WEIGHT NO MORE - February 2020 Chat



  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Sunday 2/16 check in
    Food: logged and a little over
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: 30 minute walking video, 10 minute walking video

    I went to bed at 9PM last night and woke up about 2:30 to use the bathroom and then couldn't get back to sleep. I laid awake for about an hour, then played on my phone for a while and finally decided to get up around 4. I did a load of laundry and did one of the Leslie Sansone walking videos while that was going.

    Since I was up so early I went to the grocery store that's open 24 hours. It's a couple of blocks from where I live so it's convenient. I got some frozen meals and some easy to put together things since I won't have time to actually meal prep.

    After church I got something to eat and then napped for the afternoon. I did a 10 minute Leslie Sansone video after I got up.

    I was supposed to go to one of my book clubs tonight but since I have to go in to work early I have to miss that. It's interesting that work told us last week that we were slow and the very next day they said we were working overtime on Friday night and going in 2 hours early tonight. The overtime is nice but it is tiring.
  • Hi everyone, was having trouble posting from my app again (this better work!)

    Checking in for the past days since Friday... I was a few hundred calories over on Fri and then a few hundred under for Sat, Sun and Monday. A total of 28,000 steps for the 4 days and 2 hours 10 mins on my Spin Bike.

    Spent the weekend at a basketball tournament for my son, I'm managing his team and this was pre-season. Seems like a talented bunch of very tall boys! They're all 14/just turning 15 and 6ft, including mine lol. Now I get to spend every weekend for the rest of forever at Basketball... or so it feels like!

    Got my bike set up with a carrier bag to get the weight of my backpack off my buggered shoulder, and plan to cycle to and from work the next 4 days (some adipose may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make!)

    Will try to catch up on the group tomorrow, I have to be up super early. It takes me a while to cycle lol, but I'm happy to get out there and do it!
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    02/16 steps 6351
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sunday Check in

    Food - logged & on track
    Water 1.8 l
    Exercise - 25 min run (hurray!)

    Happy long weekend to everyone in the US and in the Canada provinces that have Family Day! It was a sunny day yesterday and above freezing, so I was able to do a gentle run for 2km. It went well! It is playoff time for my kids, so lots of hockey and practices this weekend and more coming this week. It should all end by the second week of March, and then Spring hockey starts!

    @CassieGetsFit2013 - Great loss! Keep monitoring your BP and please go into urgent care if it gets super high.

    @nstephenson01 - I am so sorry about your neighbour and her husband. My MIL went through a similar experience for the past 5 years and it was heartbreaking. My MIL did everything she could to keep my FIL home for so long, and it had a detrimental impact on her own physical and mental health (we are trying to help her focus on herself now). You are a wonderful neighbour and friend. I hope that this week is more peaceful for you, and that the snow stops too. Big hug!

    @tryingagain5 - Great day yesterday! Sorry that there is the OT as work and I hope that you can return to your routine starting today.

    @rundgrenrocks - Hope that you feeling better from the PMS. Be careful what you wish for when it comes to menopause, although having no periods is very liberating!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - You are doing great! You are a team manager?! That is a lot of scheduling, budgeting etc. Even with winter hockey winding down, we now have spring hockey to look forward to, so my weekends are still completely booked too!

    @brown6267 - Great steps!
  • xX_phoenixrising_Xx
    Weigh in week 3
    Weigh in day: Monday
    PW: 270.5 (122.7kg)
    CW: 269.4 (122.2kg)
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Got my staples out this morning. I have been taking it easy but being very productive.
    I have 2 weeks left before I go back to work. Every day has fun things planned. Getting my haircut tomorrow. I’m going to go a bit shorter. Nervous about that but looking forward to it. My weight has shot back up to 147. Sigh. I hate to write that. My goal is to have it back to 142 by April 1st. A pound a week. Geez it’s so easy to gain. But I guess cupcakes, Guinness stout, and whiskey plus 2nd servings of yummy dinners will do that to you.
    I can walk but all other activities have been prohibited till April 1st.
    @rundgrenrocks the cupcakes are frosted with buttercream frosting. I used Miyakos vegan butter. I have also used coconut cream whipped when I want whip cream.
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    edited February 2020
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx I bought the dried chick peas today but couldn’t find the tahini and no one in the store seemed to know what I was talking about. Where do you normally find it in the store? I was walking up and down the sauce aisles. I’m determined to try making that hummus!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Monday 2/17 check in
    Food: logged and on track
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 minute session with my trainer

    I was asked if I wanted to stay late today but said no. I had already worked 10 hours and didn't really feel like doing a 12 hour shift. I plan on saying no again tomorrow if they ask. I think if I worked days the OT wouldn't be quite as tiring.

    I've been thinking about looking for a new job but when I do casually look, I either don't qualify or the pay is much lower than what I make now. If I would apply for a different job I would have to check out the pay, benefits, etc. Obviously I don't want to have less than what I have now.
  • @lennoncpa I found it in the whole foods/health foods aisle, but remember I'm in New Zealand. It might be different for you, but then I'm also sure that if I can buy it you'll be able to. If not - It's ground toasted hulled sesame, google gives me recipes for making Tahini - how keen are you? Lol!
  • rundgrenrocks
    rundgrenrocks Posts: 85 Member
    @lennoncpa I have found tahini in the peanut butter aisle, the middle eastern or Asian foods sections, the health food areas, and even the olive and pickle aisles of my stores. It’s like they don’t know what to do with it! I’m lucky to have an international market where I can get it, too.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    thanks, I've been trying really hard on the water. Still a work in progress on the fruits and veggies. The church dinner was nice. The kids did a really nice job.

    Thanks. Looks like the OT is here to stay a while. I"ll just have to say no more often when it isn't mandatory.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I bet once you get some more practice with the tractor you'll become more confident with it.
    You sound like a wonderful neighbor. I'm sure they both appreciate everything you do for them. Hugs to all of you.
    The Valentine's dinner was nice. The kids had the church nicely decorated and they did such a good job serving.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Congrats on getting to the 130's! I would love to be there but it's going to be a while before I see that. Someday.😁
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    02/17 steps 13591
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Monday Check In

    Food - Logged & IF
    Exercise - 55 minute walk
    Water - 1.8 l

    Yesterday was a holiday here and my husband took the boys to an animated movie festival. We had a mini teen invasion in the evening and they stayed for supper. It amazes me how much these 13 and 14 year olds can pack away and so quickly! I started a 24 hr fast and will be done by 3 pm today. It is going well so far and I feel good. My doctor told me that in spite of menopause, women continue a monthly cycle, with PMS and other symptoms continuing for many years. I definitely feel like that now. This week, I am focusing on getting more water, and gradual progression with walking/running based on how my leg is doing.

    As some of you know, I am a follower of the Marie Kondo method and I started this time last year by going through my entire house (with my family). It took six weeks to complete (not full time days of course) and the donation truck came about 4 times. I decided to do a review of the house this year and we did great! Everybody in the family kept up with it and it was very easy to go through a tidy house. It took about 5 days (about 1 hour per day), and we have only a few bags to donate. I am really proud of my kids, who embraced the process and also discovered that they don’t need nearly as much stuff as they thought. After March break, I will arrange for a local group of cleaners to come and do a Spring clean. I have talked about them before and they are a group of older Greek women who started a post-reno and heavy cleaning business (I call them the Greek grandmas). There are about 10 of them on the crew and they clean absolutely everything, including the windows and outside decks etc. Worth every penny & they truly are my superheroes!

    Congratulations to @hope002 for meeting your goal!!! You are doing great! Thank you for sharing your photos and your experiences with IF!

    @mrsbell8well - I think that the scientific/medical research is still scratching the surface about nutrition and its link to health, aging and disease. I find it all fascinating and have read up on a lot of it in the past few months. But in the end, you are correct that we each have to find what is right for us.
    @brown6267 - Nice steps!
    @tryingagain5 - Glad that you are turning down OT when it is optional and you don’t feel like it. Your rest, self-care and other activities are important too!
    @GingerPwr - Great day yesterday! My kids love breakfast for supper! I think they would choose that every night if were up to them!
    @starcrystal3 - Hope that you are feeling better and don’t worry about that gain. Do you run outside in winter? It is my favorite time to do it, but I have to wait until sidewalks get cleared as running in the snow is too hard on my leg.
    @jedaschultz - That’s a maintain and you are so right, we have to enjoy life!
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - Nice loss and don’t forget, you are building muscle with all of that cycling! Sorry that you fell off your bike (twice). Can you remove the panier bags to see if that makes a difference?

  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    edited February 2020
    Hello all! Hope you had a good weekend! It was nice to have the extra day off!

    I am feeling ok, trying to get back on track! I did ok on Sunday, I did ok with my food, I just did not workout. I pretty much took the day off the relax. I did not even get in 10K steps which is bad for me.

    Yesterday was a good day! I ate really well, took the dog for a long walk, did laundry, and did my workout. It felt good to be on track! I did 23,482 steps!

    Prepped my food for today, going to the gym after work! Hoping to have a good week!

    @timibotkin keeping you in my prayers that you get good news! Hang in there!

    @Mrsbell8well I agree! There are so many different way to eat! I do not think one way is right or better, I think we need to do what works best for ourselves! I am like you, still trying to figure it out. What once worked for me when I was younger, is not working the same.

    @Cafelelia I hope you are right! The scale seems to go up so easily!

    @nstephenson01 thanks!

    Have a great day! :smiley:
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