WEIGHT NO MORE January 2020 Chat



  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    I made it through on the iPad. I am supposed to get my computer this afternoon! Nice day planned today. I am going to walk Charlie my son Danny’s dog and then later this afternoon Nicole, Shannon and I are getting mani/pedis. My girls have such different personalities. I think it is so nice that they go get their nails done together. I may be reading too much into it because I don’t have a sister but I still think it is nice. Lol! Nicole and Danny and their spouses went to the shore together this weekend too. I guess after all those years of playing referee while they were growing up, it is nice to see that they enjoy each other’s company. Hope everyone has a nice day. I will check back in later ON MY COMPUTER!!

    @JillyBT Maintaining isn’t bad and as you said, you lost fat and built muscle so that is actually a big win! Sorry about your parents. It is hard and emotionally draining when they get elderly. Remember to keep taking care of yourself. Hugs!
    @GingerPwr Sounds like a pretty good day! TOM definitely makes a difference with your weight. Hopefully afterwards you have a drop. :)
    @amsandos. Wow! What a workout!! You really are doing awesome. Great job resisting that Swiss roll too. I know how difficult that would have been for me! Lol! You are my little representative of the British people Lol! I just wish they would have talked to his Grandmother first. I didn’t say Queen because more than her being Queen,she is his grandmother. I can understand how hard that life must be. Hopefully in the long run everything works out for all of them.
    @Freeglerock Thinking of you. Hugs!
    @Mrsbell8well I was thinking the same as you-can you imagine if you were in the shape you were in before you started this. Even though you are our little Wonder Woman, remember you are human and you are going to be sick. I am wondering if you ever fully recovered from that cold. It really knocked you for a loop. Do not worry about getting back to working out or your cleanse. Just be healthy, rest and let your body tell you when it is time. Hugs!
    @brown6267 Another amazing step day!
    @twyla77 Wow! A loss after a vacation like that?! You must be proud! See what a little planning on how you are going to handle vacations can help. Thanks for sharing the pictures. How beautiful!!
    @phoebe112476 Nice loss! Hope all is going well. :)
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    @phoebe112476 Another nice loss! Your journey is so inspirational
    @twyla77 Wow losing while on vacation! WTG. Beautiful pictures
    @mrsbell8well how scary. Hope you feel better soon.
    @sleepymom5 I think I'm going to look into that Obesity Code book. I'm reading one about Intuitive eating and it rebukes many things I think have helped me in my weight loss journey. Its a little hard to buy into her theory.
    @tryingagain5 all those make and take classes sound really good. I wish I had something like that here.
    @amsandos I LOL'd at your perspective of the royals! Spot on I think! And your workouts exhaust me!
    Welcome @rundgrenrocks! Enjoyed reading your intro! I'm totally down with popcorn and Hallmark movies!! :smiley:

    So my husband's boss wants him to report to work next week, not at the end of the month. Mad scramble to wrap things up and get him packed to leave. Its a busy week and makes me sad. Knowing he'll be away from home for 9 - 12 months is hard to wrap my head around at the moment. I need to find projects to keep me busy when he leaves. Busting this plateau and losing these last few pounds seems like an excellent way to focus my energy :smiley: Also dread that he will be driving across country during the wintertime. I'm staying home as he doesn't want me to make the journey this time of year. We're also helping my neighbor a lot with her husband. I doubt she and I will be able to do what my husband and I can do together as she's whittling away to nothing under the stress. My husband broke the news to her this morning that he's heading out. She really needs to get some additional assistance as its too much for just her. So... the next few nights of dinners will be all hubby's favorite things. Eating wise might be a little iffy for me but January hasn't been the best month for me anyway. Bring on February LOL
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Check in for Tuesday
    Food-logged and under
    Water-at least 80 oz
    Exercise-30 min walk, PT and Stretches
    Steps-over 6,500

    Another good day!! Day 3 so far. Tomorrow Daisy goes early to get her teeth cleaned. She goes under anesthesia so I am a little nervous. She will be 10 in May. I also have my last PT at 10. I actually had a good 2 days with no pain or stiffness but then it came back. I am hoping I will start having more pain free days. I have been very consistent with walking and exercise so tomorrow I am going to take a rest day and just do the PT.

    I noticed we aren’t too busy on here today. I know one person tried to post but didn’t have any luck. I am hoping that is why we are so quiet. Hope everyone has a good night.

    @nstephenson01 I can’t believe they are making your husband leave early! I know that this is always a hard time for you and this doesn’t make things any easier. Enjoy the last days before he leaves. Is he going to be in the Harrisburg area again? Hugs. Btw-after this January, February is going to be our month!
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    Week 4
    PW: 156
    CW: 157

    A lb on. I could make excuses for myself. I am fat and bloated and it is my TOM. However I have been over eating a bit hoping that my exercise would cover it. Now is not the time to loss heart I must double down my efforts.
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    01/28 steps 11433
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    The make and take classes were helpful for me. They were all stand alone workshops so you could pick and choose which ones you wanted to do. I chose to do them all. Now I have all this knowledge and lots of recipes to choose from so now I just have to make sure and do them

    The workshops were actually a pilot program for the hospital. They try and do different things the community can get involved in. They were pretty well attended so they"ll probably do it again.

    I wonder if you could check with your local hospital or a community education type of center. Maybe they have some of these things.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm trying better to listen to my body and get the rest I need. I'm not sure but I think the iron pills are starting to help too. Still pretty tired a lot but I think it's a little better. I've only taken them for a week so it's hard to tell.

    Yep, the protein bites are almost gone.🙄 I did share one of each with my trainer and today am going to bring him one of each so his wife can have some too. I didn't think to do that yesterday. I'm going to have to watch how many of them I eat the next time I make them. I think I'll wait a little while before making them again.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    I spoke too soon- I still don’t have my computer :( Hopefully today. Hope everyone has a happy Wednesday!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Thanks for the introduction. I really think you will be a great addition to our team! Welcome!
    @amsandos You have been working hard. I think that weight is probably from the TOM. If you need to clean up your eating, that is fine but don’t beat yourself up. It is a learning process.
    @tryingagain5 I need to work on self control. If something is good, I want to overeat them. So much of this is mental. It was nice of you to share them with your trainer and his wife.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,067 Member

    tues- 17,058

    so far this week i have gotten all my days over 10,000 steps, I am happy. i was having a rough time last week. i think i am taking today as a rest day. i might go get my pedi so i can call the dr to get my feet checked. i have planned all my meals the day before and have gotten into a night time routine. hopefully i will have a small loss this week. i have a really bad headache the last 2 days, nothing is helping. my son just called me, the one who had been in the accident, he has been having problems with his hand. 2 weeks ago they gave him 2 cortisone shots in his fingers and today they gave him 2 more and put him in a cast. they think he has a tear somewhere. this kid can't catch a break. he has been going to physical therapy for his neck and think he made need surgery. hopefully him and i are not doing that at the same time, lol. i don't think my husband could handle it.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Week: 4 or 5?
    PW: 189.6
    CW: 190.4
    + .8
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Today I organized my freezer and wrote up an inventory list to post on it. Been wanting to do that for a long time. I’m still exhausted and taking it easy. Had a mole check up today that I didn’t want to cancel. She cleared me and said I look like a million bucks!
    Yesterday I sorted all my jewelry.
    I mostly sleep and read. I bought Dr. Gundry’s Longevity Paradox. Fascinating reading.
    @sleepymom5 your right I need to accept my humanness.
    This is day 16 on Plant Paradox Lectin free eating plan. My weight seems to have stabilized at 140. (Geez couldn’t it stabilize at 139 just because?) Aside from pneumonia I thought I would do a recap.
    It’s a really foreign way of eating for me. Not one I thought I would want to do. But the only reason I have done it is for gut repair. In that case it has worked 100%! And quickly. My tounge is surprisingly pink and healthy looking even with antibiotics. My waist looks so small which is a first. Molly was positive I had lost more than these 6 pounds. I really do feel like I have lost fat in all the important places. It reminds me of @hope002 and her pictures.
    I wish I didn’t feel so wasted so I could get a better since of this plan.
    My cupboards are now stocked with plenty of compliant food products. My freezer and fridge are packed with lots of compliant meals and produce. The more I research the more of a believer I am becoming. The Facebook group helps and is educational. I am looking forward to getting pass the 30 day cleanse and making meals and menus on my own. Right now I follow his 4 week recipes and meal plan. I have no cravings and unfortunately right now no appetite. Sunday’s long prep day was so helpful. Since I’m down it is really easy to grab my meal and force myself to stay fueled. I feel like quitting eating all together but I think that’s the pneumonia. IF is part of this program but I don’t feel that I have enough calories to start that yet. Soon.
    My favorite treat is crispy artichokes. You take canned quartered artichoke hearts drain and dry them. Dip them in a mixture of cassava flour with nutritional yeast and iodized sea salt. Spread them on a baking sheet and drizzle with avocado oil. A good amount. He loves high fat! Bake 375 degrees 25 minutes till crispy. You prep up a big batch. (2 cans or more). Then fridge or freeze them (or eat them!) Then spray with olive oil to reheat 400 degrees 15 minutes. Today I sprinkled lightly with sea salt, fresh lemon juice squeezed over it and a couple shakes of Tobbasco sauce. Taste like fried fish or oysters. I spent years never eating fried food. This is a big change. So yummy. Overall im becoming a convert.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,097 Member
    edited January 2020
    Hello Team Weight-No-More!

    You have a new member, by special request - @starcrystal3

    Welcome her and enjoy! :heart:
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Checkin for Wednesday
    Food-logged and on target
    Water-80 oz
    Exercise and Steps Rest day-10 stationary bike, PT, stretches and Strength

    ANOTHER GOOD DAY!! Hey, it took me most of January but finally back on track. It was my last day of PT today. I have a big list of exercises I need to continue but pretty much the same ones that I have been doing. She added squats. Yikes! I know I need them, I feel like I need to strengthen those muscles. Just Ugh...I hate squats. Ok...I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open so I will check in with you all tomorrow.

    Welcome @starcrystal3! We are happy you are here!!

    @ljdanny You really seem like you are in a good routine now. I hope your headache goes away soon. Is there anything you are changing, like limiting caffeine? Hope you were able to get your pedicure so you can get to the doctors for your feet. Your poor son too. He really doesn't get a break. Hugs to all of you!
    @tryingagin5 That's not too bad. It seems like you have been doing well. Just keep doing what you have been doing. I know you had a sleepy few days plus the test and the anemia. It wasn't a normal week for you.
    @GingerPwr It sounds like you are doing great! Keep it going and you will have a good loss next week. Alcohol is something I should be reeling in myself but I am just not ready yet. Have you been doing it all of January? Pesto Chicken sounds so good!
    @Mrsbell8well I am glad that you are taking it easy. Sounds like you are prepped for eating plan, that will make it easier when you go back to work. How was your bloodwork? I was surprised to hear you were continuing the cleanse while you are sick. I am sure you are making sure you are getting the nutrients you need. Hope you are feeling better soon! Hugs!
    @lennoncpa I know you are in your busiest time of the year. I do see you consistently logging your exercise so that is good. Sometimes it is hard to take care of ourselves when we are so busy. I am glad you are taking the time to eat well and exercise!
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