Monthly Post April 2020



  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy belated Passover and happy Good Friday and Easter to everybody celebrating!

    Weighed in this AM and I am same as last week. Really haven't gotten out much aside from a walk over the weekend, so I really can't complain. Happy to not be gaining. Life will get back to normal soon and so will weight loss. :)

    Thinking of buying an Easter ham at the market to enjoy in the week ahead, freeze, etc. But other than that no plans for any type of celebrating or "big" eating.

    Have a great day all. See you soon! Have a nice weekend.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and it is a lovely day! I ended up going on a mile walk with my youngest yesterday. I even ran for about 20 yards! Today I had to do some yoga to stretch out all the sore muscles from Workout Wednesday and all the walking. :o

    @meghan509 Weight loss is not on my To Do list right now. If I can just not gain, I will be happy. I lost a little in the first couple weeks at home, but since then have just maintained. It is hard to lose when you can't move as much and the fridge is *right* there. I have no idea what we are doing for Easter. I might venture to the store today and see what I can find.

    I have always disliked going to the grocery store. Now, it is downright awful! If it wasn't for the teenagers, I would just go once every two weeks or so, but they are here ALL. THE. TIME. and they are HUNGRY. Pray for me.

    I hope everyone has a good Easter weekend!
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    Bright sunshine and warmth in Colorado today and hopefully tomorrow. Snow coming Sunday! These 2 jumped on my husband during his work TEAMS call today :)

  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    @solieco1 They are adorable!! I bet your husband was pleased! LOL I am east of you a ways and we are supposed to get nasty weather Sunday night into Monday. Gotta love spring time!

    I have to go BACK to the store today! I swear, these people! Going to try for a walk today, might not make it. If not, I will do some indoor exercising. Allergies are killing me, and coughing in public is not ok. I will probably have to keep my exercise indoors for a while.

    Have a great weekend! Happy Easter!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Happy Monday all!

    Yesterday we made a really nice 8 lb spiral ham (minus the glaze for keto!) that we picked up at the grocery store on sale. We had it for dinner and it was great! We have LOTS of leftovers that have been stowed away in the fridge and freezer for future meals. :)

    Been laying low and working from home. Yesterday we went to our local city hall. It used to be a high school back in the day, so they have a nice track in the back that is still accessible and not closed due to COVID-19. We walked around for around 40 minutes, which at my pace totaled two miles and 200+ calories burned. Not bad... Planning to head back there again for future walks!

    @KateNkognito I hear you about weight loss not being a huge priority. I feel mixed about it - would love to get these last 20 lbs off but also have to be realistic and kind to myself during these crazing Virus times. Less activity, less chance to be able to buy groceries - have to be practical and friendly with on the wallet.

    OMG thanks for sharing those cute doggies, @solieco1 :smiley: They are so adorable! Looks like you have had some nice weather there too! I have a cousin, his wife, and their three children (two boys and a girl) who live in Littleton, CO.

    Same as usual planned for me this week - sticking to my Keto WOE and taking my vitamins, drinking water, etc.

    Today is rainy and very windy, so no walk after work. Fingers crossed that the power doesn't go out. :( Next few days are supposed to be warm and rain free so future walking is looking good. B)

    Have a great day and see you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    I spent all morning in Zoom meetings. I am going to go for a walk in a bit to clear my head and get the blood flowing. I am fasting today. The big gain from last week has me motivated to stay on track this week and hope that it was mostly water weight.
    I hope everyone had a great weekend!
    @Meghan509 Having a nice place to walk can make all the difference. :)
    Oh, you know that you have been on corona-vacation too long when you have done laundry and immediately folded and put it all away twice in a row! :o:D
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Good morning all.

    After I posted yesterday, our cable (internet, phone, and TV) went out! UGH! It was all day long or up until 7:30pm when it finally came back on. Talk about driving yourself crazy... We read a lot of magazines! Also listened to music. I worried about not being connected to work and it not looking good, but others were in the same boat since we had high winds and storms. Towards the end of the work day I logged on using my cell phone as a hot spot and that worked! Should of tried that sooner.

    Hope your fast day went well Kate! It is nice to be able to get laundry done, while working from home!

    Sticking to my Keto WOE and doing my six hour eating window are my goals for today and the next few days. Yesterday was good even with the cable snafu. :)

    Weather looks nice today. Maybe a walk later! Have a great day all. See you soon!
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    @Meghan509 That's terrible! I can't imagine being here all day with no internet. Our power has gone off a couple of times, but only for a couple hours at a time and that was bad enough!

    I stayed on track yesterday until in the evening when my husband made a pan of brownies. :/ But I still fasted pretty well and didn't have many carbs until then, so I will call it a win. :)

    Have a great day! Stay healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Good morning!

    Congrats on your fast, @KateNkognito! Yeah don't sweat those brownies. We need to be kind to ourselves in these challenging times. :)

    Yes, it is MUCH nicer to have internet and cable. Phew! The thing that rattled me the most was feeling out of the loop with news and stuff.

    Yesterday was good. Been trying to make and eat stuff from the freezer. In the process of defrosting some chicken breast, so we can have Hungarian Slow Cooker Chicken tonight. This is a recipe from one of my Keto cookbooks. Sounds yummy!

    Not much else happening here. Eating clean, drinking my water, taking my vitamins, etc... Heads up that for anyone needing shoes or sneakers - is offering 40% off all or most of their site, through the end of today! Looking at picking up a new pair of exercise sneakers as mine are pretty worn.

    Sounding like our state (CT) may be ready to re-open on May 20. That means our vacation to the Caribbean departing on May 9, would need to be rescheduled, but we shall see. Not going to push it back yet, or at least until we have more info. The airline gives us a credit to reschedule in a year, per the terms when we booked back in February. That is fine too, just need to figure out when!

    Have a great day and see you all soon. Stay well!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hi ya’ll... sorry I was a little MIA this week. Trying to pull some ivy that’s been growing for the last 20 years in one spot in our front garden!! Yikes what a job! My whole body hurts as I can tell I’m out of shape! This was suppose to be a break from painting! Now I’ve opened up a can of worms because there’s other shrubs and debris to clear out too.

    I was all over that sale at DWS but ended up not getting anything... I like to try my runners on! :( they don’t sell my good Hoka runners.

    Love the dogs!!!!!! Thanks for sharing their faces @solieco1

    Sounds like both you Meghan and you Kate are holding down the fort! Same old same old here too except I’ve had gorgeous weather! People in shorts & T’s, Joggers wearing tanks etc. glad you’re getting some walks in when you can!

    Don’t you wish you had stocks in Zoom!?!? Haha

    Keep at it people!
    I’ll be outside B)
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Good morning all!

    @mamainthekitchen your yard work and house work sounds nice and productive! We still haven't cleaned out our bedroom closet yet, but we will in time. :blush:
    I am envious of your nice weather! Ours is okay, but not quite the warm spring weather we hope for. Soon!

    I did pick up a pair of Nike sneakers from the DSW sale. I buy the same style so I don't need to try on. These are more of a work out pair, vs. a casual hanging out sneaker. Going to toss TWO pairs of old sneakers - little by little trying to throw out and organize old stuff.

    Same old same old here. Not complaining. Staying healthy, still employed, sticking to my Keto WOE, clothing on our backs, food in our fridge, warmer weather on the way - just trying to keep seeing the positive stuff in life.

    Tomorrow is weigh in day. Hoping for the best! All I can do. See you soon all!
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Morning! Just a quick pop in, but I was feeling so down about all this news.... we watch the local news during our dinner plus our provincial health officer on line in the afternoon and then our lame prime minister as well as US president briefings..... so whew it’s a lot to take in!! but I admitted that it’s so depressing.... so I had to think of positives and then I thought of how clean our stores are including all those shopping carts and hand baskets, and the spacing markers we have on our floors, our stores only allow so many people in at a time... everyone has a marked spot outside to tell them where to stand and then arrows on the floor to direct traffic down the isles. I’m liking that when it’s my turn to check out someone isn’t hovering beside me! I know we’re all going to be more aware of personal space and stores are cleaner... so thank goodness for that! Because some of those hand baskets were gross before!!

    That’s my rant! Oh and my neighborhood is going to have beautiful gardens! Everyone getting dirt delivered!!

    Hang in there!! <3
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Good morning all!

    I weighed in this morning and am down 1.2 lbs. Not bad for sitting on my rear end most of week, but still eating Keto! We did have a nice walk last Sunday, otherwise not a whole heck of a lot of activity. Would like to get some more exercise but weather has been an issue (not to mention Covid-19 concerns), and that will change in time.

    Fun fact - the last time I weighed below 164 lbs was in the early 90's. ;) Very exciting for me.

    @mamainthekitchen I know what you mean about the news and how it can get you down... I find reading and listening to music throughout the day helps us tune out a little. Our stores sound similar and most people follow the rules. I also like more space around me, even when not in the midst of a pandemic!

    The weather is typical April here. Warming up but still days or times of showers. April showers bring May flowers!
    Sunday is supposed to be sunny and 60 degrees F! Definitely planning a walk that day. Rest of the weekend, we shall see.

    Have a great weekend and I will see you all soon. B)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    Morning, all! I just realized it has been a couple of days since I posted. Lots of online meetings this week. But I have plowed through a bunch of laundry and house cleaning between them, so I feel pretty successful. :) Going to finish up the house and the last little bit of laundry today. Braved the store yesterday. Most people were wearing masks and being respectful of each other. The paper products isle is looking good, but the meat department is pretty thin. I am now grateful that we live in a small town that has a butcher shop.

    @mamainthekitchen I am super jealous of your nice weather! We had a nasty cold front come through. Now it is all grey and gross and cold. Sounds like you are being super productive! I was following some of the reporting pretty closely, but then it was putting me in a bad mood. I am really liking the space and the clean shopping baskets, too! Also, since we can't go out to eat, we are having dinner together more than we have in a long time. :)

    @Meghan509 Congrats on the loss! That is fantastic! I hope you can reschedule your vacation. I would like to go somewhere warm and sunny right now!

    Ok, off to clean and then take a nice, warm shower. I am really hoping the sun comes out this afternoon, but I am not holding my breath!

    To all those lurking: Have a great day!! Stay healthy!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Happy weekend all!

    Hope you guys are well. All good here.

    Nice day here. Looking forward to a walk a little later. See you soon! :)
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    So, apparently, eating like an unsupervised five year old and not exercising at all does NOT lead to weight loss. Who knew? LOL
    Today is a new day. Fast day for me and a dog walk planned. I hope everyone has a great week!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Hi everybody,

    Feeling a little down today, but that could be hormones messing with me! :|

    Not much new. Just trying to keep calm and have some patience. Feeling anxious about the US economy, the Covid-19 Pandemic, family member's health, to name a few... Just the fear of not knowing what is next. I am a person who likes routine and can't really count on that in this type of situation.

    Good news is I am still sticking with my Keto WOE. Just had lunch at 3:00pm Eastern. Looking forward to a casserole for dinner tonight. Looking forward to watching some new stuff on Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime this week.

    Had a nice walk yesterday, which definitely helps clear my mind and burn some calories. :smile:

    Have a good one and I'll see you soon.
  • KateNkognito
    KateNkognito Posts: 1,524 Member
    Hey, @Meghan509, I know what you mean. *hug*

    Today is sunny and I have a lot to do, so I am just hopping on here to say, "Hello!" I hope you all are safe and I want you to know that I say prayers for all of you, even the ones that don't say anything. :)

    Have a great day!!
  • Meghan509
    Meghan509 Posts: 1,964 Member
    Hi all!

    Thanks for the hug @KateNkognito! Much appreciated. :smiley:

    Better mood today which is good! But definitely feel like a roller coaster at times with stress and emotions. As they say, this too shall pass.

    Sticking to my Keto WOE and almost time for lunch here.

    We made a new sugar free low carb cheese cake recipe that fits in to our mini muffin pan. Came out awesome! Little individual cheese cakes mean no big mess trying to cut up a large one. :o

    Have a good one and see you soon.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Ahhh ....hugs to all!!

    This is such a weird time. @orlcam, I think I can speak for Meg & Kate ... we’re thinking of you & wish you well! Louisiana has been hit hard so hope you & your family are alright. <3

    Weather got cooler here today and now it’s suppose to rain for next 3 days... I trade off, garden work or painting... had a nice walk today with the dog and forgot to record it! Dinner was Cajun chicken over cesear salad! Yum!!

    Meghan your cheesecake... is this the same recipe? Good idea to use mini tins... although don’t you want 7 of them for dessert??? :D

    I’m up late! Off to get some beauty sleep!!

    Enjoy your time in the sun Kate!
    Hello to any others....;)