TEAM: The Slimsons (November)



  • Kin59vara
    Kin59vara Posts: 608 Member
    I would appreciate some suggestions as to a diet book that would give me a plan. I am thinking I need to get stricter in my eating to aid in refocusing myself. I am becoming confused by everything and know I am out of control. Thanks so much!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Kin59vara wrote: »
    I would appreciate some suggestions as to a diet book that would give me a plan. I am thinking I need to get stricter in my eating to aid in refocusing myself. I am becoming confused by everything and know I am out of control. Thanks so much!

    @Kin59vara Warning: Super long response ahead (lol).

    I don't know that a diet book is particularly necessary, because there are many ways to get to the goal (almost said skin a cat....and I felt my cats cringe for a second lol), my suggestions are this: If you've never thought to give low carb (or keto) a try, I might suggest starting there. A few reasons why it works so well and is so popular for weight loss is that it tends to get your body to focus on burning fat for fuel so when you reduce your intake you can tap into your own stored fat easier. It also works really well for those of us who were really heavy to start and something I didn't know is that if you're really heavy or were really carb dependent, you are likely also insulin resistant. This will make it much harder to eat carbs and lose weight because your body is producing insulin in response to most carb intake at this point and insulin's job is to remove sugar (carbs) from the blood and it literally turns it into fat to store for fuel later, which you can't use unless you body goes into Ketosis, which is what Keto does. And when I started low carb, the weight literally just fell off. I lost roughly 50 lbs in less than 6 months. And the best part is I didn't really decrease my intake at all, I just changed the macros. I felt fuller because fat and protein have that effect, and after a few weeks I stopped being hungry all the time like I was when I was eating carbs. This led me down a path of intermittent fasting where the weight came off even easier.
    A couple of other ideas include fasting, there is a book out there that's called something like the Every other day diet, where you just eat every other day. While I haven't read the book, the idea is simple, in a 48 hour window you eat for only 12 hours, and you eat what you want in that 12 hours and then fast for 36 hours and repeat. I am currently doing a modified version of this with my Keto diet. I don't eat Monday, Wednesday or Friday and I'm trying to eat OMAD on the weekends, but yesterday I failed at that, and today I am determined to stick to it. My point is, there are soooo many ways to get where you want to go, but if you've been struggling, I really really can't stress enough at how much Keto can help you. It takes a few weeks to really get to the part of seeing the benefits and decreased hunger, but it is soooo much easier once you're all in, as it does help reduce hunger and cravings.
    There are a lot of people out there also who supply Keto meal plans for free too. I am too picky to use someone else's plan, but they're out there and free too.

    If you're interested in Keto, one of the best resources that I've found so far is Completely free and really helped me to understand the changes I was making and why they work and what other benefits you can get from it.

    Keto has reduced my PMS symptoms, which I used to have days were I couldn't even get out of bed. I used to be on medication for migraines, had several of those each week, and I can count on one hand how many migraines I've had since I went Keto. I have had asthma since I was a child, I have not needed an inhaler in 2 years. This I am imagining is largely due to the fact that I've reduced my bodyweight and been able to increase my activity and lung capacity since I'm more active now.

    The every other day diet book can be found on Amazon here if you're interested in that. Every Other Day Diet
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Kin59vara wrote: »
    Weekly weigh-in
    Weigh in day Sunday
    PW= 163.5
    CW= 165.6

    I am out of control. I need to refocus and get myself together.

    @Kin59vara When I am out of control (and it's happened several times) I tend to overhaul my diet and do something even more drastic, because I can't do moderation, for some reason, moderation for me leads me down a rabbit hold of complete loss of control. First time I went keto, then when I lost control again, I added intermittent fasting (16:8) and this last time that I lost control I added ADF and it's helping with the control problem. Making myself strict rules to follow is how I regain control.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited November 2019
    143tobe wrote: »
    AB0215 wrote: »

    @143tobe I actually find it soooo much easier to fast than eat. If I eat, I tend to go overboard, and you'd think that after nearly 3 years of weight loss I'd have learned self control...but nope. Old habits die hard I suppose. I think this is why the ADF is working so well for me. It wasn't even a hard adjustment for me, the first day I did rely on chicken broth a bit more than I do now. Now I'm relying on the warmth of coffee... :smile:

    And I told you, that you'd surprise yourself if you started moving your eating window, not that you believed me or anything, but we as humans can get used to just about anything....and eventually it can become normal...Personally I love waking up fasted and working out fasted, I like the energy I have from using my own stored fat actually better than the energy I get from food and I've been doing this all so long I can tell the difference...and there is a lot of power in knowing your own body.

    Yes! You did say that! And I thought, "Who does this girl think she is? She doesn't know me or my growling nighttime belly." :D So I gritted my teeth but I knew you were right. I had to try. Sometimes we have to be uncomfortable for a while in order to meet our goals, and although the thought of not eating before bed terrified me, I knew you were speaking from experience and encouragement and it didn't fall on deaf ears. Stubborn yes, but deaf, no, lol. So thank you, thank you, thank you, a million times over because I do listen to everything you say, and I have used a lot of your advice to help guide me. I feel like this was the team I was meant to be on because you're here. Not many people are supportive or understanding of fasting and low carb diets, but you totally get both. But I do have to admit, I am totally jealous of your physical strength. I want to be a badAsh too!! :DB)

    @143tobe LOL. Just LOL. (and lol for badAsh) I really do try to find a tactful way to say these things sometimes, but the bottom line is this: If you are going to make any meaningful change in your life you are going to have to be comfortable with the uncomfortable because change is just that, uncomfortable.

    You know I love helping people, I think everyone is capable of reaching their goals and if I can do it, anyone can. I was 30 before I finally started to take charge of my life and get my s*** together and I think I was just comfortable, I'm happily married, we were both fat and happy together. Now he's still heavy and I'm not. But he's also lost 80ish lbs because he eats what I cook, but he's still not ready to make the changes he needs to make to get rid of the rest of the weight.

    One thing I've learned here is you can't really tell anyone to make changes until they're ready to hear it. Although, sometimes I just say it and eventually they will hear it (like you lol). And one thing that I've also learned is that some people want to lose weight and get healthier and look better etc, but they're not really necessarily ready to make the changes that are necessary to reach these goals. And until they are ready, they aren't really ready to receive the advice that I have, and believe me when I say this, the best advice I can offer is that in order to change and reach your goals, you are going to have to be uncomfortable. The reason that we are in the boat we are in is because we got comfortable doing what we were doing. And the bottom line is that change is uncomfortable. Period, end of story. And to reach our goals, we need to change. There is quite literally no other way I can say this, and I do try to soften the blow when I try to explain why you're not losing, but it boils down to you're not making changes which are necessary. (and on a side note, I don't always think that Keto is necessary because there are other ways, but some of us need Keto and for me it was a last resort, I quite LITERALLY tried everything else before I went there, but I have never looked back)

    AND...there's no reason to be jealous of my physical strength, anyone can increase theirs, it's just work and time. I've built it over the last 3 years. I wanted muscle and I have it. I need to get shots of my back soon, I love how it looks. I love how my arms look and my legs...soon I will see my abs (starting to now) and I can't wait. It's what's fueling this last round of weight loss actually.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    digger61 wrote: »
    Nov week 1
    PW 220
    CW 219

    @digger61 Great loss!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Username lucysaunders1691
    Weigh in day Sunday
    Week November 2
    PW 244.8lb
    CW 237.4 lb
    Loss of 7.4lb this week I'm really happy with that.
    I can't workout how I have managed that

    @lucysaunders1691 So weight loss is weird. I'll explain. To lose weight, you need to burn the stored fat you have. When you do this, your body likes to use water to fill those empty fat stores instead of shrinking them right away. It's so sure you're going to replace that fat that it uses the water as a place holder. Eventually your body gives up that you're replacing it and it lets go of the water, and you magically weigh less. A lot less. Also it helps to encourage water weight loss if you drink more water. But the bottom line is that fat loss and weight loss almost never occur at the same time!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Well regarding the question of the week that question has haunted me the last week or so. I seem to have hit yet another plateau. So I'll most likely just enjoy myself. I'm also kind of hoping that maybe it will be like hitting the restart button. I talked to my mom and my sister who did keto a couple years ago and they said a maybe what I need to kind of restart the process again. Either that or they just want me to eat their food LOL. Either way I'm probably just going to enjoy myself. I'm not making that much progress as it is with this plateau so I'm not sure I see the harm as long as I jump right back on the horse.

    @satchel2008 I've hit a plateau several times. I've tried carb ups, those just led me down a rabbit hole that wasn't great and I stopped those, haven't had carbs in literally 51 weeks, ate my last carb 11/17/2018, but shaking it up a bit is usually what helps, or intermittent fasting, but you're not too far into it either, you probably haven't really gotten to the fat adaptation stage yet, which takes several weeks to months. And you can try slowly reducing intake before you go off the rails because if you go off the rails before you reach the adaptation stage, it can do more harm than good. Or add in intermittent fasting, usually the best way to speed up your weight loss with keto.
  • smallhippo1
    smallhippo1 Posts: 129 Member
    Been so busy last couple of days completely forgot to do daily posts bug stuck to calories and tracking no exercise buy have got 10,000 steps in each day and hoping to lose couple of pounds Tomorow.

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend
  • dustyspal
    dustyspal Posts: 835 Member
    Daily Post - Sunday 🌞

    Track ✔
    Calories ✔
    Exercise ✔👣👣👣

    Awesome day. Got a 4 1/2 mile walk in this morning. I bundled up because I was expecting it to be very cold. It wasnt. I got a little warm. Then took the pups 🐕🐕 up on the mountain trails for an additional 3 1/2 miles. Just a beautiful day.
  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member
    I am attempting to put my road bike on an indoor trainer. If I don't kill myself, break a finger or have a stroke due to increased blood pressure, my goal is to try and ride a virtual ride tonight!!! Easy to use is NEVER easy to use....🙄🙄🙄🙄

  • satchel2008
    satchel2008 Posts: 136 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Well regarding the question of the week that question has haunted me the last week or so. I seem to have hit yet another plateau. So I'll most likely just enjoy myself. I'm also kind of hoping that maybe it will be like hitting the restart button. I talked to my mom and my sister who did keto a couple years ago and they said a maybe what I need to kind of restart the process again. Either that or they just want me to eat their food LOL. Either way I'm probably just going to enjoy myself. I'm not making that much progress as it is with this plateau so I'm not sure I see the harm as long as I jump right back on the horse.

    @satchel2008 I've hit a plateau several times. I've tried carb ups, those just led me down a rabbit hole that wasn't great and I stopped those, haven't had carbs in literally 51 weeks, ate my last carb 11/17/2018, but shaking it up a bit is usually what helps, or intermittent fasting, but you're not too far into it either, you probably haven't really gotten to the fat adaptation stage yet, which takes several weeks to months. And you can try slowly reducing intake before you go off the rails because if you go off the rails before you reach the adaptation stage, it can do more harm than good. Or add in intermittent fasting, usually the best way to speed up your weight loss with keto.

    I have brought in intermittent fasting. I'll go bout 23 hours on a fast then break it. Just hard trying to figure out everything. It says it's supposed to be like 75% fat 20% protein and 5% carbs. And that if you eat to much protein it will just break down into sugar. And I'm not sure how to eat that much fat or what to even eat that has that much fat lol. Also I know I need to be better about my sweetners and my diet Coke lol
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    🌟Daily Post: Sunday, 10 November

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Walking, just under 3 miles
    💬Comments: I’m not looking forward to my weigh-in tomorrow. I’m expecting a gain 😬
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Well regarding the question of the week that question has haunted me the last week or so. I seem to have hit yet another plateau. So I'll most likely just enjoy myself. I'm also kind of hoping that maybe it will be like hitting the restart button. I talked to my mom and my sister who did keto a couple years ago and they said a maybe what I need to kind of restart the process again. Either that or they just want me to eat their food LOL. Either way I'm probably just going to enjoy myself. I'm not making that much progress as it is with this plateau so I'm not sure I see the harm as long as I jump right back on the horse.

    @satchel2008 I've hit a plateau several times. I've tried carb ups, those just led me down a rabbit hole that wasn't great and I stopped those, haven't had carbs in literally 51 weeks, ate my last carb 11/17/2018, but shaking it up a bit is usually what helps, or intermittent fasting, but you're not too far into it either, you probably haven't really gotten to the fat adaptation stage yet, which takes several weeks to months. And you can try slowly reducing intake before you go off the rails because if you go off the rails before you reach the adaptation stage, it can do more harm than good. Or add in intermittent fasting, usually the best way to speed up your weight loss with keto.

    I have brought in intermittent fasting. I'll go bout 23 hours on a fast then break it. Just hard trying to figure out everything. It says it's supposed to be like 75% fat 20% protein and 5% carbs. And that if you eat to much protein it will just break down into sugar. And I'm not sure how to eat that much fat or what to even eat that has that much fat lol. Also I know I need to be better about my sweetners and my diet Coke lol

    @satchel2008 Some things to think about....while yes, gluconeogenesis is a thing, it's really inefficient and takes more energy to do this than the body thinks is worth it. So it's only going to do this if it needs the sugar for something, and the reality is most of the things you're doing aren't going to need sugar. I eat 35ish% protein and sometimes more. (I didn't eat that much protein until after I had reached fat adaptation)

    75-80% is recommended at the start of Keto so that you get your body fat adapted. I made fat bombs in the beginning or added butter to my steak and broccoli. fat bombs, you will be shocked. Tasty and easy recipes to up your fat without upping your carbs.

    After about 6 to 8 weeks of eating 75-80% fat, you should be nearing fat adaptation and can start messing with your protein and fat numbers and you should be keeping your net carbs under 20 grams (which for most is less than 5%)

    And if you haven't used a macro calculator, I suggest you do that, rather than just putting in those percentages into MFP, trust me, it's vastly different. and then you'll get exact protein, fat and carb recommendations which you should realistically come within 5 grams of each. It took me about 3 weeks to get the hang of tracking that way instead of just watching calories and then I started branching out and adding other keto friendly foods in and playing with what went where in the macro puzzle.
  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member
    Sunday Nov 10
    Track: yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: 30 minutes indoor bike. It's going to take some getting used to riding and watching the TV and not going anywhere. 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    Kin59vara wrote: »
    I would appreciate some suggestions as to a diet book that would give me a plan. I am thinking I need to get stricter in my eating to aid in refocusing myself. I am becoming confused by everything and know I am out of control. Thanks so much!

    I would suggest keeping it least initially. I worked with my doctor to come up with a reasonable calorie limit where I could lose weight safely. She also suggested a low carb, high lean protein eating plan. The emphasis on protein keeps me full.
  • CindyJNC1963
    CindyJNC1963 Posts: 895 Member
    Daily Post: November 9th

    Track: Yes
    Calories under goal: Yes
    Exercise: 10,800 steps

    Daily Post: November 10th

    Track: Yes
    Calories under goal: Yes
    Exercise: 10,650 steps

    Since Thursday ended up being my rest day last week, I walked my full 10,000 steps today. I'm so glad fall/winter is finally here and I can walk outside again.

    After being stuck for a couple of months the scales have finally started moving again. I was at 178 yesterday.

  • southgirl94
    southgirl94 Posts: 778 Member
    Nov Wk 2 - Sun, 11/10

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise/Comments: 70 minutes of elliptical, light cleaning, crunches, and the ab coaster
  • smallhippo1
    smallhippo1 Posts: 129 Member
    Nov week 2
  • Kin59vara
    Kin59vara Posts: 608 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Kin59vara wrote: »
    I would appreciate some suggestions as to a diet book that would give me a plan. I am thinking I need to get stricter in my eating to aid in refocusing myself. I am becoming confused by everything and know I am out of control. Thanks so much!

    @Kin59vara Warning: Super long response ahead (lol).

    I don't know that a diet book is particularly necessary, because there are many ways to get to the goal (almost said skin a cat....and I felt my cats cringe for a second lol), my suggestions are this: If you've never thought to give low carb (or keto) a try, I might suggest starting there. A few reasons why it works so well and is so popular for weight loss is that it tends to get your body to focus on burning fat for fuel so when you reduce your intake you can tap into your own stored fat easier. It also works really well for those of us who were really heavy to start and something I didn't know is that if you're really heavy or were really carb dependent, you are likely also insulin resistant. This will make it much harder to eat carbs and lose weight because your body is producing insulin in response to most carb intake at this point and insulin's job is to remove sugar (carbs) from the blood and it literally turns it into fat to store for fuel later, which you can't use unless you body goes into Ketosis, which is what Keto does. And when I started low carb, the weight literally just fell off. I lost roughly 50 lbs in less than 6 months. And the best part is I didn't really decrease my intake at all, I just changed the macros. I felt fuller because fat and protein have that effect, and after a few weeks I stopped being hungry all the time like I was when I was eating carbs. This led me down a path of intermittent fasting where the weight came off even easier.
    A couple of other ideas include fasting, there is a book out there that's called something like the Every other day diet, where you just eat every other day. While I haven't read the book, the idea is simple, in a 48 hour window you eat for only 12 hours, and you eat what you want in that 12 hours and then fast for 36 hours and repeat. I am currently doing a modified version of this with my Keto diet. I don't eat Monday, Wednesday or Friday and I'm trying to eat OMAD on the weekends, but yesterday I failed at that, and today I am determined to stick to it. My point is, there are soooo many ways to get where you want to go, but if you've been struggling, I really really can't stress enough at how much Keto can help you. It takes a few weeks to really get to the part of seeing the benefits and decreased hunger, but it is soooo much easier once you're all in, as it does help reduce hunger and cravings.
    There are a lot of people out there also who supply Keto meal plans for free too. I am too picky to use someone else's plan, but they're out there and free too.

    If you're interested in Keto, one of the best resources that I've found so far is Completely free and really helped me to understand the changes I was making and why they work and what other benefits you can get from it.

    Keto has reduced my PMS symptoms, which I used to have days were I couldn't even get out of bed. I used to be on medication for migraines, had several of those each week, and I can count on one hand how many migraines I've had since I went Keto. I have had asthma since I was a child, I have not needed an inhaler in 2 years. This I am imagining is largely due to the fact that I've reduced my bodyweight and been able to increase my activity and lung capacity since I'm more active now.

    The every other day diet book can be found on Amazon here if you're interested in that. Every Other Day Diet

    I so thank you for taking your time to give me such great information. I very much appreciate it. I thank you for recommending Keto. I will give it a try!
This discussion has been closed.