Naughty November: Weigh in and accountability thread



  • ku140
    ku140 Posts: 65 Member
    34, 5'10"
    SW: 201
    Nov GW: 186
    GW: 175

    Goal #1: Less snacking (eat mindfully!)
    Goal #2: Workout 3 days a week (gym, long doggie walks, etc.)
    Goal #3: Thanksgiving - eat what I WANT to eat, rather than every available thing. Stop when full.

    11/1-11/6: Jumping back in after a vacation. Weighed at 190 a few days ago (shocker - didn't gain on my vacation, AND lost a lb within a week of returning!). I'm taking a break from logging all my food. It gave me a great starting point, but it made me focus too much on daily counts (food in minus exercise out) and less on my true goals - simply be more active and eat more mindfully. I want my changes to be sustainable, and how I was eating and exercising when logging was not sustainable! If I see my progress stalled, I'll log again and see where I can make further changes.
    11/7: 189!
    11/8: no weight yet. Trying to find determination to get to the gym, since motivation has left the house.
  • lindsaywalker5015
    lindsaywalker5015 Posts: 58 Member
    169 cm / 5’7”, 36 y
    HW: 171 lbs (26/Aug/2003)
    SW Nov 8: 152 lbs
    GW Nov 30: 148 lbs
    Overall GW: 145 lbs

    Goals: training for ski season

    3 days cardio
    3 days strength
    Limit alcohol to weekends with two drink max.
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    Height: 5’4”
    Goal: 120

    Nov 01: 126.0
    Nov 08: 126.4
    Nov 15:
    Nov 22:
    Nov 29:
    Nov Goal: 123.0

    I’m really grateful for the boards on MFP. I’m so relieved to understand that the intense hunger from the past couple of days is due to ovulation and will pass.

    I saw 125.4 on the scale this week. It was bittersweet. A year and a half ago, 125 was my goal, but when I made it, I was much more fit than this time around 😕. I’m much busier this time around -and slightly less motivated to exercise as diligently. I didn’t get any of my runs done this week, but I did progress on weights at the gym, so I’ll count that as a win.
  • Legs_McGee23
    Legs_McGee23 Posts: 116 Member
    49, 5'10"
    SW: 156.4 (as of this morning)
    Nov GW: 148
    GW: 134

    Goal #1: Log everyday, and have a calorie deficit 5/7 days
    Goal #2: Stick to my training schedule (running)
    Goal #3: Not skip a single workout (except when I'm traveling)
    Goal #4: Don't go batsh*tcrazy on the sweets

    Nov. 4: 156.4
    Nov. 5: 155.4
    Nov. 6: 155.0
    Nov. 7: 154.6
    Nov. 8: 153.8
    Nov. 9: 154.0
  • daniellethesheep
    daniellethesheep Posts: 117 Member
    Hey I’m Danielle.

    HW/SW: 170
    CW: 133/21.9%BF
    GW: 117-120/16-18%BF

    November GW: 127
    Goals for November: maintain weekly mileage, hit the gym 6+ days a week
  • mfield4
    mfield4 Posts: 20 Member
    SW 162
    Nov GW 159
    Overall GW 150
    Nov 1 162.0
    Nov 2 161.4
    Nov 4 163.8 weekends kill me :(
    Nov 5 162.2
    Nov 7 160.2 - off for the next 4 days. Hoping I can keep eating (and drinking!) mindfully. I'd like the downward trend to continue
    Nov 10 161.0- days off are tough to stay under calories. Especially with the drinking!
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    33, 5' 4"

    SW: 137.8
    GW: 133.8

    Goal #1: Snack less at night
    Goal #2: Move more at work
    Goal #3: Eat more mindfully

    Nov 1: 137.8
    Nov 4: 138.6
    Nov 6: 139.2 - Been "sneaking" food and shoving my face alone in dark corners because I'm convinced that if no one else sees it then it doesn't matter and I can get away with it........ I need a food babysitter at all times. Also, did you know that Oreo thins have a latte flavored creme kind? Me and the half empty container know now too LOL! Hope you all are doing better than I am!
    Nov 7: 138.4 - Focused yesterday on moving more and not snacking and stuck to it!
    Nov 8: 138.4
    Nov 11: 138.2
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    I'm in the Netherlands and have a tough time with all of this as I don't really have anyone on my time zone as an accountabilty partner. So it's great to join here (and hopefully there are others in the same boat as me?).

    Hi @runlaugheatpie : there are a few people from your timezone here in the group; I'm one of them (Belgium).
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    Thanks for starting the thread @rianneonamission !
    SW 78
    Nov SW 70.3
    Goal: maintain between 69 and 70

    1. Keep on logging every day
    2. Restart push-up challenge
    3. 10.000 steps a day + 2 long walks & 2 dives a week

    I’ve been way over my cals these last days so I’m surprised that I get away with 70.3 this morning. So, time to reign in again to get under the 70. Maintaining is not easy!

    Ok, last week was a bit special: a few days feeling off and that was a good excuse to turn into a couch potato; then a trip for work that took me almost a full 20 hours: a few days of personal time off and then some sugary foods that literary got shoved into our house (2 cookie sales for charities). Needless to say that it wasn't a good week foodwise.
    However, I kept on logging and was actually surprised that I was relatively on goal. Even when I eat whatever I want, I rarely go over 2.000/day.
    That being said, I still need to get back on track and the good news is that hubby seems to have found his mojo; so for him today is day 1 of eating better and moving more. I sincerely hope he'll hang on this time, as this will also help me.

    As for my goals:

    1. I keep on logging every day - yay me!
    2. I did the test, but then I failed miserably again
    3. 2 long walks and 2 dives; 80.700 steps thanks to the beautiful fall hikes

    Current weight: 70.7
  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    I'm in the Netherlands and have a tough time with all of this as I don't really have anyone on my time zone as an accountabilty partner. So it's great to join here (and hopefully there are others in the same boat as me?).

    Hi @runlaugheatpie : there are a few people from your timezone here in the group; I'm one of them (Belgium).

    German living in NL right here. :)