SHRINKING ASSETS Team Chat - June 2020



  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    CW: 131.6

    I am a little sad to see this number go up, but at least it is not by too much. Hoping to get back on track.
  • bigblues11
    bigblues11 Posts: 203 Member
    PW 179.5
    CW 178.6 (-.9 pnd)

  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    Don't mind me while I go hide in your freezer
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    hipari wrote: »
    So, results are in from last night’s party... scale weight is up 1,6 lbs from yesterday. Good thing I follow trendweight. Also I’m exhausted and didn’t sleep very well. I had plans to go to the gym today at lunchtime, but my muscles are sore from the activities yesterday and I’m exhausted, so I’m going to take a nap instead. Also, it’s raining and going to the gym would require leaving the house and walking/biking there. Ugh.

    Yeah, scale weight really is a wild ride. Yesterday I went up 1,6lbs after the party, and today I’m down 2,7lbs from yesterday.

    It’s supposed to rain all weekend here, so I’m hoping to get some cleaning done instead of just an all-out Netflix binge. My appetite has been all over the place lately as well, so hoping to reset a little. Looking forward to my ”official” trendweight result to post tomorrow as my weigh in.
  • floecity
    floecity Posts: 76 Member
    PW: 225
    CW: 224.4
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Hey y'all I'm Lacey!! My husband and I own a residential cleaning company!! Got two girls that we homeschool!! Last year I got back on track lost 35lbs and then......gained all but 10 back I was down to 160. Currently I'm at 172.2!! My goal is 150!! June goals: drink more water, work out at least 3-4 days a week. It's hard right now cause I'm cleaning 3-9 hours a day!! So time is an issue as well as energy!! Sleep has been a struggle so waking up is not happening!! I need yoga and running so bad!! June here I come!!! Lifestyle changes!! More NEAT!! MINDFUL EATING!! GOT THIS!!

    I was home schooled all the way through high school and I loved it! :) Ended up getting an English degree and have a great job as an adult learning specialist. Homeschooling is a lot of work though! Sounds like you are a busy lady!

    Way to keep motivated!

    This warmed my heart!! I love homeschooling my girls and I hope they always love being homeschooled!! My kids are my greatest acheivement!!
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    @biketheworld how long does it take to bike 22 miles. This sounds great but the way people drive here - I would be so scared!!!

    Normally it takes me about 1:45 but today it took me 2 hours. This was only my 4th time out so I was tired and my butt hurt! I take backroads and live in the country so there’s not tons of traffic. I do have a pretty obnoxious flashing red light on the back of my bike which helps me be seen. My bigger problem is dogs.

    When Covid 19 started I saw a challenge to do 19 burpees every day until it was over. It’s laughable now seeing as how there’s really no end in sight. I made it about 10 days before I quit. I hate burpees so much.

    So I got the magic potion for dogs!! I deal with that too. So what I did was make a lil homemade harmless pepper spray with lemons!! Dogs hate citrus!! So take lemon juice and crushed red pepper juice from peppers onions anything spicy mix in a spray bottle and sit in the heat!! Dogs can smell it coming from a mile away I have only sprayed it twice now!! Made it 3 months ago!! They avoid me like the plague!!! The ones that did come to chase me had regrets!! One quick squirt and they are running off shaking their heads and hoping to never see you again!! Does not harm the dogs at all!! Just teaches em!! I use lemon juice to train my four dogs!! My dogs love spicy stuff so peppers don't stop them we eat salsa on everything. Yes I give my dogs our leftovers!! No they are not fat and unhealthy!! Hahaha
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    PW 206.2
    CW 205.2
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    PW 172.2
    CW 170.2



    Y'all this is a lifetime of work. When I was a kid I was 200lbs by 12. When I met my hubby I was 256. I was athletic. I was a volleyball player powerlifter....but not any kind of cardio athletic!! After meeting my hubby I dropped 100lbs in a year. Then got pregnant....haha of course. Gained back all of it. Then broke my ankle when baby was 2 months old. So I was 270 at my highest ever I got down to 130!!! Smallest ever in my life. Stayed that way 2 years then got pregnant after baby two 262 over the last 8 years it has been a thyroid struggle!! I lost the 62 quickly stuck at 200 for years. Then in 2019 I got mad and dropped to 160!!! Then I ended up working in the office a lot so I was going back up. Bored eating and sitting far too much!! Went back up to 185 and sat not going any further!! Here we are to this round of Lacey verses her food addiction!! Haha I laugh but it's real I know it. I own it and I work on it. Y'all I want to give you a big thank you for making me a part of this group and giving me some needed support!! 💖Been so busy haven't had time to shout out a lot!! Gonna try hard to be more supportive as well!!
  • Loriab901
    Loriab901 Posts: 114 Member
    PW: 167.4
    CW: 168.6
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    edited June 2020
    Beka3695 wrote: »
    PW 206.2
    CW 205.2

    I’m posting a do-over!
    CW 204.2

    I might regret this next week 🤣🤣🤣

  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    It seems like I have hit a wall. No progress this week also. One good thing is I bought some weightlifting equipments (barbell, dumbbell &,free weights, sadly no bar rack or bench.) online and finally it was delivered last weekend, now I don't need to miss my lifting session. Currently my work out schedule is lifting and running 3 times a week and one rest day. Somehow I am happier these days. 😊 Wishing everyone a great success in June!

    Friday weigh in
    Previous weight 171.5 lbs
    Today's weight 171.5 lbs
  • machchic
    machchic Posts: 229 Member
    @Beka3695 I think my PW was 165.1
    CW 165.0

    Just stalling but then again I ate more last weekend being anniversary, this week little exercise, high work stress week. Last night loaded baked potato to jar my body. I am down 10" in measurements since I started May 4.

    I will keep at it. If anything I am eating so much healthier.
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    Sorry, struggling to get back to the group.

    Weighed in the morning and scraped a loss, I think?

    CW 186.2

    Happy weekend everyone x
  • biketheworld
    biketheworld Posts: 2,277 Member
    So I got the magic potion for dogs!! I deal with that too. So what I did was make a lil homemade harmless pepper spray with lemons!! Dogs hate citrus!! So take lemon juice and crushed red pepper juice from peppers onions anything spicy mix in a spray bottle and sit in the heat!! Dogs can smell it coming from a mile away I have only sprayed it twice now!! Made it 3 months ago!! They avoid me like the plague!!! The ones that did come to chase me had regrets!! One quick squirt and they are running off shaking their heads and hoping to never see you again!! Does not harm the dogs at all!! Just teaches em!! I use lemon juice to train my four dogs!! My dogs love spicy stuff so peppers don't stop them we eat salsa on everything. Yes I give my dogs our leftovers!! No they are not fat and unhealthy!! Hahaha

    Thanks for the tip - I just might try that!

    PW: 209.4
    CW: 208.8

    Slow but steady progress - I'm OK with that. I think the "green" challenge is what keeps me most motivated. I'm determined to keep that streak going!

    I'm bummed because yesterday my 5 day, 300 mile ride was cancelled. I expected as much - how do you feed 500 people in a school cafeteria and maintain social distancing. surprises when I got the email, but bummed nevertheless. The ride was the first week of September. I'm desperately searching for something else but have found precious little that hasn't also been cancelled.
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    Hi guys!! @jugar will be doing the tallies first thing tomorrow morning. Please post your weigh ins for credit this week.
  • ScottyTheGent
    ScottyTheGent Posts: 48 Member
    Pw: 199
    Cw: 197.8
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    PW: 216,3 lbs
    CW: 215,2 lbs
  • hipari
    hipari Posts: 1,367 Member
    hipari wrote: »
    PW: 216,3 lbs
    CW: 215,2 lbs

    This week was good. I’m nervously excited about next week. I’m partially returning to the office. That gives me more daily activity and steps due to commute etc., and a place to test my hypothesis that my snacking urges are strongest at home, but it also puts me back eating lunch out in a restaurant. It’s going to be interesting to see which places are open and how they handle things, as the local laws allowed restaurants to reopen in June, but buffets are still banned and it’s table service only. Lots of places we used to frequent are either fully buffet style or have a salad buffet as an appetizer. So, this could go either way: I eat less at lunch because there’s no buffet to overload in, or I end up eating heavier because the restaurant makes a big tempting lunch without veggies I could get from the salad buffet.
  • Remaincentered
    Remaincentered Posts: 14 Member
    Week 2:
    PW: 277.8
    CW: 275.8
This discussion has been closed.