I wanna grumble about...



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    maiomaio71 wrote: »
    I want to grumble about being under the weather and still trying to watch my calories.

    I think @NovusDies would probably tell you to maintain when you're not well. Are you on the mend?

    I am feeling much better today thank you. I will sometimes do higher calories when sick, but I try to avoid doing it when I can. I'm not always the best at self care.

    I have gone through many phases during my weight loss. One of them was where I settled in and thought that weight loss was my new normal but that was short term thinking. Weight management has to be my new normal because weight loss is temporary. The last time I had an infection I was so "settled in" it didn't even dawn on me that I needed to be eating more despite the fact I give this advice to others. It made me feel so much worse until I realized it and ate maintenance until I recovered.
  • FitByFifty1970
    FitByFifty1970 Posts: 127 Member
    @DogMom919 - some days getting out of bed is the win for the day. A friend lost his wife after a brief but horrific situation and frankly some days if he showered that was enough to consider the day a success.

    Overall I didn't mean to guilt people into posting more. Not my intention. Now that I've grumbled about my grumble I'll post on the positive thread to balance myself out.
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,110 Member
    When you are struggling or need motivation, that is when you need to be here!...share your struggles, we all have them!...everyone wants to know what everyone else does to help on those days when you can’t face another day of struggles!...

    I don't like to complain.....my struggles pale in comparison to some people.
    However I do read the group posts daily and they keep me going and really do help motivate me to carry on.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Jackie9003 wrote: »
    When you are struggling or need motivation, that is when you need to be here!...share your struggles, we all have them!...everyone wants to know what everyone else does to help on those days when you can’t face another day of struggles!...

    I don't like to complain.....my struggles pale in comparison to some people.
    However I do read the group posts daily and they keep me going and really do help motivate me to carry on.

    How your struggles compare to others is not really relevant. I like to say that a man that lost his foot may not seem as bad off as a man that lost a leg but that won't regrow the foot. The things we have to go through still have to be gone through.

  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    What was that quote you had about having to go through something to get around it?
  • maiomaio71
    maiomaio71 Posts: 231 Member
    We got our gift from the Board yesterday. It's all food. A heck of a lot of food but all junk food. And a bottle of wine. I don't drink. I don't eat chocolate biscuits and Rocky road and scorched almonds. Even before I was trying to lose weight I didn't eat them. I'm going to re-gift it all to the girl who is going to feed my cat while we're away for Xmas. Except the wine... She's only 15. There was a very nice re-usable coffee mug and drink bottle included that was very nice. I do appreciate gifts but junk food means that no thought has gone into it. Half our staff are gluten free, dairy free or vegan and couldn't eat it anyway!
  • michne16
    michne16 Posts: 538 Member
    DogMom919 wrote: »
    December is a difficult month for me....my husband’s birthday, my wedding anniversary, the holiday season always were a time of happiness for me.....however, after losing my husband it has become the time of year that I feel most alone. I struggle every December just to get out of bed each day. I apologize to this group if my posts are even more infrequent than usual....I will make an honest effort to do better.

    December is hard for me too. My dad died two days before Christmas (this will be 11 years ago), I got into a major car accident on Christmas Day 5 years ago with my mom that has caused her additional health problems, my mom was really sick Christmas of 2017 and had to be hospitalized, I could go on but I am not going to do so. In any respect, I get very anxious during this month because of past tragedies and events so I am always waiting for the next anvil to fall on my head which really kicks up my anxiety level. As such, I completely understand how this month can really wear on you. Do what you need to do in terms of self care and realize that it's okay if you don't feel like being merry and bright. Some days are better than others for me this month. Do the best that you can and don't beat yourself up if there are days you just aren't functioning to the level that you would like. Sometimes it's good enough to survive versus trying to thrive. We are here for you. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help support you during this trying time.
  • papayahed
    papayahed Posts: 407 Member
    I dread Christmas time.. I used to love it.. unfortunately my husband makes my life a living hell at Christmas emotionally, mentally and verbally. I had the worst Christmas of my life last year. This year I am working 600 km away in Camp over the holidays. I know he will still be a raging dink but at least I can get off the phone and concentrate on working instead.. How sad is that? One of the happiest times of the year and I'm the most alone and saddest.

    That stinks. One year I couldn't go home for Christmas and I realized how much more relaxing it can be without the drama of family. I ordered take out and sat on the couch all day watching stupid movies and eating steak nachos. Can you do something fun for yourself like a mani/pedi or massage to perk things up?
  • FitByFifty1970
    FitByFifty1970 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm offsetting the grumble on the other positive thread. I have been having unhealthy food for a few days. I planned for it. I'm still under 1400 calories (I usually eat way under that though). I feel so nasty. I should on paper not be gaining but I feel awful. I weigh in on Sundays but I will probably check in Saturday just to see. Feeling soooo gross.
  • Satisfiedwithbetter
    Yesterday my husband and I went to Olive Garden for lunch...after I went all thru the menu, I decided to order the shrimp scampi ( like always ) because it’s the lowest calorie option on the menu...after our waitress took our order, my husband said I didn’t look very happy with my selection...I told him just one time I would like to order a meal and not look at the amount of calories in it...he started laughing ( John is a rather sarcastic sense of humored man lol )... he said I had been ordering food without looking at the calories in it for 45 years !....I had to laugh, too...what he said was so true....maybe if I had paid more attention to what I was eating when I was younger, I wouldn’t be fighting this weight problem now!

    We a the result of our actions. Different actions will lead to new results. Love it!
  • dembkogirl
    dembkogirl Posts: 361 Member
    I'm offsetting the grumble on the other positive thread. I have been having unhealthy food for a few days. I planned for it. I'm still under 1400 calories (I usually eat way under that though). I feel so nasty. I should on paper not be gaining but I feel awful. I weigh in on Sundays but I will probably check in Saturday just to see. Feeling soooo gross.

    Do not feel gross about a few off days, and especially if you are still under calories. If I learned anything from regaining all 60 lbs I lost last year it was that I worried too much about being on point/perfect with my calorie intake, and when I wasn't I beat myself up over it which made me feel crappier.
  • FitByFifty1970
    FitByFifty1970 Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks! Appreciate the support so much. I actually literally feel gross in a physical way.....bloated and nasty. I forgot to get on the scale this morning, I was rushing around and totally forgot. I set a goal for this week and next week combined to be 3 pounds and I'm curious if I've gone up from eating within CICO but eating junk, my official weigh in is on Sundays.
  • papayahed
    papayahed Posts: 407 Member
    Not sure if this is a grumble but I am so tired of people telling me how I should lose weight, what I should eat and what kind of diet plan I should be on...first they notice how much smaller you are looking and then want to know how you have been losing weight and what kind of a diet you are on....before you can tell them you are counting calories ( they do not even hear LESS CALORIES ) they have a better, easier, faster and healthier way for you to diet...MFP is working for me...I eat only foods I like...there are no special secrets or gimmicks or tricks that I do...I do not fast, drink special concoctions of seaweed or vitamins and I do not give up fats or carbs...I have snacks and I eat at any time of the day...I drink water when I am thirsty...I do not drink gallons of water daily....I EAT LESS and move a little more...and it is working!...I am losing weight...my blood pressure has dropped significantly and my meds have been cut...I am no longer pre diabetic....I wake up every morning knowing that I am improving my health...I am not going to “ fix” what is not broken...

    Amen Sister! I just had a similar conversation at work today for the twelfth time this week. Hey, you look good, what are you doing? ....Oh that's wrong you should do this...
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Oh and don't forget the "but you have to work out to lose weight and be healthy" or "you have to cut sugar and pop even diet because alternate sweeteners are bad for you".

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Not sure if this is a grumble but I am so tired of people telling me how I should lose weight, what I should eat and what kind of diet plan I should be on...first they notice how much smaller you are looking and then want to know how you have been losing weight and what kind of a diet you are on....before you can tell them you are counting calories ( they do not even hear LESS CALORIES ) they have a better, easier, faster and healthier way for you to diet...MFP is working for me...I eat only foods I like...there are no special secrets or gimmicks or tricks that I do...I do not fast, drink special concoctions of seaweed or vitamins and I do not give up fats or carbs...I have snacks and I eat at any time of the day...I drink water when I am thirsty...I do not drink gallons of water daily....I EAT LESS and move a little more...and it is working!...I am losing weight...my blood pressure has dropped significantly and my meds have been cut...I am no longer pre diabetic....I wake up every morning knowing that I am improving my health...I am not going to “ fix” what is not broken...

    I ran through a weird 2 months of this and most of it was coming from medical professionals. At the time I had lost 80 pounds but even after hearing it they STILL told me how to lose weight. I wondered how much I needed to lose to be left alone. I was told to do 6 meals a day by one, vegan by another, high carb low fat from another, and vegetarian by a 4th. The funny thing about the 6 meal a day and the high carb low fat diet is that I had JUST explained that I needed to skip breakfast and eat a moderate carb diet because I have reactive hypoglycemia. BOTH of them ignored it and gave me terrible advice that would have made me sick or made me fail.