Monthly post January 2020



  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    re: Height - LOL at your sister. I always say 5'3" I knew I was a bit taller than 5'3" but had forgotten exactly how much, but my 12-year-old just reached 5'3" and so she's very anxious to get taller than me and so we measured and I was like geez why haven't I been saying 5'4" all this time?
    re: Body Composition further details - So I'm 41 so not really young anymore. I'm just naturally muscular?!? I've 110lbs of lean muscle mass and 6lbs of bone, so at 30% body fat that would take me to 150lbs. My daughter at 12 and 5'3" is already at 95lbs of muscle, we're naturally strong, but don't do anything, in particular, to make that happen. LOL. I have lifted heavy in the past but honestly didn't seem to make a huge difference and I didn't seem to build a lot more muscle while I was doing it. In hindsight, I might not have been eating enough to build muscle. With extended fasting however you get a Human Growth Hormone spike around 48hrs. Once I'm closer to my goal weight I'm going to see if lifting heavy lifting fasted in those windows gives me any gains, but I want to be able to see what muscles I'm building so I have 25lbs yet to lose before I get there. At the moment I'm just focusing on walking :)
    BTW: Are you in Vancouver? I'm in Calgary!

    So as of last night at 6:30, I've started fasting again, I'm hoping to get farther into my 4-day fast than last week but I will see how it goes. :smiley: My pace of weight loss is really quite fast, so while it's nice to lose so quickly my extended fasts are more about staying in autophagy and insulin deprivation than the speed of weight loss. That being said, I'm not complaining, and it's very encouraging to see such spectacular results. :smiley:
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,981 Member
    Hi guys!

    Still busy here, so just wanted to say hello for now and that I am rooting for you!

    I should be in better shape tomorrow, work wise. Things are slowly coming together. I will share my stats and my WOE for the new(er) peeps, etc.

    I also owe @mamainthekitchen the casserole recipe!

    Speak soon.
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Sorry for the delay in responding. Thank you for the re-welcome. My fast on Tuesday was a bust. I’m just not able to push through when my hunger tears it’s ugly head early in the morning. But that’s the beauty of fasting...flexibility. Making another attempt today.

    Question: has anyone attempted to do a fasting mimicking diet? I’ve been exploring a DIY version with ideas from Reddit. I’ve tried Longos FMD product. But I couldn’t sustain it. I’m wondering if doing a DIY version with real food would increase the odds of success. I’m going to tweak some recipes next week and plan to use them to do a bit of a longer fast. I’ll keep you posted if anyone is interested.

    Have a great weekend, everyone.
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    So lesson learned about fasting and salt.

    My first few extended fasts were decent but the last few I've been getting a really bad headache and really tired. I don't really like salt and so day-to-day I don't use much. I knew when fasting I needed to supplement with salt or you'll end up dehydrated. I had been taking a bit of salt, but in my fast yesterday, the headache started barely 16 hours in. I took a bit of salt maybe 1/4 of a teaspoon, the headache didn't change. At the 24hour mark, I took probably close to a whole teaspoon and drank a litre of water, and basically went to bed. This morning I feel soooooo much better, so I'll be continuing to use a lot of salt to keep that dehydration at bay.
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    @flossyruby1 when you do a full day fast is that a from dinner one day to dinner the next?

    If you're especially hungry in the morning you could do breakfast to breakfast instead. In fact when we eat in the morning our insulin response to that meal is less than if we eat the exact same meal in the evening. Since the point of fasting is to lower and drop insulin levels, so it might be worth a try?

    The other thing I notice is if my food is too carby prior to starting my fast I'm way more hungry. I don't fully follow keto, but the day before my fast I make sure I've as few as carbs as possible to make that transition easier.
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    @A_Dabauer I toyed with counting macros over the holiday and liked it bc I was getting a bit more protein. I found that eating more protein at night made me not as ravenous the next morning. I was vegan for about 6 years and ultimately stopped bc I just didn’t feel good. I’m thinking it was bc my protein was so low. I’m tweaking my macros currently to find my sweet spot. But I’ll take your advice to heart and focus on higher protein dinner the night before a fast. And yes, I’m a dinner-to-dinner gal. It’s less invasive for me (fewer questions from my son, still allows for eating out if needed, etc). Historically, I did better eating at night.
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    @flossyruby1 ah yes I agree it's much easier to skip breakfast and lunch unnoticed. I've a kiddo around myself, and while she knows I fast, I too try to do most of my fasting in her absence.

    Going to bed hungry was one of my biggest hurdles when I started fasting, but it gets easier thankfully. I've come a long way, in my 20s I used to use food to medicate my going to sleep totally fasted is completely possible!

    One of the things I like best about fasting is its complete flexibility, special event on a fasting day, switch up my fasting for a different day. It's certainly one of the most flexible things I've ever done. :smiley:
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    @flossyruby1 I'm definitely interested. I always look at new info and experiences then use what I can to improve my own way of eating.

    @A_Dabauer Interesting stuff...the way our bodies change and burn calories w/different types of food/sleep/fasting/time of day/month/year fascinates me. While a kcal is the "energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1kg of water by 1°C", many people don't realize that different parts of the body (muscle, fat, organs) do this with different levels of efficiency. When I was writing my tdee/bmr calculator I did a lot of research on was a few years ago and I should probably start looking for new studies on the subject. I wish I had more time today to take part in this conversation; I'll definitely be paying attention to everyone's journey and the tweaks they make to ensure success....that's one of the great things about this group.

    Fasts didn't work out so well this week...I tried to go into ketosis at the same time and made things tougher on myself than I needed to. I'll focus on getting into ketosis 1st then get back into the fasting later next week.

    Good Luck everyone...have a great weekend.

  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    @KateNkognito congrats on the 1 interview, the other not so much ;) Hope that puzzle got you through your last fast. I find too that occupying my mind with somethings helps.

    @mamainthekitchen congrats on the longer fast. How's your husband doing on it? I always like to hear from the guys too. This group has only had a few men actively participating (from time to time) over the years.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,539 Member
    Hey, all! It was a busy week! I got 2 1/2 fasts in. Yesterday was good until about 1 pm, then not so much. I am just going to kick sand over it and move on. I will keep doing alternate day fasting until it doesn't work any more. I am interested to see what kind of loss I have tomorrow. I am not expecting anything spectacular, but a pound or two would be nice. I want to be back where I was before Thanksgiving by the end of January.
    I see you all are doing well! It is so nice to have more people posting regularly. Keep up the good work! Have a nice weekend.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,539 Member
    No loss this week. Hmm. I think I got a little careless at the end of the week. Plus I had a lot of sodium yesterday. I will pay closer attention this week, plus I have 4 fasts planned. We'll see how it goes.
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    So I finished my 4-day fast this week. I'm not going to say it was easy, but it was more mental than physical, other than trying to get my salt content right so that I wasn't getting massive headaches from being dehydrated. I lost about 5lbs this week with some of that before my fasting window. I have to say 5lbs lost in a week is the most I've ever seen in my whole life, so I'm sure this week I'll rebound a bit because 5lbs doesn't seem realistic.

    On the NSV side of things, I'm officially down two out of 4 skin tags and have had a huge decrease in the rate of hair growth on my face (a side effect of PCOS) which means keeping those insulin levels at zero is doing amazing things for my overall health.

    I hope you're all doing well!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,981 Member
    Good morning all!

    Sorry for being a little missing in action lately! Crazy work week last week and the weekend was quiet on Saturday due to snow but busy yesterday since we were stuck in the house all day Saturday. LOL

    My IF and Keto WOE is going well. My guy and I are planning to get back to the gym after I return from traveling next week. Next week I am heading to Atlanta for a few days. The chaos at work is planning the meeting in Atlanta. But, it will be over soon. Looking forward to that.

    Sounds like you guys are all doing well. I can't do individual shout outs today. But, I am here cheering you on!

    Have a great day and speak soon.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Yikes where does the time go?!?!!!
    We were snowed in for a while although not anything like the other side of this country.. poor people in NL got 70 cm of snow (abt 25 in”!!) so I suppose I shouldn’t complain.

    No fasts, no walks for me.. just the dog walk and I’ve been feeling cold so I just want a blanket around me all day every day! Going out for dinner on Thursday... but I’m gonna just enjoy, mom’s bday so gotta enjoy that!

    Kate I’m wondering what kind of fasts you’re doing, 5:2? Or timed fasts? Good for you for having a plan!

    Everyone: great job, love seeing all the posts!!!! Bye for now!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,981 Member
    Hi guys!

    Still rocking and rolling here! Work = busy. Keto = great. Getting a lot more steps in lately. LOL

    Sending hugs to all. See you soon. :)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,539 Member
    Thank you to the precious child that shared their germs with me. I feel like I got hit by a bus. At least it is easy to not eat when you feel nauseous all day.

    @mamainthekitchen I have been doing about 5-600 calorie days for fast days. I also don't eat breakfast on fast days and am out of calories by 6 pm. So it is a little of both, I guess.

    Going to go curl up with a heating pad and some Nyquil. Good news is I will probably live through this. Bad news is I will have to live through this.
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,981 Member
    Hi guys!

    oooh @KateNkognito feel better! We complain about that often at my job - when people come to work when they are sick. UGH! Keep your germs to yourselves! :(

    Things are good here. Getting things accomplished and feeling less stressed about work and this big meeting I am planning for next week. Looking like the weather is going to cooperate too because who really wants to worry about snow when traveling!? :/

    Keto is good. Moving right along and feeling good about sticking to it even though it is so busy at work and a lot of times I look and realize I never had time to eat my afternoon snack! Weigh in day on Friday. I stayed the same last week, so hopefully I have a little something something lost this week. Next week I plan on sticking to my Keto WOE while traveling. Wish me luck!

    Guess that is all for now. Have a good rest of the day and I'll check back in soon. Almost time for lunch! :p
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,981 Member
    Good morning all!

    Happy Friday! WOO HOO! Oh what a long crazy week it's been. :p I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Our office was open on Monday, which is the Martin Luther King Day holiday in the US.

    I weighed in this morning and I am down 1.4 lbs for the week. Total loss since starting keto on August 5 is just shy of 35 lbs. I am very pleased! Most of my old clothes fit me again, with the exception of a few pairs of work pants that I bought when I was about ten lbs less than now or at my thinnest - back in May of 2018. Looking forward to trying those on in another few weeks to see how they are coming along.

    Not much else going on here. Monday through Wednesday I am out of town so I will check in as able. Don't do anything crazy now, while I am away. :D

    See you soon! Have a great weekend! I plan on checking in. :)
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,981 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. :)
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Sorry I forgot to check in here lately, been busy clearing out the junk accumulating over the last 29 years we’ve been in this house! Holy!!

    Meghan you’ve done so well, 35lbs! Slow & steady wins the race!! With emphasis on the steady! Have a great time away on your work trip!! Should be fun cause I know your company treats you right!!

    Kate those kids need to be sprayed with disinfectant upon entry of the school!! Actually, that’s a brilliant idea! I’ll want royalties!! Hope you feel better and you can rest over the weekend!!

    Cleaning a few blinds tomorrow then cooking big pork roast! Staying close to home.....Have a great weekend people