Introduce Yourself



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    cremorna1 wrote: »
    Hi! I'd love to join the group! I've been on MFP for 3 years and have been losing and gaining the same 40 lbs over and over again in the past 15 years. :#

    But I need to start again, and I need to believe this time will be different :smile:

    So, I started in March at about 230 lbs and by now I'm down to 214lbs. I exercise daily (walking or at-home strength training) and eat below 1800-1900 cal a day. I'm trying mindful eating & the Beck diet (not really a diet, but a "change the way you think about food" psychology book). I have to say my thinking is really starting to change and I'm enjoying it. I used to be a "all or nothing" person, but am learning that there's more to life than that :)

    I usually eat non-processed home-cooked foods, but I eat anything really. I have tried restrictive diets in the past and I never stick to them long enough, so I don't want to do that again.

    Nice to meet you all!

    Hi @cremorna1,

    Welcome to LL.

    I am also a reformed All or Nothinger. I was also once very restrictive.

    I follow an 80/20 mindset now and that is a guideline not an unbreakable rule. 80 nutrient dense and 20 whatever I want. If I do that most days I will never care about the days that most of my food is processed or even fast food because I do not have time to do much else. I believe flexibility is important if a plan is going to survive a sometimes crazy life.

    I think you will find that many of our LL principles are in line with CBT or at least we are not at total odds.

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    cremorna1 wrote: »
    Hi @bmeadows380!

    After reading your bio, I identified with 2 parts: 1) the ups and downs of weight loss, especially with PCOS, and, most of all, with this: 2) "I don't know what controls that little switch in my mind that gives me the willpower to succeed in dieting, so I don't know what kicks it on or kicks it off, but I wish I could figure it out!" I really-really-really know what you mean!! This time, what made it "click" for me was getting congratulated on my pregnancy - I am NOT pregnant!!! But I'd love to know what really makes me "tick" and how I can control that. I really hope this change in thinking via the book of the Beck diet will help me control "that switch". But every day I am very worried of turning that switch off. And when it's off, it's generally off for 2 years and I gain all the weight back :neutral:

    Anyways, hope this group can help us control the switch. You have been doing really well, and your progress is AMAZING!

    Good luck with that! This is my second round, well technically third. The first time I lost 90 lbs was in 2012; by 2017, I'd gained all but 5 lbs back. In 2017, I lost 100 lbs; in 2018 and the beginning of 2019, I gained 30 of it back. Now I've got that 30 back off and am 12 lbs even further, and hoping to keep going this time. Though at least I only gained 30 lbs back the last plateau - I'll take that over gaining it all back!

    I was talking to my endocrinologist, and was wondering if my thyroid levels may be part of that switch. I was looking back and realizing that when my TSH was super-supressed due to cancer treatment (down to 0.01), I had little trouble sticking to my diet. But I plateaued in 2018 for hte entire year and part of 2019. I struggled to lose weight from June to Christmas, barely getting 18 lbs off in that time. But in October, I found out that my TSH was sitting at 8. My doctor adjusted my meds. Starting in January, suddenly I was able to stick with it again. I had found out in December that my TSH had dropped to 0.06. I had bloodwork done a few weeks ago, and it was sitting at 0.04. So when TSH was high - will power died; when TSH is really low, will power control is there. While I agree with my doctor at leaving it at 0.04 isn't really a good idea, I did ask her to keep me as low as we can because it seems to help control that diet switch in my head. And I'm talking about the head hunger, not so much real stomach hunger because what derails me every time is that head hunger.
  • cremorna1
    cremorna1 Posts: 133 Member
    Thank you for the welcome @NovusDies.

    Third time's the charm @bmeadows380! ;)
    As for the "switch": my family has a history of thyroid imbalance, but as far as I know my levels are within normal range. Good food for thought to talk over with my doctor.

    Stay safe & healthy everyone!

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    edited April 2020
    @cremorna1 Well, what I'm finding out is that many doctors are way out of touch with the latest research when it comes to endocrinology and the thyroid, especially regular general care doctors. What is considered the normal range has now changed, but many general care doctors are not up to date. Plus, many think that all you need to test is the TSH, and if that's in "normal range" than the thyroid is fine. Many, many people, myself included, can tell you that just because TSH is where the doctor thinks it should be, doesn't mean that the symptoms go away. What is "normal" for some people is lower than that standard. Plus, free T4 and free T3 levels need to be checked as well. TSH comes from the brain to the thyroid to tell it to produce hormones. The thyroid primarily produces T4 and a little T3. T4 is the inactive hormone that goes to your liver. When your body needs more energy, the liver is signaled to convert that T4 to T3 which is used by the cells. For some people, that conversion doesn't happen perfectly, so while their TSH levels are normal and T4 levels are normal, their T3 levels might still be low.

    There is a really, really good article by someone who works in the research for that field:

    If you feel normal, energized when you get enough sleep, and aren't showing hypothyroid symptoms, then you are probably fine. But at the same time, if you are struggling to lose weight, putting your TSH at the lower end of normal might be an option you could try; definitely talk it over with your doctor. If you ARE still showing hypo symptoms even though you are "normal" insist that your doctor up your meds and lower that TSH and see if that helps those symptoms go away.

    I'm not a doctor, so don't take this as medical advice to insist on! If you've got some time, I'd highly recommend reading the article above and then definitely talk to your doctor about it!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Hi, Possum or Jessie (however you want to be called :smile: ) Congratulations on keeping clean! That's a major battle to have won and shows your determination!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hey everyone. My name is Jessie, or Possum. I stopped using heroin about four years ago and have gained 110 pounds. I was 30 pounds below my normal weight because of the drugs, so I just want to get back to my normal weight again. I think a big part of it was that I stopped riding my bike everywhere. I've been clean and sober for three years this May. Thanks for having me. :)

    Hi @MerciBourgogne Jessie aka Possum,

    Welcome to LL.

    Congrats on your upcoming clean anniversary. That is huge. Good for you.

    Let us know how we can help. Dive in anywhere or start a thread as you feel the need. This is not a formal group so feel free to hijack a thread if you are curious about something too.

  • cremorna1
    cremorna1 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi Becky and Jessie! Nice to have you here and to hear about your success. Keep strong!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hi, I'm Becky.

    Back in 2005, I hit my highest weight of 345. At that time, I joined Weight Watchers with a friend, and lost about 60 lbs. I've had two regains since then, although I've always kept off 30 of those lbs. Two years ago I got serious after the second regain and something clicked and I've been losing pretty successfully since then. I'm down 85 from my highest weight, and still going strong. I'm not losing fast, but my overall trend is downward, and what I'm doing feels sustainable for the long term.

    @NovusDies, thanks for sharing the link to this group! Online support is a huge part of what is working for me.

    Welcom @bobsburgersfan Becky,

    Glad you are here.

    I wonder who decided what fast weight loss should mean? In the course of a normal life span is even 4 years a really long time? At my age I blink and newborns one minute become high school graduates the next. I have been at it 2 years and while I am close on the weight loss portion ending I figure it will be another 2 to get my state of fitness where I think I might want it. It doesn't seem like it has been that slow of a transformation even to this point.

    I am glad you find your process sustainable and that you are happy making progress in whatever increments it comes. That is a rare and a worthwhile trait.
  • Crazyrain2626
    Crazyrain2626 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone - I found the link to this group from another post in 'getting started' and as I have a total of 158lbs to lose I would live to be a part of this group :)

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Hi, Furbaby! That's an adorable pic you have, too, though that pup looks like its a rascal :)

    This is a pretty active group, especially for one that's been around for almost a year (most MFP groups are like fireworks - great flash bang in the beginning, then fizzling out before 6 months is gone to lie in the ash heap of dead groups lol). I really appreciate the people who post here to keep the conversation going, to unwind on issues they run into and to post about their successes because I find it immensely helpful to know I'm not the only one dealing with ups and downs in learning a new way of life to better my health, and I find it inspiring to listen to other people's successes, even the tiny ones, because it helps me to look at the forest once in a while and not just the trees.

    And its also great to talk to people in my boat as well - those who have a huge amount to lose, who are starting from the beginning in terms of health; people who understand what a victory it can be to consistently get 5,000 steps in and a 15 minute walk around the block.

    There are some really sensible folks here with a ton of great insight and advice, so don't be afraid to post questions or anything - I need someone to counterbalance my post count sometimes :smiley:
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hi everyone - I found the link to this group from another post in 'getting started' and as I have a total of 158lbs to lose I would live to be a part of this group :)


    Hi @Furbaby_Huxleys_Mama ,

    You are a part of the group now so jump in anywhere. We are not very formal.
  • NatashaLP2014
    NatashaLP2014 Posts: 82 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Natasha and I have about 100 pounds to lose. I have a two year old son who I want to be able to keep up with. My husband and I just finished building our forever home in an isolated, outdoor living town. I love to bake, cook, hiking, walking and we are trying our hands at a garden this year. I started sewing a few years ago and that is my quiet time but it isn't exactly very active! I make all of my son's clothing, most of my own and just managed to make a button down shirt for my husband. (Would be great to be smaller so I could use less fabric, it's expensive, haha!)

    I've been on MFP before and it has helped me remove some weight but I've never made it to goal. Life has given us a few sucker punches the last few years but not trying isn't getting me anywhere! I am a numbers person and I know the numbers work, so here I am again.
  • cremorna1
    cremorna1 Posts: 133 Member
    Welcome Natasha! Congrats on your decision to join MFP again and get back at it!
    I admire people who can sew, and it's amazing you can make clothes for your family. I am now trying to teach myself how to knit and am enjoying the challenge.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Natasha and I have about 100 pounds to lose. I have a two year old son who I want to be able to keep up with. My husband and I just finished building our forever home in an isolated, outdoor living town. I love to bake, cook, hiking, walking and we are trying our hands at a garden this year. I started sewing a few years ago and that is my quiet time but it isn't exactly very active! I make all of my son's clothing, most of my own and just managed to make a button down shirt for my husband. (Would be great to be smaller so I could use less fabric, it's expensive, haha!)

    I've been on MFP before and it has helped me remove some weight but I've never made it to goal. Life has given us a few sucker punches the last few years but not trying isn't getting me anywhere! I am a numbers person and I know the numbers work, so here I am again.

    Hi @NatashaLP2014,

    Welcome. You sound very resourceful. I have always admired that trait.

    I encourage you think through the plan you used last time but do not assume you should do the exact same thing. A good question to ask is how to make it easier and establish what is the least you have to do on a bad day to still make some forward progress?

    Jump in anywhere.

  • tuddy315
    tuddy315 Posts: 11,411 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Marilyn and I have been on MFP for several years. In 2016 I got serious and went from 252 to 163. Then took a break and now I'm back to 210 and could just scream!! I went to be around 150. I'm having trouble finding me right calorie intake. If I go to 1200, I don't loose anything. Then I up it some and loose a few but then gain it back.

    I'm 67, single, and still working full time. I know I'm not as active as I was a few years ago, but hopefully I'll figure this out.
  • Grace4Peace
    Grace4Peace Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone!

    This isn't my first time on MFP and it certainly isn't my first time attempting to lose weight and get healthy. However, this is the first time that I have started a weight loss journey that wasn't built on some extreme and unrealistic idea or expectation.

    My struggle with my weight began in high school, but I've always been a curvy person. Looking back, I wish I would have appreciated the curves I had then because I really want them now! In high school I was about 30 pounds overweight, now I'm 37 years old and weigh in at 247 pounds. My ideal weight is 140 pounds - so I've got 107 pounds to lose.

    My problem is I like to eat what I want when I want without portion control. For example, I generally eat an entire bag of Oreos in two days, all by myself. I've been known to eat an entire bag of chocolate chip cookies in one day, which resulted in me getting very sick. The problem is I taste something and it tastes good so I want more and more and more. Since I want more, I eat more and here we are. In the course of 18ish years, I've gained 70 pounds.

    My plan is to lose those 107 pounds by my fortieth birthday, which gives me 2 years and a little over 5 months to do so. That's about a pound a week. A good, steady weight loss that will leave me time to adapt and make gradual changes. Before I used to focus so much on cutting out sugar completely, or not eating certain things that I would end up crashing. What I need to do is learn how eat a serving and stop there. To treat myself on occasion, not every time I go to the store.

    I'm confident that I can do this. I've got all the head knowledge to make it work and now I'm going to do it. I know this is going to be a long and difficult journey, but it's going to be my journey and that makes it a great one!

    I'm looking forward to the day I can run after my son and not get winded. When I don't pass on going hiking and being outside because I'm lethargic and lazy. When my body doesn't hurt after I wake up in the morning and I have to limp to get moving. Those days are coming, and I am so excited for them!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    welcome, @tuddy315 and @grace4peace !

    Marilyn, if you look at the forums, there is a lady here who goes by Anne who is 68 and has successfully lost weight and keeps it off. You might want to do an intro on the main forums and see if you can get some advice from her as it sounds like you both might have had similar situations.

    How tall are you? What rate are you setting for? and what activity level are you choosing. The biggest question is do you have an accurate food scale? I found really quick that my estimation on what I was eating was way off, and depending on the food, that could be several hundred calories.

    Grace, I like to have a wide open availability, too. Looking back, my biggest problem was portion sizes. I was taught growing up that a full plate was an appropriate size and to eat everything on my plate. I want a plan that is as least restrictive as possible - I like carbs, my body likes carbs, and I naturally eat low fat. Breads and carbs hold me better than fats, do, so a keto diet would not work for me, and I don't like eliminating entire food groups that I like, anyway. Which is probably why simple calorie counting works for me. But learning to bring the "brain" hunger under control, or the appetite where your body is satisfied but your brain is insisting for me, that's still a work in progress, and it took me a long time to even learn to recognize it. I've found the best way for me to keep it under control is routine, and the exercise I've added in the last few months.

    Good luck to you both!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    tuddy315 wrote: »
    Hi everyone. I'm Marilyn and I have been on MFP for several years. In 2016 I got serious and went from 252 to 163. Then took a break and now I'm back to 210 and could just scream!! I went to be around 150. I'm having trouble finding me right calorie intake. If I go to 1200, I don't loose anything. Then I up it some and loose a few but then gain it back.

    I'm 67, single, and still working full time. I know I'm not as active as I was a few years ago, but hopefully I'll figure this out.

    Hi @tuddy315 Marilyn,

    How long are you waiting to determine you are not losing anything?

    How are you calculating your calories? Are you measuring all solid foods on a food scale? Are you personally verifying the calories in MFP against a nutrition label or the USDA site?

    We should be able to help you figure your calories. How tall are you?