TEAM: Gutbusters (June)



  • squirrelsquad
    squirrelsquad Posts: 41 Member
    June Week 3
    PW: 315.4
    CW: 315
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,309 Member
    Mini-goal, Day 2, Mon 6/15
    Daily Cal Goal 1200
    + 1/2 Exercise 315
    - Used/Ate -1179
    Leftover + 336
    Everyone was tired and cranky when I got home from work yesterday... good excuse to pour and adult drink and eat cookies??? Nope, knocked that devil off of my shoulder, took care of my mental and physical health, went to bed early... much better choice! Hope I can turn that into a habit!
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,943 Member
    edited June 2020
    WOW @looneycatblue !!! Good for you! I worked hard yesterday to re-institute some healthier habits and I resisted some temptations but I didn't get enough sleep last night so I am dragging today and my self-control is only partially intact today so I ended up caving and eating WAY too much pizza. Thankfully I still have the afternoon and evening to turn things around and get in a couple veggies and 1 more fruit.
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,309 Member
    @inshapeCK I need to work very hard for every loss, I am a slow loser... I am like you and tend to overeat when I am tired, I think subconsciously, that if I eat more I will get more energy, doesn't really work like that if you are not fueling up with the right stuff! Good plan with eating more veggies and fruit.

    I was nosing around and it doesn't look like you are tracking your food on this app. Are you keeping track of your calories in another way?

    I am tired today too, don't even know why, time for some black tea!
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    June 17
    Exercised? Yes 4K walk before work
    Calories? Yes in budget
    Tracked? Yes
  • Tickie99
    Tickie99 Posts: 49 Member
    June Week 3
    PW: 171.5
    CW: 172.4
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    edited June 2020
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,943 Member
    edited June 2020
    June Week 3
    PW: 135.4
    CW: 135.4

    I am happy with that.

    As of today I have logged in for 1100 days in a row!
    WOW! That's over 3 years of logging in daily!
    I am impressed with my consistency of sticking with MFP and sticking with my weight loss journey of ups and downs.
    I am down 34.7 pounds from my highest weight which was in June of 2016 so 4 years ago.
    I have however been on MFP for 10 years as of July 21st.
    In one sense that is discouraging because 10 years have gone by and I've been up and down the same pounds many times but the good news is that I stuck out the journey and kept returning to MFP each time and have been on here pretty regularly since joining 10 years ago and I am 5.4 pounds away from my goal weight so I really just need to get it together and stay the course and lose it once and for all and keep it off once and for all!
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,943 Member
    edited June 2020
    @inshapeCK I need to work very hard for every loss, I am a slow loser... I am like you and tend to overeat when I am tired, I think subconsciously, that if I eat more I will get more energy, doesn't really work like that if you are not fueling up with the right stuff! Good plan with eating more veggies and fruit.

    I was nosing around and it doesn't look like you are tracking your food on this app. Are you keeping track of your calories in another way?

    I am tired today too, don't even know why, time for some black tea!

    I hear you about needing to work hard for every loss.
    I only lost "faster" or "easier" when I was at my highest weight and when I was younger.
    "Back in the day" ,lol, when my weight was up and I was not working on healthy eating and exercising I could start to re-lose the weight by exercising but once I got older changing my diet was the only thing that would restart the weight loss and healthy eating is a challenge/struggle for me so as I got older it got harder to lose the weight and it took me a lot longer to re-lose the weight.

    No problem that you were "nosing around". ;) My profile is open to my MFP friends to see and to check out as well as to check in on me. I try to keep it real and honest. I am big on people holding me accountable for whatever goal I am currently working on.

    You are correct that I am not tracking my food/calories on MFP.
    Over the 10 years I have been on here, there have been times that I measured and weighed and logged all my food and drinks but in all honesty I find it incredibly time consuming and frustrating so although I totally see the benefit of it I rarely do it anymore. I do, however, often type out what I eat and drink in my food diary notes (without weight or measurements) then copy and paste that to the newsfeed for accountability and also for me to analyze the unhealthy and healthy choices and what to work on the next day. When I know I am going to have to post everything I eat in the newsfeed it sometimes helps me to make better decisions as I don't want to have to post that I ate 6 Double Stuf Oreos so I might stop at 3. Sometimes I have had people willing to partner with me to hold me accountable to goals and even some MFP friends willing to give me consequences when I don't meet them as that has been something that has helped me be successful. If I know my goal is no junkfood for the day and I know a MFP friend will likely give me a consequence of 10 burpees or 30 mountain climbers or no junkfood for 4 days in a row then it motivates me not to eat the junkfood that day. Plus, on the days I had to complete a consequence issued to me from a MFP friend after I didn't meet my goal, the "punishment" was good for me as it was a healthy consequence like exercise or eating healthier. It might sound strange but it really works for me when I do find and have people willing to partner with me in that way. Now all that being said, if someone else were to weigh and measure and log all my food and drinks for me I would be more than willing to look at it but right now I am doing what works for me which is to post what I eat in my newsfeed and sometimes I have posted what I ate in this group as well for honesty and accountability and over the years I have completed many "consequences" which also were helpful to me since they were exercise or food related to beneficial to my journey. Hope that explains it. Since I am within a healthy weight range for my height and age and since I am close to my goal weight I am less focussed on counting my calories and more focussed on trying to change my unhealthy habits to healthy habits as that is a real struggle for me.

  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,309 Member
    Mini-goal, Day 3, Tue 6/16
    Daily Cal Goal 1200
    + 1/2 Exercise 251
    - Used/Ate -1593
    Over + 142

    I went over a bit yesterday, but I am okay with that, I was way under on Monday.
  • glouis4
    glouis4 Posts: 174 Member
    June Week 3
    PW: 158.0
    CW: 159.6
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,309 Member
    @inshapeCK sounds like you are doing well lately with your food choices, reducing the amount of junk food. B) Although I am 61 years old and have been on diets since my early teens, I still need to journal what I am eating and let the app do the calculating, I find that when I don't, I go way off and don't stay accountable... then start to undo all of the good I had done before. :#
  • glouis4
    glouis4 Posts: 174 Member
    Venting: My former job reached out with a rehire offer at a reduced salary. As we all know unemployment requires you to not decline suitable full-time work, as my employer reminded. Not happy about the coercion but this is the new disastrous world we live in.
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    glouis4 wrote: »
    Venting: My former job reached out with a rehire offer at a reduced salary. As we all know unemployment requires you to not decline suitable full-time work, as my employer reminded. Not happy about the coercion but this is the new disastrous world we live in.

    UGH. THAT IS INFURIATING and total *kitten*. I am not sure what state you are in, but Reddit may be able to help you out. There may be a way around this. Your employer is likely banking on you just taking the offer (sounds like they tried to intimidate you which is so crappy). Depending on your state, you may be able to outsource some help on Reddit. comes to mind. I have seen some similar postings there. I wish I could help you more! Keep me posted.
  • Keepingtrack1234
    Keepingtrack1234 Posts: 911 Member
    edited June 2020
    Workout challenge:
    Yesterday, I did half of this workout and my body told me I needed a break.
    Today, I did a 45 minute walk and it felt great.

    I am headed out of town until Sunday! I will do my best to remind people to weigh in, but no guarantees, so if you can just remember to post your weight on your day, I will log them when I get back. Thanks!

    Also, @looneycatblue and @inshapeCK this health and fitness blogger made me think of you. It sounds like you both go up and down a lot and have a "diet" mentality. I've been there, too and I hated it. As I mentioned before, lifting and whole foods have kept me happy and stable; I have never felt or looked better and I don't spend my time thinking about calories, etc. I track for macros (mainly protein) now and try to not eat too much sugar-because protein makes me FEEL good and sugar DOES NOT. :)
    Maybe this will resonate with you?

  • squirrelsquad
    squirrelsquad Posts: 41 Member
    glouis4 wrote: »
    Venting: My former job reached out with a rehire offer at a reduced salary. As we all know unemployment requires you to not decline suitable full-time work, as my employer reminded. Not happy about the coercion but this is the new disastrous world we live in.

    That's some BS. Hopefully you can find a new job and leave this one high and dry when there are more employment options again.
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,309 Member
    Mini-goal, Day 4, Wed 6/17
    Daily Cal Goal 1200
    + 1/2 Exercise 404
    - Used/Ate -1353
    Under 251

    Did a ton of walking yesterday, long morning and evening walks, to help me through some stuff. This has been a tough, emotional week... My 2nd Mom (almost 98 yo) passed away on Tuesday... there is only one "Mom" left from the Village of parents that all raised us. I was so fortunate to grow up on a block where nearly all of the neighbors were close, and treated us like family. My friend/"sister's" Mom had to go into a Memory Center (Nursing Home) this past week also. She cannot visit her Mom now due to the Covid situation, but it was necessary to keep her safe, she kept wondering off.
    I truly wish that I had recorded some of their stories, there were so many tales to tell.
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    June week 3
    PW 166.2
    CW 167.1
  • flourchild225
    flourchild225 Posts: 107 Member
    June week 3
    PW: 135
    CW: 136.8

    Guys, I can't seem to get on track at all! So frustrated and dissapointed. I don't want to make excuses either, but we are STILL in lockdown. I've barely been able to leave the house in three months. I'm just beyond exhausted mentally.
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    Exercised? Yes. Went walking with the 2 year old grandson in the stroller. Heading up to 12,000 steps
    Calories? Yes in budget
    Tracked? Yes
    Was disappointed to have a gain this week but last weekend I overindulged. Went to a baby shower for my next grandson due in a few weeks, then so easily fell back in to undisciplined eating habits.
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