TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (September)



  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    11450 steps all during my 12 hour shift at work. Feet aching. Sticking with my 10000 a day goal. Met my goal daily past week.
    Reading all your posts and motivated.
  • eatingfoodles
    eatingfoodles Posts: 172 Member
    Hi hello late as always but here I am.
    Pretty sure I missed last week, but that's ok because I'm doing terrible so that's great.

    156.4 yesterday. Definitely didn't eat in a 7000 calorie surplus the last two weeks, so I'm pretty sure my body just hates me :|
  • annabananamc
    annabananamc Posts: 415 Member
    7/25/19 mini challenge
    yes/yes/yes but just barely
  • cossmoss15
    cossmoss15 Posts: 509 Member
    This is a tough week for me. Not getting to the gym and not getting in any walks either. Just trying to keep my calories under control until I can get back in a good routine next week.
    I know my calories will be way over on the weekend so just hoping tomorrow’s weigh in is ok.
  • Nicoletime4me
    Nicoletime4me Posts: 531 Member
    September 25
    Tracking- yes
    Calories- yes
    Exercise- 2 mile brisk walk
    Steps 14,542
  • heaz10
    heaz10 Posts: 311 Member
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes 35 minutes treadmill
    Steps: 10,313
    Water: yes 48 oz.
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    LMK02020 wrote: »
    I noticed a thread about weigh ins daily rather than weekly. I find myself weighing myself daily and then get upset if the weight increases, as we women know it does at times 🙂and then self sabotage through out the day 🙁. I try to be consistent with either a walk( about 4.5 miles) or a bike ride (21 miles slowly )a few times a week but then I’m hungry and overeat , lets be honest here 😂binge eat carbs 🙁 afterwards. How does everyone allocate protein during the day and following exercise? I’m big time stress eating junk over here uggh .,,thanks sooo much in advance!! Enjoy your day 🙂

    @LMK02020 I try to have protein with every meal and snack. I think it helps me feel more satisfied throughout the day. I exercise in the morning before breakfast so I usually make sure I have a little more protein for breakfast.
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Hi hello late as always but here I am.
    Pretty sure I missed last week, but that's ok because I'm doing terrible so that's great.

    156.4 yesterday. Definitely didn't eat in a 7000 calorie surplus the last two weeks, so I'm pretty sure my body just hates me :|

    @eatingfoodles Good to realize that it’s probably not a true gain. If you’ve tracked then maybe go back into your diary and see what might have caused the gain and work on making some changes this week.
  • pkg1998
    pkg1998 Posts: 511 Member
    Mini challenge:

    Sunday: No, No, No
    Monday: Yes, Yes, Yes
    Tuesday: Yes, Yes, Yes
    Wednesday: Yes, Yes, Yes
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    edited September 2019
    Coral333 wrote: »
    pkg1998 wrote: »
    heaz10 wrote: »
    Awesome week team! So many great losses! Very impressive week.

    @heaz10 I second this! Last week has been a very impressive week for TBBT! This week is starting off well, too!

    Absolutely - the team really kicked butt this week and I think we give part of the credit to @erikNJ for showing us how this challenge/forum can really have an impact on our success / failure. I know everyone that lost worked really hard to achieve those results, but we also needed a wake up call on the benefits of this group.

    Totally agree! I definitely felt more motivated this week with our additional challenges and with checking in and interacting more frequently. Thanks @erikNJ !

    Oh I don’t think I deserve any kind of thanks. I just had a moment of open honesty and then all of you really turned this around.

    As far as the weighing yourself everyday vs once a week topic, I prefer to do it only around twice a week. Usually around Tuesday to see where I stand and then again on Friday for my actual weigh in.
    Now I am not saying I always do that. Like this week I have weighed myself daily and the scale has not budged at all, and of course it is driving me mad. Next week goes back to once or twice
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    Mini challenge
    Sun: no/no/no
    Mon: yes/yes/yes
    Tue: yes/yes/yes
    tracked: yes
    under: no
    exercise: yes

    I had a dinner that was out of my normal weeknight routine last night so that put me over.
    Tonight I get to watch the Eagles lose to @swauters Packers on Thursday night football (yes we are very negative in the Philadelphia area right now). I always treat myself/break from my diet during Eagles games so I guess this week I will be happy with breaking even on the scale. Positive spin is I can actually start next week with good habits on Sunday
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    Good day today.

    Ran my fastest ever mile. Could not have run a second one at the same pace but did do a slower second one.

    Then went to a weight loss support group that runs bimonthly. It’s full of amazing, sensible, lovely people who just understand the battle. We were talking about stress eating and how we then hate ourselves for it and get all those thoughts of “I’m a failure”, “I’ve got no control”. Everyone of us in the same boat. And just talking about it like that, made a lot of that internalised self hate and beating myself up temporarily disappear. We talked about the healthy habits we use for stress instead and how we try and put these into practice. I could do with it running every night!

    This is awesome and inspiring.
    My exercise this week has come from other activities besides getting towards my running goal but this has sparked motivation that I need to jump back on that.
    Great job again!
  • Nicoletime4me
    Nicoletime4me Posts: 531 Member
    September 26
    Weigh in day -Thursday
    Previous- 181.2
    Current- 181.2
    No change, I’ll take it
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    September 26
    Weigh in day -Thursday
    Previous- 181.2
    Current- 181.2
    No change, I’ll take it

    @Nicoletime4me, considering you've been kind of quiet, Nicole, a break even week is just fine. Hope everything is okay?
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    edited September 2019
    Missing a weigh-in from: @brandi_84
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    LMK02020 wrote: »
    Oh dear , Way late and way up 125.6, time to not eat away stress 😳
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    LMK02020 wrote: »
    Oh dear , Way late and way up 125.6, time to not eat away stress 😳

    @LMK02020, hey, Lauren. Late may be an actually missed two weeks in a row so you are no longer an official member of TBBT. But you are in luck...if you would like to get back on the official spreadsheet, the registration thread is open for October until this Saturday night. If you would like to be reassigned to TBBT, make sure you let Ashley know that. Otherwise, it is a random assignment.

    Okay, Lauren. I have asked Ashley to add you back to the spreadsheet for October, starting weight 125.6, weigh-in day Saturday. Although, maybe we should consider moving your weigh-in day to Sunday? That will give you more leeway when and if you post it late!!
  • LMK02020
    LMK02020 Posts: 175 Member
    Thank you, I appreciate it 😀
  • LMK02020
    LMK02020 Posts: 175 Member
    Sunday works well too.
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Week: Week 4
    Today: Thursday, 9/26
    Start weight:  216 lbs
    Previous week's weight: 211.6 lbs
    Current week's weight: 212.8 lbs

    I can see where the stress of this week (between worry of kiddos and study for job stuff) have bitten me. I will not let it bug me as I havent weighed daily so not sure if I jumped in a day or if it has been a steady climb... last week was a daily weight week and I was 3 lb higher on wed than my weigh in on thurs. So I know I jump and drop n there is no way to really gain or lose 3 real lb in a day.
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    9/25 wed
    Mini challenge
    Tracked... yes
    Under... yes
    Exercise:  yes
    Water:  57 oz.
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