SHRINKING ASSETS Team Chat - March 2020



  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    kilobykilo wrote: »
    @TheMrWobbly amazing results, well done!
    @SheilaCali congrats for being on the board!

    @mustb60 well done on getting the workout in and on the steps!
    @Beka3695 welcome home! You're totally right about not feeling bad about the gain, itll be gone soon enough and you've had a month you'll never forget. Blake is lovely :) I'm sure you're going to miss him and your girl like mad, but itll make tour next visit all the more magical.

    Who else is up for a focused, log every morsel March?

    Thank you!! Was feeling bit lazy after resting a day but your words energised me!👍
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Hi, I’m new taking challenges here but I would love to join :) . How can I do to join and pick a team?

    Hi @ViancaGirasol

    We would love to have you as part of this team! To start, we will need your March starting weight and a weekly weigh in day.

    When you report your weekly weigh ins - you will report in this format:

    Saturday This is my weigh day
    Prior Weight: 234.6
    Current Weight: 230.1 Feel free to shorten to PW and CW

    This helps us spot the weigh ins more easily among the regular chats.

    We look forward to having you!
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    Guitar girl55

    (From Friday last week.) I have been sick, and unmotivated. I have not been tracking my food and I have not even logged in in several days. I am going to try for a fresh start – starting today. That being said, I’m exhausted and sick still so my motivation is really low. I am gathering inspiration from you guys! You were sick a while back and still logging and keeping after it. I really want to do the same!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Guitar girl55

    (From Friday last week.) I have been sick, and unmotivated. I have not been tracking my food and I have not even logged in in several days. I am going to try for a fresh start – starting today. That being said, I’m exhausted and sick still so my motivation is really low. I am gathering inspiration from you guys! You were sick a while back and still logging and keeping after it. I really want to do the same!

    Hope you are feeling better soon!!! I have updated your March starting weight.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    CALORIES: Below
    STEPS: Minimum met
    WATER: Close... but not there yet
    ALCOHOL: None, same for Sunday.

    New things I am learning or relearning:
    -The salad did not kill me. My obituary will not read 'stabbed to death by Arugula, the leader of the tomato gang.'
    -Planning ahead is the key. I had no trouble staying under cal limit AND had chocolate.
    -Eggs are delicious. This is not new, just wanted to say it again.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    @mari_moulin posted the information below on her timeline today. I thought it was very enlightening. The snip comes from an article found here:

    3. Focus on Process Goals

    Many people trying to lose weight only set outcome goals, or goals they want to accomplish at the end.

    Typically, an outcome goal will be your final target weight.

    However, focusing only on outcome goals can derail your motivation. They can often feel too distant and leave you feeling overwhelmed.

    Instead, you should set process goals, or what actions you're going to take to reach your desired outcome. An example of a process goal is exercising four times a week.

    A study in 126 overweight women participating in a weight loss program found those who were process focused were more likely to lose weight and less likely to deviate from their diets, compared to those who focused on weight loss outcomes alone.

    Consider setting SMART goals to set strong goals. SMART stands for:

    Some examples of SMART goals include:
    I will walk briskly for 30 minutes five days next week.
    I will eat four servings of vegetables every day this week.
    I will only drink one soda this week.

    Setting SMART process goals will help you stay motivated, while focusing only on outcome goals can lead to disappointment and decrease your motivation.


    What are some of your SMART goals?
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Let me see you, the raw you. The you as soon as see my post
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    boehle wrote: »
    Let me see you, the raw you. The you as soon as see my post
    This is my punishment for reading mfp as I drink my first coffee of the morning!


    Have a great hump day one and all!
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    Consider setting SMART goals to set strong goals. SMART stands for:

    Some examples of SMART goals include:
    I will walk briskly for 30 minutes five days next week.
    I will eat four servings of vegetables every day this week.
    I will only drink one soda this week.

    What are some of your SMART goals?

    It's funny, I no longer have an outcome goal.... I genuinely don't know where I'm going in terms of fitness or weight but am enjoying the challenge of getting there!

    Some of my smart goals this week:
    End under my cal goal 5 of 7 days this week
    Get out and run 3x, following my app, this week
    Plan and prep - pre log foods every day, wash and tidy kitchen before bed and prep lunch box/dinner first thing each morning Tues-Friday

    I was in a good headspace on sunday so set these goals, wrote out my meal plan and did my weekly prep. These are the things that help me to have successful weeks. It is good to be having one of those weeks!

    I'm also enjoying the monthly motivational challenges in the announcements tonhelpnwoth accountability and have finally got myself on the habit logger spreadsheet.....

    Thank you F2F for all the awesome tools and support!

    How's everyone's week going?

  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
  • KittyInBoots17
    KittyInBoots17 Posts: 213 Member
    I'll take this time to reintroduce myself since this is a new chat this month!

    So, by my name you can see I love both kitties and boots. I am 34. My hobbies include cooking/baking, gardening, anything outdoors really, and I love animals of all types, lol. I've been trying to lose weight since around my 30th bday. I spent my 20s overeating. There was one day I looked in the mirror and was shocked with how huge my hips looked. I was starting to wear plus sizes and not enjoying clothes as I used to. I found MFP at that time by Googling. I tried eating under cals for a week and I dropped pounds. It was the only thing that worked!

    I started at 267, got to 195 at one point, stayed there for about a year, then regained up to where I am now. It's been a struggle. I think it's because even at 195, I still didn't fit less than XL. It can get in your head - and one thing I've learned is we all lose at diff rates and in diff ways... just keep trying and never give up! The health benefits you don't even notice are immense. It's worth it.

    I look forward to a new fresh month with old and new members here. I love the support and discussions going on in here. Best of luck to everyone!

  • Rielyn
    Rielyn Posts: 150 Member
    Hey everyone, excited to be placed on this team! I'm looking forward to March and being part of the challenge. I was on a pretty good roll back in Oct/Nov and then fell off track at Christmas (as usual). The wintery weather has gotten me down a bit, I haven't had quite the same motivation. Hoping that March brings some sun and I can get back in the swing of exercising and eating right.
  • kmargut
    kmargut Posts: 34 Member
    edited March 2020
    boehle wrote: »
    Let me see you, the raw you.

    You got me on a good day! Lol
    This is my 4th month in the group. I lost 60 lbs 2 years ago and gained most of that back over the last year. I decided in Novemeber no more! Need 10 more pounds to be at my low! I am the mother of 3 and live in Pa. My youngest 2 children have left the coop in the last 2 months. So my husband and I have a lot of time on our hands. Lol 18g1sp797qwh.jpg
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,537 Member
    This is me in my temporary habitat on a mattress on my living room floor. Back to normal tomorrow, going for a run for sure!

    Welcome @Rielyn and I am looking forward to your input (and steps if you are up for the challenge)

    I sympathise with those who have found things not going well. This illness has put me over 200 miles behind my marathon training. Nothing will stop me!
  • SheilaCali
    SheilaCali Posts: 737 Member
    Guitar girl55

    (From Friday last week.) I have been sick, and unmotivated. I have not been tracking my food and I have not even logged in in several days. I am going to try for a fresh start – starting today. That being said, I’m exhausted and sick still so my motivation is really low. I am gathering inspiration from you guys! You were sick a while back and still logging and keeping after it. I really want to do the same!

    Miss Guitar Girl,
    Why don't you phone a friend and you two go on a walk together? I had a friend do that a couple of days ago, and we invited another. We had a trio walking in the park today, enjoying the sunshine and a chit chat. I brought a coffee for Ms. Unmotivated, and we wound up walking over 2 miles together and had a great time. Sometimes having a buddy to get you going is key. Round up some like-minded folks and get out there! You'll feel better in no time :)
This discussion has been closed.