WAISTAWAYS Team Chat - MAY 2020



  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,275 Member
    It's been a busy weekend. I have officially finished planting all my garden except transplanting 18 tomato plants. But that's tomorrow's project.
    Happy Victoria Day tomorrow to all the Canadian friends!

    Sounds wonderful! Just curious, how big is your garden/property? I'm still itching to get my tomato plants and a few others, but have ventured out with the virus out there.

    And thanks for the adorable compliment! :)
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,275 Member
    Happy Monday! I had a really good weekend. I ate well, worked out, cleaned house, did some work, and spent quality time with my kids. It was the most balanced weekend I've had in awhile. The scale is actually up MORE but I hope that is because I changed my workout routine. This is my last week of teaching. I have tons of paperwork to do. It doesnt have the typical magical last week of school. We don't even have a budget from the state for next year, so I don't know forsure what I am teaching (it's more likely one of my teammates will be asked to switch grades). Plus, we don't have a school calendar for next year so I don't know when I go back to work. In 14 years, this has never happened.

    What a fabulous weekend with your family. You have such a great attitude about the scale. It inspires me to not let it get to me. What a strange and oddly memorable last week of school. I remember the magic of it, the goodbyes, the sweet cards. Hugs to you on the uncertainty of your next school year. I know my colleagues are feeling it too. How will the school open? In person or continue with distance learning? What will you be teaching? Who will your partners be? When do you start and how much can you spend ordering materials? How weird and uncertain. My heart really does go out to all my teaching comrades. Hope you get some answers sooner rather than later...and a few sweet "I love you" cards!

    @Gidgitgoescrazy What a great plan you have for exercise and steps and for your camping trip. I think you are smart to go the weekend after Memorial Day. Are you interested in connecting with the rest of us on fitbit? If so, let us know. It may give you that extra motivation to get those 10K steps.

    Completed 17 minutes of pilates this morning. Boy, did I REALLY need that to wake up this stiff body. I feel so much better having done it. But, those side planks, particularly on my left side, still get me.

    Hope everyone has a productive on target day. I think I need to spend some time looking at my data to get my numbers to go down. <3
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    Happy Monday! And Happy Victoria Day to all the Canadians! We call it la Journée des Patriotes in Québec, of course. Heaven forfend a British Queen should have a day! It's just nice for people to have a day off if they are working, and it is traditionally the "get your garden in gear" weekend. I don't care what it is called :smiley:

    My son is finally getting so lonely he came up to visit last evening, and stayed to talk for a couple of hours! He lives alone, just goes to work and keeps away from everyone there, so even though he is quite the loner, he was desperate enough to come and spend some time with us. It was great.

    So in the holiday mood, that tea party dress on Michele @micki48 is the most beautiful ever! And you are making it look really great - the Pilates waistline is definitely happening o:)

    My tomato plants all got upgraded to much bigger pots yesterday, and they'll go out into the garden in another week or two, depending on the temps. They are looking very happy this morning, but taking up way too much room in my little solarium window. They'll start going outside in their pots every day to get used to wind and real sun now. Toughen them up!
    I'll be starting the "tiny steps" week tomorrow and the book should arrive soon. That'll help.
    My goal this week is to move more. I've got to get this fit-bit of Em's set up so I can keep it going when I'm not lugging my phone around.
    My meals tomorrow will be eaten off my very small plate so I can pay better attention to quantity.
    You will love the Fitbit! And @Steph1498 too! We'll connect with you for sure. I was a complete tracker sceptic until I actually got one. I used the phone, thinking that was good enough, but got sick of having to carry it absolutely everywhere and tell it what I was doing. The fitbit pesters you to get in 250 steps every hour, which is surprisingly easy even if you wait until the 10 minute warning to do them. It is simple to use, and really makes it more fun than I thought. I'm a convert for sure! So, sister mine - get that thing set up and have fun! I'm glad you're doing the Tiny Habits thing too. The tinier and sillier your habits and celebrations are, the more they stick and then can grow into something bigger gradually. I have a completely ridiculous thing I do every single time I leave the bathroom, and it not only helps me keep working on pushups, it makes me laugh about it. Who'd ever think that pushups could be FUN!!!

    I advise caution about the small plate, though - be sure to also eat low density foods that can be served in bigger quantities. Large plates full of vegetables, really big salads (watch out on dressing, though!!) - I find the pleasure of chewing and eating a good quantity of food helps - but you have to make sure they are low density. Then the small helping of the main course, or whatever has more caloric density, feels like enough, where it might not if all you are getting is that small plate of food and nothing more. :heart:
    Wow we did great y’all!!!!! Congrats to everyone let’s keep up the great work. I have stayed at my calorie goal all weekend. So I’m pretty proud of that.. 17 days strong with no sweets ANDDDDDD I have officially finished half my miles for the month.. 30 more to go!! Here’s🍹🍻 to a great week everyone
    17 days with no sweets and half the miles done - you are going to finish the month with a medal for sure!
    I did my 2 miles this morning, I came up with every excuse not to, but none of them worked, so I did them, they may not have been the best miles, but they are done...
    I love that attitude. They don't have to be good miles, but they have to be miles. And your excuses FAIL! The best kind of excuses - feeble and stupid - and YOU strong enough to knock them down and walk right over them.

    Have a moving day today!
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    micki48 wrote: »

    @Gidgitgoescrazy What a great plan you have for exercise and steps and for your camping trip. I think you are smart to go the weekend after Memorial Day. Are you interested in connecting with the rest of us on fitbit? If so, let us know. It may give you that extra motivation to get those 10K steps.

    Absolutely, I'd love to connect on Fitbit, I just don't know how.... My Name on there is Vikki H.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    @micki48 gardening steps for yesterday 5/17, 25,612. Sure wish it was part of the 'workweek hustle'. It wasn't all in my garden but I got a lot done. It was a heavenly day and evening to be outside - some weeding and 3 rows of potatoes in. I'll hold off on the tomatoes - the nights are still cool and, having babied them along from seeds, I'd hate to stunt them with rushing it with cold weather - I also have to think harder about how to keep the deer from eating them - we are inundated with deer in this busy suburb.
    Love the photo of you and your granddaughter!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    edited May 2020
    @eggfreak Sylvia, your garden is beautiful! The only way I can make mine deer and other critter proof is to make it ugly. We call it Sing Sing. The fence is high, and it goes into the ground below to discourage the burrowing critters. There are several strands of wire above the cyclone fence to discourage the critters who inspire the Nureyevs and Barishnikovs of the world. For a while, there was a motion detector attached to a truck horn to further discourage the criminal class among the leapers and crashers. And we still never grow anything that raccoons would like because they can get through all our defences! I love living in the woods, but we have to share with a lot of others. And what a step count!!! Yesterday you lapped me like an excited dog off leash on a long walk! I'll try to catch you today :smile:

    I felt good to do a Pilates session today, a good long walk, and then my physio exercises. The hematoma is still just as large as it has been, and may never completely go away ( :grimace: ) but we're working on draining what can be drained. Drainage is my new fave word. You'd laugh at my side planks on that side, Michele @micki48 - the left hip never touches the ground. Ever. And it is usually my good side! My husband and I have come to the conclusion that I no longer have any external pains in the a** in my life anymore, so I had to grow my own. There might be something to that...

    We are missing a lot of weigh-ins! I'll go back and make sure I didn't miss anything between pages or whatever - but if yours is due and not in yet, hop to it, ok?

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,193 Member
    It's been a busy weekend. I have officially finished planting all my garden except transplanting 18 tomato plants. But that's tomorrow's project.
    Happy Victoria Day tomorrow to all the Canadian friends!

    It cracks me up that you are so much more north than I am, but you can plant your tomatoes outside already! I don't dare for at least another week or 2...
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,275 Member
    micki48 wrote: »

    @Gidgitgoescrazy What a great plan you have for exercise and steps and for your camping trip. I think you are smart to go the weekend after Memorial Day. Are you interested in connecting with the rest of us on fitbit? If so, let us know. It may give you that extra motivation to get those 10K steps.

    Absolutely, I'd love to connect on Fitbit, I just don't know how.... My Name on there is Vikki H.

    I sent you a request (I think). It always tells me no user found but then it finds them, so hopefully you’ll get a request from Michele L.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,275 Member
    Thanks for the compliments you sweet people! 😘

    @eggfreak Love your garden. I still haven’t gotten soil for my raised beds. Our actual soil is clay, clay, clay so it needs heavy amendment.

    @jugar glad you are getting some help for that pain in your @ss. Hopefully it will go down. Kudos for keeping that side plank up, but not a pleasant incentive. Feel better.
  • CanadianGiraffe
    CanadianGiraffe Posts: 205 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    It cracks me up that you are so much more north than I am, but you can plant your tomatoes outside already! I don't dare for at least another week or 2...

    LOL! What I told @micki48 ...
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    @unevano That seems like a very well thought out plan! I have to look up ketosis. I like the description of the subconscious, that you know to work on it and that there are many roads in there in case one gets washed out.
    @jugar I'm not that close to my goal weight and maintenance- still 15 to go until I'm at 145.
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    micki48 wrote: »

    @Gidgitgoescrazy What a great plan you have for exercise and steps and for your camping trip. I think you are smart to go the weekend after Memorial Day. Are you interested in connecting with the rest of us on fitbit? If so, let us know. It may give you that extra motivation to get those 10K steps.

    Absolutely, I'd love to connect on Fitbit, I just don't know how.... My Name on there is Vikki H.

    I sent you a request (I think). It always tells me no user found but then it finds them, so hopefully you’ll get a request from Michele L.

    Okay I didn't get it, so I'm afraid you friended a different Vikki, but I looked it up and it turns out I never had a user name set up just a display name... So I set up a user name and it's the same as here Gidgitgoescrazy
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