hey y'all. I am nearly finished!!! I still have to go through a few things in my office but I got a good start on it last night and finished the closet in the other room. I think so near the finish line that I just felt energized to keep at it. I don't know how much I will get done this week with work obligations, especially given that I took part of Friday and the entire weekend off, but maybe I can get it done next weekend. My plan is to spend most of the "holiday" weekend in the office trying to get on top of things, but I should have more energy since I won't have the daily chaos to cope with like during the week. The chaos really drains me.

    That recipe sounds really good Donna! I may play with that with no oil. Your fitness regimen has always impressed me, and I look forward to hearing about your training for the next event!

    Magic, I will cheer you on as you continue to tackle your home projects. I appreciated your good wishes as I continued with mine!

    Austin, how's everything going in your world?

  • LizLovesVeggies
    LizLovesVeggies Posts: 39 Member
    Hi Team- I stepped away for a bit and hope you've all been thriving! I've been doing the VeganFitness.com True Strength challenge (on week 3 of 8) and needless to say it's a ton of workouts, calorie & macro tracking but I'm kind of loving it. I thrive when I have clear goals and love discipline (that sounds weird but you know what I mean), especially when I'm following someone else's plan for me! A bit lemming-ish but I'm ok with it if it's for the right reasons and not off a cliff.
    Anyhow, I meal prepped for my husband and me for the first time ever. I have been batch cooking for ages and love that (i.e. preparing extra of whatever I make for future meals), but never actually measured it out and put it in containers for each meal per day for the week. Here's what's been on the menu:
    Breakfast : Protein smoothies & apple pie overnight oats
    Lunch : Hulled barley, white beans, seitan, broccoli & corn over romaine
    Dinner : Red Lentil Daal over brown rice with a little sliced avo & red onions on top
    Snack : Fruit / nuts
    Occasional dessert: GoodPop Cookies N' Cream bar
    Everyone says you can't out-exercise a bad diet and i'm living proof. Love to exercise but also eat in caloric excess so... Now that I'm measuring my food I have a much better handle on what I'm eating. Definitely not sustainable in the long-term (takes a lot of time to enter, especially when I graze but I'm hoping to re-learn what a balanced, well portioned meal looks like and go from there moving forward once I'm "programmed."
    Things have been moving in the right direction since I started calorie and macro tracking. Lost fat and gained muscle which is my goal! Also, I have a new incentive : once I hit my overall goal, I'm going to get myself a fancy smart watch with all the fitness apps, heart rate trackers, built in coach to tell me to walk and stand up and breathe and whatever else it's got. I love data so turning my body into a science experiment sounds like a swell plan!
    Been listening to this affirmation podcast "I Choose Health and I Am Worthy and Deserving of Health" episode in my morning walks on repeat and it's sinking in! If you give it a listen I hope it helps you too!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Morning all...busy morning...just a quick hello...good to see you MIAs back...and doing so well. Best to your DH, @bisky ...and thanks so very much for his service to our great country.

    Black Coffee
    noodles and fresh veggie cold concoction with tahnini based dressing
    cantaloupe and watermelon
    good pop for dessert

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,023 Member
    "Everyone says you can't out-exercise a bad diet and i'm living proof. Love to exercise but also eat in caloric excess so... Now that I'm measuring my food I have a much better handle on what I'm eating. Definitely not sustainable in the long-term (takes a lot of time to enter, especially when I graze but I'm hoping to re-learn what a balanced, well portioned meal looks like and go from there moving forward once I'm "programmed."

    This is so me, Liz. I love to be outside and active but I also love chocolate, cookies, breads, cheese, wine, pizza. Never a big meat eater but do like my carbs. I have to measure, weigh and watch excess calories. When I go back on ETL...I have to watch nuts. The main thing for me to change a habit, turn to fruit when I want something sweet (craving my junk food).

    Mihani, I can imagine it will be so much easier to work in your office with everything organized. Good for you. That is hard to start but you reached the finish line. Let me know if the recipe works without oil.

    Magic - thank you. He retires next year and this deployment took us by surprise. He will be on a "GHOST team" which stands for Golden Hour Operative Surgical Team (this is nothing you can't google). They try to get to the field within one hour of a trauma because that makes a big difference in survival.

    Brooks woke me up early to bike our park. It was so beautiful with the deer and their babies. It is very quiet and peaceful in the mornings. It is almost 1000 acres with lots of oak trees that provide shade.

    We cut up a huge mango this morning for breakfast that was perfect and delicious.

    Have a wonderful day. Off to walk dogs before the heat and humidity rise.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    @bisky and @LizLovesVeggies - I SO agree with you about this: "you can't out-exercise a bad diet." I tell people all the time, when they ask me how I lost all the weight, that the keys were changing what I ate and paying attention to portions (logging and measuring).

    @bisky - Your early morning bike trip sounds lovely! Deer are so beautiful and quiet. I am still seeing the occasional spotted fawn, and they just are so lovely.
    And a big YUM to the mango!

    @magic71755 - You are still rocking and rolling on your juices. Is it continuing to help with inflammation and better sleeping?
    Oh, and I now want some watermelon!

    @LizLovesVeggies - Your menu looks great! I love red lentil dal, too!

    @Mihani - Your decluttering stories continue to inspire me! My office needs a major declutterm, and I am determined to get some of that done this week!

    The Austin report:
    SO sorry to be quiet. It's the start of the school year, which is being super busy and crazy (though not a Mihani level of schedule, I think!).
    And there's too much clutter in my office (where I now need to spend more time), which feels like it is adding to the crazy.
    On the plus side, we installed an over-the-range microwave oven, and getting 2 1/2 feet of counter space in our small kitchen feels like a major remodel. And also the microwave oven works (old one was dying and had to be used in 90 second bursts - really tiresome).

    My ETL eating is going well. Today:
    B- coffee, green smoothie (cauli, spinach, blueberries, cashew milk); goji berries; almond butter
    L- steamed mushrooms; steamed mustard greens with homemade fermented hot sauce; savory baked tofu; squash with tomatoes and onions; steamed butternut and apple for dessert
    S (planned)- apple slices & almond butter
    D (planned)- big salad (kale, romaine, roasted beets, bell pepper); avocado lemon dressing; steamed butternut and apple for dessert
    I got in a walk this morning, and plan to get is some more movement late today. Yay!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    bisky wrote: »

    One of the disappointing things this summer was making dates with friends to walk, swim or bike and have a few of them cancel out last minute and want to meet up later for lunch, happy hour, etc. Not that healthy.

    I'm guessing the people who cancel are not nearly as committed to their fitness as you are. They probably have the best of intentions when they make the date, and then reconsider when the time gets near. But happy hour? Bring it on! B)

    I'm just waiting like Linus in the pumpkin patch for the rest of my blood test results to come in online. The ones I am not too bothered about are up. Just waiting for the main event. :o


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Liz, your preps sound AHmazing! I will have to check out the veganfitness thing. I tend to do better when things are simple and I am fine with eating same meals for several days in a row. I don't like tracking calories and macros though. It throws my OCD into overdrive. LOL

    Bisky, definitely going to be nice once all the stuff is out of here. The entire house is done except for my office, and once I finish that I can get people in to haul things off. It has been a very long process. I echo Magic's comment thanks to Brooks for his service, and you too!

    Austin, what a great day ETL eating and exercise! I wish you luck on your office decluttering.

    Sloth, sure hope that things are looking up for you health-wise soon and that your efforts to get back to healthy habits help with that.

    Magic, menu sounds great and I hope your melons are tasty. I have been sorely disappointed by a couple of the ones I've had lately.

    I'm out of sorts today. I brought work home but think I'm probably going to bed super early instead. I am just worn out. And it's only Tuesday.

    I had a bit of an off day. Ate my healthy foods, but also had some junky stuff. My junky stuff is not terrible honestly, but crackers and rice cakes and etc. I think going to bed early is my best bet for a better tomorrow. Fatigue = hunger for me.

    I miss Carla and Lia, hope they stop by soon.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Morning all...having coffee...quick trips to trader joes and spouts and pick up cleaning. Have been wanting pho for so long...even though it is so hot here. I think today is the day. My favorite Vietnamese place for pho is not that close...but on my weekend, doable. And not every place has vegan pho. So, yeah, today is the day.

    vegan pho without noodles
    later, cold veggie salad with tinkyada gf noodles
    fresh fruit
    good pop

    have a great day everyone
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    I've never tried pho yet Magic, but there's a place right by where I get my hair done that has a vegan version and I keep thinking I should run in for carryout next time I get my hair done.

    Better day of eating today, catching up on sleep helped.

    B - sprouted grain toast with a little PB and a banana
    L - Dr. McDougall miso ramen soup
    D - HUGE salad with lots of veggies, some chickpeas, sunflower seeds
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Did not make it to Pho Vietnamese restaurant yesterday...sigh.


    black coffee
    oatmeal with homemade oat milk, NOT SLIMY
    juices carrot/apple/ginger & celery/cuke/apple/lemon/ginger
    salad with air fried tofu
    fresh fruit

    have a great day everyone.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »

    oatmeal with homemade oat milk, NOT SLIMY

    I'm not sure exactly what this means. But it made me smile.


  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,962 Member
    Work is so frustrating. The new employee is helping though. I have hopes. Things seem to be moving along a little better the past week or so. I am planning a marathon work weekend and hopefully get rid of some backlog. Put the Labor into Labor Day! lol

    I had a decently ETL kind of day.

    B - sprouted grain muffin with a smidge of peanut butter, banana
    L - baked tofu, salad
    D - probably a veggie sammich with unhoney mustard dressing, apple
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited August 2019
    sloth3toes wrote: »
    magic71755 wrote: »

    oatmeal with homemade oat milk, NOT SLIMY

    I'm not sure exactly what this means. But it made me smile.

    Homemade oat milk can be slimy...my sure fire way prohibits slim. LOL Got it for Detoxinista website.

    1/2 cup oats
    3 cups water
    in the vitamix high for 20 second...no more
    pour through a sieve into bowl. do not press...just let run through...maneuver the sieve so it goes up the side kinda thing...oat particles at the bottom will gather...so go up the sides.
    ladle into a bottle...I have milk bottles I got from amazon. shake before serving.

    150 calories for 1/2 cup of oatmeal. so ...this is less than 50 cal a cup. HOMEMADE, CHEAP and EASY