Food, Exercise, or other Reports



  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,340 Member
    @bmeadows380, My childish side is screaming about how unfair this is, because you are losing more than you expect every week, when I'm doing everything right and I'm being rewarded with gains.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    @bobsburgersfan Don't you wish that we could put the childish side of ourselves into time out? lol

    And praise the Lord - I got my grass mowed! Yeah, it was still a little wet, but I didn't care because it was a narrow window of opportunity and I wasn't going to miss it!

    This is actually a pretty good perk with working from home. Before, I'd commute into the office and it would be pretty all day, but the heat and humidity would build up and then in the afternoon, a thunderstorm or two would hit before I got home, making it impossible to mow. But working from home, if I know the weather is going to crappy in the afternoon but is going to be good in the AM, I can just flex or take a couple of hours of vacation and get it done while the window of opportunity is still open!

    And I remembered to set my fitness tracker while push mowing this time. It took me 1 hour and 12 minutes, which earned (at 75%) 528 calories! My head wants to say "no, that can't be right; that's too many" but I'm trying to point out to my head that it was strenuous activity, especially when I mowed the neighbor's steep bank and was pushing that mowing up the bank as far as I could go with it, then going up top and pulling that mowing back up the hill. At some points, I was even one arming it. That's gotta be a pretty good workout!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    The water weight let loose a little this morning - the scale was down a pound from yesterday, and that's even after me only getting about 3 hours of sleep last night! The sleep was my fault; I should have known better than to let myself take a nap. You'd think I'd learn - a Sunday afternoon nap always, always leads to problems falling asleep at a decent hour on Sunday evening, which means I end up staying awake until 1 or 2 in the morning and won't be ready to get up when that alarm goes off at 6........But the siren's call was too much to resist. I did at least take it on my couch - my couch is a futon and is somewhat hard, so usually I don't sleep as deep or as long when I do nap on it, but apparently yesterday, my body really wanted the extra sleep. I had been deprived this week; I let myself sleep in both Saturday and Sunday, but it apparently wasn't enough. However, I caught up just in time to short-change myself again, apparently.....

    Yesterday was a good day - I actually stayed completely under my calorie deficit + exercise calories for the first time in 2 weeks. I've been slipping badly lately, letting myself go over budget, grabbing little things in the evenings - an extra prune, half a graham cracker, etc. My seductive mind is apparently in full swing as that smooth little voice in the back of my mind keeps whispering that "you're already over; a few more calories won't matter" or "its okay to be a few calories over; you've got a large deficit; it won't hurt". You'd think that I'd be able to resist since the alarm klaxons are screaming at me in warning to not listen to that little weasel, and yet even though I clearly see the enemy, I still seem to find myself giving in!

    IT shouldn't surprise me, I suppose: each time I've lost a significant amount of weight, my will power drops and I start to fall into diet fatigue and start getting sloppy right around the 6 to 7 month mark, and that's where I am right now. It's been a year since I re-started losing after regaining 30 lbs of what I lost in 2017, and its been 6 months since the weight really starting coming off.

    Maybe this time around I can keep it together since at least this time, I recognize the danger ahead. We'll see if that's enough to steer clear of the whirlpool or if I get sucked in anyway.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Bmeadows at least you know what is happening and you are aware of the dangers lurking!...after my wellness visit at the doctors this morning, I am feeling more positive and optimistic...he was thrilled with my weight loss and so encouraging....I love my doctor...he gave me a few helpful ideas and we talked about exercise and the next six months of my journey...

    Thanks for all of your support and being such a great are a great example by sharing all of your stumbles and triumphs! are a winner!
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Almost forgot...we discussed taking a diet break and agreed that with the way I am feeling right now, starting exercise and burning more calories and my problem with binge eating and my frustration with weight staying the same all month that I should wait another month to try and take a maintenance break...we both felt like I am eating back too many exercise calories....we shall see....
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Bmeadows at least you know what is happening and you are aware of the dangers lurking!...after my wellness visit at the doctors this morning, I am feeling more positive and optimistic...he was thrilled with my weight loss and so encouraging....I love my doctor...he gave me a few helpful ideas and we talked about exercise and the next six months of my journey...

    Thanks for all of your support and being such a great are a great example by sharing all of your stumbles and triumphs! are a winner!

    That's what I love about my doctor - she is very supportive and upbeat and interested. I'm actually looking forward to seeing her in October!

    Ah, thank you - I don't see myself as much as a mentor as more of someone who just wants to talk a lot :) But its nice knowing that someone gets something out of my long rants and spiels lol
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I treaded water and exercised for a long time today at the pool.....if I eat 1/4 of the calories that MFP says I burned, I get 200 more calories of food to eat!...I also put my goal back to 2 lb a week loss....I still get 1450 calories today...does this sound about right?...I am full and happy lol
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Is that 200 in addition to the 1450? I know there's a lot of people who will tell you on here that exercise doesn't earn back all that much, but I've learned that I really enjoy those few hundred extra calories I get! I'd say just keep an eye on your loss rate for the next few weeks and adjust as necessary - meanwhile, I'm glad that things have turned around for you!

    I was 88 calories over my deficit today, but I don't care because I actually needed more calories anyway as I got over 16,000 steps in with a good 4,000 of those not accounted for in my exercise log because they were gotten by pacing the house while talking on the phone to a new friend for a couple of hours. So in reality, I was most likely under deficit, despite what the log says.

    Whenever I get into long phone conversations like that, I can't just sit still and talk on the phone - I'm constantly moving the entire time, circling the house. So next time I find myself short on steps, I just need to call a friend for an hour or so :grin:
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    My weigh in yesterday showed only a 0.9 lb loss from last week; however, I know for a fact I'm retaining water (and other things :frowning: ), so I knew that that scale reading was being skewed. From how bloated I feel and how my legs feel, I know I'm retaining from a good bit of water!

    Sure enough, the scale this morning came in at 233.4 lbs, which is now a 1.7 lb loss from last week and probably I'll show even more when this water lets go.

    I've gotten a lot of steps in the last few days - a lot of them just pacing the house while talking on the phone! I don't usually talk on the phone much; just my mother and the best friend (who I was on the phone with last night until 2:30 AM but that' was fine because I'm taking today off from work and was able to sleep in to a 8:30 lol), but I've made a new friend and we've been talking a lot lately.

    meanwhile, one of hte best things about calorie counting - being able to eat whatever I want and fit it into my budget. Breakfast this morning was 3 slices of french toast with spreadable butter (the real deal, not a substitute), hershey's syrup and sugar free breakfast syrup, 1 egg, and my coffee - and all that for under 400 calories! I figured out how to make the french toast dip that comes in at 79 calories for 3 servings (just the dip; doesn't count the bread) by using swerve sweetener, 1 whole egg, and unsweetened cashew milk. I could get it even lower if I went with an egg white instead, but I found it seems to do a little better if I use the whole egg. It might even work with egg substitute if I had any to try. I then used Heiner's 35 bread, 3 slices, which are 35 calories a slice. A nice serving to fill me up and a splurge :)
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I treaded water and exercised for a long time today at the pool.....if I eat 1/4 of the calories that MFP says I burned, I get 200 more calories of food to eat!...I also put my goal back to 2 lb a week loss....I still get 1450 calories today...does this sound about right?...I am full and happy lol

    @conniewilkins56 1450 sounds too low if it includes the exercise calories. Please be careful. Being full and happy does *not* necessarily mean you are eating enough. The lag time between undereating and feeling the impact of undereating can take days, weeks, or even months to show up depending on the situation.
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    I treaded water and exercised for a long time today at the pool.....if I eat 1/4 of the calories that MFP says I burned, I get 200 more calories of food to eat!...I also put my goal back to 2 lb a week loss....I still get 1450 calories today...does this sound about right?...I am full and happy lol

    @conniewilkins56 1450 sounds too low if it includes the exercise calories. Please be careful. Being full and happy does *not* necessarily mean you are eating enough. The lag time between undereating and feeling the impact of undereating can take days, weeks, or even months to show up depending on the situation.

    If I set my weight loss at 2 lbs a week MFP gives me 1230 calories a day.....up until three weeks ago I was basically sedentary most days...swimming I am burning some calories....I am not great with stats,numbers etc but if I burn between 700 to 800 calories swimming, I am counting half of those calories as burned as everyone says MFP gives your exercise too many burned if I get back half of those burned calories, that is about 400 extra calories and I am cutting that 400 in half...that gives me 200 extra calories to eat so I have been eating 1450 calories a day all week and my scales are finally moving down again...266.2 this morning....

    I had a wellness doctors visit earlier this week and I am almost obese instead of morbidly this weight I am at can I still lose weight pretty quickly without damage to my health?...I also postponed my diet break because I kept thinking of all the treats I could have instead of concentrating on the mental part of the break!...maybe at 250.0 I will be ready for a break...

    So glad you are back to help sort me out lol
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    I treaded water and exercised for a long time today at the pool.....if I eat 1/4 of the calories that MFP says I burned, I get 200 more calories of food to eat!...I also put my goal back to 2 lb a week loss....I still get 1450 calories today...does this sound about right?...I am full and happy lol

    @conniewilkins56 1450 sounds too low if it includes the exercise calories. Please be careful. Being full and happy does *not* necessarily mean you are eating enough. The lag time between undereating and feeling the impact of undereating can take days, weeks, or even months to show up depending on the situation.

    If I set my weight loss at 2 lbs a week MFP gives me 1230 calories a day.....up until three weeks ago I was basically sedentary most days...swimming I am burning some calories....I am not great with stats,numbers etc but if I burn between 700 to 800 calories swimming, I am counting half of those calories as burned as everyone says MFP gives your exercise too many burned if I get back half of those burned calories, that is about 400 extra calories and I am cutting that 400 in half...that gives me 200 extra calories to eat so I have been eating 1450 calories a day all week and my scales are finally moving down again...266.2 this morning....

    I had a wellness doctors visit earlier this week and I am almost obese instead of morbidly this weight I am at can I still lose weight pretty quickly without damage to my health?...I also postponed my diet break because I kept thinking of all the treats I could have instead of concentrating on the mental part of the break!...maybe at 250.0 I will be ready for a break...

    So glad you are back to help sort me out lol

    I was very excited to read that you lost your "morbidly." I assume that means you are class 1 obese which means your next stop is "overweight". I didn't keep up with all of that until I was about to be overweight. I know I started at class 3 obese but that was only because there was not a class 9 or 12 or 46 :wink:

    How long ago did you adjust your weight loss goal back to 2 pounds per week?
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I realized most days I wasn’t eating all of my calories at 1.5lbs a week loss so about ten days ago I went back to 2 lbs a week...I had only kept it at 1.5 as a buffer with extra calories in case I got know, we are always afraid we might get hungry! Oh no lol....

    I hate to think about exercising off 400 calories to eat them right back!...I took a rest day all day prep and a few household chores, dog out, thighs were screaming for a break...

    and I fell on the pool deck Monday...thank God only my daughter and I were was a sight for me trying to get up...I literally scooted backwards on my butt like a disoriented crab until I got to the hot tub where I lifted myself to the lip of the tub, turned around and stood up after my legs and feet were in the tub...I must have scooted 25 feet...I was afraid I would tear the bottom of my swim suit out! arms were dying...I bet I used more calories doing that than swimming!

    Oh! daughter is losing weight...been going strong for four weeks....I am beyond happy!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I realized most days I wasn’t eating all of my calories at 1.5lbs a week loss so about ten days ago I went back to 2 lbs a week...I had only kept it at 1.5 as a buffer with extra calories in case I got know, we are always afraid we might get hungry! Oh no lol....

    I hate to think about exercising off 400 calories to eat them right back!...I took a rest day all day prep and a few household chores, dog out, thighs were screaming for a break...

    and I fell on the pool deck Monday...thank God only my daughter and I were was a sight for me trying to get up...I literally scooted backwards on my butt like a disoriented crab until I got to the hot tub where I lifted myself to the lip of the tub, turned around and stood up after my legs and feet were in the tub...I must have scooted 25 feet...I was afraid I would tear the bottom of my swim suit out! arms were dying...I bet I used more calories doing that than swimming!

    Oh! daughter is losing weight...been going strong for four weeks....I am beyond happy!

    Yikes on the fall. Be careful with yourself!!

    It is not really a helpful mindset to think of exercise as burning off calories. It does that but it is better to think of exercise as improving your fitness and the additional calories you eat are to power that additional movement. I tend to think of exercise as the measure I need to take to prevent myself from losing all the weight but still having the fitness level of the heavier version of me. I want to have more tone, more flexibility, and more stamina. Eating more calories is a bonus but it is also necessary if I want to achieve more than just weight loss... and I do.

    In another couple of weeks we can crunch your numbers and see how you are losing now that you have increased your rate and added exercise. 3 weeks is not really enough time for a definitive answer but it would certainly throw up a flag if you are losing too fast now.

  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    I over did it today on the food because my lunch was skimpy and didn't hold me, and then I ate dinner at mom's, and mom doesn't even try to make her food healthier. I guestimated a regular stouffer's spaghetti and meatballs and then added the meatballs in extra and counted 1 1/2 servings of the cake.

    Still, I was over my calorie limit by nearly 800 calories, which would have wiped my deficit out for the day, except I also spent the whole day working on my camper - pulling wire in the morning, then in the afternoon, I put up insulation in the walls and the ceiling, then we put the ceiling in using paneling and hammering the nails in by hand. this is why my lunch didn't hold me - I needed extra fuel for the work I was doing! :)

    So if I only count 3 hours of general carpentry, I actually earned back all that surplus and then some!

    And after church services tomorrow, we'll put the wall paneling in and I hope get the bed in the back framed in and the table and booth up front. I may need to take a half day on Monday so I can get the overhead lights and the converter wired in. The rest I can wire in later. I'm just going to carry my own water so I don't need to get it plumped just yet, and there isn't any electrical hook ups, so I don't really need to worry about getting the AC portion wired in yet, either - I just want the overhead lights at a minimum working, and maybe one of the USB DC charging stations I bought, though even that isn't strictly necessary.

    I"m goign to be very happy to not have to sleep on the ground or the floor this year! :grin:
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    I have had to restart all my tracking. It has been several hot minutes since I tracked anything. So I got on the scale this morning (220 sigh). I put that into MFP. I set a goal for 2lbs per week. I am 50lbs from goal. My job is sedentary. It gave me a goal of 1200 calories. That seems quite low.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    gewel321 wrote: »
    I have had to restart all my tracking. It has been several hot minutes since I tracked anything. So I got on the scale this morning (220 sigh). I put that into MFP. I set a goal for 2lbs per week. I am 50lbs from goal. My job is sedentary. It gave me a goal of 1200 calories. That seems quite low.

    1200 is the minimum for a female. What loss rate did you set? If you used 2 lbs a week, You may find better success or have an easier time setting yourself to 1 or 1.5 lb a week with more food. I know I hit my rock bottom limit at about 1400 and have reset to 1.5 lbs per week plus exercise-those exercise calories make a big difference for me!
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    gewel321 wrote: »
    I have had to restart all my tracking. It has been several hot minutes since I tracked anything. So I got on the scale this morning (220 sigh). I put that into MFP. I set a goal for 2lbs per week. I am 50lbs from goal. My job is sedentary. It gave me a goal of 1200 calories. That seems quite low.

    1200 is the minimum for a female. What loss rate did you set? If you used 2 lbs a week, You may find better success or have an easier time setting yourself to 1 or 1.5 lb a week with more food. I know I hit my rock bottom limit at about 1400 and have reset to 1.5 lbs per week plus exercise-those exercise calories make a big difference for me!

    I set it at 2lbs a week since I have 50lbs left to loose. I know it's the minimum for a woman hence I am totally thinking it is low! Doing 1.5 a week only gives me another 200 calories. I dunno. We shall see how I feel at the end of the day.
  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,340 Member
    edited June 2020
    @gewel321, I'm struggling with that very thing. If I aimed for 2 lbs/week, even weighing 260 lbs, it puts me around 1250 calories. I would hit the minimum recommended calories at around 250 lbs, when I still have over 100 lbs to lose. Those numbers are depressing to me.

    I currently have my rate of loss set at 1.5, I earn exercise calories, and even that target is difficult for me to hit a lot of the time.

    I hope you are able to find a place where you are happy with both your rate of loss and how much you can eat!
  • gewel321
    gewel321 Posts: 718 Member
    @bobsburgersfan I don't remember it being that low when I was on it a few months ago. I even thought that maybe the algorithm was messed up or something. 1200 is really low. I'm not sure I can handle that. If I can't then I can't and will have to adjust. It's not worth the mental struggle of not ever meeting my "goal" when my goal is unmeetable.