

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,456 Member
    I am enjoying reading everyones reasons for joining F2F. I honestly can't remember why I joined Lol! I was looking for some challenges. I tried the biggest loser one and the teams I was put on never seemed to have much interaction, I tried the Harry Potter one which I loved but it was very time consuming so I couldn't keep it up and some how I happened upon F2F. I was on it for a few months and left because I was busy with something. Then I gained weight one summer at the shore and asked to come back. My old team was pretty much gone and I was put on this one. It was so different than the first time and I have learned so much being in this group. It has been life changing for me.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 I saw you post on the main thread about WW. I know there are a few ladies on here who are successful on WW. Keep us posted what you decide.
    @tryingagain5 I absolutely count shoveling snow as exercise! I bet if you left your jeans on longer you will feel comfortable. You know how as you wear them, they aren't as tight. You should try wearing them around when you are home and see if you feel more comfortable. Good luck at work tonight. I am sure you enjoyed your mini vacation!
    @phoebe112476 What a successful month with all that was going on! I think it is awesome that you are able to cut back on something that had once got you through your hunger and cravings. That alone shows you how far you have come. How exciting you are so close to goal and a normal BMI. You have changed your life so much in the time we have known you here. That is what this is really all about!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,456 Member
    Sunday's Weigh In still due
    Monday's Weigh In
    Tuesday's Weigh In
    Wednesday's Weigh Ins
    Thursday's Weigh Ins
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    @tryingagain5 - I 100% count shovelling snow as exercise! Good work!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    The snow I shoveled was pretty heavy so I guess I"ll call it exercise too.
    You're right, I probably should have left the smaller jeans on longer. I"ll have do that when I'm home longer.
    I did enjoy my mini vacation. Work was interesting last night. Not a lot of work and most of the machines weren't working. Apparently the power went out over the weekend and that caused part of the issue. The boss did find things for everyone to do so we all got our 8 hours in.
    Two votes for shoveling snow as exercise.😃
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,456 Member
    Sunday 12/1 check in
    Food: logged and on track
    Water: at least 80oz
    Exercise: 30 min bike, PT, strength and stretching. A little over 4K steps.

    We have flurries in Philly! The news is all over it, they are in every area in the region watching the light flurries coming down. They are talking possible early dismissals at schools. I just think of all of you who have real snow storms lol! Maybe we will get more later...
    I had a weird day yesterday. I feel like like I didn't do well but I really did have a good day. I ate on plan except I had some shrimp, I exercised but didn't get a lot of steps in, I got my water in, I had a good nights sleep...I don't know why I feel that way. Oh well...moving on to today. I am going to get my exercise in first thing and then I am going to decorate. It takes me a few days to get it all done. Yesterday I took all the fall and Thanksgiving down. I also have to walk Charlie as he is back from the shore. Idk if I told you all but my son and his wife went to the shore for the week. They are doing a mediterranean cruise in the spring for their honeymoon. I hope I can get to Charlie with all this snow ;) I hope everyone has a great day!

    @GingerPwr I saw that you got right in there and started the yoga challenge! Great job! You have awesome goals for December that you can absolutely reach. I downloaded a habit app which is easy to use. It is called Habit Share. I think because you can share it with friends but you don't need to. You can even look back at the month and see your progress. It is pretty cool.
    @twyla77 Nice loss! It doesn't look like you were eased back into your week after vacation. I hope this week is a little(or a lot) less stressful for you. I like your December goals too!
    @tryingagain5 I am glad you got your 8 hours in. I know especially on nights it is better to be busy. Hopefully the night went quickly.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sunday check in

    Food - logged & on target
    Exercise - 8k steps
    Water - 1.5 l

    Good day yesterday and was busy with shopping, cooking & prep. My boys had a piano recital yesterday, which was a nice break from all of the hockey! We had rain and ice yesterday and then in the early morning hours, a big dump of snow. It took my almost an hour to clear it this morning as here in Toronto, we have to shovel the public walks in front of our homes. I am on a corner, and omg, it was a lot. We have a holiday party coming up on Friday night. Have no idea what the food will be, but I will make a plan, particularly regarding the wine.

    Congrats on the great losses @jedaschultz, @twyla77 & @amytriesww!!

    @sleepymom5 - Lovely photos from the wedding that you posted on the November thread! You hair looked beautiful and how proud must you be of your 5 children!

    Thanks everyone for your intros and December goals!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @sleepymom5 I couldn't post in November, but your kids looked great at the wedding! Loved your hair! Sounds like your Thanksgiving was a lot of fun! Laughter is a great thing, and having a sense if humor is so important! :smiley:
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 did I miss your wedding photos? I scanned back and couldn't find them. Do you mind reposting?

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    yesterday was a very long active day. I taught Skylynn how to make cinnamon yeast rolls from scratch. She is turning 10 this month so it's time to teach her how to make bread products and piecrusts. She does well with everything else. It took 4 hours from start to finish. During that time we took down fall décor and brought out all the Christmas decorations. Robin and her boyfriend came for Thanksgiving and didn't leave until last night. LOL. It was nice to see them relax and rest. They are both so busy and rarely get spoiled down time. Jason took us to get our Christmas tree and Skylynn decorated most of it. Molly and I went to the book fair and stocked up for Skylynns birthday and all the kids Christmas presents. Lot's of great options. Especially love the books from National geographic and Smithsonian for kids. After we got back I just wanted to curl up in bed but continued on to do yoga, December budget, dishes and general tidying up. Then some me time with puzzle and read a good book.
    I started my 1 week cleanse today. Today will be a lemondade cleanse. Water, cayenne pepper, fresh lemon juice and raw honey. I also have some detox teas.

    @cyndiesstuff good luck with OA. I have tried it. All the 12 step programs are so hard but so rewarding when we work them.

    I am late on my sharing Sunday. I was very lucky. I posted that I needed some support. Someone sent me the link to this group. It has been life changing for me. I love the accountability and the tremendous support.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    I am Angelina. 63 years old and in the best shape of my life. I started in July 2018 weighing 202.8 and exactly 1 year later hit my goal 142.8. 60 pounds gone for good! October is 1 year that I have been Vegan, given up caffeine and all meds (used to be a daily pill popper for headaches), and started focusing on health not just weight loss. I have been working to find balance and wondering how to stabilize at my goal. I have been pretty good about being within 3-5 pounds of goal since July. I love my new life and new appearance. I do yoga daily, run, hike, bike and walk. I have been married to Molly for 3 years but together for 7. My parents live with us due to health issues. Our soon to be 10, granddaughter is the joy of my life. We have helped raise her. We have a very blessed life.

    2019-lost 60 pounds, committed to daily yoga, took up running...ran 2 5k's, a 10k and the turkey trot. Molly and I also did the 34 mile Virginia creeper this year for my birthday. It is a bike ride I have wanted to do for over 30 years. I went vegan, focused on health, got out of debt, cleaned and organized my whole house, received a promotion running two branches, and overall feel like a huge success. I went from a size 3X to a size 6.

    2020-I have a buzz word every year. 2019 was transformation. My new word for 2020 is EMPOWER. I feel like my boss does a great job of making me feel empowered. I want to pass this on to my teams and use this energy in my personal life. My goal is to relax more. I also want to get serious about writing a blog, a cookbook, a fiction novel or short story to start, be more organized with my planner and keep the house organized. We also want to have 3 months of emergency cash savings. I feel that 2019 has transformed me to be an empowered person that can succeed at anything I set my mind to.

    Does anyone else have a buzz word for their yearly energy?
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,456 Member
    I am reposting the few pics I have gotten from the wedding. I am getting a little nervous that I don't look good in the pictures and that is why I haven't gotten any. I also am regretting I wore my hair up and no necklace. I listened to other people and should have went with my gut. Oh well...nothing I can do now. I guess I will have to wait for the professional pics to come in to show you all.

    Shannon(23), Dan(26), Mary Kate (19), William (25) and Nicole (28) This was on the party bus so that is why there are weird lights. I hope the photographer got one of them all together
    The girls (MK, Nicole and Sha)
    Danny and I danced to Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd
    My hair

    Another thing..Nicole and Dan both wore contacts until they had to pay for them. I don't know why that bugs me Lol!

    @jedaschultz Awesome loss AND during Thanksgiving! You and your husband had a plan and followed it and it showed on the scale. I agree with you, I think planning is so important and I didn't really discover it until the past year Lol! I love your goals for December. I see you have a pizza party coming up. I now make sure I have salad when I have pizza. That seems to fill me up but I can still enjoy a slice or two of pizza. Maybe you can bring salad with you?
    @Cafelelia I bet a piano recital is a nice WARM break from the hockey rink Lol! We have to shovel our public walk where I live but at least I am not on a corner. I am sure that was a workout! Thanks about the pics. I wish I had some more to share.
    @kirsten11872 Thank you! I still can't believe it is all behind me now . Looks like you are getting a lot of snow today!
    @Mrsbell8well It is so inspiring to read how far you have come! You are amazing! :) I had a drink I would do for a cold and I lost the recipe. It was similar to your cleanse but it was tea and it had apple cider vinegar. It really broke up a chest cold but my favorite part was the cayenne pepper and the honey tasted together.
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