WEIGHT NO MORE - February 2020 Chat



  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Phew I'm way behind on posts... So happy to see so much interaction!

    Daily Check In: Sunday
    Food: Didn't track, grazed most of the day but stopped eating/drinking at halftime of the Super Bowl
    Water: Good
    Exercise & Steps: Bowflex Max Trainer intervals, shoveled snow for 30 minutes; 9,410 steps

    Spent most of the morning cooking and was pretty tired before the game even started LOL. Didn't track, grazed throughout the day and am sure I was over on calories but I stopped eating at halftime. Bummed about my Niners but happy for Andy Reid and the Chiefs.

    I am so sorry to hear about @mrsbell8well and am very worried about her.

    @freeglerock I smoked for 25 years and quit in my early 40's. I didn't want to quit but it was a last ditch effort to conceive. I used Wellbutrin to quit. Its hard but sooooo worth it. I hated going through the process but don't regret quitting for a minute. Its so freeing to have that monkey off your back. You can do it!! I like the advice @sleepymom5 gave you!

    Welcome@starcrystal3 and @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx

    @sleepymom5 Yes, I still hiked at my heaviest weight but they were generally shorter. Thank you for the herbal tea suggestion. I will give it a try.

    @rundgrenrocks Your raviolis sound delicious! I love raviolis (well, all pasta really) but they seem like so much work to make from scratch.

    @gingerpwr Ha ha... love it!! I need to try doing my nails to keep me from eating!

    @tryingagain5 Have you seen the movie Book Club? I thought it was pretty funny. I'm sure most book clubs are not anything like the movie.

    @kirsten11872 I had all kinds of menopausal symptoms throughout January and it really derailed my weight loss.

    Welcome back @Cafelelia I'm glad you had a nice vacation. Its so important to take that time away particularly in light of what your family has recently gone through.

    @mrsbell8well sending healing energy and good vibes your way my friend! Take care of yourself and make time to heal.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    @starcrystal3 I am just like you! I start snacking in the PM when I've depleted all my healthy options. You'd think I would learn to pack more stuff but nooooooo..

    January wasn't as productive as I had hoped. I set my goal for a 3 lb loss and lost 1lb. Now on the bright side, if I lose 1lb a month, I'll have a 12lb loss for the year and that's not bad. BUT... I want a 15lb loss so I've got to get it in gear.

    My biggest problem was not being motivated to exercise, but I keep looking at myself in the mirror and not liking what I see, so I'm pretty sure that staring at myself in my underwear is going to be the big motivator for February. Lol!
    One successful thing this month is that the Hubs and I significantly cut down our drinking. Not gonna lie, it was a problem for both of us near the end of last year.

    1. Lose 3 lbs (and actually do it this time!)
    2. exercise 5 days a week
    3. Keep snacking and alcohol to a minimum
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    No, I haven't seen the movie Book Club. I'm in 2 separate ones and both are pretty laid back. The one is a faith based club so there is some learning there. One of my neighbors started this one and is made up of several neighbors and some others.

    The other is made up of 7 or so people. It was started quite a few years ago and originally was made up of members from a previous church. Now, it still has some of those members plus others that have joined us. This one is really laid back.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thanks for letting us know about @Mrsbell8well
    @Mrsbell8well hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery

    Reading Still Alice in the one book club. I haven't gotten very far yet but it's about a 50 year old who is starting symptoms of forgetfulness and disorientation. I'm not up to the part where she gets a diagnosis but I think it's going to be early onset alzheimers. The other book is The book of forgiving. I wasn't able to go to the last two meetings and haven't even started it but I'm being told it's really good, especially if a person had issues with forgiveness.

    You're right the daily posts do help keep us accountable. Especially when you say "I'm going to do such and such". It's like you don't want to let the others down by not doing what you said you were going to do.
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    User ID: JillBT
    Week Number: Week #1
    Previous weight: 159
    Current weight: 160

    Goals for this month...
    1. Loose 4 pounds
    2. drink more water
    3. continue to work on getting real sleep at night

    @sleepymom5 LOL I have only been to DisneyWorld once and Disneyland a ton (I use to work for Disney Television and I was assigned the openings to the wonderful world of Disney with Michael Eisner and we filmed there a lot). The restaurant is still inside the Pirates of Caribbean and it looks the same as 25 years ago! The new Star Wars land was fun.

    @Cafelelia I love your exercise video!

    @freeglerock hang in there! You got this! You can get through the withdrawal period!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    1st Downsizers 0.55%
    2nd Waist Aways 0.40%
    3rd Trimstones 0.29%

    1st Waist Aways 21.8 Lbs
    2nd Downsizers 20.0 Lbs
    3rd Trimstones 13.9 Lbs

    1st @deniners2 2.56%
    2nd @gharvey5753 2.43%
    3rd @rosieposiesrl 2.09 %

    1st @19shmoo69 5.0 Lbs
    2nd @gharvey2753 4.2 Lbs
    3rd @deniners2 4.0 lbs
    3rd @conleywoods 4.0 lbs



  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    1st Downsizers 2.60%
    2nd Trimstones 1.72%
    3rd Mission Slimpossibles 1.61%

    1st Downsizers 97.1 Lbs
    2nd Trimstones 83.2 Lbs
    3rd WaistAways 79.5 Lbs

    1st @gharvey2753 8.87%
    2nd @hope002 6.79%
    3rd @deniners2 6.75%
    3rd @MaegyS 6.75%

    1st @gharvey2753 16.4 Lbs
    2nd @MaegyS 15.6 Lbs
    3rd @hope002 13.4 Lbs


  • starcrystal3
    starcrystal3 Posts: 91 Member
    @GingerPwr I love how you looked on the bright side with your January results. You are right, even at 1lb lost per month, you'll still see progress over time! We'll have to share snacking fails/successes to help keep one another on track! What type of exercise do you do?

  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Monday 2/3 check in
    Food: logged but over
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 minutes at the gym with my trainer

    I went home from work at my normal time today (no OT for anyone today) and was in bed before 8am and slept really well. I didn't wake up until my alarm went off this afternoon, which was really nice for a change.
    I did really well with food until my get together with my Bible study group. We didn't have a Christmas party this year because everyone was so busy but we got together tonight for a post Christmas party. I had about 900 calories left to use when I went. So I did well up until then. The plan was to eat the mixed fruit that I brought and any other healthy choices that were there. I did eat some healthy options but also ate not so healthy options and too much of both. The plan didn't work out so well.🙄
    I took the night off work so I didn't have to keep watching the clock. I wanted to enjoy my evening and thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent with the ladies from the group. I haven't seen them in a few weeks since the Make and Take Workshop was on the same night as the study. Now, I'm headed to bed. Hopefully will sleep just as well tonight as I did today.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Daily Check In: Monday
    Food: logged and on track
    Water: over 64 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 30 min bike ride, PT, stretching and strength

    Good day. It went quickly...I will check in tomorrow . Have a good night everyone.

    My answer for the Leaping Groundhog- What changed or what did you discover to get your weight loss going? Just think about the beginning. How did it start? What was your "Monday"?-In July 2012 I was so disgusted with myself, my appearance, what shape I was in...I decided to give losing weight one more chance. If I wasn't successful, I was going to stop beating myself up and just accept that I was always going to be fat. I ordered a fitbit and started logging into MFP in July. I haven't had any big weight loss during that time, I gained and lost for a while. However, I am in way better physical shape, I eat so much healthier and I have never gotten back to the heaviest weight.

    Congratulations to our week 4 winners-@rosiesposiesrl @sleepymom5 and @33sandy1223 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place! Great job everyone!

    Congrats to our winners for January @hope001 @rosiesposiesrl and @Freeglerock for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place! Awesome job!!

    @kirsten11872 I had a bad January too. New month and time (for both of us) to get serious and have a good month. Sounds like you already are off to a good start. :)
    @nstephenson01 Sounds like a good day. Hope you enjoyed the Super Bowl even though it didn't end the way we wanted. It was nice seeing Andy Reid after the win though. Did your hubs make it to Pa safely?
    @GingerPwr One pound is not bad at all. The scale was still moving in the right direction! I love your goals for this month. Good job with the alcohol last month too. I am sure that isn't easy.
    @tryingagain5 . I actually read that one. It's a good book. Things don't always work out the way we plan. I am glad that you at least had fun with the bible study group and had off. Get a good nights rest and get right back on track tomorrow. :)
    @JillyBT I like your February goals. They are definitely obtainable. You got this!! That job you had sounds like it was exciting!
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Awesome loss! You are starting February strong!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Sunday's Weigh Ins still due
    Tuesday's Weigh Ins
    Wednesday's Weigh Ins
    Thursday's Weigh Ins
  • JillyBT
    JillyBT Posts: 153 Member
    Daily check in Monday 2/3
    Track: yes
    Calories: over
    Exercise: HIIT class
    Steps: 8,866
  • xX_phoenixrising_Xx daily check in 4 Feb
    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Water: A lot. I lost track.
    Exercise: Cycled to/from work - about 12.5 miles total. I'm not sure I can feel my legs right now.
    Steps: 16,400.
  • phoebe112476
    phoebe112476 Posts: 269 Member
    Week 1
    PW: 152.8
    CW: 152.6
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    02/03 steps 11897
  • starcrystal3
    starcrystal3 Posts: 91 Member
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Great job cycling for your commute to accomplish two things at once! :smiley:
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx wow, great job cycling to work. That’s a lot of miles!
    @sleepymom5 thanks for the update on Angelina. I’m keeping her in my prayers
    @tryingagain5 both of your book clubs sound like fun ways to spend time & socialize

    Daily check in: Monday
    Food: Logged, under
    Water: good, lost track
    Exercise & steps: 90 minute yoga class; 6,508 steps

    It was 9 degrees when I got up yesterday.... brr. Glad it was yoga day or i probably would have just hibernated. Hubby got to PA safely... timing was perfect as he missed a big storm here and it looks like a storm is headed to you folks on the east coast.

    A couple of pics of last night’s dinner..

    My cute little loaf of bread... its so hard waiting for it to cool before slicing into it


    I’m not vegetarian but I am trying to eat less meat while my husband is away. Dinner was mediterranean style beans and tomatoes with garlic toast


  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Daily Check In

    Food - Logged & on target (completed 24 hour fast Sunday aft to Monday aft).
    Water - 1 l (so not enought)
    Exercise - 2 km run

    Back into my routine yesterday. January was a bit of blur for me, so this week kind of feels like the first week of the new year, if that makes any sense to anybody! My leg felt great after the vacation, so I did a really short run and it went fine during and after. I am going to keep doing these little runs and see where it takes me. I don’t want to reinjure, so will take it very slowly & do lots of stretching afterwards. I also completed a 24 hour fast which felt great. I ate very healthy on vacation, but I had two glasses of wine almost everyday, and I normally don’t drink much. It made me feel kind of bloated by the end of the week. The 24 hr fast seemed to reset things for me.

    @sleepymom5 - Love your bitmoji! Great day yesterday! I think that you have come very far and are doing fantastic! Thanks for.theh updates on Angelina and I hope that she is doing ok.

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - Fantastic loss, congratulations!!

    @JillyBY - I like your goals, particularly the sleep one! Just a small gain this week and not to worry. On my short run yesterday, I kept thinking that I looked like that dog in the video!

    @tryingagain5 - It’s ok that you went over as you had your party, and I am sure it was nice to have a night off. As per @nestephenson01, the Book Club movie is hilarious. Isn’t Still Alice also a movie?

    @GingerPwr - Great goals for the month! It’s ok about January and at least you lost a lb. I know what I am about to propose may be hard to do, but next time you look in the mirror, try to find one thing that you like and pat yourself on the back for that. Sometimes a little positivity can help get things going.

    @nstephenson01 - Great Sunday, particularly for Super Bowl Sunday. I am sorry about your Niners, I was cheering for them as well! I love Book Club! It is so funny! I particularly love Candace Bergman as the crusty judge who finally gets her groove on.

    @kristen11872 - The months do go by quickly, you are right. It is a new month and the little choices we make can add up to big wins. I agree that menopause changes things when it comes to weight. I started menopause last year. It is not so bad overall, but I find it is a bit more difficult to lose (not impossible, but I have to be more vigilant) I also found I carry more in my mid section than I did pre-menopause. It’s a part of life though, so we just need to go with it.

    @jedaschultz - I know you are disappointed, but at least you maintained and that’s a good thing.

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Once again, I have to get moving. I think it is better for me to do my checkins at night. Hope everyone has a great day!

    @JillyBT You really do some kick butt workouts! Fantastic job!
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Wow! Amazing ride!! Looks like you had an awesome day!
    @phoebe112476 Nice loss! You are so consistent and seems like you are in such a good routine!
    @brown6267 Excellent!!
    @nstephenson01 Why that is a cute little loaf of bread Lol! Everything looks so delicious! Sounds like you had a great day! Keep it going! I am glad your husband got to Pa safely. I guess it is good he left early so he missed the storms. When is your first trip to see him or do you wait to plan for when he is settled a little more?
    @Cafelelia After I told you I wasn't interested in doing more than a 16 hour fast, I almost did a 24 hour one Saturday. I ate a late lunch and started fasting around 4. Surprisingly I wasn't hungry in the morning and considered trying it then. So I take it back, I may do a 24 hour fast if the conditions are right lol! Wow! You got right back on track after vacation! I am looking at vacations totally different now. It is possible to eat healthy, have fun and still indulge a bit. Just not indulge every meal. I used to eat so poorly on vacation and you start feeling crappy when you do that. My last few vacations were different and I actually lost and still had a great time. I don't think I could ever give up drinking Lol! It is nice to have as a treat sometimes or on vacation. I think the short runs are a perfect way to build yourself up to where you were. I know you will be careful.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Day 3 - inspirations and sources

    What is the idea or source (book, blog, whatever!) that has had the greatest influence on your weight loss and fitness journey?

    Of course, MFP and F2F are big inspirations. I feel like one inspirational book led to another. I actually never read these types of books but Cyndie recommended the Beck Diet Solutions book and I couldn't believe how much it helped. I just went from one book to another and learned so much. I also have to say, those PNP podcasts really made a huge difference in my thinking. I can not thank @phoebe112476 enough for letting us know about them. I am learning so much.

    Remember you can discuss here on our thread or over at the thread for the challenge (or both)
    I have been posting but have to head over and read the responses.


  • rundgrenrocks
    rundgrenrocks Posts: 85 Member
    Hi everyone! I finally read through the whole thread and am getting to know the awesome members of this team a little better! My problem is that my husband "borrows" my iPad at night and on weekends, and I can't navigate as well on my phone. So I get caught up when he's at work.

    I haven't had good answer to either of the other two daily questions but I have an answer for the day 3 question! My inspiration is always music. I am a huge Todd Rundgren fan but I really love almost all music. (I even started a hobby Instagram page called @oldpersonnewsongs to help us more mature folks appreciate newer music). Not only is music great for dancing, walking, exercising, cleaning, but a lyric will frequently just burrow into my brain. I heard a new song called "Enough For Now" by Ethan Gruska on Friday and the chorus is "Maybe I'll try, maybe I'll die trying, to let this be enough for now". It's speaking to me so much as just accepting what IS right now, realizing I don't control a whole lot in this world, but I can make good decisions in my own little life. Or, so,times it's saying to me that what I'm doing now ISN'T enough and I can do so much more!
    Anyway, I love having music around to inspire and entertain me.

    I'm keeping @Mrsbell8well in my prayers.

    I've overate yesterday after having a great and productive morning. I ate enough to feel gross. Midday is hard for me because I was always busy driving to or from the kids' school or lessons. I'm trying to find a new routine and haven't quite figured it out yet. I'm wondering if an afternoon nap would keep me out of trouble!

    @pacsnc6, that's really cool that you proofread for your brother! My daughter wrote a romance novel and put it on amazon over the summer (She's writing a series now; she's hooked!). I begged her to let me proofread before she published it but she wouldn't let me. Someone rated it rather low due to the errors, so I think I will be proofreading the next one! Score one for Mom.

    @JillyBT, I can relate on some level. When my kids had just started school, my in laws moved in with us. MIL died within six months and FIL showed signs of dementia shortly thereafter (she'd been covering for him a lot). I took care of him for five years until he had to be placed in a home after losing a leg. Life was a nightmare for me for a long time. Hubby was in denial for a lot of it and I've had to let go of a lot of resentment about what he let me take on for those years. It's truly the suckiest thing to be going through, and I really feel for you.

    My friend just took me out to lunch to thank me for picking up her kids and tutoring her daughter. We went to
    Chili's! I got my 330 calorie lunch and we had a great time. and I just realized I have to get my van inspected so I think my midday problem will solve itself today.

    Have a great day all!
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    Still having computer problems bit sticking to the plan
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Hello everyone! Sorry to hear about @Mrsbell8well, but thank God she is ok! Keeping her in my prayers! You are a strong lady, I am sure you will be back better than ever! Take care of yourself!

    Yesterday went well, but I did not feel well all day, I just felt off. I thought maybe I was getting the flu, but I feel much better today. I think it was from not sleeping well the night before. I was exhausted when I got home from work, so I ate a light dinner & relaxed. I am doing well today. I have a dentist appointment after work, then I am going right to the gym for an hour on the elliptical. The scale was down this morning which made me very happy.

    @Cafelelia I can definitely feel my weigh gain in my mid-section. I never had a belly, I am very proportioned, but I feel thick in the middle, a definite sign of menopause. I started going through menopause in my early 40's, I am going through early menopause. I do not miss getting my period every month, but I miss how my body responded to my weight-loss efforts, lol. It is part of being a woman, nothing I can do about it!

    @sleepymom5 I am going to try my hardest to be successful this month! We can do it! I will be very happy when I see the 160's on the scale again, so sad, I used to be happy in the 150's!

    @nstephenson01 it is very challenging to lose weight & go through menopause, but I am determined to do it! I like to workout with weights, which I think helps!

    I am trying to stay focused! Really going to try to workout the rest of the week. I have dinner plans on Thursday, so that will probably be the only day for the rest of the week I don't workout, but I will try to get in a lot of steps!

    Have a wonderful evening! :smile:
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Tuesday 2/4 check in
    Food: logged and under
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: 30 min walk, PT, stretching and strength

    I have to get Daisy to the groomer early so I will probably be on here later. Tuesday was a good day. Today should be too. I do have a retirement party tonight. We are going to dinner at the bar so I know what I am going to eat. I am also planning to have a piece of cake and probably a drink too. I am tired so I am going to hit the hay. :)

    @rundgrenrocks I am the same way with the phone screen. I don't know how people can use them all the time, I need a bigger screen. I shouldn't have been surprised that music is an inspiration for you. I have to listen to that song, those lyrics are so relatable. I am actually working on overeating myself. My problem is late afternoon or evening for the most part. I think you have a good idea to make a plan for the time that seem to be tempted. Maybe a nap is a good idea. Hope today you were able to resist!
    @amsandos Sorry you are still having trouble with the internet but glad to hear that you are doing well.
    @kirsten11872 Thank goodness it wasn't the flu and you were feeling better today! You will get back to the 150s. Baby steps! You got this!
    @Mrsbell8well You are home already? Wow! I am glad everything went well. Rest and recover now! xoxo
    @tryingagain5 I am sorry to hear about your dad. It is impressive he is independent at his age. I hope his cat scan is ok.
This discussion has been closed.