Check In



  • Bekah7482
    Bekah7482 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I got my BFP today!! We are so excited. I thought we were out this month but when my period was 8 days late we took another test and it is a strong positive. We are over the moon excited for this journey with baby #1
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Alioth That sounds really rough, I'm so sorry. I hope things work out so that that doesn't happen with the restaurant. This is definitely just a crappy situation all around. :(

    @Bekah7482 Congratulations, I'm so excited for you!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited March 2020
    It's been extremely stressful here. On top of things falling through with Andrew's new job, on Saturday we got a tornado warning (not typical here) and not even five minutes later all hail broke lose, literally. Both cars had significant damage and so does our house. There was about a 2-3 minute stretch where we couldn't even see anything outside it was coming down so hard. I hope to never experience anything like that again.

    As far as exercise and everything during the stay at home order, I've really gotten away from intentional exercise. I have just been focusing on meeting/exceeding my step goal. (which is pretty low) My weight has gone in the wrong direction because I've been eating from stress/boredom and to procrastinate so I mean it isn't entirely unexpected.

    I have a lot of options though as far as working out from home and actually prefer to do so so really just need to make it a habit again. my goals really haven't changed much, I just continue to not meet them.

    I've just gotten to a point where I'm doing what I can do when I can do it, which sometimes isn't a whole lot.

    I hope everyone is well, I'm glad for the check ins.

    This group is so quiet, I sometimes forget to check it so feel free to tag me or message if you need a listening ear.
  • sarawilliams5889
    sarawilliams5889 Posts: 105 Member
    So glad to hear your check ins @Alioth and @WifiresGettingFit I’m sorry for all you’ve been going through. The world is such a crazy place at the moment. I work in healthcare so am still at work but it’s changing everyday.

    Congratulations @Bekah7482 🥳👶🎉 Can I ask how long you had been trying for?
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Congratulations @Bekah7482!

    @WifiresGettingFit I’m really sorry to hear things are so tough right now! That hail storm sounds awful.

    Alioth, I hope things pick up soon!

    I’m ok. Working from full time right now which is fine but I also miss my coworkers. We started potty training Leo this week which has been exhausting and frustrating. But I’m grateful that both of our jobs are stable. This is cycle 9 of TTC for us which is also stressful and exhausting.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @sarawilliams5889 It really is! I hope you're staying safe and taking care.

    Andrew's car is being fixed now, we should get it back by the end of next week. Pretty much once they are done, he's going to have an entirely new body on that car. It's about 6,500 (or thereabouts - I can't remember the exact amount) worth of damage. My car's damage was worth more than the car itself so they stopped at 3,200. We have my car now and are just going to keep it since my car is still safe to drive, had low mileage and is paid off, it just looks like it got beat up, repeatedly. It's all cosmetic which I really don't care about, I just need it to get me from one point to another. haha.

    I'm sorry things are so stressful and exhausting @puffbrat. I hope things get easier soon!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    @Bekah7482 Yaaaay! Congratuations!!!!

    @WifiresGettingFit Oh no. Sorry to hear about the hail damage. That happens here from time to time. My car is full of dents because I didn't have the money to fix it last time it happened several years back. :( I mean, they gave me a small amount of money, but I needed it to pay off other bills. So I did the same thing you're doing. haha. Aaaand, I have yet to do my 1st indoor workout.

    @sarawilliams5889 Be careful out there. Glad you are still working though.

    @puffbrat Lemme know if you have any potty training tips. Bruce is about ready to start. But he's somewhat terrified of the potty so we're going slow.

    So, in other news, our friend didn't make it after all. They even tried two new wonder drug treatments on him, but they didn't work. I wasn't allowed to go to the funeral due to restrictions. My whole family is pissed off and hurting right now. If one more customer comes through my restaurant doors for takeout and complains about this virus being a big hoax, I'm afraid I'm gonna snap and give them a thorough tongue lashing. We're seriously considering locking the doors and only serving out the drive-thru window due to some customers not protecting their health (or ours).

    But other than that, our sales seem to be stabilized a little bit, so we are able to make it. The weather's been beautiful so we've been going outside to play a whole lot with baby Bruce. My weight is stable, neither going up nor down. I'm putting a lot of free time into my vegetable garden. And that's not cardio-enough for me. But it is very relaxing at least.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited April 2020
    @Alioth Thankfully ours would have been covered by insurance so it wouldn't have cost anything out of pocket but my car is older and well not worth that much. haha. Didn't make sense to have it be a total loss since it's still a perfectly safe (and running) car.
    Well there is still plenty of time in the month to start getting some indoor workouts in, it's a trying time so don't be too hard on yourself.
  • sarawilliams5889
    sarawilliams5889 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you are all doing well. I fell pregnant last cycle but lost the pregnancy at 8 weeks. Just recovering and thinking where to from here. The doc says to wait until another full cycle has happened. Maybe I’ll be ready by then I don’t know. Take care.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @sarawilliams5889 I'm very sorry for your loss! Lots of hugs sent your way! <3
  • sarawilliams5889
    sarawilliams5889 Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks so much @WifiresGettingFit hope you’re well 😊
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Hi ladies! I hope everyone is doing well.

    @sarawilliams5889 I’m so sorry to hear that!

    @Alioth I don’t have much advice for potty training. I think we are now on week 8 and he is starting to improve. This week was his first time having 2 days in a row without accidents. Compared to my Facebook bumper group, I think he is picking it up much more slowly than many other toddlers, but in line with others. One woman in that group compared potty training to sleep - some will be great at it right away, others will take forever, but they will all get there eventually. My only advice is to make it fun and be willing to try different treats to figure what is motivating.

    Like many others, I have been eating my way through quarantine. At week 2 or 3 I had finally gotten down into the 180s, but now I’m back up to 195.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @puffbrat we started potty training on March 14 too. We are using the oh crap method and its going OK. K seems to be having a few regressions so I'm back to making him go every 2 hours instead of being able to trust he he will go on his own. And he refuses to poop in the potty and keep saving it for nap or bedtime (we are atill diapering for sleep). I'm giving him till he is 3.5 before taking away diapers and just dealing with the aftermath/night time wakeups.

    We also recently started feeding therapy with an occupational therapist with K. We've been at it about a week and he did take one bite of egg (the first food we are working on) so thats promising. I'm very nervous for how things will go when I go back to work. Its making me want to quit honestly. I'm quite stressed about it.

    Meanwhile B is starting to try to walk on her own (16 months old) so thats exciting.

    I also weaned B a few weeks ago and have been slowly getting off my meds. Now that I'm at a fairly low dose, I'm experiencing withdrawal induced anxiety and insomnia so that sucks. I hope the symptoms go away soon.

    I'm kinda ready for this year to be done tbh.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    @puffbrat we started potty training on March 14 too. We are using the oh crap method and its going OK. K seems to be having a few regressions so I'm back to making him go every 2 hours instead of being able to trust he he will go on his own. And he refuses to poop in the potty and keep saving it for nap or bedtime (we are atill diapering for sleep). I'm giving him till he is 3.5 before taking away diapers and just dealing with the aftermath/night time wakeups.

    We also recently started feeding therapy with an occupational therapist with K. We've been at it about a week and he did take one bite of egg (the first food we are working on) so thats promising. I'm very nervous for how things will go when I go back to work. Its making me want to quit honestly. I'm quite stressed about it.

    Meanwhile B is starting to try to walk on her own (16 months old) so thats exciting.

    I also weaned B a few weeks ago and have been slowly getting off my meds. Now that I'm at a fairly low dose, I'm experiencing withdrawal induced anxiety and insomnia so that sucks. I hope the symptoms go away soon.

    I'm kinda ready for this year to be done tbh.

    @VeryKatie that’s a lot going on!

    We are on week 8 or something of the 3 day method :D It actually worked well and went perfectly the first day and a half. But then Leo got fed up with washing his hands and us pushing fluids. Since then, he just been really inconsistent with both great and terrible days. He isn’t very good about telling us he needs to go so we just have to pay attention to how long it’s been or other signs he gives. He wears pull-ups to sleep but actually seems to be night time training himself since the pull up is usually dry and uses the potty when he wakes up.

    I’m so sorry you are having the food struggle! I’m glad you’re getting help. Leo was super picky for a while and I considered therapy but then quarantine happened, and now he is back to eating lots of stuff. I’m sure K will get there, but I wish it didn’t have to be so hard for you.

    Yay for walking!! I hope your anxiety and insomnia resolve soon.

    When do you go back to work? It seemed like it was causing you tremendous stress before. Do you need to return? Can you wait longer?
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @puffbrat I'm supposed to start work on July 20. That will have been the 18 month leave. My work is laying off 700 people so if I ask to extend it I'm sure I will be met with "no" and possibly getting let go... thkugh at least the decision wouldn't be mine to make hahahah.

    We can (under normal circumstances) afford for me to stay home till B starts school but things are more uncertain now so that makes me nervous too. But I also dont want the kids going to daycare right now when there isn't enough research on how this all affects kids and the research I've seen so far is scary. But, Chris is being called back to work July 2 so I kind of HAVE to use daycare. I still wish they would consider letting me come back part time...though that wouldn't make much financial sense. If I go back full time, about 1/3rd of my pay goes to childcare. If I go back part time say half, then almost all of it goes to childcare.... so whats the point. Unless we can get parttime care.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @VeryKatie that’s a really tough spot!
  • NatashaLP2014
    NatashaLP2014 Posts: 82 Member
    Hello everyone!

    It has been a while but it's nice to see that people are still about. I jumped back onto MFP when lockdown/stress/boredom eating was sending my weight up in leaps and bounds, haha.

    Tommy is two and adorable but full of stubbornness. We've had some delays with walking which have been mostly resolved with PT. Now we are also working with speech therapy because he doesn't talk, not even mama, dada. (He babbles a lot still and gets his point across for what he wants like handing you his empty cup when he wants more water but doesn't attach words to anything.) We've been referred to a pediatrician (IDP is starting to suspect mild autism) but I'm not sure when we'll get there with the pandemic.

    At the very end of last year we finished building our dream home and moved in! A five bedroom house on four and a half acres backing onto hiking trails and a 15 minute walk to Tommy's future school. I love cooking and baking in my new kitchen, probably a little too much! And one of the bedrooms is my sewing room which I love to do when I can get away for an hour. Pretty much Tommy's entire wardrobe is made by me and I'm adding more clothing to my own. I'm making myself some crop leggings from athletic knit at the moment. My husband is picky but he likes the button down shirt I made him recently and home made boxers.

    Anyway I'm back, trying to lose weight but more slowly this time. I've learned some lessons about past mistakes and trying to use the slower pace of things right now to create better habits.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Hey guys, happy 4th of July!
    So we finally got our BFP yesterday. I had mostly given up, thinking I was getting too old to have good fertility. Now I need to be serious about getting into shape though. I'm 10 lbs heavier than I was last time, and last time the extra weight wrecked my feet. So I need to not gain a lot of weight this time if I'm going to survive.
    I don't have an OBGYN, just a GP. And my income keeps changing so I might get kicked off my health insurance. And I don't have anyone to cover for me at work if I need to miss. last time morning sickness made it hard for me to come in sometimes. We lost 1/2 our emps during Covid shutdowns. Anyway, we're gonna try our best!
    Potty training is hit or miss...literally. haha.
    Glad everyone's hanging in there. Even if it's hard sometimes. I took a break from the internet for a while. And the gyms were shut down. Things feel like they're looking up though. We can do this! I just need to drag myself to the gym...
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @Alioth congrats on the BFP! When is your due date? Pregnancy was really hard on my feet too and I only gained 25 lbs. They still hurt every morning when I stand up. I guess I’m still heavier than my feet want me to be haha.

    I too am pregnant again! We were planning on a 3 year age gap but thought it would likely take a year again. It did not, so we will have a 2 year age gap. That’s fine with me though. I’m due 2/19. There’s no way I’m stepping foot inside a gym so working out has been tough with the heat out there. And the only thing I could stand eating for lunch today was a strawberry milkshake. Sorry for my random check-ins. I pop in every now and then and read updates but get too overwhelmed to reply and run away again. I hope everyone is doing well!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @Alioth and @pezhed

    Congratulations to you both on your pregnancies!! I'm very excited for you both :) how are you both feeling?

    I have to look back on previous posts from everyone here... maybe at least to a reasonable date. It is so hard to catch up, I neglected MFP for a LONG time, over a year and now im only using it once in a while.

    After my second kiddo was born I was so done with having more children. But now that she is older and my picky eater really isn't so picky any more (we got feeding therapy for him and he has improved a lot which is a huge stress relief - still picky, but I can usually get him to try a couple of bites). Apparently now I cannot stop thinking about a 3rd baby. It is frustration though because I am not sure if we should go for it but it is CONSTANTLY on my mind.

    The debate goes like this:

    - it feels like someone is missing and more seems better in the future
    - But the pregnancies and 1st 15 months are so darn hard it might break me this time
    - But i can't let go, I can't stop thinking about it. I can't close this chapter
    - how about enjoy what you have?
    - And i have no self confidence left that I will be a "good mother" - I feel I have succumbed to mom shame thinking, 99% me to myself. The amount of TV, how bad a cook I am, how bad I am at keeping house
    - chris's hours at work make it hard for a good chunk of the year
    - breastfeeding again uuugghhh
    - but my children are the and my husband are the first things I've really ever had passion for...
    - But how amazing would that person be?
    - but am I being environmentally irresponsible, or am I creating children in a world that will explode before they are old?

    So basicaly I just stew about it all the time. And I can't freaking decide. And I dont know the right answer. And I. am. going. Insane.

    So... basically the actual settling point I personally am at right now is we will ttc in november and february only. And if that doesn't happen then I will give up. My husband says he doesnt see us only trying 2 specific months. He thinks if we try we will just keep trying from nov TO March or so. But then he also won't confirm that he will take parental leave if baby comes when work is too busy.

    So. Yup. I've gone nuts.

    Gonna try to get that last bit of baby weight off from B (born 20 months ago) just in case. But honestly not sure where we will land.

    But i still love this group and I still want to keep up with you all even if i barely come on. I like reading the past posts.