TEAM: Gutbusters (April)



  • glouis4
    glouis4 Posts: 174 Member
    April Week 3
    PW: 162.2
    CW: 161.5
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    glouis4 wrote: »
    I hope everyone had a good Easter! Despite tough times, I am happy to have this understanding group! There are a lot of emotions occurring through this crisis, and I am keeping everyone in my prayers as we deal with this impact the best way we can.

    You are so kind-thank you!
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    Hi Wednesday friends!
    When you can, please weigh in-thanks!
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    tuddy315 wrote: »
    April Week 3
    PW: 206.8
    CW: 209.0

    This week has been rough for me also (as shown by the scales). I pretty much said screw it and ate whatever I felt like. Then I saw a sign today that said:
    Sometimes we are tested.....not to prove our failures, but to discover our strengths.

    Nobody wants to fail but with an attitude like that, I know that's exactly what will happen to me. So I start to think of all the positive things that I can do that doesn't cost a lot.
    1. I can't go visit my mother who has cancer but I can sure talk to her on the phone everyday.
    2. I like to be in my yard. I can start tending to the landscaping and trimming bushes.
    3. I love to fish (I live on the lake). Food for the table.
    4. I have been cleaning closets. I have all kinds of bed sheets that I can make masks and give them away.
    5. I have all kinds of books to read and a treadmill that just sits there.

    The point is to keep our minds and bodies busy and not sit and dwell on the bad stuff. Are there elderly people in your neighborhood? Ask them if you can mow their lawn, walk their dog so they don't have to get outside.

    Talk to your lenders (mortgage, utilities, etc). They all are working with people to ease the stress right now.

    Find your strengths and put them to good use. We all have them if we just open our hearts and look. Hoping everyone stays strong and we WILL get through this.

    This is just beautiful. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. I loved reading it--very inspiring and thoughtful!
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,945 Member
    April 8th: 135.5 pounds: UP 1.6 POUNDS

    April 15th: 132.3 pounds: DOWN 3.2 POUNDS

    I got on the scale 3 times to confirm this.
    Re-lost the 1.6 pounds I gained last week and lost a new 1.6 pounds as well.
    Still can't believe it really.
    Honestly, I think a good part of the reason I had such a big loss is I unintentionally didn't eat much the last 2 days.
    I was busy and not in a good mind frame/out of sorts and I didn't eat enough.
    I know my weight will go back up when I start eating properly again and I am fine with that.
    Also down as my endometriosis and bloating is lessened.
    I also did make an effort after having a gain last week to get back to eating better and doing some walking again.

    2.3 pounds away from my goal weight.
    Doesn't seem possible.
    However, I totally sabotaged myself today as I ate bbq chips twice, half of a big M & M chocolate peanut bar, chicago mix popcorn, and 2 pieces of white bread with Nutella.
    I did try to balance it out at dinner by forcing myself to make and eat a salad with spinach leaves and strawberries.
    Part of this binge is because I allowed myself some junkfood in the grocery pick up order I got last night and I haven't had treats since the last time we got groceries which was awhile ago and as I mentioned above, I was feeling out of sorts/down/mentally & emotionally off due to all that is going on with COVID-19 as well as my friend getting moved to a hospice on Friday as her cancer progressed to the state that her husband couldn't take care of her at home anymore and today my friend died and I just had a feeling of wanting to keep eating today.
    Anyway, no fault but my own when it comes to making bad eating choices.
    Here's to reigning myself back in tomorrow.
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    Thursday weigh in's:

    Please post using this template:
    April week 3
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    April 16
    Exercised: Yes (7km in 58 mins - hills)
    Tracked: Yes
    Budget: Yes

    Walk to the local shops and doctors office and return (206m elevation change so quite hilly). Can't drive and had a prescription and a referral to pick up.

    Wife is being an amazing help with assisting in re-organising my diet to aid in resolving my current condition. So thankful for her.
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    Colleen 790
    April week 3
    PW 170.4
    CW 171.9
    Easter binge. Still coughing. Managed to do one Leslie Sansone Walk at home workout. Been logging my calories this week. Staying in control
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    inshapeCK wrote: »
    April 8th: 135.5 pounds: UP 1.6 POUNDS

    April 15th: 132.3 pounds: DOWN 3.2 POUNDS

    I got on the scale 3 times to confirm this.
    Re-lost the 1.6 pounds I gained last week and lost a new 1.6 pounds as well.
    Still can't believe it really.
    Honestly, I think a good part of the reason I had such a big loss is I unintentionally didn't eat much the last 2 days.
    I was busy and not in a good mind frame/out of sorts and I didn't eat enough.
    I know my weight will go back up when I start eating properly again and I am fine with that.
    Also down as my endometriosis and bloating is lessened.
    I also did make an effort after having a gain last week to get back to eating better and doing some walking again.

    2.3 pounds away from my goal weight.
    Doesn't seem possible.
    However, I totally sabotaged myself today as I ate bbq chips twice, half of a big M & M chocolate peanut bar, chicago mix popcorn, and 2 pieces of white bread with Nutella.
    I did try to balance it out at dinner by forcing myself to make and eat a salad with spinach leaves and strawberries.
    Part of this binge is because I allowed myself some junkfood in the grocery pick up order I got last night and I haven't had treats since the last time we got groceries which was awhile ago and as I mentioned above, I was feeling out of sorts/down/mentally & emotionally off due to all that is going on with COVID-19 as well as my friend getting moved to a hospice on Friday as her cancer progressed to the state that her husband couldn't take care of her at home anymore and today my friend died and I just had a feeling of wanting to keep eating today.
    Anyway, no fault but my own when it comes to making bad eating choices.
    Here's to reigning myself back in tomorrow.

    Well done on the loss. Sorry about your friend. It's a tough time all round for you. Be kind to yourself
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    inshapeCK wrote: »
    April 8th: 135.5 pounds: UP 1.6 POUNDS

    April 15th: 132.3 pounds: DOWN 3.2 POUNDS

    I got on the scale 3 times to confirm this.
    Re-lost the 1.6 pounds I gained last week and lost a new 1.6 pounds as well.
    Still can't believe it really.
    Honestly, I think a good part of the reason I had such a big loss is I unintentionally didn't eat much the last 2 days.
    I was busy and not in a good mind frame/out of sorts and I didn't eat enough.
    I know my weight will go back up when I start eating properly again and I am fine with that.
    Also down as my endometriosis and bloating is lessened.
    I also did make an effort after having a gain last week to get back to eating better and doing some walking again.

    2.3 pounds away from my goal weight.
    Doesn't seem possible.
    However, I totally sabotaged myself today ...

    @inshapeCK. Well done on the loss.

    The unintentional reduced intake can make a big impact, particularly on reducing inflammation.

    Also do not be too hard on yourself for the self sabotage. When you have been good for so long, when you let the brakes off a little to reward good work, it can have a snowball effect. Combine this with food being the reward, and other stresses and a you have a recipe for excess.

    The good news is that by sticking to your plan, this momentary hiccup will soon even out (within a week). In fact, the momentary change to intake can sometimes shake thing loose and promote further weight adjustment (usually loss).

    Also, do you have an alternate reward system outside of food. Activities you enjoy; time you can allocate to just you; a small luxury expense that you have been denying yourself. Any of these can be reward for good work without food taking the central role.

    You are so close to goal. I can see you getting there soon.

  • zengen09
    zengen09 Posts: 34 Member
    April Week 2
    PW: 225.8
    CW: 227
    April Week 3
    PW: 227
    CW: 230.6

    Forgot to post last week. Started celebrating my birthday last Wednesday and through the weekend and it shows! All my original plans were cancelled so all I did was indulge in food. Still exercised as usual so that's something. Time to get back to healthy eating even though with everything going on I don't quite feel like it.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    April 17
    Exercised: Yes (7.5km in 64 mins - hills)
    Tracked: Yes
    Budget: Yes

    Longer walk again today.

    Better day today mentally.
  • swauters
    swauters Posts: 426 Member
    April 17
    Friday weigh in
    Pw: 210.2 ?
    Cw: 211.2

    No logging this week + peanut butter + ovulation = up 1
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    @zengen09--got it, thanks!
    @Swauters-got it

    PW: 138.8
    CW: 139.8
    I knew this would happen. My not great food choices are catching up with me a bit. Still .2 below my "danger" number, 140. Just the sign I need to slow my roll a bit ;)
  • kaj848
    kaj848 Posts: 73 Member
    April week 3
    PW: 158.8
    CW: 160.0
  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member
    Hi everyone. I've been unable to write for a while -again-. My mom was diagnosed with Covid 19 and admitted to the hospital on Monday. It's been a roller coaster. She is 79 and we live about 6,000 miles apart (she lives in Turkey, my home country). She's a health-nut, in good shape and very active. So, she's been handling this virus like a champ. But I'm not, I guess. I lost my dad to an unknown respiratory virus 12 years ago. My son has permanent lung/heart damage from the avian flu. I feel defeated against these respiratory illnesses.

    I hope everybody's staying safe and healthy.
  • farahejaz
    farahejaz Posts: 4 Member
    Username: fe452436
    April week 3
    PW:213 lbs
    CW:213 lbs
  • flourchild225
    flourchild225 Posts: 107 Member
    April Week 3
    PW 131.8
    CW 133
  • lacatgirl
    lacatgirl Posts: 353 Member
    April 18

    Covid has been a bit of a wakeup call for me. It hit me that I have three underlying conditions and if I get it I might not make it. I can give myself the best chance by getting in shape.

    I keep going back to a book "eat to live" by Dr. Fuhrman. It is a super healthy eating plan cutting out all empty foods to give the best possible nutrition. In the past, I have tried to adopt this eating plan several times over the years and always had an excuse, not enough time to shop, cook etc! It occurred to me that this quarantine is actually the perfect time to make this change. We are getting groceries from an organic store with excellent produce. I have plenty of time to cook and exercise..really no excuse!

    I was feeling so helpless, just sitting here waiting to get sick. It feels really good to be able to do something proactive.

  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Saturday Week 3
    PW 161.8
    CW 160.8

    Happy with that,150's I'm coming for you.
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