

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Cassie, another thought is to call 911 immediately if this is an emergency
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 579 Member
    edited December 2019
    @Cafelelia Sorry for posting the images. 😔 I am trying to delete them, but can't figure out how. Can you or Pam delete them? Again, I'm sorry.

    Edit: Never mind, I went to the post where the images were and I was able to delete them by editing the post.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Cassie- The only way we can delete them is by reporting them. I would not want that to lead to you being cut off from MFP temporarily or otherwise. There is a small wheel in the top right corner of you post. Press it and you can edit the post if you do so within an hour I’d posting. Let me know if that works. Are you in crisis though and do you need immediate help? We care about you here and want you to feel better.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Thank you Cassie. Is there somebody you can speak to? I want to make sure you are okay and have help now if you feel you need it.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Cassie, please also know that nobody is mad, just concerned about you.
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 579 Member
    @Cafelelia Thank you for being so kind to me and making sure that I'm okay. Is that crisis thing that you shared a text thing or do you contact them by calling? I have calmed down a lot as of now, so I don't think I need any immediate help. Thanks for your concern though. I saw my Clinician earlier, about 3 hours ago and showed her what I did to my arm and we talked about what was bothering me and she was kind and supportive. I am very glad she cares a lot about me. If I had shown the wrong person, like my old Counselor, she would have called the police on me. I have a new Counselor now and I almost thought about contacting her, but too scared cause I don't know if she would have sent the cops as well, so I showed my Clinician instead and talked to her.

    I'm glad I was able to delete those images so yoy didn't have to report me to get them taken down. If I would have been banned from here, even if temporary, I would have been really upset!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Cassie - I am glad that you calmer now. If you do feel you need immediate help, please speak to you mom or any member of your family, or a good friend. You can always call 911, there is no shame in that. It could be that you need more support and intervention than what you have now. I truly urge you to speak to your loved ones about this. We are supportive community here, but we are virtual community, spread all over the place. We are also not professionals. So we can express our support to you, but we cannot really take a lot of action due to these limitations. MFP has community posting guidelines, so you must be mindful of those as they can cut you off, even if temporarily. I know that you come to this community for support, so you must be mindful fo these MFP guidelines and also think of others on this team. Yes, what I sent to you was a text line. Here is another resource that I found, with multiple numbers that you can call as listed on the home page. I am in Canada, so I am not as familiar with the help available in the US.


    Cassie, this is a difficult time of year for many people, so you are not alone. You are a young woman with so much potential. It is important that you get the help that you need.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,190 Member
    @CassieGetsFit2013 we are all here with you, and hope you will be able to get some help as soon as possible. You will certainly not be banned from here! We are not an emergency service, though, so when things get really panicky or serious, be sure just to hit 911 and they will be there for you. You are so worth it!
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 579 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    Cassie - I am glad that you calmer now. If you do feel you need immediate help, please speak to you mom or any member of your family, or a good friend. You can always call 911, there is no shame in that. It could be that you need more support and intervention than what you have now. I truly urge you to speak to your loved ones about this. We are supportive community here, but we are virtual community, spread all over the place. We are also not professionals. So we can express our support to you, but we cannot really take a lot of action due to these limitations. MFP has community posting guidelines, so you must be mindful of those as they can cut you off, even if temporarily. I know that you come to this community for support, so you must be mindful fo these MFP guidelines and also think of others on this team. Yes, what I sent to you was a text line. Here is another resource that I found, with multiple numbers that you can call as listed on the home page. I am in Canada, so I am not as familiar with the help available in the US.


    Cassie, this is a difficult time of year for many people, so you are not alone. You are a young woman with so much potential. It is important that you get the help that you need.

    I don't really like bothering my family with my problems. 😔 They're going through enough as it is and when I start screwing up, I just feel that I make things much worse for them, so I try to keep my messed up issues to myself as much as I can. However, if for any reason I start to get bad again tonight, I will contact the police, as I have many other times in the past. My Aunt usually fusses at me for contacting them though, she'd rather I come to her instead, but for some reason, I rather contact them then go to her. I will be seeing my Counselor on Christmas Eve and I plan on talking to her more about the struggles I am having at the moment. I talked to her a lot about this guy when I went to her last week, she did have some good advice, but I seem to be ignoring it and doing the very opposite! Again, thanks for everything and the kind words!
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 579 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    @CassieGetsFit2013 we are all here with you, and hope you will be able to get some help as soon as possible. You will certainly not be banned from here! We are not an emergency service, though, so when things get really panicky or serious, be sure just to hit 911 and they will be there for you. You are so worth it!

    Thank you for sending me a friends request and having such kind words to say. I'm happy that everyone here is so caring and I'm really glad that I won't be banned from here. I've been apart of this team for what seems like forever now, it feels like a home to me, so it would be devastating to not be able to come here anymore. I will definitely call 911 if I need them!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,447 Member
    @CassieGetsFit2013 I agree with @Cafelelia and @jugar You really need to get some help when you feel this way. We aren't professionals and also aren't located near you so we can't give you the help you need. I am glad you feel calmer than you did earlier but I think when you start self harming, you need to reach out to someone. I am sure your family would rather have you talk to them than hurting yourself. If you aren't comfortable talking to them, you need to reach out to a counselor or a hotline that have professionals that can help you. Maybe your counselor can help you make a plan on what you should do when you feel like this. I think you should see if you can get in with your counselor earlier than Tuesday. Please call 911 if you need them. Hugs .
  • amytriesww
    amytriesww Posts: 91 Member
    Weigh in: Friday (normally Sunday)
    Previous weight: 196.7
    Current weight: 194.1

    Happy with 2.6 down this week. Haven't worked out at all- on top of the UTI, I came down with a head cold and I can't take any medicine this close to surgery so it's been a rough one! lol I meal prepped chili for the week and have been having waffles for breakfast and sandwiches and popcorn for lunch (not my usual, but easy!) so I'm staying within my calories every day. I did have 1 day when I literally had the urge to snack on everything- I realized I was just bored and I knew I would regret it if I did, so I just found something to do and made it 'til dinner. Victory! lol

    I'm out of town until Monday, but I'll be reading along. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    PW - 147.6
    CW. - 149.4

    Salty take out food last night & some Baileys. I should know better to do that before weigh in day, but it was a long day with my little one being sick. Well, this gives me more resolve to stay the course during Christmas week! My little guy is home again today and I hope that he gets better soon.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    … or afternoon. Depending on your location on the globe!

    January is quickly approaching! It is time to start recruiting for the coming month. Registration should be opened later today. Start the chatter and get the word out!

    Once the registration page is live - I will provide a link that you can copy into your news feed.

    2020 HERE WE COME!!!!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Username: lennoncpa
    Weigh in Week: week 3
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 142.4
    Today's weight: 141.2
    Weekly Steps: 70548
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,447 Member
    edited December 2019
    Friday 12/20 check in
    Food:not logged but not bad
    Water not enough
    Exercise: PT and stretching

    Finally a loss! I did well with meals yesterday. I just had a few drinks and some chocolate. I am not too worried about it. I do need to get back to following my plan though. All the little things add up here and there. I really want to maintain or lose during December and if I keep this up, I will gain. I have to run. We are going to see my Mother in law and then I am going to work out. I am not sure if I am done shopping yet, I am pretty sure I want to make sure I didn't leave anyone out. I also have to start wrapping. I hope everyone has a great day!

    I have to really give some thought to today's challenge. I will hopefully post it later. I like that we are taking the time to think of our goals for 2020 instead of rushing into them.

    @nstephenson01 Still a good loss! What an awesome NSV too!! I am going to do the same thing. If I indulge, I want it to be worth it. Not just something I will have everyday.
    @amytriesww You are doing awesome, even with feeling sick! I hope you enjoy your time away.
    @Cafelelia I am sorry your son is still not feeling well. When do you leave for your mother in laws? Hope everyone is feeling better by then!
    @lennoncpa Nice loss! Awesome steps too!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    week 3
    pw: 163.1
    cw: 163.3
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member

    The holiday week is almost here. It is time to start thinking about a plan. Do you want to maintain, lose or maybe even you don’t care if you put on a few pounds? Of course, there is the stress of the season as well, so a plan can include how to find some time for yourself and take care during the holidays. Here are a few lists to help you out.

This discussion has been closed.