Introduce Yourself



  • lizb90
    lizb90 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all,

    I’m Lizzie I’m in Huddersfield in the UK. I’m just starting out on couch 2 5k I’d like to push up to 10k eventually.
  • somum
    somum Posts: 72 Member
    Hi I’m Smiley! I am a former Track and Field, long distance Road Runner trying to get back. In 18 days I will run my first half marathon and road race in over 6 years. Currently, I hope to finish strong. Next year the goal is to qualify for Boston.
  • slwindex33
    slwindex33 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Sonya in Toronto, Ontario. I took up running as an fitness activity that I could do anytime, anywhere and with little equipment. Well, I fell in with the 'wrong' crowd and thanks to their encouragement I have since completed 6 marathons, a number of 5 ks - halfs and numerous trail races. In the last few years I have also explored triathlon. I've always been slow, but also always got it done!

    Due to life I have been putting myself and my health last for the last year or so. I am finally ready to take control and make changes again. I have set some lofty goals for 2020 so I need to focus and embrace the process (including highs and lows) to regain my fitness. Looking forward to the journey with all of you!
  • dmfaler
    dmfaler Posts: 56 Member
    Hi, I'm Denise from Chicago. I started running when I turned 49 and completed my first marathon right after my 50th birthday, followed by 5 more in the next couple of years. I have been on and off of the running and healthy eating wagon for the past 10 years. I just started C25K again and will see where it takes me. I also have about 25 pounds to lose. I have an "all or nothing" mentality so when I am focused I can lose weight and train but when I am not, well, things go south fairly quickly.

    Looking forward to completing a 5K in early February.
  • RunningIntoShape
    RunningIntoShape Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I’m Trevor from the suburbs about 45 minutes outside Vancouver, BC, Canada. Got back into running earlier in the year to get back into shape, blow off steam after work, etc. Doing about 25 to 30 miles a week and really enjoying for a while now. Plus, lost the 30+ lbs I put on since my 30’s. Wanted to join group just to converse with other runners. Hi all...
  • Karen1635
    Karen1635 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Karen from Shreveport, Louisiana. I used to run when I was much younger, but now I am 55. I enjoyed running on a regular basis during my younger years, but have gained weight as middle age has set in. I have been walking consistently but would like to get back into running.
  • VanVanDiane
    VanVanDiane Posts: 1,395 Member
    Hi, I'm Diane and fairly new to running. I completed C25K with my other half this year and run 2-3 times a week for half an hour or so, including a Parkrun most Saturdays. I'm hoping to just maintain the fitness over winter, then go for a 10k trainer in spring when it gets less wretched outside. I'm 51 and live in North Yorkshire, and hadn't run since school before this year. I won't be breaking any speed records anytime soon 😏
  • jaeisla
    jaeisla Posts: 56 Member
    Hi guys. I'm Jimmy from Los Angeles. I didn't start running until a few years ago. I mainly did it to lose weight and it was a true blessing. It really changed my mindset. More on that later. Unfortunately I've dealt with some injuries along the way but I'm always excited to get back out there. I work from home so I live a very sedentary life. My goal is to get 5k steps per day and join at least one 10k per month.
  • jjkroeger
    jjkroeger Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! My name is Jolene and I live in Oviedo, FL. I am looking for a community to help keep me motivated and back to my running schedule. I moved to FL two years ago and have no friends or external family here. I have gained 25 pounds and haven't exercised hardly at all since I moved. Really hope this group will make me feel more connected.
  • EmIsMotivated
    EmIsMotivated Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! My name is Emily.
    I would always run on the treadmill while working out at the gym, now that I don't have my membership anymore, I started running outside towards the end of December and kind of stopped. So I saw this challenge and wanted to join so I can get back into running! I was doing so good running 3x a week and the past couple weeks I haven't run at all. This challenge will help me set a goal and reach it! Plus I have always wanted to join a running marathon so I can also work my way towards that too with this challenge!!
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    Hey y'all, I am Mike and I live in Savannah, Georgia.
    My running started last year. I was walking to lose weight and as the weight came off, I kept walking faster. That turned into running intermittently. We found out about Jeff Galloway's Run/Walk/Run and haven't looked back. We are perpetually training for half marathons. This weekend is the Jekyll Island Half Marathon here in Georgia!

    1 - 0
    2 - 5K (3.1)
    3 - 0
    4 - 5k (3.1)
    5 - 21.92k (13.7)
    6 - 0
    7 - 0
    8 - 5k (3.1)
    9 - 3.2k (2.0)
    10 - 0
    11 - 5k (3.15)
    12 - 0
    13 - 10.1k (6.34)
    14 - 0
    Total: 55.23k (34.52m)
    Run Streak: 0 days
    Goal for Year: 2020k (1255.2m)
    Distance Remain: 1964.8k (1220.6m)

    Have a cool day y'all!
    #kruegerhattrick #werunforaiden
  • igniscordis
    igniscordis Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all. I am Rolanda. I started running 5 years ago and last year I reached my 1000km goal a year for the first time. Something I want to repeat this year. So far I have run 100km each month. If I keep it up, I will reach my goal before november starts.

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)
  • pfprimo
    pfprimo Posts: 91 Member
    Hello, I'm Paul and enjoy running, a habit carried over from my Marine Corps days. Not as lean, not as mean, and certainly not as fast, but I continue to run none the less. I enjoy the camaraderie of races 10k / 15k / half marathons (and occasional duathlon) and I also enjoy the silence and meditative-like experience of running alone out on rural, wooded trails. Although I can put in the miles, I continue to struggle with my weight, as I'm still clinically obese, but I am making progress towards my weight goal this year. Diabetes and high blood pressure run in the family, so I'm also running to "keep the genetics away." While we're all facing today's new reality surrounding COVID-19, I'm now into the virtual runs and just registered for the Best Damn Race New Orleans half marathon which I will run on April 30th, and looking forward to participating in other virtual runs, particularly those supporting charities and such.


  • mcfatterb6
    mcfatterb6 Posts: 2 Member
    I noticed that my brother and I had been getting similar overweight issues. So, I thought for a Christmas present I would sign us up to do a 5k with a church that I went to. We use to run and walk together when we were young and I thought this could be good way to spend time with each other. Plus, it a good way to get healthy. But, when the covid 19 hit, the church and gem closed down and the 5k was moved to the fall time. I was hoping that this would have any suggestions on how to keep up with training and weightloss. Brooke from Houston, TX
  • portugal2
    portugal2 Posts: 3 Member
    I’m Ana , I have on and off running but want to get back on it consistently! Jog/walking Mondays/ Wednesday/Friday, with Saturday being a long day ! Hoping to 10 miles per week.
  • smcinto
    smcinto Posts: 55 Member
    Suzanne from London UK - Currently doing the couch to 5k.

    Hoping to do 20k each week by the end of July
  • deraffemikey06
    deraffemikey06 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm Mike. I have been running consistently for the last 6 years. I'm working on improving my marathon pace. I really enjoy running and looking to follow others who are dedicated to getting better every day.
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    edited September 2020
    Hey y’all!! Really trying to get back into running. It’s SLOWLY starting to cool off in Texas, only supposed to be a high of 90 Wednesday ❄️ Lol. I’ve got several 5k’s under my belt as well as 7 half marathons. I took 4 years off. So I’m basically starting over again. My mileage goal for September is low but I’ll shoot for 25 miles. I’d also be interested in have a personal virtual running buddy if anyone else would like one.