January - Nutritarian New Year!



  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    edited January 2020
    Hey there, friends!
    I hope you are starting to feel better! And @Mihani, assuming you do feel better, I hope you are not too buried with work!

    I am watching this Joel Fuhrman video for an Ocean Robbins online event earlier this week. I am hearing some things newly, especially the value of intermittent fasting for decreasing inflammation. I am not up to jumping straight to a 16 hour fasting window, but I may do some pushing of the edge a bit more. Here's a link to the video. There's also a Neal Barnard talk up right now.

    I am having a good ETL day in terms of food. I went shopping yesterday and picked up more parsnips and more frozen cranberries. Yum to both! And cranberries help me fill up my GBOMBs for the day! And, wow, I looked cranberries up on NutritionFacts, and I feel even better about eating them!

    "...cranberries caused a dramatic drop in cancer proliferation at just tiny doses...

    The phenolics in fruit juice may provide protection from Alzheimer’s disease. In a study analyzing the phenolic content of thirteen popular commercially available fruit juices and juice drinks in the UK, cranberry juice was among the highest. However, eating the whole fruit is best."

    I am having a good ETL day:
    B - coffee, green smoothie (spinach, broccoli, blueberries, spices, ground flax seed)
    L - steamed mushrooms & parsnips, turnip greens with fire roasted tomatoes, green chiles and valentina sauce, steamed summer squash, bowl of pickled onions & grape tomatoes, steamed acorn squash & cranberries topped with diced fresh apple
    S - apple slices & peanut butter
    D (planned) - big salad (massaged kale, romaine, tomato, baked beets), nutritarian green goddess dressing
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited January 2020
    Morning all...off to work today. Austin, thanks for the links and such power-packed posts. You are on top of your game.

    Taking a bunch of good stuff with me to work. The elderberry gummies are working...at least I think they are. They are the Garden of Life brand Elderberry and the best price is at Thrive Market or Amazon.

    Having coffee right now. Soon to hit the shower. Treated me to a new cooler/lunch suitcase...it's big for work. But I need to be ready for 13 hours. My coworkers think I am nuts. I like that. That way, I know I am doing something right since they are all about the SAD.

    Hope you are feeling better Mihani. Cold/flu suck big time.

    Have a delicious day y'all.

    Lunch Box: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07T82ZB94/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Excellent information, Austin, thanks! Maybe I should add some cranberries to my oatmeal bowls.

    I know the people in my office think my salads are crazy, Magic. Glad you are feeling better. I like your new lunch bag.

    I made it through about 6 hours at the office today then came home and crashed after doing a little prepping. I think I'm mostly over this darn cold other than still have a bit of a cough and feeling run down. Planning to go to the office both days this weekend.

    Preps completed: set up my salads for the week and have lots of goodies remaining to make a big ol' stir-fry this week, made a big skillet full of sauteed onions and collard greens, batch of punchy mustard vinaigrette dressing (Dr. Barnard/Dreena Burton cookbook). Thought I'd try a dressing that's not nut-based this week and just throw some sunflower or pumpkin seeds in my salads for the good fats.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Well, I don't have the flu (I don't think)...but my sore throat cough is pretty THERE THERE. Easy for people to stay away from me at work, so I am going in. I don't feel that bad...it's just the cough. Will pick up some Delsyn on my way to work.

    Really easy food day...juices and Nancy's oat yogurt and soup. I may prep another salad, but I really do not feel like eating. Oh yeah, taking cuties.

    Going to get into the shower fast...so I can dry my hair before I get out in the cold.

    Glad u r feeling better Mihani...yay, you for being so prepared.

    Have a lovely family weekend Austin.

    Where is our newest member?

    Ok, lovelies...have a delicious day. Hugs!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Good morning, ETL friends!

    @Mihani - You inspired me to get hold of the Dr. Barnard/Dreena Burton cookbook. I now have several salad dressings on my "recipes to try" list, in particular the Punchy Mustard Vinaigrette! Dijon mustard is a standard ingredient in my plant-based dressing, so this looks like a fun variation!

    @magic71755 - Your new lunch suitcase looks great! For what it's worth, I can assure you there are plenty of marathon runners, triathletes, bodybuilders and martial artists/athletes that have lunch bags like this. (Probably plenty of other athletes as well, but those are the areas where I have personal experience.)
    From the sound of your coworkers, maybe just smile and say, "You do you, and I'll do me?"
    I know I keep looking for ways to bring lightness to the conversation when people want to know what I eat and then tell me what they eat in a way that suggests they want validation or to change my mind. ("When will you go back to eating normally?" "This IS normal for me. Certainly not how everyone wants to eat or should eat, I am not saying that at all. But this is what works for me! Now, how about....") Those conversations feel a little like this, somehow:

    Okay, time for something in addition to that cup of black coffee I have been sipping. I picked up a can of Cafe Bustelo coffee this week at the store. I had forgotten how much I like it. It's fabulous if you want an inexpensive dark, dark roast.

    So much to do today!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Sounds like we have the same kind of cold, Austin. I feel somewhat better, but the congestion and coughing hit again last night hard. I ended up coming downstairs and sleeping in my recliner so I'd be a little elevated. My boss actually told me to stay home today and I agreed with him. I've been pushing through and I'm never going to get over this if I don't rest. Hope you have an easy day at work and are feeling better.

    Austin, I remember several years ago, it may have been after the holiday season and indulging in too much alcohol and junky food, but I thought wow am I glad that's over and I can get back to eating normally. That's when it dawned on me this is my new normal and that was so amazing to realize! For someone who spent most of her life on one diet or another, and always thinking of it as a short-term solution before getting back to "normal" (meaning SAD) that was quite a change in mindset. Let me know if you find any great recipes in the Barnard/Burton book. I generally love Dreena's recipes, especially her older cookbooks (which admittedly are not so ETL compliant) but I haven't tried many from that cookbook.

    Anyway, I generally handle conversations about the way I eat as you do. "This is what I like to eat" with a smile and try to steer the conversation to something else.

    I just ate one of Dr. McDougall's soups (the hot and sour) and that sure helped clear out my head! I am going back to sleep for a while then I'll try to get some work done remotely. I may make up a blended salad later as my throat is still too sore for salad, or I'll make the stir-fry as cooked veggies will be easier to eat.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited January 2020
    Morning team, well, my cold exploded last night...started at work ...(nighttime is the worst)...and then in bed I was a mess.

    Going to stop at Sprouts and pick up some of Dr. McDougall's soups on the way to work...for sure the hot and sour. Thanks for the tip Mihani!
    This would have been a good time to have stop piled soup in the freezer...since I am no mood to cook...but I didn't so will do the next best thing. They also have some vegan/GF cuppa soups by Lotus...will look into those.

    So, it's just juice and soup today. I have no one really to cover my shift. I just really look terrible and sound terrible...and you know how your eyes get when you need to sneeze and can't...well, that's me.

    Just stay warm y'all. I thought I did everything I could to keep from getting sick, and here I am. Darn it anyway! I do think the Elderberry is working a little.

    .Hugs to you sweet peeps.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited January 2020
    Thank you all for all the great tips on how to deal with my ridiculous, uninformed coworkers. Ignorance is bliss, ain't it!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Just realized I typed Austin instead of Magic in yesterday's post about us seeming to have similar colds... it has made me loopy I swear! Keeps coming back for another round every time I start to think I'm getting over it. I actually went to urgent care yesterday and I definitely don't have the flu or pneumonia but I do have a delightful case of bronchitis and they said I could look forward to the cough for another couple weeks. Got a prescription cough medicine but it causes drowsiness so I won't be able to take it during the day at work.

    I stayed home again today although I didn't intend to. Just went back to sleep and didn't wake up until 1:30 in the afternoon. I sure hope I'm at least close to normal tomorrow. This isn't helping me get caught up at work!

    Had one of my oatmeal packs from the freezer for breakfast. Ate some of the leftover collard greens too. Then I slept for a while. Then I used my salad scissors to chop up one of my salads super small and managed to eat most of that without it hurting my throat. Now I think I will sleep again for a while. Not sure about dinner... probably the rest of the collards and some beans.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited January 2020
    At work...cold is much better this morning...yesterday was the worst of it...elderberry seems to have shortened my symptoms.

    Soup tea juices and steamed veggies today.

    And bed!

    Have a delicious day everyone!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    @magic71755 - I am so glad you are feeling better! Rest up!

    @Mihani - I am glad to hear you are taking care of yourself!

    I had a good, on-plan day, but am out of steam for the day. I was up at 3 AM to get some son to the airport. Off to a bath and bed!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Quick check-in. Feeling a little better each day but still not 100%. I am able to eat salad again tonight though. Yay!!!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Happy Tuesday, ETL friends!

    @magic71755 and @Mihani - I hope both of you are feeling better today!

    I sure slept well last night. I am feeling much better today.

    I am listening to a couple of great podcasts:
    How to by Charles Duhigg: https://slate.com/podcasts/how-to
    The Happiness Lab: https://www.happinesslab.fm/

    My ETL day (so far and planned):
    B-green smoothie (spinach, cauli, beet, fresh ginger, cinnamon, blueberries, flax seed meal), fresh pineapple
    L-steamed turnip greens with fire-roasted tomatoes; steamed mushrooms & parsnips; black-eyed pea soup; steamed squash and fresh raw tomatoes & onion; steamed acorn & butternut squash & cranberries
    S-apple slices & peanut butter
    D(planned)-big salad; going to try making a version of punchy mustard dressing; ; steamed acorn & butternut squash & cranberries
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Juices, soups and naps all day today. Feeling so much better since the cold CAME OUT of hiding...hate it when it is buried and you can't sneeze and it's all in your eyes. Now, I just am congested a bit but don't even care...I feel so much better.

    Thanks for the shout out, Austin. I might listen to that Happiness Lab tomorrow when I get back into the kitchen and clean again.

    Happy u r feeling better Mihani. I just think this lingers for a while...but yeah, each day is better. Just grateful it was not the flu.

    Later, dollies!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Morning glories!

    Still under the weather...mainly really tired and some congestion. Juicing, soups, tea and water. Oh, had two mangoes...one yesterday, one today.

    Oh and steamed veggies. Put kale and beans into my soup... good for keeping everything “moving right along.”

    Hope u r all doing well. Nap time. Thanks God it is my weekend. 🤗
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    edited January 2020
    Happy Wednesday, @magic71755 ! I am so glad you are getting better bit by bit.

    My nutritarian adventure today came from having picked up golden beets at the grocery store. I steamed the greens (and stems) for my lunch, adding a couple of handfuls of kale to get up the pound mark. I zapped them in the microwave oven, using just the water on the leaves from having washed them, as the water to steam them, and then sprinkled all with a few red pepper flakes. Delicious! I was ready to add things like black pepper, garlic and vinegar, but the greens were so good that I stopped with just the red pepper flakes. I am looking forward to eating the roasted beets on a salad.

    (Trivia: Epicurious has 60 recipes for beet greens, if you ever want too many ideas!)

    I am almost done with my hoard of black-eyed pea soup from New Year's, and am going to have to think about a bean dish to cook. Maybe split peas?

    @Mihani - Thinking of you and wishing you better!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Still recovering here too Magic. Glad you have your weekend to spend some time resting.

    Yum to beets, Austin. I like greens lightly steamed or sauteed.

    Still eating mostly salad, soup, toast. Just realized haven't had any fruit the past few days. I will eat an apple now!

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited January 2020
    Morning dollies!

    Off to Sprouts to pick up some veggies to steam and make into soup...to take to work as well as for dinner tonight.

    I am still a bit congested ...nothing terrible...more tired than anything else. Hope you do not get sick, Austin. Glad you are on the mend, Mihani!

    I will say that once the cold decided to come out of hiding, I felt ten times better. It's when it's in my eyes and face and will not release that you feel the worse. As soon as I was able to sneeze it out, that's when I started to heal. Makes sense to me.

    I don't have much going on in my life except this...kinda sad.

    I did think I would be reducing my hours when my anniversary date rolls around in September...but you know what? I think it might not be the wisest idea.

    My retirement is not the greatest...and for me to give up pay for 28 hours a month, well...

    I think I had better just stick to what is working. Being alone, you only have yourself to depend on...I think the smarter me says do not lose that income...at least not yet.

    So I have ditched that idea. I am going to be very satisfied with getting off at 2 on Mondays and not going back til Friday am at 7. All I have to do is stay healthy to keep this schedule.

    And most likely this schedule is forcing me to STAY healthy...sans the requisite winter cold and flu.

    Thanks for listening. Love you guys!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    I felt almost normal today! Man that was a long, drawn-out cold. Still a little coughing here and there but not bad. First time in almost two weeks I haven't gone straight to bed after work. I will still go to bed pretty early though. No relapse is my goal.

    Still just eating salad, soup, toasted ezekiel bread. I think toast just tastes good when nothing else does.

    As long as you can keep up working may as well, Magic. I imagine I will keep working in some capacity well past retirement age. I don't have much else going on in my life either, and I think I'd get bored after a while not working at all. It's still 10 years away.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Thanks Mihani!

    So glad you’re feeling so much better. But yeah, no relapse please.

    Back to work tomorrow for me. In bed, warm and ready with soup and juice and celery and PB.

    Night all.